Da xin de ben shr Page

Venerable Da Xin De Ben Shr

Return to Venerable Buddhist Master Shen-Kai - Founder of Jen Chen Buddhism (Buddhahood Lineage World Humanity Vehicle), Buddhist Masters

'Da Xin De Ben Shr' -- He would not like anything at all to be said about him other than that he was an itinerant monk bhikshu of the American Jen Chen Buddhism lineage of Shen Kai Shr Fu of Taiwan (see Venerable Buddhist Master Shen-Kai - Founder of Jen Chen Buddhism (Buddhahood Lineage World Humanity Vehicle).

* His Monk name (Ordination name) mean Da Xin + De Ben in Mandarin means "Great Awakening with a Firm Foundation in Virtue"

* His favorite Sutra is the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva (Ksitigarbha). This is why he likes Hakuin Ekaku, who also felt preventing one's falling into hell realms is critically important.
* His favorite Arhat is Rahula since he "hides the light" even though he is Shakyamuni Buddha's son.
* His favorite Chan tradition/lineage Master is Hui Neng.
* His favorite Nalanda Tradition master is Shantideva.
* He loves reading the life stories of these monks Shakyamuni's Shravaka Radha, Thai forest tradition master Ven. Ajahn Mun, Chan Master Ven. Hsu Yun and Japanese Zen Master Hakuin Ekaku.

Favorite Dharma Practices

* His favorite Dharma practice is Bodhichitta.
* Meditation - "No thought is the bomb."
* Walking briskly in the foggy darkness up the Bear Mountain for 2 hours up and 1 hour down as an alternative to 108 prostrations. "Builds your Qi prior to meditation by tiring you out."
* Animal liberation
* Sleep less to build your Qi in order to break through in meditation.

Favorite Buddhist Sayings

"It's easy to end all suffering. Simply accept everything with ease and let go completely." If you can't remember that he says just remember "Let go completely". -- from the Venerable Buddhist Master Shen-Kai - Founder of Jen Chen Buddhism (Buddhahood Lineage World Humanity Vehicle)

* "In this life, give them one word of Dharma. In the next life give them a second word of Dharma."
* "Hide the light."
* "Stay busy, Don't hurry, Don't worry, Be happy."
* "Don't think, just do."
* "No thought is the bomb."
* "Benefit others more than yourself."

Da Xin De Ben Shr's Main Influences

* #1: "Namo Arya Guru Shi Fu Shen-Kai Sheng Ren Shi - Rahula - Shantideva - Huineng as Vajradhara (Dharmakaya) - Akshobya (Sambhogakaya) - BhaisajyaGuru (Nirmanakaya) Om Ah Hum."

* His immediate American Jen Chen Sangha: Samuel Bodhisattva, Da Sheng Shr, Da Share Shr, Da Xin Fa Shr, Da Xin Puti Shr

* H.H. the Dalai Lama (HH Jetsun Jamphal Ngawang Losang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso HH Dalai Lama), Dagri Rinpoche, Nyingma Penor Rinpoche, Bakula Rinpoche, Thubten Lama Zopa Rinpoche, H.H. Sakya Trizin, H.E. Gosok Rinpoche (Thumi Sambota - Longchen Rapjampa Dzogchen - Rigzen Lhungsel Nyimgpo), Choden Rinpoche, Tripitaka Charya Hsuan Hua Sheng Ren Shi, Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, Geshe Ngawang Dakpa, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, Geshe Lama Kongchog (Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok), Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche (Rinchen Terdzod), Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sumedho, Geshe Jampa Tegchok, Geshe Lhundub Sopa, and Thich Nhat Hanh.

* While not his teachers, he appreciates the work of fellow cultivators female Zen Master Ji Yu Kennet of Shasta Abbey, Ven. Bhikshuni Tenzin Palmo, Ven. Nun Heng Chr of City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Ven. Robina Courtin of Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana.

Connection to This Organization and Its Website

From 1997 to 2011 Losang Jinpa (Cloud Monk) studied under the daily mentorship of Da Xin De Ben Shr. This Wiki and any past, present and future good that Losang does is inspired by and dedicated to his life-long friend and mentor.

Category:Buddhist Masters
Category:Buddhist Dharma Names
Category:American Buddhists
Category:Chan Tradition

Some of Da Xin De Ben Shr's Favorite Buddhist Masters of the Past

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"Buddha with you" is a common greeting in Jen Chen Buddhism (of Losang's mentor and Buddhist master Da Xin De Ben Shr)

