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Implemented in the Go Programming Language

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Some notable open-source software|open-source applications written in Go include:{{Citation|title=avelino/awesome-go: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software|url=|access-date=January 10, 2018}}

* Caddy (web server)|Caddy, an open source HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS capability
* CockroachDB, an open source, survivable, strongly consistent, scale-out SQL database
* Consul (software)|Consul, a software for DNS-based service discovery and providing distributed Key-value storage, segmentation and configuration.
* Docker (software)|Docker, a set of tools for deploying Linux containers
* EdgeX Foundry|EdgeX, a vendor-neutral open-source platform hosted by the Linux Foundation, providing a common framework for IIOT|industrial IoT edge computing{{Cite web|title=EdgeX Foundry Project|url=|access-date=2021-02-06|website=GitHub|language=en}}
* Hugo (software)|Hugo, a static site generator
* InfluxDB, an open source database specifically to handle time series data with high availability and high performance requirements
* InterPlanetary File System, a content-addressable, peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol{{Cite web|url=|title=ipfs/go-ipfs|website=GitHub|language=en|access-date=June 1, 2018}}
* Juju (software)|Juju, a service orchestration tool by Canonical Ltd.|Canonical, packagers of Ubuntu (operating system)|Ubuntu Linux
* Kubernetes container management system
* lnd, an implementation of the Bitcoin Lightning Network{{Citation|title=lightningnetwork/lnd|url=|website=GitHub|access-date=April 29, 2020}}
* Mattermost, a teamchat system
* NATS Messaging, an open-source messaging system featuring the core design principles of performance, scalability, and ease of use{{Cite web | url= | title=NATS - Open Source Messaging System {{pipe}} Secure, Native Cloud Application Development}}
* OpenShift, a cloud computing platform as a service by Red Hat
* Rclone, a command line program to manage files on cloud storage and other high latency services
* Snappy (package manager)|Snappy, a package manager for Ubuntu Touch developed by Canonical
* Syncthing, an open-source file synchronization client/server application
* Terraform (software)|Terraform, an open-source, multiple Cloud computing|cloud infrastructure provisioning tool from HashiCorp
* TiDB, an open-source, distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol from PingCAP
Other notable companies and sites using Go (generally together with other languages, not exclusively) include:

* Cacoo (software)|Cacoo, for their rendering of the user dashboard page and microservice using Go and gRPC{{Cite news|url=|title=Test driven development in Go {{!}} Cacoo|date=July 29, 2016|work=Cacoo|access-date=June 1, 2018|language=en-US}}
* Chango (company)|Chango, a programmatic advertising company uses Go in its real-time bidding systems{{cite web |url= |title=Chango |work=GitHub}}
* Cloud Foundry, a platform as a service{{Cite web|url=|title=Review: Cloud Foundry brings power and polish to PaaS|last=Heller|first=Martin|date=2014-07-17|website=JavaWorld|language=en|access-date=2019-01-22}}
* Cloudflare, for their delta-coding proxy Railgun, their distributed DNS service, as well as tools for cryptography, logging, stream processing, and accessing SPDY sites{{cite web|last=Graham-Cumming|first=John|url=|title=Go at CloudFlare|date=July 3, 2012}}{{cite web|last=Graham-Cumming|first=John|url=|title=What we've been doing with Go|date=November 11, 2013}}
* Container Linux (formerly CoreOS), a Linux-based operating system that uses Docker (software)|Docker containers{{cite web |url= |title=Go at CoreOS|date=November 25, 2014}} and rkt (software)|rkt containers
* Couchbase, Query and Indexing services within the Couchbase Server{{cite web |url= |title=Couchbase |work=GitHub}}
* Dropbox (service)|Dropbox, who migrated some of their critical components from Python to Go{{cite web|last=Lee|first=Patrick|url=|title=Open Sourcing Our Go Libraries|date=July 7, 2014}}
* Ethereum, The go-ethereum implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine blockchain for the Ether cryptocurrency{{Cite web|date=April 18, 2020|title=Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol|url=|website=GitHub|publisher=ethereum}}
* GitLab|Gitlab, a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-Repository (version control)|repository, wiki, Issue tracking system|issue-tracking, continuous integration, Continuous deployment|deployment pipeline features{{Cite web|last=|first=|date=|title=Why we use Ruby on Rails to build GitLab|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=2021-02-06|website=GitLab|language=en|quote=Ruby was optimized for the developer, not for running it in production," says Sid. "For the things that get hit a lot and have to be very performant or that, for example, have to wait very long on a system IO, we rewrite those in Go ... We are still trying to make GitLab use less memory. So, we'll need to enable multithreading. When we developed GitLab that was not common in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem. Now it's more common, but because we now have so much code and so many dependencies, it's going to be a longer path for us to get there. That should help; it won't make it blazingly fast, but at least it will use less memory}}
* Google, for many projects, notably including download server{{cite web |url= | Powered by Go |}}{{cite web|last=Welsh|first=Matt|url=|title=Rewriting a Large Production System in Go|date=August 18, 2013}}{{cite web|last=Symonds|first=David|url=|title=High Performance Apps on Google App Engine}}
* Heroku, for Doozer, a lock service{{r|boldly}}
* Hyperledger Fabric, an open source, enterprise-focused distributed ledger project
* MongoDB, tools for administering MongoDB instances{{cite web |url= |title=Mongo DB |work=GitHub|date=April 18, 2020 }}
* Netflix, for two portions of their server architecture{{cite web |url= |title=The Netflix Tech Blog: Application data caching using SSDs|date=May 25, 2016}}
* Nutanix, for a variety of micro-services in its Enterprise Cloud OS{{cite web|url=|title=golang/go|website=GitHub|date=April 18, 2020}}
*, an interactive online social music streaming website{{cite web |url= |title=Search & Advances |last=Sacks |first=Steven | tech blog |access-date=June 10, 2015 |archive-url= |archive-date=June 11, 2015 |url-status=dead }}
* SendGrid, a Boulder, Colorado-based transactional email delivery and management service.{{cite web |url= |title=How to Convince Your Company to Go With Golang |last=Jenkins |first=Tim |work=SendGrid's Email Deliverability Blog|date=March 6, 2014 }}
* SoundCloud, for "dozens of systems"{{cite web|last=Bourgon|first=Peter|url=|title=Go at SoundCloud|archive-url=|archive-date=November 11, 2013}}
* Splice (platform)|Splice, for the entire backend (API and parsers) of their online music collaboration platform{{cite web |url= |title=Go at Google I/O and Gopher SummerFest - The Go Blog |}}
* ThoughtWorks, some tools and applications for continuous delivery and instant messages (CoyIM){{cite web |url= |title=CoyIM |author=TWSTRIKE |work=ThoughtWorks STRIKE team|date=April 17, 2020 }}
* Twitch (service)|Twitch, for their IRC-based chat system (migrated from Python){{cite web|last=Hiltner|first=Rhys|url=|title=Go's march to low-latency GC|date=July 5, 2016}}
* Uber, for handling high volumes of Geo-fence|geofence-based queries{{cite web
|title=How We Built Uber Engineering's Highest Query per Second Service Using Go
|work=Uber Engineering Blog
|date=February 24, 2016
|access-date=March 2, 2016

See also [ related query to Wikidata].

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