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Glossary of Scala Programming Language Terms

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#redirect Glossary of Scala Programming Language Terms

* Glossary of Scala Programming Language
* Glossary of Scala
* Glossary of Scala Terms
* Scala Programming Language Terms
* Scala Programming Language Term
* Scala Language Terms
* Scala Language Term
* Scala Programming Terms
* Scala Programming Term
* Scala Terms
* Scala Term
* Scala Glossary
* Scala Programming Language Glossary
* Scala Terms Glossary
* Scala Term Glossary

* Glossary of Scala Programming Language Terms

Scala Glossary

GLOSSARY Programming in Scala 3 5th Edit - ! Martin Odersky.txt

* algebraic data type - A type defined by providing several alternatives, each of which comes with its own constructor. It usually comes with a way to decompose the type through pattern matching. The concept is found in specification languages and functional programming languages. Algebraic data types can be emulated in Scala with case classes.

* alternative A branch of a match expression. It has the form "case pattern => expression." Another name for alternative is case.

* annotation An annotation appears in source code and is attached to some part of the syntax. Annotations are computer processable, so you can use them to effectively add an extension to Scala.

* anonymous class An anonymous class is a synthetic subclass generated by the Scala compiler from a new expression in which the class or trait name is followed by curly braces. The curly braces contains the body of the anonymous subclass, which may be empty. However, if the name following new refers to a trait or class that contains abstract members, these must be made concrete inside the curly braces that define the body of the anonymous subclass.

* anonymous function Another name for function literal.

* apply You can apply a method, function, or closure to arguments, which means you invoke it on those arguments.

* argument When a function is invoked]], an argument is passed for each parameter of that function. The parameter is the variable that refers to the argument. The argument is the object passed at invocation time. In addition, applications can take (command line) arguments that show up in the ArrayString passed to main methods of singleton objects.

* assign You can assign an object to a variable. Afterwards, the variable will refer to the object.

* auxiliary constructor Extra constructors defined inside the curly braces of the class definition, which look like method definitions named this, but with no result type.