Dharma Page


Image:Dharma.JPG|frame|Dharma texts from the [[Longchen Nyingtik Field of merit]]

Dharma (Skt.; Tib. ཆོས་, chö, Wyl. chos) — the word used to refer to the teachings of the Buddha (Skt. Buddhadharma). It has many shades of meaning, including ‘the spiritual path’, or ‘spirituality’ in general. It also refers to phenomena, meaning things and events. See also ten meanings of Dharma.


=Dharma of transmission

{{:Dharma of transmission}}

=Dharma of realization

{{:Dharma of realization}}
Jikmé Lingpa said that if you understand that meaning of a single verse, that constitutes the Dharma of scripture or transmission, and if you give rise to a virtuous mind for just an instant, that is the Dharma of realization.tshigs bcad gcig gi don shes na/ de ni lung gi bstan pa yin/dge sems skad cig skyes pa na/ de ni rtogs pa’i bstan pa yin.

Eight Qualities of the Dharma

{{:Eight qualities of the Dharma}}

Further Reading

*A Treasury of Dharma, aka The Mengak Study Pack (Lodève: The Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2005), pages 29-33.
*Khenpo Ngawang Palzang, A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2004), pages 107-108.
*Thinley Norbu, The Small Golden Key (Shambhala Publications, 1999), ‘10. The Dharma of Precept and Dharma of Realization.'

Internal Links

*Three types of Words of the Buddha

Key Terms
Category:Sanskrit Terms