Clojure best practices - enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor Page

Item 4: Clojure Best Practices - Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor

Introduction to Enforcing Noninstantiability in Clojure

In Clojure, a functional programming language that runs on the JVM, the concept of noninstantiability is somewhat different from traditional object-oriented languages. Since Clojure encourages immutability and functional programming, you rarely deal with class instantiation directly. However, in some cases, you might need to create Java classes or leverage Java interop, where you want to enforce noninstantiability by preventing the instantiation of certain classes. This can be achieved by creating private constructors within a Java class defined inside your Clojure codebase.

Advantages of Enforcing Noninstantiability in Clojure

Enforcing noninstantiability in Clojure offers several key advantages:
1. **Prevents Misuse**: By preventing the instantiation of a class that is not intended to be instantiated, you avoid unintended behaviors or logical errors in your code.
2. **Encapsulates Implementation Details**: Ensuring that certain classes or types are not instantiated allows you to encapsulate implementation details, providing a cleaner and more intentional API.
3. **Encourages Proper Design**: This approach helps enforce the design intention that certain utility or helper classes should only expose static methods or constants without allowing instantiation.

Example 1: Enforcing Noninstantiability with a Private Constructor in Java Interop

Since Clojure can interoperate with Java, you might sometimes define a Java class within your Clojure project. Here’s how you can enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor:

// src/java/
package mynamespace;

public class MyUtility {
// Private constructor to prevent instantiation
private MyUtility() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This class cannot be instantiated.");

// Static utility method
public static void utilityMethod() {
System.out.println("This is a utility method.");

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/core.clj
(ns mynamespace.core
(:import [mynamespace MyUtility]))

(defn call-utility-method []

In this example, `MyUtility` is a Java class with a private constructor, preventing instantiation. The `utilityMethod` can be called from Clojure code using Java interop.

Example 2: Using a Clojure Function Instead of a Java Class

In Clojure, it is more idiomatic to use functions and namespaces rather than classes and instances. To enforce noninstantiability, you can design your code around functions that do not require any instantiation:

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/utility.clj
(ns mynamespace.utility)

(defn utility-method []
(println "This is a utility method."))

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/core.clj
(ns mynamespace.core
(:require [mynamespace.utility :as util]))

(defn call-utility-method []

In this example, `utility-method` is a function within the `mynamespace.utility` namespace. It provides utility functionality without the need for instantiation, which aligns with Clojure’s functional programming principles.

Example 3: Leveraging Protocols for Noninstantiable Behaviors

If you need to define behavior that should not be instantiated, you can use protocols to define an interface without creating a concrete instance:

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/utility.clj
(ns mynamespace.utility)

(defprotocol UtilityProtocol
(utility-method [this]))

(def utility-impl
(reify UtilityProtocol
(utility-method [_]
(println "This is a utility method."))))

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/core.clj
(ns mynamespace.core
(:require [mynamespace.utility :as util]))

(defn call-utility-method []
(util/utility-method util/utility-impl))

In this example, `UtilityProtocol` defines the behavior, and `utility-impl` provides an implementation using `reify`, which is an anonymous implementation of the protocol. This approach avoids the need for instantiation and directly leverages protocol-based polymorphism.

Example 4: Using a Singleton Pattern in Clojure with Java Interop

If you need to ensure that a particular class is only instantiated once (i.e., a singleton), you can leverage Java’s singleton pattern:

// src/java/
package mynamespace;

public class MySingleton {
private static final MySingleton instance = new MySingleton();

// Private constructor to prevent instantiation
private MySingleton() {}

public static MySingleton getInstance() {
return instance;

public void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Singleton instance is doing something!");

;; src/clojure/mynamespace/core.clj
(ns mynamespace.core
(:import [mynamespace MySingleton]))

(defn call-singleton-method []
(.doSomething (MySingleton/getInstance)))

In this example, `MySingleton` is a Java class with a private constructor and a static method `getInstance` that provides access to the singleton instance. The Clojure code interacts with this singleton instance using Java interop.

When to Enforce Noninstantiability in Clojure

Enforcing noninstantiability in Clojure is useful in the following scenarios:
- **Java Interop**: When working with Java classes in a Clojure project and you need to enforce that a class should not be instantiated.
- **Utility Functions**: When designing namespaces with utility functions that do not require state or instances, following Clojure's functional programming model.
- **Singleton Patterns**: When ensuring that a class or resource should have only one instance, typically when interfacing with Java.


In Clojure, while the need for noninstantiability is less common due to the language's functional nature, it can still be relevant when interfacing with Java or enforcing certain design constraints. By using private constructors in Java classes, or by adhering to Clojure’s functional patterns and protocols, you can effectively enforce noninstantiability where needed. This practice helps maintain clear and intentional code, ensuring that types and functions are used only as intended.

Further Reading and References

For more information on enforcing noninstantiability in Clojure, consider exploring the following resources:


These resources provide additional insights and best practices for using noninstantiability effectively in Clojure.

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* ddg>Clojure on DuckDuckGo
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* Clojure, The Essential Reference
* archive>Clojure for Archive Access for Fair Use Preservation, quoting, paraphrasing, excerpting and/or commenting upon
* The Borg (CBorg)

