Ganden monastery Page

Ganden Monastery (Tib. དགའ་ལྡན་, Wyl. dga' ldan) — the great Gelugpa monastery founded by Je Tsongkhapa in 1409 and thereafter headed by the Ganden Tripa, the throneholders of Ganden, beginning with Tsongkhapa's foremost disciples Gyaltsab Darma Rinchen and Khedrup Gelek Palzang. It consists of two colleges: Ganden Shartse and Ganden Jangtse.

Internal Links

*Golden Tengyur

External Links

*{{TBRC|G337|TBRC Profile}}
*[ Treasury of Lives]
*[ Brief History of Ganden Monastery by Alexander Berzin]

Category: Gelugpa Monasteries