Inner Air (

The term inner air or lung (Skt. prāṇa; Tib. རླུང་, Wyl. rlung), refers to the 'wind-energies' or 'psychic winds' that travel through the subtle channels or tsa of the body's psycho-physical system, as outlined in the Tibetan Buddhist tantra|tantras.

There are five root winds|five root and five branch winds. The winds that flow through all the channels except the central one are said to be impure and activate negative, dualistic thought patterns; the winds in the central channel are called "wisdom winds".

The Five Root or Major Winds

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The Five Branch Winds

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Lung 'Disorder'

The type of lung that is associated with what is colloquially called 'lung disease' or 'lung disorder' is the 'upward-moving lung' or gyengyu, one of the five types of root wind.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche teaches that this lung ideally resides four finger-widths below the navel, but travels upwards into the chest and brain when agitated.

Teachings on Lung 'Disorder'

*Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 26 July, 2007
*Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 20 July, 2008


Category:Psycho-physical System