Github star ranking for organizations Page

GitHub star ranking for organizations

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* 1. Microsoft - 1156717 - GitHub search: github>Microsoft
* 2. google - 1155697 - GitHub search: github>Google
* 3. facebook - 820532 - github>
* 4. apache - 606083 - github>
* 5. alibaba - 481691 - github>
* 6. vuejs - 425087 - github>
* 7. tensorflow - 364045
* 8. freeCodeCamp - 352745
* 9. Tencent - 312245
* 10. github - 300934
* 11. airbnb - 285127
* 12. symfony - 258818
* 13. angular - 258292
* 14. square - 249871
* 15. fossasia - 246523
* 16. facebookresearch - 231196
* 17. facebookarchive - 225909
* 18. dotnet - 214186
* 19. shadowsocks - 207487
* 20. mozilla - 204412
* 21. twbs - 181066
* 22. zeit - 178238
* 23. Netflix - 164324
* 24. kubernetes - 162610
* 25. hashicorp - 157364
* 26. EbookFoundation - 156904
* 27. spring-projects - 155510
* 28. nodejs - 155436
* 29. golang - 151372
* 30. elastic - 148739
* 31. apple - 145392
* 32. laravel - 136753
* 33. flutter - 136519
* 34. ReactiveX - 131697
* 35. h5bp - 128008
* 36. rust-lang - 127645
* 37. reduxjs - 125712
* 38. electron - 125356
* 39. thoughtbot - 120899
* 40. ant-design - 118499
* 41. twitter - 115870
* 42. docker - 113981
* 43. d3 - 109955
* 44. awslabs - 104965
* 45. openai - 104925
* 46. ethereum - 102219
* 47. spatie - 100949
* 48. pytorch - 100237
* 49. ElemeFE - 99626
* 50. jquery - 99031
* 51. JetBrains - 98041
* 52. Azure - 97906
* 53. doctrine - 97305
* 54. Automattic - 95960
* 55. expressjs - 95945
* 56. driftyco - 95416
* 57. 30-seconds - 93113
* 58. aws - 89375
* 59. NVIDIA - 88778
* 60. GoogleCloudPlatform - 86197
* 61. Homebrew - 85998
* 62. rails - 85567
* 63. FormidableLabs - 85159
* 64. Shopify - 84700
* 65. Yalantis - 84379
* 66. uber - 84170
* 67. pallets - 81088
* 68. socketio - 79690
* 69. webpack - 79677
* 70. reactjs - 79099
* 71. spotify - 76648
* 72. mapbox - 76241
* 73. atom - 75907
* 74. ossu - 75162
* 75. Ramotion - 74447
* 76. ansible - 74439
* 77. apachecn - 72819
* 78. tc39 - 72362
* 79. 6to5 - 70958
* 80. FortAwesome - 70821
* 81. GoThinkster - 70391
* 82. Bilibili - 69027
* 83. HubSpot - 68443
* 84. udacity - 68169
* 85. Unity-Technologies - 67851
* 86. segmentio - 67705
* 87. jenkinsci - 67223
* 88. moby - 67021
* 89. GoogleChrome - 65137
* 90. linkedin - 62970
* 91. Semantic-Org - 62694
* 92. akveo - 62440
* 93. mui-org - 62383
* 94. eclipse - 62044
* 95. codrops - 61784
* 96. django - 61614
* 97. didi - 61597
* 98. firebase - 61509
* 99. mongodb - 61046
* 100. graphql - 60198
* 101. deepmind - 59708
* 102. moment - 58176
* 103. visionmedia - 58157
* 104. storybooks - 58083
* 105. thephpleague - 57386
* 106. Mashape - 56698
* 107. serverless - 56686
* 108. prometheus - 56604
* 109. redis - 56156
* 110. httpie - 56031
* 111. prettier - 55224
* 112. realm - 55212
* 113. doocs - 54919
* 114. ReactTraining - 54499
* 115. angular-ui - 54378
* 116. rancherio - 53391
* 117. getsentry - 53334
* 118. fastai - 53241
* 119. grafana - 52944
* 120. swagger-api - 52697
* 121. gatsbyjs - 52540
* 122. wix - 52291
* 123. chartjs - 52170
* 124. python - 52044
* 125. php-fig - 51895
* 126. jekyll - 51865
* 127. postcss - 51474
* 128. koajs - 49846
* 129. plotly - 49735
* 130. adobe - 49434
* 131. Meituan-Dianping - 49242
* 132. lodash - 49106
* 133. bitcoin - 49093
* 134. netdata - 48338
* 135. gohugoio - 48198
* 136. meteor - 47455
* 137. dropbox - 47421
* 138. yahoo - 47290
* 139. styled-components - 47101
* 140. scrapy - 46752
* 141. OWASP - 46602
* 142. cloudflare - 46528
* 143. resume - 45475
* 144. Kotlin - 45438
* 145. pypa - 45407
* 146. home-assistant - 44906
* 147. Polymer - 44831
* 148. Hack-with-Github - 44826
* 149. mobxjs - 44725
* 150. dmlc - 44701
* 151. mtdvio - 44596
* 152. adafruit - 43975
* 153. gin-gonic - 43180
* 154. papers-we-love - 43149
* 155. dcloudio - 42863
* 156. nuxt - 42618
* 157. ipfs - 42320
* 158. scikit-learn - 42251
* 159. yarnpkg - 42203
* 160. encode - 42038
* 161. TryGhost - 42003
* 162. auth0 - 41875
* 163. fex-team - 41850
* 164. oracle - 41349
* 165. tesseract-ocr - 41224
* 166. openstack - 41193
* 167. neovim - 41163
* 168. iview - 40779
* 169. godotengine - 40613
* 170. influxdb - 40154
* 171. ValveSoftware - 39997
* 172. w3c - 39836
* 173. you-dont-need - 39773
* 174. raywenderlich - 39729
* 175. baidu - 39597
* 176. openresty - 39370
* 177. pingcap - 39266
* 178. discourse - 39184
* 179. marmelab - 39027
* 180. OpnTec - 39015
* 181. basecamp - 38994
* 182. yeoman - 38794
* 183. Alamofire - 38706
* 184. AFNetworking - 38538
* 185. nwjs - 38512
* 186. aspnet - 38477
* 187. futurice - 38404
* 188. zsh-users - 38387
* 189. npm - 38267
* 190. rstudio - 38087
* 191. composer - 37591
* 192. realpython - 37449
* 193. webtorrent - 37354
* 194. Qihoo360 - 37246
* 195. infinitered - 37204
* 196. NYTimes - 37138
* 197. videojs - 37057
* 198. xitu - 37054
* 199. gulpjs - 37003
* 200. FreeCodeCampChina - 36904
* 201. adobe-fonts - 36832
* 202. git - 36695
* 203. filamentgroup - 36619
* 204. palantir - 36460
* 205. PowerShell - 36422
* 206. jgraph - 36346
* 207. Leaflet - 36176
* 208. gogits - 35904
* 209. syncthing - 35818
* 210. impress - 35815
* 211. metafizzy - 35675
* 212. ecomfe - 35579
* 213. nestjs - 35487
* 214. containous - 35478
* 215. hexojs - 35391
* 216. kriasoft - 35249
* 217. heroku - 34998
* 218. fastlane - 34986
* 219. rethinkdb - 34983
* 220. guzzle - 34961
* 221. tastejs - 34758
* 222. Masonry - 34513
* 223. RocketChat - 34260
* 224. parse-community - 34241
* 225. jupyter - 34223
* 226. Yelp - 34104
* 227. WhisperSystems - 33898
* 228. pixijs - 33841
* 229. twitter-archive - 33705
* 230. clojure - 33393
* 231. JuliaLang - 32838
* 232. facebookincubator - 32811
* 233. php - 32425
* 234. codepath - 32397
* 235. GitbookIO - 32389
* 236. stripe - 32259
* 237. powerline - 32174
* 238. exacity - 31656
* 239. bumptech - 31650
* 240. gorilla - 31631
* 241. xamarin - 31612
* 242. rapid7 - 31285
* 243. BVLC - 31026
* 244. request - 30986
* 245. XX-net - 30846
* 246. DefinitelyTyped - 30845
* 247. AlloyTeam - 30619
* 248. xmartlabs - 30579
* 249. emberjs - 30536
* 250. inboxapp - 30511
3591786* 251. sequelize - 30377
1445252* 252. balderdashy - 30365
1608701* 253. KhronosGroup - 29599
4741861* 254. googlecreativelab - 29327
29208316* 255. standard - 29284
1630826* 256. gruntjs - 29213
317889* 257. sass - 29203
23225142* 258. huginn - 29166
993323* 259. yiisoft - 29017
2314423* 260. trailofbits - 28931
2010360* 261. usablica - 28798
276006* 262. WordPress - 28756
7366472* 263. tldr-pages - 28746
7089101* 264. quilljs - 28627
2566135* 265. servo - 28590
17219288* 266. graphcool - 28377
3730757* 267. coreos - 28336
4067082* 268. nccgroup - 28311
3422977* 269. ReactiveCocoa - 28249
476675* 270. paypal - 28221
13841574* 271. isocpp - 28214
1564818* 272. zalando - 27483
17152571* 273. open-guides - 27431
541152* 274. pinterest - 27304
1393171* 275. StackExchange - 27228
16530698* 276. pyenv - 27188
17889013* 277. certbot - 27119
7657900* 278. hyperledger - 27112
6589568* 279. naver - 27058
25323389* 280. react-boilerplate - 26883
1836015* 281. PHPOffice - 26759
234324* 282. cocos2d - 26730
28732122* 283. localstack - 26523
21206976* 284. pandas-dev - 26461
1483254* 285. mybatis - 26443
3020012* 286. strongloop - 26371
7380510* 287. geekcompany - 26336
210414* 288. ruby - 26316
1395534* 289. id-Software - 26312
6320506* 290. browserify - 26225
7739233* 291. docker-library - 26161
1189714* 292. CocoaPods - 26089
7392261* 293. NativeScript - 26005
1122572* 294. zxing - 25961
1086321* 295. gitlabhq - 25869
12554859* 296. rollup - 25707
5826089* 297. SheetJS - 25579
8077542* 298. select2 - 25489
43791934* 299. machinelearningmindset - 25395
3671647* 300. jitsi - 25302
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…23456…›
46047812* 301. datawhalechina - 25259
53395* 302. mono - 25253
131060* 303. Modernizr - 25228
983927* 304. SeleniumHQ - 25178
11578470* 305. WebAssembly - 25053
7892489* 306. netlify - 24919
9354* 307. railsware - 24891
5161210* 308. micro - 24850
457049* 309. Flipboard - 24787
624178* 310. getlantern - 24769
2034458* 311. algolia - 24759
2181346* 312. drone - 24741
168515* 313. ajaxorg - 24687
7378196* 314. googlesamples - 24676
473791* 314. netty - 24676
11684617* 316. bazelbuild - 24619
43635* 317. harvesthq - 24258
17364220* 318. vapor - 24085
6059488* 319. jhipster - 24053
792337* 320. openshift - 23891
109777* 321. zeromq - 23591
24979032* 322. tootsuite - 23571
96669* 323. rabbitmq - 23522
5947812* 324. FriendsOfPHP - 23473
14909902* 325. redox-os - 23282
1617169* 326. processing - 23173
3774533* 327. hapijs - 23047
1266152* 328. kivy - 22993
31394933* 329. CodeHubApp - 22979
9976052* 330. weaveworks - 22931
8289877* 331. tmux-plugins - 22903
1309360* 332. XiaoMi - 22809
984368* 333. Reactive-Extensions - 22763
11618545* 334. vim - 22759
7815877* 335. spring-cloud - 22579
473334* 336. vmware - 22445
7997161* 337. hammerjs - 22431
7230330* 338. cheeriojs - 22419
509841* 339. libgdx - 22378
4650108* 340. digitalocean - 22293
13455795* 341. dokku - 22231
7720173* 342. naptha - 22180
8876537* 343. codemirror - 22121
6510388* 344. phoenixframework - 22084
6748139* 345. cockroachdb - 22075
1844662* 346. Azure-Samples - 22068
1294177* 347. raspberrypi - 22027
4986074* 348. roots - 21871
15455* 349. Khan - 21857
1165621* 350. Jam3 - 21806
9338635* 351. jadejs - 21805
56705483* 352. postwoman-io - 21789
7815827* 353. wearehive - 21762
9439498* 354. confluentinc - 21730
12930284* 355. VundleVim - 21536
1340892* 356. hyperoslo - 21503
1781835* 357. requirejs - 21480
24776643* 358. redux-saga - 21447
6157842* 359. resin-io - 21429
317721* 360. CyanogenMod - 21420
193389* 361. etsy - 21393
1393215* 362. quantopian - 21293
11646750* 363. cmderdev - 21284
848102* 364. nasa - 21185
8858017* 365. SwiftyJSON - 21182
7049303* 366. aio-libs - 21180
5298359* 367. ramda - 21130
729418* 368. FFmpeg - 21099
628795* 369. Esri - 21075
1432696* 370. ftlabs - 21053
3046006* 371. stanfordnlp - 21040
30177* 372. android - 21028
6853419* 373. react-bootstrap - 20936
319983* 374. celery - 20930
14114390* 375. ampproject - 20903
4652787* 376. mitmproxy - 20761
4998052* 377. databricks - 20705
296074* 378. zendframework - 20623
11525* 379. zendesk - 20614
3221291* 380. appium - 20581
2624634* 381. labstack - 20577
5083777* 382. VerbalExpressions - 20574
234268* 383. puppetlabs - 20470
10251060* 384. postmanlabs - 20465
1200269* 385. ropensci - 20301
6019716* 386. eslint - 20280
6789362* 387. OfficeDev - 20275
830588* 388. phusion - 20246
7087632* 389. android-cn - 20165
14324374* 390. reactnativecn - 20097
10203055* 391. nats-io - 20078
11370631* 392. loklak - 19987
11923583* 393. forkingdog - 19817
14079115* 394. MostlyAdequate - 19803
4538353* 395. thx - 19801
8770005* 396. mochajs - 19772
8527916* 397. avajs - 19761
6368483* 398. odoo - 19702
1481354* 399. elixir-lang - 19693
8121270* 400. swoole - 19632
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.
Gitstar]] - Ranking
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…34567…›
6911160* 401. slackhq - 19408
8484931* 402. gliderlabs - 19397
1609975* 403. dart-lang - 19391
6118534* 404. keystonejs - 19369
28766659* 405. learn-anything - 19352
7468980* 406. tornadoweb - 19344
14805662* 407. FallibleInc - 19299
60365* 408. phonegap - 19256
57059* 409. scala - 19192
12612655* 410. css-modules - 18937
212109* 411. hybridgroup - 18928
6152426* 412. amfe - 18844
1221505* 413. phalcon - 18826
3538330* 414. less - 18764
3979584* 415. sourcegraph - 18750
320565* 416. cucumber - 18749
1541324* 417. fbsamples - 18723
698038* 418. piwik - 18666
319107* 419. playframework - 18639
8863432* 420. bcit-ci - 18635
16343502* 421. OAI - 18625
12054114* 422. tmux - 18621
1497318* 423. CreateJS - 18600
230453* 424. ipython - 18576
699596* 425. scrapinghub - 18546
9441414* 426. react-component - 18530
215947* 427. matplotlib - 18398
22351667* 428. mozilla-mobile - 18384
343434* 429. icsharpcode - 18344
735289* 430. sqlmapproject - 18287
599313* 431. pld-linux - 18235
6759814* 432. TypeStrong - 17830
1460597* 433. NetEase - 17794
18673496* 434. localForage - 17783
10981023* 435. go-kit - 17727
23666* 436. cakephp - 17632
409513* 437. zhihu - 17571
7388387* 438. interagent - 17564
379109* 439. arduino - 17557
10675212* 440. rbenv - 17410
9682013* 441. winstonjs - 17378
29740* 442. chef - 17373
8945728* 443. amazeui - 17367
202732* 444. KnpLabs - 17330
15888474* 445. TeamStuQ - 17318
859518* 446. fluent - 17257
1496237* 447. akka - 17221
10746780* 448. getredash - 17203
7429349* 449. lingochamp - 17197
394745* 450. libgit2 - 17161
16486629* 451. nodemailer - 17154
4624349* 452. jasmine - 17120
639823* 453. travis-ci - 17103
828722* 454. BBC - 16999
8068250* 455. handsontable - 16891
9808864* 456. aurelia - 16827
4173184* 457. uikit - 16819
549085* 458. Instagram - 16780
6539796* 459. crystal-lang - 16773
382692* 460. FasterXML - 16735
5613852* 461. FrontendMasters - 16729
4269340* 462. lyft - 16720
11725037* 463. wekan - 16697
13345927* 464. git-tips - 16645
1412239* 465. nginx - 16618
124156* 466. gradle - 16583
3756424* 467. designmodo - 16503
91310* 468. textmate - 16449
6267336* 469. fivethirtyeight - 16425
8749848* 470. PyCQA - 16415
2473585* 470. svg - 16415
10161* 472. joyent - 16294
5228194* 473. datasciencemasters - 16273
945399* 474. OptimalBits - 16242
447686* 475. mailgun - 16172
11557446* 476. js-cookie - 16169
4921959* 477. zulip - 16136
128* 478. collectiveidea - 16105
4840775* 479. phacility - 16103
3284117* 480. karma-runner - 16097
14945043* 481. PerfectlySoft - 16013
8524145* 482. appbaseio - 16009
3170529* 483. boostorg - 15994
18713232* 484. mysqljs - 15981
10102049* 485. hubotio - 15972
5549034* 486. flarum - 15935
3709251* 487. bower - 15895
1539555* 488. dianping - 15880
473596* 489. woothemes - 15830
7409213* 490. yandex - 15814
510472* 491. pagekit - 15789
80584* 492. antlr - 15680
4030929* 493. libuv - 15665
1158012* 494. sbt - 15632
1808180* 495. IFTTT - 15577
28876608* 496. uNetworking - 15555
689082* 497. Masterminds - 15526
12729373* 498. riot - 15473
3731824* 499. typelevel - 15467
1828073* 500. fish-shell - 15433
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…45678…›
16690788* 501. vim-airline - 15432
2976699* 501. adobe-webplatform - 15432
5825890* 503. limetext - 15428
3959702* 504. PHPMailer - 15401
58257* 505. capistrano - 15398
765943* 506. apiaryio - 15377
2495066* 507. intuit - 15338
1147473* 508. saltstack - 15318
1645051* 509. owncloud - 15312
164318* 510. guardian - 15264
313839* 511. senchalabs - 15262
1193973* 512. sensepost - 15259
1261928* 513. nfl - 15230
25229317* 514. oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017 - 15182
10069574* 515. GraphKit - 15176
288276* 516. numpy - 15149
14214240* 517. infernojs - 15113
5478557* 518. dropwizard - 15092
8440965* 519. bokeh - 15048
120676* 520. kickstarter - 15012
10007026* 521. shieldfy - 14993
3406112* 521. pouchdb - 14993
1801039* 523. GNOME - 14934
109142* 524. twilio - 14922
12655868* 525. yabwe - 14864
4243232* 526. DevExpress - 14845
8594673* 527. amzn - 14787
3717923* 528. googlemaps - 14770
1220164* 529. douban - 14732
508521* 530. SpiderLabs - 14662
7567896* 531. fashiontec - 14614
8237355* 532. getgrav - 14558
168457* 533. magento - 14550
8597527* 534. GetStream - 14541
1841476* 535. stretchr - 14539
5321853* 536. feathersjs - 14531
7099924* 537. NLPchina - 14492
8312* 538. sinatra - 14488
8943775* 539. esp8266 - 14473
9146792* 540. Carthage - 14452
176293* 541. basho - 14451
10152066* 542. foreverjs - 14441
13209832* 543. source-foundry - 14430
13825204* 544. fullcalendar - 14391
166419* 545. mutualmobile - 14376
4978924* 546. torch - 14145
3372991* 547. cmusatyalab - 14077
1015767* 548. ceph - 14076
251133* 549. bitly - 14075
2521724* 550. scotch-io - 14060
3639281* 551. eBay - 14053
7966854* 552. toml-lang - 13983
5624255* 553. exercism - 13976
8461781* 554. keen - 13941
256998* 555. venmo - 13855
4855800* 556. BabylonJS - 13792
17226113* 557. so-fancy - 13744
5548736* 558. ShareX - 13741
198264* 559. msgpack - 13735
5111322* 560. cesanta - 13733
1376999* 560. cisco - 13733
2531208* 562. SAP - 13726
7454271* 563. sqlitebrowser - 13696
17284363* 564. grab - 13694
5400834* 565. keybase - 13684
6298560* 566. micropython - 13678
3279138* 567. openssl - 13669
11195762* 568. slimphp - 13645
218109* 569. guardianproject - 13613
1696866* 570. reactphp - 13601
20098289* 571. cayleygraph - 13572
6001315* 572. fsprojects - 13570
4449877* 573. node-inspector - 13559
2641063* 574. locustio - 13521
2392634* 575. LMAX-Exchange - 13460
351846* 576. guard - 13444
87383* 577. cloudera - 13410
605728* 578. ServiceStack - 13402
3996079* 579. avast - 13400
1402695* 580. h2oai - 13391
2550273* 581. mpv-player - 13381
621746* 582. cloudfoundry - 13364
327752* 583. boto - 13355
5183851* 584. EnterpriseQualityCoding - 13348
199122* 585. xbmc - 13283
487568* 586. NixOS - 13267
5845577* 587. NodeRedis - 13172
2554930* 588. bitpay - 13107
10654171* 589. BrowserSync - 13089
56668* 590. wikimedia - 13076
1273909* 591. NUKnightLab - 13032
2043492* 592. getpelican - 13029
603863* 593. nim-lang - 13022
624259* 594. flatiron - 13013
874086* 595. junit-team - 13011
8083968* 596. Quick - 12969
3430433* 597. octokit - 12847
5547849* 598. arangodb - 12757
6254238* 599. badges - 12756
447527* 600. seatgeek - 12749
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…56789…›
19475707* 601. MithrilJS - 12726
5375661* 602. node-red - 12714
293207* 603. diaspora - 12675
1820478* 604. docopt - 12671
6469715* 605. Karumi - 12655
9427037* 606. pili-io - 12629
545988* 607. SonarSource - 12623
400481* 608. fabric - 12607
13662162* 609. Moya - 12508
788200* 610. RailsApps - 12481
7623406* 611. PistonDevelopers - 12474
814570* 612. activeadmin - 12462
6466306* 613. googlefonts - 12457
307487* 614. linnovate - 12446
8441312* 615. pillarjs - 12428
14022691* 616. selectize - 12398
528189* 617. OpenEmu - 12396
10009463* 618. Stylus - 12379
10060760* 619. JikeXueyuanWiki - 12374
1563636* 620. qiniu - 12363
7001600* 621. krakenjs - 12319
6506055* 622. asciinema - 12303
6631594* 623. revel - 12251
142880* 624. sparkfun - 12204
5877010* 625. LightTable - 12178
16959059* 626. uxsolutions - 12170
16267749* 627. SVProgressHUD - 12148
1211266* 628. cujojs - 12123
1812827* 629. libretro - 12082
6108054* 630. CocoaLumberjack - 12068
529709* 631. FriendsOfSymfony - 12065
5605462* 632. reactioncommerce - 12059
1768161* 633. braziljs - 12024
2645408* 634. jpush - 12011
846856* 635. paperjs - 11998
546231* 636. artsy - 11979
4449608* 637. NodeBB - 11973
4158466* 638. bytedance - 11961
366151* 639. tumblr - 11960
3258272* 640. Intervention - 11921
13624553* 641. ruby-grape - 11889
6654647* 642. gopherjs - 11887
1377248* 643. KeepSafe - 11870
5444419* 644. dutchcoders - 11819
2684181* 645. yhat - 11807
7143718* 646. datproject - 11788
6882181* 647. prestodb - 11770
95588* 648. progit - 11745
9951502* 649. cachethq - 11726
8221116* 650. MyCATApache - 11707
117904* 651. divio - 11704
6233994* 652. 18F - 11689
723678* 653. nodeca - 11684
2386673* 654. greensock - 11682
562236* 655. allegro - 11670
9275116* 656. h2o - 11667
3641958* 657. EsotericSoftware - 11587
4409139* 658. objcio - 11579
56702* 659. spree - 11577
6577368* 660. systemjs - 11560
3876747* 661. resque - 11552
9336830* 662. trailblazer - 11548
7778517* 663. summernote - 11539
5957277* 664. aspnetboilerplate - 11497
1274540* 664. MiCode - 11497
12686838* 666. cyclejs - 11484
13956058* 667. liriliri - 11410
1948782* 668. haiwen - 11405
557680* 669. willowtreeapps - 11391
7318467* 670. Mantle - 11387
1833193* 671. nomad - 11345
3504318* 672. browserstate - 11322
605755* 673. couchbase - 11302
1120885* 674. evernote - 11295
2054056* 675. mockito - 11265
4167113* 676. node-webot - 11238
99965* 677. nette - 11183
6394678* 678. boot2docker - 11143
6539737* 679. boltdb - 11117
825710* 679. ckeditor - 11117
2754978* 681. showdownjs - 11105
130841* 682. magicalpanda - 11102
181731* 683. ether - 11089
3840027* 684. gollum - 11088
16260958* 685. howdyai - 11087
201120* 686. neo4j - 11071
10017763* 687. watson-developer-cloud - 11056
23900* 688. box - 11050
7096097* 689. go-martini - 11040
22388* 690. rspec - 10975
6530429* 691. BoltsFramework - 10943
26924* 692. ribot - 10932
4064333* 693. fullstackio - 10908
2545424* 693. citusdata - 10908
870325* 695. Kozea - 10801
177071* 696. path - 10756
450574* 697. haskell - 10728
4845* 698. vigetlabs - 10722
838470* 699. Famous - 10626
6181431* 700. trello - 10625
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
GitHub]] - username
]] -
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…678910›
153393* 701. erlang - 10587
1694332* 702. CodeSeven - 10538
903233* 703. RestKit - 10537
23237270* 704. vim-syntastic - 10496
6916052* 705. RisingStack - 10480
15525835* 706. alcatraz - 10474
1783325* 707. SFTtech - 10464
2293386* 708. dollarshaveclub - 10458
5554805* 709. octobercms - 10456
1455983* 710. cnodejs - 10436
12559275* 711. nightwatchjs - 10435
366329* 712. rtfd - 10374
3409784* 713. peers - 10373
41836* 714. memcached - 10343
10406525* 715. exyte - 10337
124114* 716. nltk - 10329
5853271* 717. fantasyland - 10276
1851072* 718. sparklemotion - 10273
2820360* 719. rails-api - 10250
17707180* 720. CRYTEK - 10232
5896442* 721. openalpr - 10206
1355851* 722. tildeio - 10188
6948699* 723. restify - 10174
1277442* 724. badoo - 10167
6905422* 725. taigaio - 10143
317769* 726. vimeo - 10128
6574276* 727. tmuxinator - 10115
119815* 728. tinymce - 10109
3863375* 729. knockout - 10091
12516362* 730. purifycss - 10045
26257999* 731. reactide - 9957
6532064* 732. wkhtmltopdf - 9956
5856852* 733. bytedeco - 9916
1066228* 734. mozilla-services - 9899
25417692* 735. jquery-validation - 9896
4201559* 736. reactor - 9883
4052902* 737. youtube - 9861
6556677* 738. purescript - 9858
2226336* 739. whatwg - 9852
7106853* 740. wbkd - 9841
739346* 741. sdelements - 9838
1335450* 742. jshint - 9814
1005344* 742. NaturalNode - 9814
996163* 744. sockjs - 9800
802850* 745. bestiejs - 9750
38181* 746. yui - 9748
252187* 747. mathjax - 9694
240579* 747. openlayers - 9694
739550* 749. pusher - 9642
1905708* 750. webcomponents - 9640
2273169* 751. marionettejs - 9634
12516453* 752. lambci - 9617
5588942* 753. coursera-dl - 9608
4161866* 754. spring-guides - 9589
3458585* 755. mesosphere - 9551
637362* 756. cdnjs - 9527
3179841* 757. edx - 9497
8107370* 758. mail-in-a-box - 9490
11877067* 759. pockethub - 9476
44635* 760. enormego - 9469
4552937* 761. umano - 9432
970517* 762. Theano - 9394
156122* 763. zurb - 9390
811025* 764. chocolatey - 9386
3834775* 765. HabitRPG - 9383
5371471* 766. real-logic - 9332
29154831* 767. terraform-providers - 9321
4798539* 768. dingo - 9316
1007353* 769. openhab - 9301
23465623* 770. teamcapybara - 9295
8892709* 771. FineUploader - 9281
342708* 772. duckduckgo - 9264
8629072* 773. nginxinc - 9239
409046* 774. OpenRA - 9216
611946* 775. dataarts - 9203
7963086* 776. yuantiku - 9197
10783260* 777. git-up - 9180
17015390* 778. Rochester-NRT - 9119
3137042* 779. asciidoctor - 9108
3193273* 780. thinkgem - 9103
1201438* 781. eleme - 9091
1039191* 782. numenta - 9082
142866* 783. openframeworks - 9071
1416818* 784. bloomberg - 9063
13482715* 785. react-toolbox - 9051
5972822* 786. OnsenUI - 8998
539149* 787. seajs - 8976
3982589* 788. carrierwaveuploader - 8950
931666* 789. SignalR - 8936
997547* 790. squizlabs - 8929
1166740* 791. ninenines - 8918
6444095* 792. ctfs - 8898
621479* 793. Raizlabs - 8888
9966497* 794. c3js - 8878
6570253* 795. sinonjs - 8863
3423892* 796. tutsplus - 8793
26053* 797. pinax - 8785
46663677* 798. CopyTranslator - 8773
4103663* 799. apidoc - 8723
6437711* 800. Laverna - 8722
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
GitHub]] - username
]] -
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…78910›
6625430* 801. babun - 8716
5951504* 802. activerecord-hackery - 8701
6288429* 803. es-shims - 8700
1714806* 804. graphite-project - 8697
2185347* 805. emmetio - 8656
483032* 806. Blizzard - 8655
87549* 807. Kitware - 8653
1436571* 808. almende - 8642
10050576* 809. TTTAttributedLabel - 8618
4538374* 810. OpenHFT - 8612
86724* 810. processone - 8612
6660518* 812. leancloud - 8585
5822954* 813. breach - 8582
435893* 814. medialize - 8576
1515293* 815. chaijs - 8564
10171267* 816. phpredis - 8553
6117407* 817. deis - 8539
568561* 818. telerik - 8532
32504* 819. typekit - 8528
1306301* 820. wordpress-mobile - 8527
229272* 821. mesos - 8519
1666512* 822. jOOQ - 8490
13644940* 823. relax - 8479
575509* 824. brunch - 8473
684879* 825. SublimeText - 8463
8088857* 826. deployphp - 8456
46839968* 827. ajv-validator - 8451
131436* 828. liferay - 8436
11145783* 829. gitbucket - 8429
74874* 830. novoda - 8381
1280427* 831. prolificinteractive - 8349
768298* 832. walmartlabs - 8305
21021* 833. soundcloud - 8295
5374816* 834. mailpile - 8270
6634779* 835. TelescopeJS - 8256
3916448* 836. weibocom - 8220
3287699* 837. mindmup - 8211
811839* 838. freebsd - 8198
644666* 839. humanmade - 8195
1607867* 840. fontello - 8194
4973613* 841. flynn - 8174
382513* 842. oreillymedia - 8168
260832* 843. sympy - 8166
765924* 844. clips - 8162
6597567* 845. delight-im - 8158
39440079* 846. polybar - 8154
1755200* 847. SublimeLinter - 8151
6918711* 848. thumbor - 8120
451998* 849. mopidy - 8102
399923* 849. mailru - 8102
6283184* 851. poole - 8098
719423* 852. Sylius - 8090
55277* 853. seattlerb - 8074
5920385* 854. Mango - 8053
1165674* 855. editorconfig - 8044
1449402* 856. Grouper - 8026
1476001* 857. snowplow - 7960
890883* 858. AutoMapper - 7950
452227* 859. Pylons - 7916
1280820* 860. middleman - 7914
313412* 861. synergy - 7911
76794* 862. carlhuda - 7868
5637951* 863. kaminari - 7864
7298259* 864. mailcheck - 7816
1799254* 865. CartoDB - 7789
923954* 866. Medium - 7782
5656948* 867. crossbario - 7762
2538880* 868. OpenRefine - 7758
5706008* 869. WP-API - 7739
216758* 870. mailchimp - 7735
59947262* 871. gofiber - 7695
1264292* 872. puma - 7675
513914* 873. Supervisor - 7667
7145512* 874. sitepoint-editors - 7664
2120271* 875. EFForg - 7647
5795842* 876. codecombat - 7621
1544687* 877. nearform - 7604
589896* 878. shutterstock - 7537
455573* 879. Compass - 7528
20970352* 880. susiai - 7524
8051311* 881. baidu-research - 7509
5743792* 882. Squirrel - 7499
1882739* 883. puniverse - 7492
706659* 884. NancyFx - 7479
1697871* 885. yixia - 7423
1057779* 886. restsharp - 7367
373359* 887. overtone - 7355
3001554* 888. casperjs - 7348
31739* 889. newrelic - 7347
5068817* 890. draios - 7327
573369* 891. datastax - 7270
3210273* 892. lotus - 7266
4772066* 893. Mono-Game - 7252
6378965* 894. dc-js - 7237
9205331* 895. XVimProject - 7211
5832191* 896. Bearded-Hen - 7206
1019799* 897. bottlepy - 7181
774501* 898. tweepy - 7167
119195* 899. cookpad - 7153
293390* 900. novus - 7151
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Gitstar]] - Ranking
GitHub]] - username
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Organizations]] - Ranking‹…8910
2043741* 901. WhiteHouse - 7086
1687071* 902. component - 7084
3840103* 903. silexphp - 7070
5191791* 904. IronSummitMedia - 7033
93383* 905. documentcloud - 7012
6538127* 906. morrisjs - 6972
4271779* 907. flightjs - 6969
1513699* 908. arachnys - 6945
636956* 909. couchbaselabs - 6931
855409* 910. aol - 6898
6538164* 911. beautify-web - 6890
2914501* 912. zeroclipboard - 6851
5633297* 913. prerender - 6831
8600207* 914. Haneke - 6829
845682* 915. pry - 6824
317822* 916. newsapps - 6801
5080083* 917. clojure-emacs - 6795
5009699* 918. shipyard - 6765
4009461* 919. codemix - 6762
8876849* 920. ternjs - 6757
178109* 921. lisa-lab - 6717
7521168* 922. sdc-alibaba - 6680
4327788* 923. googleanalytics - 6670
3170032* 924. slim-template - 6631
6843823* 925. Ranks - 6617
354431* 926. Respect - 6572
297109* 927. pubnub - 6561
1701896* 928. devbridge - 6546
760920* 929. ducksboard - 6543
1139021* 930. umdjs - 6531
4341694* 931. json-api - 6464
1891151* 932. Quartz - 6455
5165264* 933. baconjs - 6418
546817* 934. tictail - 6388
10262982* 935. ember-cli - 6373
5056162* 936. NodeOS - 6369
7853871* 937. iron - 6368
7514530* 938. CatchChat - 6359
2273743* 939. bup - 6308
82188* 940. appcelerator - 6306
8118621* 941. openexchangerates - 6304
3971054* 942. at-import - 6285
1292091* 943. celluloid - 6259
1441591* 944. substance - 6253
337792* 945. codeforamerica - 6212
2589612* 946. rvm - 6166
1648901* 947. sensu - 6150
1288753* 948. Codeception - 6149
204174* 949. LearnBoost - 6144
2942220* 950. derbyjs - 6137
4751469* 951. ractivejs - 6126
422511* 952. applidium - 6120
3617830* 953. chef-cookbooks - 6112
5933884* 954. Freeboard - 6111
2279752* 955. angular-app - 6085
7938261* 956. peco - 6049
55687* 957. jruby - 6026
7479094* 958. sandstorm-io - 5995
5149602* 958. kif-framework - 5995
230455* 960. bignerdranch - 5978
119816* 961. moxiecode - 5954
1073038* 962. Prismatic - 5950
4733935* 963. pattern-lab - 5942
8847821* 964. typelift - 5908
584619* 965. flot - 5904
2684793* 966. lampepfl - 5821
2613464* 967. lostisland - 5797
8018201* 968. jscs-dev - 5777
26682* 969. webpy - 5772
6485454* 970. Aerolab - 5767
5619358* 971. voicerepublic - 5702
6628942* 972. popcorn-time - 5680
7591891* 973. slap-editor - 5638
6775062* 974. tools - 5628
1648421* 975. ExactTarget - 5619
721218* 976. TeehanLax - 5605
842643* 977. opal - 5582
9145684* 978. dangdangdotcom - 5526
1928136* 979. bitstadium - 5525
7972753* 980. fastos - 5516
6206206* 981. jquery-ui-bootstrap - 5504
7762645* 982. 720kb - 5464
6232122* 983. meanjs - 5452
7361743* 984. north - 5443
1801942* 985. prose - 5428
794713* 986. amdjs - 5409
1325418* 987. thinkaurelius - 5401
9535064* 988. USArmyResearchLab - 5375
8474454* 989. componentjs - 5362
55873* 990. madebymany - 5360
790629* 991. gocardless - 5358
2718604* 992. topcoat - 5355
1775300* 993. 500px - 5346
6110462* 994. CanvasPod - 5344
1800808* 995. boxen - 5341
341162* 996. thinkpixellab - 5333
1331033* 997. ruby-china - 5293
317745* 998. disqus - 5291
5041734* 999. yapstudios - 5270
1043054* 1000. deployd - 5178
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Released]] - by]] - @k0kubun]] - in]] - December]] - 2014. Fork - me]] - on]] - GitHub.

Fair - Use]]]] - Source:]] - https://gitstar-ranking. com/organizations?page=1]] - as]] - of]] - August]] - 21,]] - 2020



