Eight consciousnesses Page

Eight consciousnesses

#redirect Eight consciousnesses

Image:Monkey.JPG|frame|A monkey swinging in a tree, the image for consciousness in the [[Wheel of Life]]

The 8 consciousnesses, or more literally, eight collections of consciousness (Skt. aṣṭavijñānakāya; Tib. རྣམ་ཤེས་ཚོགས་བརྒྱད་, namshé tsok gyé, Wyl. rnam shes tshogs brgyad) are mentioned in the sutras of the Three Turnings|third turning of the Wheel of Dharma, as well as in the writings of the Mind Only school.

{{:Six consciousnesses}}

The seventh and eighth consciousness

To the six consciousnesses mentioned in the Abhidharma texts of the basic vehicle are added:
:7.  Defiled mental consciousness or emotional consciousness and
:8.  All-ground consciousness.

=Transformation into Five Wisdoms

According to Mipham Rinpoche, the eight consciousnesses transform into the five wisdoms in the following way:

*Alaya transforms into the wisdom of dharmadhatu.
*all-ground consciousness|Alaya consciousness transforms into mirror-like wisdom.
*Emotional consciousness transforms into wisdom of equality.
*Mental consciousness transforms into the wisdom of discernment.
*Five sense consciousnesses transform into the all-accomplishing wisdom.

Alternative Translations

*Eight avenues of consciousness (LCN)

Teachings Given to the About Rigpa|Rigpa Sangha

*Khandro Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, France, 14 July 2018 am
*Philippe Cornu, Lerab Ling, France, 3 November 2018
*Khandro Rinpoche, Bodhgaya, India, 26 February 2019
*Khandro Rinpoche, Amsterdam, Holland India, 24 March 2019
*Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Prajna online, 6 August 2021

=Edited Teachings

*Sogyal Rinpoche, 'The Eight Consciousnesses', Rigpalink December 2003, 6 November 2003, Zurich (available in English, French and German, ordernumber 361)

Further Reading

*A Treasury of Dharma, aka The Mengak Study Pack (Lodève: The Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2005), pages 90-92 & CD2, tracks 4-6.

Category:Key Terms