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C Sharp 10 - C# 10

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Creating a detailed summary of C# 10's new features and fixes, including comparisons to other major languages and providing code examples for each feature, is quite comprehensive. Given the structure and depth of the request, the response is designed to cover the key aspects succinctly within the constraints.

Global Using Directives

C# 10 introduced global using directives, allowing developers to specify using directives that are applied globally across the entire project. This feature reduces the need to repeat common using directives in every file, streamlining codebases.

global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;

In comparison, F# supports open statements at the module or namespace level, but not globally across the project. TypeScript and JavaScript have import statements that must be declared in each module. Java's import statement works similarly, requiring declaration in each file. Python allows from `module` import * syntax, but it's scoped to the file level.

[Language Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/)

File-scoped Namespace Declaration

C# 10 allows namespaces to be declared with a shorter, file-scoped syntax. This reduces nesting and makes code more readable.

namespace MyNamespace;

This is somewhat similar to how namespaces or packages are declared in a single line at the beginning of files in Java and F#. TypeScript and JavaScript modules implicitly define their scope without a namespace declaration. Python uses the concept of modules and packages without a direct equivalent to namespaces.

[GitHub Repo](https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn)

Record Structs

C# 10 introduces record structs, providing a value-type record that offers the simplicity and immutability benefits of record classes but for structs.

public record struct Point(int X, int Y);

F# has a similar concept with its records, which are immutable by default. TypeScript and JavaScript do not have a direct equivalent, although TypeScript interfaces or type aliases can provide somewhat similar functionality. Java's record (introduced in Java 14) is similar but limited to classes. Python's data classes (from Python 3.7) offer a class-based approach to storing data without explicit constructors.

[Official Website](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/)

Improved Interpolated Strings

C# 10 enhances interpolated strings, making them more efficient by allowing them to be converted into Span or IFormattable without heap allocations, benefiting performance.

var name = "World";
var greeting = $"Hello, {name}";

F# uses formatted strings with a slightly different syntax. TypeScript and JavaScript use template literals, which are similar to interpolated strings. Java introduced text blocks in Java 13 but does not support interpolation natively; libraries or new versions might offer similar features. Python uses f-strings for interpolation, introduced in Python 3.6.


Lambda Improvements

C# 10 brings improvements to lambda expressions, including attributes and natural types, making lambdas more powerful and versatile.

Func myFunc = [MyAttribute] static x => x * x;

This feature enhances C#'s functional programming capabilities, aligning it closer to F#, which has a strong emphasis on functional programming. TypeScript and JavaScript support arrow functions with similar succinctness but without attributes. Java's lambda expressions, introduced in Java 8, do not support attributes. Python supports lambda functions but with a more limited capacity compared to C#.

Constant Interpolated Strings

C# 10 allows interpolated strings to be used as constants, provided all interpolation expressions are themselves constants.

const string Name = "World";
const string Greeting = $"Hello, {Name}!";

This is a unique feature not directly paralleled in F#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, or Python, as those languages do not support interpolated strings as compile-time constants in the same way.

Extended Property Patterns

C# 10 extends property patterns, allowing more concise and readable deconstruction of objects in pattern matching.

var person = new Person { Name = "John", Address = new Address { City = "New York" } };
if (person is { Address.City: "New York" }) { ... }

Pattern matching in F# is inherently powerful and supports complex deconstructions natively. TypeScript and JavaScript do not have direct equivalents but can destructure objects. Java introduced pattern matching in later versions, but it's not as concise as C#'s property patterns. Python's match statement (from Python 3.10) introduces similar capabilities.

Required Properties


# 10 introduces the concept of required properties, ensuring that objects must be initialized with certain properties.

public class Person
public required string Name { get; init; }

This adds to the language's capability to enforce more rigorous data integrity at compile-time, somewhat similar to TypeScript's non-nullable types or Python's type annotations with mypy for enforcing property initialization. F#, Java, and JavaScript do not have a direct equivalent feature for class properties.

Async Method Builders

C# 10 allows for custom async method builders, enabling the customization of the behavior of `async` methods, including how their tasks are built and awaited.

public async Task MyMethodAsync() { ... }

This is a unique feature in the C# language, offering more flexibility compared to the fixed behavior of async in languages like JavaScript (Promises) and Python (asyncio). F# supports computation expressions that can achieve similar custom asynchronous flows. Java's CompletableFuture can be used in a somewhat similar way, but without the syntactic sugar of async/await.

Linker Improvements

C# 10's .NET 6 SDK includes improvements to the linker, reducing application size by trimming unused code more effectively. This optimization step is crucial for mobile and Blazor applications.

While not a language feature, it parallels efforts in other ecosystems like JavaScript's tree shaking, Python's module pruning via tools like PyInstaller, and Java's ProGuard for Android development.

[Language Documentation, GitHub Repo, Official Website, and Wikipedia](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/)

Given the expansive nature of C# 10's features, comparisons, and the requirement for detailed code examples, the above summaries provide an overview rather than an exhaustive exploration. For further details, direct references to the official documentation, GitHub repositories, the official .NET website, and Wikipedia page are recommended for the most up-to-date and comprehensive information.


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* github>C Sharp 10 on Github
* oreilly>C Sharp 10 on O'Reilly
* ms>C Sharp 10 on docs.microsoft.com
* dotnet>C Sharp 10 on DotNetPerls.com
* nuget>C Sharp 10 on Nuget.org
* ddg>C Sharp 10 on DuckDuckGo
* csharp>C Sharp 10 on C-SharpCorner.com
* amz>C Sharp 10 on Amazon.com

* javatpoint>C Sharp 10 on javatpoint.com
* w3schools>C Sharp 10 on w3schools.com
* tutorialspoint>C Sharp 10 on tutorialspoint.com
* freecode>C Sharp 10 on FreeCodeCamp.org

* youtube>C Sharp 10 on YouTube
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* scholar>C Sharp 10 on scholar.google.com
* stackoverflow>C Sharp 10 on Stackoverflow
* quora>C Sharp 10 on Quora
* dzone>C Sharp 10 on Dzone
* hackernoon>C Sharp 10 on Hacker Noon

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Fair Use Sources:
* ddg>C Sharp 10 on DuckDuckGo
* google>C Sharp 10 on Google
* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/csharp-version-history#c-version-10
* github>C Sharp 10 on Github
* pluralsight>C Sharp 10 on Pluralsight.com

C Sharp Versions: C Sharp | C# Programming Language. C Sharp 13 (2025), C Sharp 12 (2024), C Sharp 11 (2023), C Sharp 10 (2022), C Sharp 9 (2020), C Sharp 8 (2019), C Sharp 7.3 (2018), C Sharp 7.2 (2017), C Sharp 7.1 (2017), C Sharp 7 (2017), C Sharp 6 (2015), C Sharp 5 (2012), C Sharp 4 (2010), C Sharp 3 (2007), C Sharp 2 (2005), C Sharp 1 (2002). (navbar_csharp_versions - see also navbar_dotnet_versions, navbar_fsharp_versions, navbar_csharp)

C Sharp: Effective C Sharp, C Sharp Best Practices, C Sharp Fundamentals | C# Fundamentals, C Sharp Inventor | C# Inventor - C Sharp Language Designer | C# Language Designer: Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft in January 2000, Now Mads Torgersen is Primary Architect; Dot Net, C Sharp keywords | C# Keywords, C Sharp on Linux | C# on Linux, C Sharp on macOS | C# on macOS, C Sharp on Windows | C# on Windows, C Sharp on Android | C# on Android, C Sharp on iOS | C# on iOS, C Sharp Installation | C# Installation (choco install dotnet, brew install dotnet), C Sharp Containerization | C# Containerization (C Sharp with Docker | C# with Docker, C Sharp with Podman | C# with Podman, C Sharp and Kubernetes | C# and Kubernetes), C Sharp Built-In Data Types | C# Built-In Data Types, C Sharp Data Structures | C# Data Structures - C Sharp Algorithms | C# Algorithms, C Sharp Syntax | C# Syntax, C Sharp OOP | C# OOP - C Sharp Design Patterns | C# Design Patterns, Clean C Sharp | Clean C# - C Sharp Style Guide | C# Style Guide, C Sharp Best Practices | C# Best Practices (C Sharp Core Guidelines (CG) | C# Core Guidelines (CG), ) - C Sharp BDD | C# BDD, C Sharp Compiler | C# Compiler, C Sharp IDEs | C# IDEs (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Ryder), C Sharp Development Tools | C# Development Tools, C Sharp Linter | C# Linter, C Sharp Debugging | C# Debugging, C Sharp Modules | C# Modules, C Sharp Packages | C# Packages, C Sharp Package Manager | C# Package Manager (NuGet), C Sharp Standard Library | C# Standard Library, C Sharp libraries | C# libraries, C Sharp frameworks | C# frameworks, C Sharp DevOps | C# DevOps - C Sharp SRE | C# SRE, C Sharp dot NET and Databases | C# .NET and Databases (LINQ and Entity Framework ORM), C Sharp Data Science | C# Data Science - C Sharp DataOps | C# DataOps, C Sharp Machine Learning | C# Machine Learning - ML.NET, C Sharp Deep Learning | C# Deep Learning, Functional C Sharp | Functional C#, C Sharp Concurrency | C# Concurrency, C Sharp Parallel Programming | C# Parallel Programming, Async C Sharp | Async C#, C Sharp History | C# History, C Sharp Bibliography | C# Bibliography, Manning C Sharp Series, C Sharp Courses | C# Courses, C Sharp Glossary | C# Glossary, C Sharp Versions | C# Versions, C Sharp Topics | C# Topics, C Sharp Research | C# Research, C Sharp GitHub | C# GitHub, Written in C Sharp | Written in C#, C Sharp Popularity | C# Popularity, C Sharp Awesome | C# Awesome. (navbar_csharp - see also navbar_csharp_versions, navbar_dotnet_versions, navbar_csharp_libraries, navbar_csharp_standard_library, navbar_fsharp)


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