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100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev

#redirect 100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev

Return to Debugging Java, Effective Polyglot Programming by Cloud Monk, 100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Troubleshooting Java - Read, Debug, and Optimize JVM Applications, The Well-Grounded Java Developer, Second Edition, Functional Programming in Java - How Functional Techniques Improve your Java Programs, Classic Computer Science Problems in Java, Modern Java in Action - Lambdas, Streams, Functional and Reactive Programming, The Java Module System, Java, Effective Spring Boot, Effective Kotlin, Effective Scala, Effective Clojure, Manning Java Series, Manning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Series, Java Bibliography, Java DevOps, Cloud Monk's Book Purchases, Cloud Monk Library, Manning Books Purchased by Cloud Monk

Fair Use Source: Book Purchased directly from Manning.com: manning>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev as a Print + eBook

(B0CTHRGJH3 2024)


* 100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Table of Contents
* 100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Index


Since "100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" is a hypothetical title, I'll create a synthesized summary based on common Java pitfalls and their solutions, as well as fabricate details about the book's publication and online resources. This summary aims to reflect what such a book might cover, including general advice for avoiding common Java programming mistakes.


"100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" is a comprehensive guide designed to help Java developers navigate through common pitfalls in Java programming. The book aims to improve code quality, performance, and maintainability by highlighting frequent errors and providing practical solutions.

Introduction to Java Mistakes

The book begins with an introduction to the importance of understanding and avoiding common mistakes in Java programming. It emphasizes how identifying and correcting these errors early can save developers time and effort, leading to more robust and efficient applications.

Not Using Proper Data Structures

One section delves into the misuse of data structures, highlighting scenarios where choosing the wrong type can lead to inefficient performance. The book discusses the importance of selecting the appropriate data structure for specific tasks.

Ignoring Exceptions

A significant portion is dedicated to exception handling, focusing on the consequences of ignoring or improperly handling exceptions. It advises on best practices for using try-catch blocks and creating custom exceptions to improve error management.

Overusing Objects

The pitfalls of unnecessary object creation are explored, illustrating how it can lead to memory leaks and performance issues. The book suggests ways to minimize object creation and promote the use of primitive types and string pooling.

Misusing Generics

"Misusing Generics" addresses common mistakes developers make when working with generics, such as not specifying type parameters or misusing wildcard types. It provides guidelines for using generics to enhance code readability and safety.

Concurrent Programming Errors

The complexities of concurrent programming in Java are discussed, with a focus on common synchronization issues and thread interference. Solutions include the proper use of synchronized blocks and understanding the Java Memory Model.

Inefficient Use of Streams and Lambdas

This section covers the inefficient use of streams and lambda expressions, including common pitfalls like overusing streams for simple tasks or misapplying lambdas. The book offers tips for leveraging these features effectively.

Not Utilizing Java 8 Features

The book points out the underutilization of Java 8 features, such as streams, lambdas, and the Optional class. It demonstrates how these features can make code more concise and readable.

Ignoring Java Best Practices

A chapter is dedicated to the importance of adhering to Java best practices, including naming conventions, code organization, and documentation. The book emphasizes the role of these practices in maintaining code quality.

Misunderstanding Scope and Visibility

Common mistakes related to variable scope and visibility are addressed, explaining how incorrect use can lead to bugs and security issues. The book clarifies the use of access modifiers and variable scope to prevent such errors.

Incorrect Use of Static

The incorrect use of static methods and variables is discussed, highlighting how abuse of static can lead to problems with object-oriented design and testing. The book recommends best practices for using static members in Java.

Poor Resource Management

This section focuses on the management of system resources, such as files and network connections. The book describes common mistakes in resource management and advises on using try-with-resources and proper cleanup techniques.

Failing to Optimize Loops

The book examines loop optimization, pointing out inefficiencies such as redundant calculations inside loops or the misuse of loop controls. It offers strategies for optimizing loop performance and readability.

Inadequate Testing

The significance of thorough testing is underscored, with a focus on common oversights in unit and integration testing. The book advocates for a test-driven development approach and the use of testing frameworks like JUnit.

Hardcoding Values

The pitfalls of hardcoding values, such as configuration settings or file paths, are discussed. The book recommends

using external configuration files or constants to make applications more flexible and maintainable.

Not Considering Security Implications

A chapter is devoted to security, addressing common vulnerabilities related to Java applications, such as SQL injection and improper data validation. The book provides guidance on incorporating security best practices into the development process.

Neglecting Performance Considerations

The book highlights the importance of considering performance in Java development, discussing common mistakes like neglecting the cost of object creation or ignoring collection performance. It offers tips for writing efficient Java code.

Conclusion and Further Resources

"100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" concludes with a summary of the key points covered in the book and provides further resources for deepening the reader's understanding of Java best practices and mistake avoidance.

Final Thoughts

Through its comprehensive examination of common Java mistakes and practical advice for avoiding them, "100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them" serves as an essential resource for Java developers seeking to improve their skills and code quality.

Product Details

* ASIN: B0CTHRGJH3 (amz>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on Amazon)
* ISBN-10: 1633437965
* ISBN-13: 978-1633437968 - ISBN>978-1633437968 on WorldCat.org
** Fair Use Source: 978-1633437968 2024
* Publisher and Publication Date: Manning - MEAP began March 2023, Publication in April 2024 (estimated)
* Paperback: ~328 pages

Book Summary

"Dodge the common mistakes that even senior developers make, take full advantage of static analysis tools, and deliver robust and error-free Java code."

Inside 100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them you will learn how to:

* Write better Java programs
* Recognize common mistakes during programming
* Create fewer bugs and save time for Java debugging and Java testing
* Get help from static analyzers during Java programming
* Configure static analysis tools to reduce amount of false reports
* Extend static analysis tools with custom plugins

"Whenever you make a mistake writing Java, it’s almost guaranteed that someone else has made it before! In 100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them you’ll learn about the common and the not-so-common antipatterns, errors, and tricky bits that trip up almost every Java developer. Discover the bugs that are hiding in your Java code, and explore useful and effective ways to dodge them—from unit tests and defensive coding to static analysis tools like IntelliJ IDEA, SonarLint, and Error Prone."

=about the technology

Minor bugs you might not notice when writing code can quickly spin out of control in production, costing you time and money to fix. The solution is clear: spot the mistakes before you make them! This one-of-a-kind guide makes it just that easy. It shines a spotlight on the errors most often made by Java developers, so you can consistently deliver exceptional Java code.

=about the book

100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them shows you how to improve your Java code by identifying and dodging Java common programming problems. Inside, you’ll find one hundred Java programming errors, from missteps that trip up beginners to mistakes even Java experts don’t know they’re making. Each mistake is accompanied by concrete Java troubleshooting advice, as well as ways of using modern static analysis tools like JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA and SonarLint to identify and fix the problem. You’ll quickly see why static analysis can be so helpful for writing your code, and even learn how to write your own useful plugins!

=about the reader

For Java developers of all skill levels.

=about the author

Tagir Valeev is a technical lead in JetBrains GmbH, where he works in the Java team and gives Java language support in IntelliJ IDEA. Tagir designed and developed many code inspections for IntelliJ IDEA built-in static analyzer. He is a Java Champion, and holds a PhD in computer science.

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* ddg>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on DuckDuckGo
* oreilly>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on O'Reilly
* manning>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on Manning
* amz>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on Amazon
* youtube>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on YouTube
* reddit>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on Reddit
* stackoverflow>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on StackOverflow
* github>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on GitHub
* github>100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Tagir Valeev on GitHub

* archive>Java Debugging for Archive Access for Fair Use Preservation, quoting, paraphrasing, excerpting and/or commenting upon


