Angular web framework Page

Angular (web framework)

Return to Angular outline, Angular, Angular bibliography, Angular courses, Angular terms, Angular topics, Web Development Topics, Angular libraries, Web frameworks, Web development, JavaScript web frameworks (React-Vue), TypeScript web frameworks (Angular), Node.js web frameworks (Express.js), C Sharp web frameworks | C# web frameworks (dot NET web framework | .NET web framework), Java web frameworks (Spring Boot, Quarkus, Vert.x, Jakarta EE MicroProfile), Kotlin web frameworks (Spring Boot, Javalin, KTor), Scala web frameworks (Play Framework, Akka HTTP), Python web frameworks (Django, Flask), PHP web frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, Zend Framework / Laminas Project, CakePHP), Ruby web frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Sinatra), Golang web frameworks (Gorilla, Goji, Gin Gonic), Rust web frameworks (Actix Web, Rocket)

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google. It is designed to simplify the development of single-page applications (SPAs) and provide developers with a robust and scalable platform for building modern web applications. Angular's homepage can be found at [](, where users can access documentation, tutorials, and resources for learning Angular. Additionally, the source code and issue tracker for Angular are hosted on GitHub at [](, providing transparency and collaboration for the development community.

Angular is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, with components as the core building blocks of Angular applications. Components encapsulate the logic, data, and user interface of a specific part of the application, making it easier to manage and reuse code. Angular's component-based architecture promotes modularity, separation of concerns, and code maintainability, enabling developers to build complex applications with ease.

One of the key features of Angular is its use of TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, for writing application code. TypeScript provides features like static typing, interfaces, classes, and decorators, which enhance code readability, maintainability, and scalability. By leveraging TypeScript, Angular offers better tooling, error detection, and code optimization compared to traditional JavaScript frameworks.

Angular provides a powerful and comprehensive set of features and tools for building modern web applications. It includes features like data binding, dependency injection, routing, forms, HTTP client, animations, and internationalization out of the box, reducing the need for third-party libraries and frameworks. Additionally, Angular's CLI (Command Line Interface) offers scaffolding, code generation, and project management capabilities to streamline development workflows and improve productivity.

Angular follows a "batteries-included" approach, providing everything developers need to build robust, maintainable, and scalable applications without relying on external dependencies. This includes features like Angular Material, a UI component library based on Google's Material Design principles, which offers pre-designed and customizable components for building responsive and accessible user interfaces.

Angular embraces modern web standards and best practices, ensuring compatibility, performance, and security across different browsers and devices. It leverages features like server-side rendering (SSR), lazy loading, ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, and tree shaking to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Additionally, Angular's built-in testing utilities and frameworks like Jasmine and Protractor enable developers to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure the reliability and quality of their applications.

Angular has a vibrant and active community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts who contribute to its ongoing development and improvement. The Angular team regularly releases updates, patches, and new features based on community feedback and industry trends, ensuring that Angular remains a cutting-edge framework for building modern web applications.

Angular is widely used by developers and organizations worldwide for building a variety of applications, including enterprise web applications, e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and progressive web apps (PWAs). Its scalability, performance, and extensive feature set make it a preferred choice for projects of all sizes and complexities.

In conclusion, Angular is a powerful and feature-rich web application framework that simplifies the development of modern web applications. With its component-based architecture, TypeScript support, comprehensive feature set, and active community, Angular offers developers a robust platform for building scalable, maintainable, and high-performing applications. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Angular provides the tools and resources you need to bring your web development projects to life.

Popular Searches

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YouTube Videos

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External Sites



=Study Angular






* Learn Angular for Modern Web Applications by Shaun Wassell - Shaun Wassell - TIME TO COMPLETE: 3h 28m

* Angular - The Complete Guide - 2021 Edition by Maximilian Schwarzmuller - - Maximilian Schwarzmuller, TIME TO COMPLETE: 31h 7m,

* -- Last updated 4/2018, Mosh Hamedani


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=Interesting Articles



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Support Resources, FAQs, Q&A, Docs, Blogs

* github>Angular - GitHub
* k8s>Angular - Kubernetes
* docker>Angular - Docker
* ms>Angular - Microsoft Documentation
* aws>Angular - AWS
* gcp>Angular - GCP
* android>Angular - Android
* oracle>Angular - Oracle
* vmware>Angular - VMware
* ibm>Angular - IBM
* linuxq>Angular -
* askubuntu>Angular - AskUbuntu
* man>Angular - Man pages
* linux>Angular -

* stackoverflow>Angular - StackOverflow
* xda>Angular - XDA Developers
* stackexchange>Angular - StackExchange
* superuser>Angular - SuperUser
* serverfault>Angular - ServerFault
* reddit>Angular - Reddit
* quora>Angular - Quora
* toms>Angular - Tom's Hardware
* twitter>Angular - Twitter
* TechTarget>Angular - TechTarget
* tpedia>Angular - Techopedia
* freecode>Angular - Free Code Camp
* hackernoon>Angular - Hackernoon
* pcworld>Angular - PCWorld
* wired>Angular - Wired


* oreilly>Angular - O'Reilly
* amz>Angular - Amazon
* googlebooks>Angular - Google Books
* audible>Angular - Audible
* manning>Angular - Manning
* apress>Angular - Apress
* pragprog>Angular - Pragmatic Bookshelf
* packt>Angular - Packt


* Wikipedia>Angular - Wikipedia
* britannica>Angular - Britannica

Search Engines

* brave>Angular - Brave Search
* ddg>Angular - DuckDuckGo
* google>Angular - Google
* bing>Angular - Bing
* yahoo>Angular - Yahoo


* appledev>Angular - Apple Dev
* applesup>Angular - Apple Support
* macworld>Angular - MacWorld
* macrumors>Angular - MacRumors

Education - Courses - Podcasts===
* pluralsight>Angular - PluralSight
* udemy>Angular - Udemy
* coursera>Angular - Coursera
* linkedinlearning>Angular - LinkedIn Learning
* yt>Angular - YouTube
* podcast>Angular - Google Podcasts

Repos - Package Managers

* helm>Angular - Artifact Hub for Kubernetes
* dockerhub>Angular - Docker Hub
* choco>Angular - Chocolatey
* brew>Angular - Homebrew
* linuxpkg>Angular - Linux packages
* maven>Angular - Maven Central Repository
* mavenrepo>Angular -
* gradle>Angular - Gradle
* npm>Angular - NPM
* pypi>Angular - PyPi
* nuget>Angular - NuGet
* rubygems>Angular - RubyGems
* gitlab>Angular - GitLab
* bitbucket>Angular - BitBucket

Programming Language Docs

* clang>Angular - C language | C
* cplusplus>Angular - C plus plus | C++
* csharp>Angular - C Sharp dot NET | C# .NET
* dart>Angular - Dart
* django>Angular - Django
* golang>Angular - Golang
* haskell>Angular - Haskell
* js>Angular - JavaScript via MDN
* ts>Angular - TypeScript
* baeldung>Angular - for JVM Java ecosystem
* kotlin>Angular - Kotlin
* Python>Angular - Python
* rust>Angular - Rust
* scala>Angular - Scala
* swift>Angular - Swift


* ietf>Angular - IETF
* networkworld>Angular - Network World

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