Computer science topics Page

Computer Science Topics

Compare and merge all of these into one master file: Software engineering topics, Software engineering glossary, Programming glossary, Programming topics

See Main Article: Glossary of Computer Science

See also Computer science


* 7-Zip


* abstract
* abstract data structure
* Abstraction - object abstraction
* alias
* Ansible
* Application binary interface (ABI)
* Application programming interface (API)
* apt
* ar
* array - Array data structure - Array data type - Associative array
* Async
* at
* attrib
* Attribute
* awk


* basename
* Bash
* Batch
* bc
* bg
* boolean - bool


* C language
* C plus plus | C++
* C sharp | C#
* cal
* cat
* cd
* Chef
* chmod
* chown
* chgrp
* cksum
* comm
* Configuration - config
* Configuration management - Config management
* cmp
* cp
* cron
* crontab
* csplit
* ctags
* cut
* Cygwin


* dd
* df
* Database APIs
* date
* Dev
* DevOps
* Dictionary
* diff
* dirname
* Docker
* Documentation - docs
* du


* echo
* ed
* Erlang
* expr
* Extensible Markup Language (XML)
* env
* environment
* environment variable
* ex
* exit


* F Sharp | F#
* false
* fg
* file
* File system - Filesystem
* find
* fold
* Function
* Functional programming
* fuser


* gRPC - Google Remote Procedure Call
* Golang
* GraphQL - Graph Query Language
* grep
* Guido van Rossum


* HAL - Hardware abstraction layer
* hash - Hash table - Hash function
** The values returned by a hash function are called hash values, hash codes, digests, or simply hashes.
* head
* Heap
* Helm
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - HTTP request messages


* iconv
* Inheritance - inherit - inheriting


* Java
* Java API
** Java Database Connectivity API - JDBC API
** Java remote method invocation API uses the Java Remote Method Protocol
* JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format
* join


* kill
* Kubernetes


* Language bindings
* lex
* Linux
* Linux kernel API
* List
* ln
* log - logging
* logname
* LogStash
* lp
* ls


* m4
* man
* make
* mesg
* meta - metadata - meta programming
* md
* mkdir
* more
* mv


* nano
* nice
* nl
* nm


* Object
* Object-oriented - object-oriented design
* od
* ORM - Object relational mapper
* Orthogonality in Software Engineering


* paste
* path
* pax
* pip
* PowerShell
* printf
* Process
* Processor
* Puppet
* pwd
* ps
* putty
* Python
* Python attribute, Attribute in Python, Attributes in Python
* Python BDFL, BDFL in Python, Guido van Rossum
* Python byte code, Byte code in Python, Byte codes in Python
* Python class, Class in Python, Classes in Python
* Python class dictionary, Class dictionary in Python, Class dictionaries in Python
* Python class name, Class name in Python, Class names in Python
* Python base class, Base class in Python, Base classes in Python, Python base-class, Base-class in Python, Base-classes in Python
* Python best practice, Best practice in Python, Best practices in Python, Best practice of Python, Best practices of Python
* Python coercion, Coercion in Python
* Python complex number, Complex number in Python, Complex numbers in Python
* Python conversion, Conversion in Python, Conversions in Python
* Python decorator, Decorator in Python, Decorators in Python
* Python descriptor, Descriptor in Python, Descriptors in Python
* Python dictionary, Dictionary in Python, Dictionaries in Python
* Python docstring, Docstring in Python, Docstrings in Python
* Python duck typing, Duck typing in Python, Python duck-typing, Duck-typing in Python, Python ducktyping, Ducktyping in Python
* Python dynamic typing, Dynamic typing in Python, Python dynamic-typing, Dynamic-typing in Python
* Python EAFP, EAFP in Python, Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission, Python Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission, Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission in Python
* Python EIBTI, EIBTI in Python, Explicit Is Better Than Implicit, Python Explicit Is Better Than Implicit, Explicit Is Better Than Implicit in Python
* Python exception, Exception in Python, Exceptions in Python,
* Python first-class object, First-class object in Python, First-class objects in Python, Python first class object, First class object in Python, First class objects in Python
* Python function, Function in Python, Functions in Python
* Python generator function, Generator function in Python, Generator functions in Python
* Python generator iterator, Generator iterator in Python, Generator iterators in Python
* Python generator, Generator in Python, Generators in Python
* Python global interpreter lock, Global interpreter lock in Python, Python GIL, GIL in Python, , Global interpreter locks in Python, Python GILs, GILs in Python
* Python GlobalInterpreterLock, GlobalInterpreterLock in Python
* Python thread, Thread in Python, Threads in Python
* Python thread-safety, Thread-safety in Python, Python thread safety, Thread safety in Python
* Python multi-thread, Python multi-threaded, Mult-thread in Python Mult-threaded in Python, Mult-threads in Python,
* Python PyPy, PyPy in Python
* Python Jython, Jython in Python
* Python IronPython, IronPython in Python
* Python CPython, CPython in Python
* Python Cython, Cython in Python
* Python Stackless, Stackless in Python, Stackless Python
* Python concurrency, Concurrency in Python
* Python simplicity, Simplicity in Python
* Python speed, Speed in Python, Speed of Python
* Python features, Features in Python, Features of Python
* Python API, API in Python, APIs in Python
* Python tracing, Tracing in Python
* Python mutex, Mutex in Python
* Python greedy regular expressions, Greedy regular expressions in Python, Python greedy regex, Greedy regex in Python
* Python hash, Hash in Python, Hashes in Python
* Python hash table, Hash table in Python, Hash tables in Python
* Python hashable, Hashable in Python
* Python int, Int in Python, Ints in Python
* Python integer, Integer in Python, Integers in Python
* Python integer division, Integer division in Python, Integer divisions in Python
* Python floor division, Floor division in Python, Floor divisions in Python
* Python float, Float in Python, Floats in Python
* Python id, Id in Python, Ids in Python
* Python IDLE, IDLE in Python, IDLEs in Python, IDLE for Python, IDLEs for Python
* Python IDE, IDE in Python, IDEs in Python, IDE for Python, IDEs for Python
* Python immutable, Immutable in Python, Immutables in Python, Python immutability, Immutability in Python
* Python operand, Operands in Python
* Python arithmetic, Arithmetic in Python
* Python math, Math in Python, Maths in Python
* Python interactive, Interactive Python, Interactiveness in Python
* Python interpreter, Interpreter in Python
* Python interpreted, Interpreted Python, Python is interpreted
* Python iterable, Iterable in Python, Iterables in Python, Python iterabilty, Iterabilty in Python
* Python iterator, Iterator in Python, Iterators in Python
* Python LBYL, LBYL in Python, Look before you leap, Python Look before you leap, Look before you leap in Python
* Python list, List in Python, Lists in Python
* Python list comprehension, List comprehension in Python
* Python syntax, Syntax in Python, Syntax of Python
* Python grammar, Grammar in Python, Grammar of Python
* Python syntactical sugar, Syntactical sugar in Python, Syntactical sugar of Python
* Python mapping, mapping in Python, mappings in Python
* Python map, Map in Python, Maps in Python
* Python metaclass, Metaclass in Python, Metaclasses in Python
* Python class of a class, Class of a class in Python
* Python method, Method in Python, Methods in Python
* Python module, Module in Python, Modules in Python
* Python mutable, Mutable in Python, Mutables in Python, Python mutability, Mutability in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python PEP, PEP in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python script, Script in Python, Scripts in Python, Python scripting, Scripting in Python, Scripting with Python
* Python singleton, Singleton in Python, Singletons in Python
* Python tuple, Tuple in Python, Tuples in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python , in Python
* Python variable, Variable in Python, Variables in Python, Python variable type, Variable type in Python, Variable types in Python
* Python , in Python


* Remote APIs and protocols
* Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
* Representational State Transfer (REST, RESTful, RESTful API)
* Reusability
* rm
* rmdir


* SDLC - Software development lifecycle
* sed
* Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP, SOAP API)
* Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
* Shell
* Shell builtins in Linux - alias, cd, echo, test, unset, wait
* sleep
* Software
* Software development
* Software development commands in Linux - ar, ctags, lex, make, nm, strip, yacc
* Software library
* sort
* split
* Stack
* Standard library
* strings
* strip
* sudo
* System Call


* tail
* talk
* TDD - Test driven development
* tee
* Terraform
* test
* Test driven development - TDD
* Text
* Text processing
** Text processing in Linux - awk, basename, comm, csplit, cut, diff, dirname, ed, ex, fold, head, iconv, join, m4, more, nl, paste, printf, sed, sort, strings, tail, tr, uniq, vi, wc, xargs
* time
* touch
* tput
* tr
* Trigger
* true
* type


* UAT - User Acceptance Testing
* umask
* uname
* uniq
* unset
* User - User environment


* yacc
* vi
* vim
* Visual C Plus Plus | Visual C++


* wait
* Waterfall model
* wc
* Web API
* Web service
* who
* write


* xargs
* Xcode
* XML - Extensible Markup Language


* Yacc - Yet Another Compiler Compiler
* Guido van Rossum


* ZIP File Format

External sites

* g>Computer science terms
* g>Computer science glossary

