3com 3plus Open (CloudMonk.io)

3Com 3Plus Open

#redirect 3Com 3Plus Open

Return to 3Com, Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager, IBM OS/2 LAN Server, Networking Companies

Cloud Monk is an MCSE, MCT, and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) and a 3Com 3Wizard. He was hired by 3Com France in 1990 to teach 3Com 3+ Open (based on Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager).


3Com 3Plus Open was an early network operating system developed by 3Com in the mid-1980s as part of its strategy to offer comprehensive networking solutions for businesses. This software system was designed to facilitate the management and operation of Ethernet-based local area networks (LANs), and it became a key part of 3Com's portfolio, complementing its Ethernet hardware products such as the 3Com EtherLink network interface cards (NICs) and 3Server file servers. 3Plus Open was built to allow multiple users to share files, printers, and applications over a network. Although there is no specific RFC tied directly to 3Plus Open, it adhered to many foundational Ethernet protocols like RFC 826 (the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)) and RFC 894 (Ethernet framing).

3Com 3Plus Open was notable for being one of the early examples of a network operating system (NOS) that provided a multiuser environment in a relatively simple and easy-to-deploy package. The software allowed businesses to set up networks where users could access shared resources, fostering collaboration and improving productivity. At a time when networking was still in its infancy, 3Plus Open provided many companies with their first exposure to networked computing environments, particularly through the use of Ethernet networks.

One of the key components of 3Plus Open was its file-sharing capability, which allowed multiple users to access and modify files stored on a central file server, such as the 3Com 3Server. This functionality was essential for businesses that required employees to collaborate on documents and other data across different workstations. By enabling users to access shared files over a network, 3Plus Open helped businesses move away from the inefficient practice of sharing files via floppy disks or direct connections between computers.

In addition to file sharing, 3Plus Open provided support for shared printers and other network resources. This was a significant advantage in the early days of networking, as it allowed businesses to reduce costs by consolidating resources like printers, rather than needing to provide a dedicated printer for each workstation. The ability to print documents from any connected workstation improved office efficiency and resource management.

The networking capabilities of 3Plus Open relied on standard Ethernet protocols, which allowed it to be compatible with a wide range of network hardware. By using widely adopted protocols such as ARP for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses and RFC 894 for Ethernet encapsulation, 3Plus Open ensured interoperability with other network devices and software systems. This commitment to standards compliance helped 3Com establish itself as a leader in the emerging Ethernet networking market, as customers knew they could rely on 3Plus Open to work seamlessly with their existing infrastructure.

One of the distinguishing features of 3Plus Open was its ability to support both DOS-based and UNIX-based systems. This cross-platform support was critical at a time when businesses often had a mix of operating systems in their environments. 3Plus Open allowed businesses to unify their networking solutions across different types of systems, providing a more flexible and adaptable network infrastructure.

Security was an emerging concern during the development of 3Plus Open, and while early versions of the software provided basic security features like user authentication and file permissions, it lacked the more advanced security mechanisms that would become standard in later network operating systems. As networking became more widespread, security threats such as unauthorized access and data breaches grew in importance, and subsequent developments in networking would address these vulnerabilities with more robust encryption and access control mechanisms.

Despite its innovations, 3Plus Open faced competition from other NOS platforms, particularly Novell NetWare, which gained a dominant position in the market during the late 1980s and 1990s. NetWare offered more advanced networking features and greater scalability, making it a more attractive option for larger organizations. However, 3Plus Open remained popular among small and medium-sized businesses that valued its simplicity and ease of use.

One of the limitations of 3Plus Open was its scalability. While it worked well for smaller networks, it struggled to meet the needs of larger organizations with more complex networking requirements. As businesses grew and their networking needs became more sophisticated, many found that 3Plus Open could not keep pace with the demand for greater performance, more advanced features, and better security. This ultimately led many businesses to transition to more robust network operating systems as their networks expanded.

By the mid-1990s, the networking landscape had changed significantly, and 3Plus Open was gradually phased out as newer and more powerful networking solutions emerged. Microsoft Windows NT, for example, offered more advanced network management features, better security, and integration with the Windows operating system, making it a preferred choice for many businesses. Despite being overshadowed by these developments, 3Plus Open played an important role in introducing businesses to networked environments and fostering the adoption of Ethernet as the standard for LANs.


3Com 3Plus Open was an early network operating system that helped pave the way for widespread networking in small and medium-sized businesses. By providing easy-to-use file sharing, printer access, and cross-platform support, 3Plus Open enabled businesses to take advantage of Ethernet networks during the early days of networking. Although it was eventually replaced by more advanced network operating systems, its impact on the adoption of LANs and networked computing remains significant. Through its adherence to Ethernet standards like RFC 826 and RFC 894, 3Plus Open ensured compatibility and interoperability, making it a foundational product in the history of computer networking.


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3Com Corporation: 3Plus Open, 3 Plus Share, 3Com EtherSeries, 3Com EtherLink, 3Com 3Server. (navbar_3com - see also navbar_networking, navbar_novell, navbar_vintage)


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