Elixir best practices - enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type Page

Item 3: Elixir Best Practices - Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type

Introduction to the Singleton Pattern in Elixir

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures a module or a process has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In Elixir, which emphasizes concurrency and immutability, enforcing the Singleton property can be useful for managing resources that should remain consistent and accessible across the entire application, such as configuration settings, logging, or database connections. Although Elixir does not have traditional classes and constructors like object-oriented languages, the Singleton pattern can be implemented using a combination of processes, agents, or a module with a state.

Advantages of the Singleton Pattern in Elixir

Implementing the Singleton pattern in Elixir offers several advantages:
1. **Controlled Access to a Single Instance**: The Singleton pattern ensures that there is only one instance of a resource or process, maintaining consistent state across the application.
2. **Global Access Point**: The Singleton pattern provides a global access point to the instance, simplifying the management of resources that need to be shared across different parts of the application.
3. **Concurrency Management**: Elixir's built-in concurrency support ensures that the Singleton pattern can be implemented in a thread-safe manner, preventing race conditions and ensuring consistent behavior across multiple processes.
4. **Immutability**: Elixir's emphasis on immutability means that once the Singleton instance is created, it cannot be modified, ensuring that the resource remains consistent throughout its lifecycle.

Example 1: Enforcing the Singleton Property with an Agent

One common approach to implementing the Singleton pattern in Elixir is by using an `Agent`, which is a simple abstraction for managing state:

defmodule Singleton do
use Agent

# Starts the Singleton agent with initial state
def start_link(_initial_value) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{some_property: "I am unique!"} end, name: __MODULE__)

# Gets the current state
def get_state do
Agent.get(__MODULE__, fn state -> state end)

# Example function to do something with the state
def do_something do
state = get_state()

# Start the Singleton agent
{:ok, _pid} = Singleton.start_link(nil)

# Usage
Singleton.do_something() # Prints: I am unique!

In this example, the `Singleton` module uses an `Agent` to manage the Singleton state. The `start_link/1` function initializes the agent with the desired state, and the `get_state/0` function retrieves the state. The `do_something/0` function demonstrates how to interact with the Singleton instance.

Example 2: Enforcing the Singleton Property with a GenServer

Another way to implement the Singleton pattern in Elixir is by using a `GenServer`, which provides more control over the state and behavior of the Singleton instance:

defmodule Singleton do
use GenServer

# Starts the Singleton GenServer with initial state
def start_link(_initial_value) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{some_property: "I am unique!"}, name: __MODULE__)

# Gets the current state
def get_state do
GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state)

# GenServer callbacks
def handle_call(:get_state, _from, state) do
{:reply, state, state}

# Example function to do something with the state
def do_something do
state = get_state()

# Start the Singleton GenServer
{:ok, _pid} = Singleton.start_link(nil)

# Usage
Singleton.do_something() # Prints: I am unique!

In this approach, the `Singleton` module uses a `GenServer` to manage the Singleton state. The `start_link/1` function initializes the `GenServer`, and the `handle_call/3` function handles requests to retrieve the state. This method provides more flexibility and control, particularly if you need to handle complex state transitions or side effects.

Example 3: Enforcing the Singleton Property Using an Enum-like Approach with a Module

In cases where the Singleton does not need to maintain internal state or be a process, you can use a module to enforce the Singleton pattern, similar to an enum-like approach:

defmodule SingletonEnum do
@some_property "I am unique!"

# Example function to get the singleton property
def get_property do

# Example function to do something with the property
def do_something do

# Usage
SingletonEnum.do_something() # Prints: I am unique!

In this example, the `SingletonEnum` module contains a module attribute (`@some_property`) that is set when the module is compiled. This attribute is effectively a Singleton, as it is immutable and globally accessible within the module.

When to Use the Singleton Pattern in Elixir

The Singleton pattern is particularly useful in the following scenarios:
- **Shared Resources**: When managing shared resources like database connections, configuration settings, or logging mechanisms, the Singleton pattern ensures that these resources are accessed in a consistent and controlled manner.
- **Centralized Control**: If you need to centralize control over certain operations, such as state management or configuration, the Singleton pattern helps maintain a single point of coordination.
- **Concurrency Management**: When working in a concurrent environment, the Singleton pattern, combined with Elixir’s process model, ensures that the instance is accessed in a thread-safe manner, preventing race conditions.


In Elixir, enforcing the Singleton property with an `Agent`, `GenServer`, or a module-based approach is a best practice when you need to ensure that only one instance of a resource or process exists. The Singleton pattern provides controlled access to a single instance, simplifies the management of shared resources, and ensures consistent behavior across your application. By adopting the Singleton pattern, you can write more maintainable, clear, and reliable code, especially in scenarios where centralized control, consistent state, and concurrency management are critical.

Further Reading and References

For more information on implementing the Singleton pattern in Elixir, consider exploring the following resources:

* https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/mix-otp/genserver.html
* https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Agent.html
* https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/advanced/concurrency/

These resources provide additional insights and best practices for using the Singleton pattern effectively in Elixir.