Jaeger Page


Jaeger is an open-source, end-to-end distributed tracing system that helps you monitor and troubleshoot transactions in complex, microservices-based architectures, particularly within the Kubernetes ecosystem. It allows you to trace the flow of requests as they traverse multiple services, providing insights into latency, dependencies, and potential bottlenecks.

Key Features

* **Distributed Tracing:** Jaeger collects and visualizes traces, representing the path of a request through a distributed system. This enables you to identify performance issues, locate errors, and understand the interactions between different services.
* **OpenTelemetry Integration:** Jaeger seamlessly integrates with OpenTelemetry, a vendor-neutral observability framework, allowing you to instrument your applications with OpenTelemetry APIs and send trace data to Jaeger for analysis.
* **Backend Storage Options:** Jaeger supports multiple storage backends, including in-memory storage for development and testing, and persistent storage options like Elasticsearch, Cassandra, and Kafka for production environments.
* **Sampling Strategies:** To efficiently handle large volumes of trace data, Jaeger provides various sampling strategies, allowing you to collect a representative sample of traces while minimizing overhead.
* **Visualization and Analysis:** The Jaeger UI provides a powerful interface for visualizing and analyzing traces, enabling you to explore individual traces, identify critical paths, and pinpoint performance bottlenecks.


* **Improved Observability:** Jaeger gives you deep visibility into the behavior of your microservices architecture, helping you understand how requests flow through your system and identify areas for improvement.
* **Faster Troubleshooting:** By tracing requests across multiple services, Jaeger allows you to quickly locate the root cause of errors and performance issues.
* **Optimized Performance:** Jaeger's insights into latency and dependencies can help you identify bottlenecks and optimize the performance of your applications.
* **Integration with Kubernetes:** Jaeger's native support for Kubernetes and its integration with OpenTelemetry make it a natural fit for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices deployed in Kubernetes clusters.

Code Examples

While Jaeger primarily operates at the infrastructure level, you typically need to instrument your application code to generate trace data. Here's a simplified example of how to create a trace span using OpenTelemetry in Java:

import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer;
import io.opentelemetry.context.Scope;

// ... (Obtain a Tracer instance from your OpenTelemetry SDK)

Tracer tracer = ...;

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my-operation").startSpan();
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
// Your application logic here...
} finally {

In this example, a new trace span named "my-operation" is created using the OpenTelemetry Tracer. The `makeCurrent()` method sets the span as the active span for the current context, allowing subsequent instrumentation calls to be associated with this span. Finally, the `end()` method marks the completion of the span.

Additional Resources

* **Jaeger Official Website:** [https://www.jaegertracing.io/](https://www.jaegertracing.io/)
* **Jaeger GitHub Repository:** [https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger)
* **OpenTelemetry:** [https://opentelemetry.io/](https://opentelemetry.io/)