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* A/B testing, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough
* Accelerate (Forsgren, Humble, and Kim), Foreword
* “Accelerate: State of DevOps” (DORA), State of the Industry
* Actuator (Spring Boot), Setting Up Health Checks, Monitoring-Monitoring
* acyclic dependencies principle (ADP), Antipatterns
* add (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* Agile
* agile infrastructure and DevOps, Foreword
* development cycle, What Does It Do?
* security and, Shift Security - Left-Shift Security Left
* code reviews, Methods of Evaluation
* OWASP Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* scheduling affected, Effects on Scheduling
* AI in RASP, Runtime Application Self-Protection
* alerts, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* Allspaw, John, Foreword
* Amazon Web Services (AWS)
* AWS Device Farm, AWS device farm-AWS device farm
* cloud computing provider, Cloud Computing
* FaaS setup example, Setting Up-Setting Up
* AWS account, Setting Up
* AWS CLI, Setting Up
* AWS Lambda Developer Guide, Setting Up
* AWS SAM CLI, Setting Up
* Linux executables, Setting Up
* Android device fragmentation
* about, Android Device Fragmentation
* hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* screen size disparity, Building for Disparate Screens-Building for Disparate Screens
* Apache Ant, Build with Apache Ant-Build with Apache Ant
* build files, Build with Apache Ant-Build with Apache Ant
* Maven POM file for, Build with Apache Maven
* documentation, Build with Apache Ant
* terminology, Build with Apache Ant
* Apache Groovy, Micronaut, Build with Gradle
* Gradle build file, Capturing Metadata, Writing the Metadata, Dependency Management with Gradle
* Apache JMeter, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* Apache Log4j, Logging
* Apache Maven, Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* archetype for FaaS setup, Setting Up
* artifact publication
* about, Artifact Publication
* Maven Central, Package Management, Artifact Publication, Publishing to Maven Central-Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Central rules guide, Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Local, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Local
* dependency management, Dependency Management with Apache Maven-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* about the dragons, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle
* artifact publication, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Central
* documentation online, Build with Apache Maven
* Maven in 5 Minutes guide, Build with Apache Maven
* Fabric8 plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* Git plug-ins, Capturing Metadata
* Jib for building container images, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* metadata
* capturing, Capturing Metadata-Capturing Metadata
* writing, Writing the Metadata-Writing the Metadata
* migrating to Gradle, Build with Gradle
* POM file, Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* Ant build file from, Build with Apache Maven
* dependency metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* Eclipse JKube plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* terminology, Build with Apache Maven
* Apache Subversion, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* API gateways, Antipatterns
* weighted routing support, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* APIs
* Android device fragmentation, Android Device Fragmentation
* hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* API gateways, Antipatterns
* API versioning antipattern, Antipatterns
* Device Farmer Android library, Building a Device Farm
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks
* Kubernetes API, Deploying to Kubernetes
* user authentication for, Local Setup for Deployment
* microservice interaction, Microservices
* reusing flag from deprecated function, Case Study: Knight Capital
* App Store case study, Case Study: iOS App Store
* application-level Equifax security breach, Equifax security breach
* Atlassian Sourcetree Git client, Git Clients
* attack surface
* bad user stories depicting, The Attacker’s Point of View
* code reviews, Methods of Evaluation
* OWASP Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* minimal base images, Keep Your Images Small, Dependency Management Basics for Containers, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* OWASP Cheat Sheet on, Methods of Evaluation
* attacker’s point of view, The Attacker’s Point of View
* Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* attributes in tracing, Tracing
* attribution in source code management, The System of Truth
* availability, High Availability and Geographic Distribution-High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* AWS CLI for FaaS setup, Setting Up
* AWS Lambda Developer Guide, Setting Up
* AWS Device Farm, AWS device farm-AWS device farm
* AWS Lambda
* Developer Guide link, Setting Up
* FaaS setup example, Setting Up-Setting Up
* AWS account, Setting Up
* AWS CLI, Setting Up
* AWS SAM CLI, Setting Up
* Linux executables, Setting Up
* AWS SAM CLI for FaaS setup, Setting Up


* bad user stories, The Attacker’s Point of View
* Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* baggage items in tracing, Tracing
* base image, Intro to Container Anatomy
* * use trusted base images, Use Trusted Base Images
* Beck, Kent, Adopt Continuous Integration
* Berners-Lee, Tim, Case Study: iOS App Store
* bill of materials (BOM) dependencies, [[Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* library]], Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* stack, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* blue/green deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy-Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* BlueJ IDE, Git IDE Integration
* book repository on GitHub, Using Code Examples, Making Your First Pull Request
* pull request, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* branch (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* workflow practices, Git Collaboration Patterns
* trunk-based development, Trunk-Based Development
* Bryant, Daniel, Foreword
* build continuously, Continuously Build
* build stage of mobile workflow, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* build tools
* continuous integration
* about evaluating, Declaratively Script Your Build
* Apache Ant, Build with Apache Ant - Build with Ant
* Apache Maven, Build with Apache Maven - Build with Maven
* Gradle, Build with Gradle
* metadata packaging, Metadata Considerations
* Buildah, Building and Pushing Container Images with Buildah


* canary deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy, 2013 * Cloudflare router rule outage
* Cloudflare case study, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* case studies
* Cloudflare uptime, Case Study: Cloudflare - 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* iOS App Store, Case Study: iOS App Store
* Java release cadence, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence - Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* Knight Capital manual deployment, Case Study: Knight Capital
* Chacon, Scott, GitHub Flow
* chipset vulnerabilities, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* chroot (Unix), The History of Containers
* CI (continuous integration)
* CI/CD (continuous integration and deployment)
* automated quality checks, Milestones for Quality, Methods of Evaluation
* microservices requiring, DevOps and Microservices
* version control services, Choosing Your Source Control
* circular service relationships, Antipatterns
* Clean Code (Martin), Not All Clean Code Is Secure Code
* clean code versus secure code, Not All Clean Code Is Secure Code
* clone (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* cloud computing
* about, Cloud Computing, Hybrid and MultiCloud Architectures
* growth of, Cloud Computing
* businesses expect continual updates, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates
* cloud services, Cloud Computing
* hybrid cloud, Hybrid and MultiCloud Architectures
* multicloud, Hybrid and MultiCloud Architectures
* Spectre vulnerability, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), The History of Containers, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime, Tracing, Tracing
* cloud testing of mobile devices, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* AWS Device Farm, AWS device farm-AWS device farm
* Google Firebase Test Lab, Google Firebase Test Lab
* Microsoft Visual Studio App Center, Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* strategy for device testing, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* Cloudflare case study, Case Study: Cloudflare
* 2013 router rule outage, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage
* 2019 bad regex outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* 2020 backbone outage, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* clusters
* definition, Local Setup for Deployment
* development namespaces in remote clusters, Local Setup for Deployment
* kubelet definition, Local Setup for Deployment
* Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes
* development clusters, Local Setup for Deployment
* workloads, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* adjusting resource quotas, Adjusting Resource Quotas-Adjusting Resource Quotas
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* collaboration
* about DevOps, The Software Industry Has Fully Embraced DevOps, We All Got the Message
* continuous integration for, Continuous Integration
* contributions versus commits or check-ins, Continuously Build
* DevOps implementation, Making It Manifest
* devs important too, We All Got the Message
* T-shaped people, Making It Manifest
* Dockerfiles at repository root, Building and Pushing Container Images
* Git distributed version control system, Choosing Your Source Control
* commands, Git Command-Line Basics
* pull request exercise, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* workflows, Git Collaboration Patterns-Trunk-Based Development
* source code management, The System of Truth, Three Generations of Source Code Management-Three Generations of Source Code Management
* commit (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
* about, The Common Vulnerability Scoring System
* basic metrics, CVSS Basic Metrics
* environmental metrics, CVSS Environmental Metrics
* implementation, CVSS in Practice
* temporal metrics, CVSS Temporal Metrics
* communication (see collaboration)
* compile dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* compliance issues, Compliance issues
* vulnerabilities versus, Compliance Versus Vulnerabilities
* concurrent development (see continuous integration)
* Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Three Generations of Source Code Management
* configuration needing review, testing, canary deployment, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* configuration of dependencies (Gradle), Dependency Management with Gradle
* scopes of dependencies in Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* container images
* about, Intro to Container Anatomy, Docker on Your Machine
* definition, Intro to Container Anatomy
* terminology, Intro to Container Anatomy-Intro to Container Anatomy
* base image, Intro to Container Anatomy
* use trusted base images, Use Trusted Base Images
* best practices
* beware of external resources, Beware of External Resources
* keep images small, Keep Your Images Small
* know your outputs, Know Your Outputs
* package versions and updates, Specify Package Versions and Keep Up with Updates
* protect your secrets, Protect Your Secrets
* respect context and .dockerignore, Respect the Docker Context and .dockerignore File
* use trusted base images, Use Trusted Base Images
* building and pushing
* about, Building and Pushing Container Images
* Eclipse JKube, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* Jib to manage, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* dependency management, Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* Dockerfile, Intro to Container Anatomy
* history of containers, The History of Containers
* layers, Image and Container Layers-Leveraging layer cache
* leveraging layer cache, Leveraging layer cache
* visualization tool, Visualizing layers
* minimal image size, Keep Your Images Small, Dependency Management Basics for Containers, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* parent image, Intro to Container Anatomy
* pulling a Docker image, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* version management, Basic Tagging and Image Version Management-Basic Tagging and Image Version Management
* container registry, Intro to Container Anatomy
* Container Runtime Interface (CRI), The History of Containers
* kubelet dockershim module, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* containerd, The History of Containers, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* containers
* about, An Introduction to Containers, Why Containers?, Docker on Your Machine
* definition, Intro to Container Anatomy
* deployment independence, Deploying to Kubernetes
* terminology, Intro to Container Anatomy-Intro to Container Anatomy
* virtual machines versus, Why Containers?
* anatomy of, Intro to Container Anatomy
* Docker architecture, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Docker installation information, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* image version management, Basic Tagging and Image Version Management-Basic Tagging and Image Version Management
* dependency management, Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* deployment, An Introduction to Containers, The History of Containers
* removing unused containers, Docker on Your Machine
* Kubernetes overview, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* layers, Image and Container Layers-Leveraging layer cache
* leveraging layer cache, Leveraging layer cache
* visualization tool, Visualizing layers
* listing, Docker on Your Machine
* problem to be solved, Understanding the Problem
* history of containers, The History of Containers-The History of Containers
* why containers, Why Containers?
* removing unused containers, Docker on Your Machine
* resource limit specification, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* self-healing of Kubernetes, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* content delivery network (CDN) case study, Case Study: Cloudflare-2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* context in Kubernetes, Local Setup for Deployment
* context propagation in tracing, Tracing
* Continuous Delivery in Java (Bryant and Marín-Pérez), Foreword
* continuous deployment
* about, Continuous Deployment Patterns and Antipatterns
* best practices, Continuous Update Best Practices
* automated testing, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* automatic updates, Case Study: iOS App Store
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare-2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* frequent updates, Case Study: iOS App Store, Case Study: Knight Capital
* local rollbacks, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage
* observability, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* progressive delivery, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* state awareness, Case Study: Knight Capital
* getting users to update, Getting Users to Update
* case study: iOS App Store, Case Study: iOS App Store
* case study: Java, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence-Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* history of mobile device upgrades, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* manual update hidden costs, The Hidden Cost of Manual Updates
* case study: Knight Capital, Case Study: Knight Capital
* need for continuous updates, Mobile Workflows, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates-Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare-2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* software vulnerability financial disasters, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* chipset vulnerabilities, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* Equifax security breach, Equifax security breach
* steps for addressing vulnerability, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills
* UK hospital ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* user expectations
* app ecosystem, Mobile Workflows, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* consumers less technical, Mobile Workflows, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* new features added constantly, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates
* continuous integration (CI)
* about, Adopt Continuous Integration
* about need for, Continuous Integration, Adopt Continuous Integration
* benefits, Adopt Continuous Integration
* build script, Declaratively Script Your Build-Declaratively Script Your Build
* Android mobile, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* build lifecycle, Declaratively Script Your Build
* declarative, not imperative, Declaratively Script Your Build
* specifications required, Declaratively Script Your Build
* build tools
* about evaluating, Declaratively Script Your Build
* Apache Ant, Build with Apache Ant-Build with Apache Ant
* Apache Maven, Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* Gradle, Build with Gradle-Build with Gradle
* continuously build, Continuously Build
* CVSS value interrupting process, Public availability of the vulnerability
* example, Adopt Continuous Integration
* premise, Adopt Continuous Integration
* quality gate method implementation, Implementing Security with the Quality Gate Method
* automated quality checks, Milestones for Quality, Methods of Evaluation
* SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* tests automated, Automate Tests
* tests monitored and maintained, Monitor and Maintain Tests
* continuous integration and deployment (see CI/CD)
* continuous uptime, Continuous Uptime
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare
* 2013 router rule outage, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage
* 2019 bad regex outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* 2020 backbone outage, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* CoreOS rkt status, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Cornucopia card game (OWASP), Methods of Evaluation
* counters as metrics, Monitoring
* COVID-19 pandemic, Preface, More Than Ever Before
* CPU resource limit specification, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* CRI (see Container Runtime Interface)
* cri-o, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* CronJob (Kubernetes), Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* crun runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* CVSS value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* (see also Common Vulnerability Scoring System)
* cyberattack SolarWinds, Supply Chain Security Compromised


* DaemonSet (Kubernetes), Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* node-monitoring daemon, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* DAST (see dynamic application security testing)
* data
* driving demand for DevOps, Volume and Velocity
* Meltdown exploit, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* metadata
* about, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough
* capturing, Capturing Metadata-Capturing Metadata
* CVE value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* CVSS value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* dependency management, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* determining, Determining the Metadata
* insightful metadata, Key Attributes of Insightful Metadata
* issues to consider, Metadata Considerations
* published artifacts in repositories, Artifact Publication
* tracing to capture, Tracing
* writing, Writing the Metadata-Writing the Metadata
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* service privacy interdependency antipattern, Antipatterns
* databases
* containers matching version, Why Containers?
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* date format, Determining the Metadata
* Davidson, James Duncan, Build with Apache Ant
* Debois, Patrick, Foreword, Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook
* declarative approach, Declaratively Script Your Build
* definition of done (DoD), Milestones for Quality
* devs “done”, Just What Constitutes “Done”?, Done and Done
* site reliability engineering as, Done and Done
* Dekorate, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate-Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* resource limits, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* density-independent pixels (dp), Building for Disparate Screens
* dependencies
* acyclic dependencies principle, Antipatterns
* bill of materials, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* library, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* stack, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* configuration (Gradle), Dependency Management with Gradle
* container images, Intro to Container Anatomy
* containers, Why Containers?, Intro to Container Anatomy
* direct dependencies, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* management basics
* about, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle
* Apache Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* containers, Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* Gradle, Dependency Management with Gradle-Dependency Management with Gradle
* libraries, binaries, and artifacts, Package Management
* POM file metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* microservice antipatterns, Antipatterns
* module independence, Dissecting the Monolith
* packaging a Java application, Why Containers?
* repositories explained, Artifact Publication
* scopes (Maven), Dependency Management with Apache Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* source code management, The System of Truth
* Spring Initializr, Spring Boot
* deployment
* about, Deploying for Developers
* Android mobile workflow, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* building and pushing container images
* about, Building and Pushing Container Images
* Eclipse JKube, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* Jib to manage, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* containers, An Introduction to Containers, The History of Containers
* removing unused containers, Docker on Your Machine
* continuous deployment (see continuous deployment)
* high availability, High Availability and Geographic Distribution-High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* Kubernetes
* about, Deploying to Kubernetes, Local Setup for Deployment
* clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes, Local Setup for Deployment
* default RollingUpdate, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Dekorate for manifests, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate-Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* Eclipse JKube, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* local setup, Local Setup for Deployment
* strategies, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy-Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* strategy summary table, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* terminology, Local Setup for Deployment
* observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* logging, Logging
* monitoring, Monitoring-Monitoring
* tracing, Tracing
* SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* Deployment objects in Kubernetes
* blue/green strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy-Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* canary strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* definition, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* documentation online, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* Recreate strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* resource specifications, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* RollingUpdate strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* development using containers, Why Containers?
* device farm for mobile testing, Building a Device Farm-Building a Device Farm
* Device Farmer Android library, Building a Device Farm
* DevOps
* about, Foreword, DevOps for (or Possibly Against) Developers
* Agile and security mutually exclusive, Shift Security Left-Shift Security Left
* containers for deployment, Why Containers?
* demand for, More Than Ever Before
* evolving software industry, Done and Done
* volume and velocity, Volume and Velocity
* deployment, Deploying for Developers
* (see also deployment)
* DevSecOps, The Rise of DevSecOps
* implementing and sustaining, Making It Manifest
* every company, The Software Industry Has Fully Embraced DevOps
* T-shaped people, Making It Manifest
* invented by ops
* activities of DevOps, What Constitutes Work?
* The DevOps Handbook, Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook-Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook
* googling DevOps, Google It
* The Phoenix Project, Exhibit 1: The Phoenix Project
* state of the industry, State of the Industry, We All Got the Message
* what DevOps does, What Does It Do?-What Does It Do?
* (devs important too), We All Got the Message
* job of, If We’re Not About Deployment and Operations, Then Just What Is Our Job?, Fierce Urgency
* collaboration, The Software Industry Has Fully Embraced DevOps, We All Got the Message
* devs “done”, Just What Constitutes “Done”?, Done and Done
* lean to save money, Float Like a Butterfly…
* rivalry?, Rivalry?
* security, Integrity, Authentication, and Availability
* SRE bridging dev and ops, Done and Done
* microservices and, DevOps and Microservices
* “Accelerate: State of DevOps”, State of the Industry
* devs important too, We All Got the Message
* The DevOps Handbook (Kim), Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook-Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook
* DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA), State of the Industry
* DevSecOps, The Rise of DevSecOps
* quality gate method, Implementing Security with the Quality Gate Method
* direct dependencies, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* distributed tracing, Tracing
* tools for, Tracing
* distributed version control systems (DVCSs)
* about, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* Git as de facto standard, Three Generations of Source Code Management, Choosing Your Source Control-Choosing Your Source Control
* (see also Git)
* repository hierarchy, Git Command-Line Basics
* scaling well for large teams, Git Collaboration Patterns
* dive tool for layer visualization, Visualizing layers
* Docker
* about, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* building container images, Building and Pushing Container Images
* container runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* container runtime deprecated, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* container runtime explained, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* architecture, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* getting started guide link, Intro to Container Anatomy
* history of containers, The History of Containers
* container images pushed and pulled, The History of Containers
* containerd, The History of Containers
* installation information, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* Quarkus framework including, Quarkus
* Docker Desktop
* Docker architecture, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* installation information, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* Docker images, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* listing containers, Docker on Your Machine
* Kubernetes development cluster, Local Setup for Deployment
* Docker Hub, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Docker image pulled from, Basic Tagging and Image Version Management
* use trusted base images, Use Trusted Base Images
* Dockerfile
* about, Intro to Container Anatomy, Building and Pushing Container Images
* base image scratch, Intro to Container Anatomy
* beware of external resources, Beware of External Resources
* building container images, Building and Pushing Container Images
* dependency management for containers, Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* inherited project, Intro to Container Anatomy
* parent image, Intro to Container Anatomy
* .dockerignore file, Respect the Docker Context and .dockerignore File
* dockershim module (Kubernetes), Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Dockter, Hans, Build with Gradle
* DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment), State of the Industry
* DVCS (see distributed version control systems)
* dynamic application security testing (DAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing-Disadvantages of DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* static versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary


* Eclipse
* IDE with Git support, Git IDE Integration
* JKube, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* book code repository, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* Kubernetes deployment, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube-Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* MicroProfile Health Check, Setting Up Health Checks
* EGit, Git IDE Integration
* environment in container image, Intro to Container Anatomy
* Equifax security breach, Equifax security breach
* evil user stories, The Attacker’s Point of View
* Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* exercises (see tutorials)
* Extreme Programming (XP), Adopt Continuous Integration
* (see also continuous integration)


* FaaS (function as a service), Serverless-Setting Up
* about, Serverless
* setting up, Setting Up-Setting Up
* billing information, Setting Up
* execution role, Setting Up
* Fabric8 Maven plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* failure and high availability, High Availability and Geographic Distribution-High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* failure budget, The Role of SREs in Security
* fetch (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* file locking, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* distributed version control systems, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* filesystem
* container image definition, Intro to Container Anatomy, Docker on Your Machine
* Docker Desktop installation information, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* Docker images, Docker on Your Machine-Docker on Your Machine
* financial disasters
* oil spills, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills
* software vulnerabilities, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* chipset vulnerabilities, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* Equifax security breach, Equifax security breach
* Knight Capital manual deployment, Case Study: Knight Capital
* UK hospital ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* Firebase Test Lab (Google), Google Firebase Test Lab
* FireEye tools for cyberattacks, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* Flyway, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* fork (Git)
* book repository exercise, Making Your First Pull Request
* central repository model, Git Collaboration Patterns
* Forsgren, Nicole, Foreword
* Fowler, Martin, Adopt Continuous Integration, Adopt Continuous Integration
* full impact graph of security vulnerabilities, The Full Impact Graph
* function as a service (see FaaS)
* Fung, Kaiser, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough


* gauges as metrics, Monitoring
* geographically distributed applications, High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* Git
* central repository model, Git Command-Line Basics, Git Collaboration Patterns
* clients, Git Clients-Git Clients
* client-based tools, Git Tools
* list on website, Git Clients
* collaboration, Choosing Your Source Control
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* workflows, Git Collaboration Patterns-Trunk-Based Development
* command-line basics, Git Command-Line Basics-Git Command-Line Basics
* tutorial, Git Command-Line Tutorial
* commercial Git repositories, Choosing Your Source Control
* de facto standard DVCS, Three Generations of Source Code Management, Choosing Your Source Control-Choosing Your Source Control
* downloading, Choosing Your Source Control
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* IDE integration, Git IDE Integration-Git IDE Integration
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* installing, Git Command-Line Basics
* name and email for version control, Git Command-Line Tutorial
* pull request exercise, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* git-flow, git-flow-git-flow
* git-gui, Git Clients
* GitHub
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* UI for pull request, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* GitHub Desktop, Git Clients
* download link, Git Command-Line Basics
* GitHub Flow, GitHub Flow
* gitk, Git Clients
* GitKraken Client, Git Clients
* GitLab Flow, GitLab Flow
* Google
* Cloud Native Computing Foundation, The History of Containers
* containers, The History of Containers
* Container Runtime Interface, The History of Containers
* Kubernetes v1.0 released, The History of Containers
* Google Android Studio device adoption, Android OS Fragmentation
* Google Cloud, Cloud Computing
* Google Firebase Test Lab, Google Firebase Test Lab
* Google Play, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* GraalVM, Microservice Frameworks
* frameworks supporting, Microservice Frameworks
* Native Image, Microservice Frameworks
* Helidon, Helidon
* Java mode versus, Microservice Frameworks, Summary
* Micronaut, Micronaut
* platform-specific binaries, Microservice Frameworks
* Quarkus, Quarkus, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* requiring GraalVM, Microservice Frameworks
* Spring Boot framework, Spring Boot-Spring Boot
* Gradle, Build with Gradle-Build with Gradle
* Android mobile build scripts, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* build file, Build with Gradle
* build language reference online, Build with Gradle
* dependency management, Dependency Management with Gradle-Dependency Management with Gradle
* about, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle
* documentation online, Build with Gradle
* Eclipse JKube container image builder, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* Git plug-ins, Capturing Metadata
* Gradle Forums, Build with Gradle
* Jib for building container images, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* metadata
* capturing, Capturing Metadata
* POM file dependency metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* writing, Writing the Metadata
* migrating from Maven, Build with Gradle
* terminology, Build with Gradle
* Grafana, High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* Grails framework, Micronaut
* Grance, Tim, Cloud Computing
* granularity, Dissecting the Monolith
* Grune, Dick, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* GUI interface for Git
* git-gui client, Git Clients
* GitHub UI for pull request, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request


* Hammant, Paul, Trunk-Based Development
* Hammond, Paul, Foreword
* hardware vulnerabilities exploited, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* health checks for microservices, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* Kubernetes health probe documentation, Setting Up Health Checks
* Helidon, Helidon-Helidon
* about implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* Java versus GraalVM Native Image, Microservice Frameworks
* GraalVM Native Image mode, Helidon
*, Helidon
*, Helidon
* java interpreter, Helidon
* MicroProfile Starter site, Helidon
* MP MicroProfile implementation, Helidon
* SE implementation, Helidon
* hey tool, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* high availability (HA), High Availability and Geographic Distribution-High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* tools for calculating performance, High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* histograms as metrics, Monitoring
* history
* containers, The History of Containers-The History of Containers
* source code management, The System of Truth
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA; Kubernetes), Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* documentation online, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* hospital ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* Humble, Jez, Foreword, Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook
* hybrid cloud architecture, Hybrid and MultiCloud Architectures
* hypervisor, Why Containers?
* Spectre vulnerability, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities


* IaaS (infrastructure as a service), Cloud Computing
* IAST (see interactive application security testing)
* IDEs
* BlueJ IDE, Git IDE Integration
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* Eclipse IDE, Git IDE Integration
* Git IDE integration, Git IDE Integration-Git IDE Integration
* JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, Git IDE Integration
* NetBeans IDE, Git IDE Integration
* Oracle JDeveloper, Git IDE Integration
* Visual Studio Code, Git IDE Integration
* image digest, Intro to Container Anatomy
* image ID, Intro to Container Anatomy
* image layer, Intro to Container Anatomy
* layers in containers and images, Image and Container Layers-Leveraging layer cache
* leveraging layer cache, Leveraging layer cache
* visualization tool, Visualizing layers
* image manifest, Intro to Container Anatomy
* image repository, Intro to Container Anatomy
* container registry definition, Intro to Container Anatomy
* image name, Intro to Container Anatomy
* image tag, Intro to Container Anatomy
* caution about, Intro to Container Anatomy
* images (see container images)
* imperative approach, Declaratively Script Your Build
* implementation of DevOps, Making It Manifest
* T-shaped people, Making It Manifest
* import dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Cloud Computing
* init (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* instances of application, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* interactive application security testing (IAST), Interactive Application Security Testing, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* iOS App Store case study, Case Study: iOS App Store
* ISO 8601 timestamp format, Determining the Metadata
* Istio
* blue/green deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* service mesh control plane, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy


* Jaeger, Tracing
* Java release cadence case study, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence-Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* modular Java platform, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Why Containers?
* Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Why Containers?
* changing base image on JDK upgrades, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* JDeveloper (Oracle) support of Git, Git IDE Integration
* JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, Git IDE Integration
* JFrog Artifactory, Publishing to JFrog Artifactory
* JGit, Git IDE Integration
* Jib, Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* JKube (Eclipse), Managing Container Images by Using Jib-Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* book code repository, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* Kubernetes deployment, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube-Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* JMeter (Apache), Adjusting Resource Quotas
* Job (Kubernetes), Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* recovery mechanisms automated, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* Joyce, Thomas, Case Study: Knight Capital
* JUnit, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile


* kaniko, Building and Pushing Container Images
* Kim, Gene, Foreword, Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook, We All Got the Message
* kind Kubernetes development clusters, Local Setup for Deployment
* Knative blue/green deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Knight Capital Group manual deployment, Case Study: Knight Capital
* Kotlin for Gradle build file, Capturing Metadata, Dependency Management with Gradle
* Kubernetes
* about, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime, Deploying to Kubernetes
* orchestration tools, Deploying to Kubernetes
* v1.0 release, The History of Containers
* deploying to
* about, Deploying to Kubernetes, Local Setup for Deployment
* default RollingUpdate, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Dekorate for manifests, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate-Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* Eclipse JKube, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube-Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes, Local Setup for Deployment
* local setup, Local Setup for Deployment
* quotas, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* strategies, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy-Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* strategy summary table, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Docker container runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* deprecation of, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* explained, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* kubelet
* about, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime, Local Setup for Deployment
* alternative container runtimes, The History of Containers
* dockershim module, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks
* Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes
* resource limit enforcement, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* manifests from Dekorate, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate-Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* metrics server, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* self-healing mechanism, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* terminology, Local Setup for Deployment
* workload management
* about, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* adjusting resource quotas, Adjusting Resource Quotas-Adjusting Resource Quotas
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* VerticalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing


* latency, High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* layers in containers and images, Image and Container Layers-Leveraging layer cache
* leveraging layer cache, Leveraging layer cache
* visualization tool, Visualizing layers
* lean to save money, Float Like a Butterfly…
* Lenarduzz, Valentina, Antipatterns
* Let Me Contain That For You (lmctfy) Google project, The History of Containers
* libcontainer project, The History of Containers
* runC as repackage of, The History of Containers
* Linux Containers (LXC; IBM), The History of Containers
* Linux Foundation
* Cloud Native Computing Foundation, The History of Containers
* Open Container Initiative, The History of Containers
* Linux kernel in Android devices, Android OS Fragmentation
* Liquibase, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* Liquid Software (Sadogursky), About the Authors
* liveness probes, Setting Up Health Checks
* lmctfy (Let Me Contain That For You) Google project, The History of Containers
* load balancer in deployment, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* log (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* log file outputs, Know Your Outputs
* Log4j (Apache), Logging
* logging, Logging
* about observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* antipattern, Antipatterns
* best practices, Logging
* frameworks for, Logging
* know your outputs, Know Your Outputs
* long-term support (LTS) releases, Getting Users to Update, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* LXC (Linux Containers; IBM), The History of Containers


* machine learning in RASP, Runtime Application Self-Protection
* Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship, If We’re Not About Deployment and Operations, Then Just What Is Our Job?
* manifests in Kubernetes from Dekorate, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate-Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* manual update hidden costs, The Hidden Cost of Manual Updates
* case study: Knight Capital, Case Study: Knight Capital
* Marín-Pérez, Abraham, Foreword
* Markdown in, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* Martin, Robert (“Uncle Bob”), Not All Clean Code Is Secure Code
* Maven (Apache), Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* archetype for FaaS setup, Setting Up
* artifact publication
* about, Artifact Publication
* Maven Central, Package Management, Artifact Publication, Publishing to Maven Central-Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Central rules guide, Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Local, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Local
* dependency management, Dependency Management with Apache Maven-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* about the dragons, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle
* artifact publication, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Central
* documentation online, Build with Apache Maven
* Maven in 5 Minutes guide, Build with Apache Maven
* Fabric8 plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* Git plug-ins, Capturing Metadata
* Jib for building container images, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* metadata
* capturing, Capturing Metadata-Capturing Metadata
* writing, Writing the Metadata-Writing the Metadata
* migrating to Gradle, Build with Gradle
* POM file, Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* Ant build file from, Build with Apache Maven
* dependency metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* Eclipse JKube plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* terminology, Build with Apache Maven
* Maven Central, Package Management, Artifact Publication, Publishing to Maven Central-Publishing to Maven Central
* rules guide, Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Local, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Local
* megaservice antipattern, Antipatterns
* Mell, Peter, Cloud Computing
* Meltdown vulnerability exploit, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* memory resource limit specification, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* Mercurial, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* merge (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* metadata
* about, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough
* capturing, Capturing Metadata-Capturing Metadata
* CVE value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* CVSS value, Public availability of the vulnerability
* dependency management, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* determining, Determining the Metadata
* insightful metadata, Key Attributes of Insightful Metadata
* issues to consider, Metadata Considerations
* published artifacts in repositories, Artifact Publication
* tracing to capture, Tracing
* writing, Writing the Metadata-Writing the Metadata
* meters as metrics, Monitoring
* metrics, Monitoring
* about observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* best practices, Monitoring
* libraries and tools, Monitoring
* logging, Logging
* monitoring, Monitoring-Monitoring
* rate, errors, duration (RED), Tracing
* uptime, Continuous Uptime
* metrics server (Kubernetes), Adjusting Resource Quotas
* Micrometer, Monitoring
* Micronaut, Micronaut-Micronaut
* about implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* Java versus GraalVM Native Image, Microservice Frameworks
* GraalVM Native Image mode, Micronaut
*, Micronaut, Helidon
*, Micronaut
* Java mode, Micronaut
* Micronaut Launch, Micronaut
* MicroProfile
* Helidon framework MP flavor, Helidon
* Helidon MicroProfile Starter site, Helidon
* Metrics library, Monitoring
* microservices
* about, Dissecting the Monolith, Microservices
* APIs for interaction, Microservices
* granularity, Dissecting the Monolith
* microservice architecture, Microservices
* monoliths versus, Microservices, Serverless
* antipatterns, Antipatterns-Antipatterns
* resources for learning, Antipatterns
* API gateways, Antipatterns
* deployment (see deployment)
* DevOps and, DevOps and Microservices
* frameworks
* about implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* Helidon, Helidon-Helidon
* Java versus GraalVM Native Image, Microservice Frameworks, Summary
* Micronaut, Micronaut-Micronaut
* Quarkus, Quarkus-Quarkus, Setting Up-Setting Up
* Spring Boot, Spring Boot-Spring Boot
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* serverless approach, Serverless
* billing information for FaaS, Setting Up
* function as a service, Serverless-Setting Up
* setting up FaaS, Setting Up-Setting Up
* Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls (Richards), Antipatterns
* Microsoft Azure, Cloud Computing
* Microsoft Visual Studio App Center, Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Git IDE Integration
* minikube, Local Setup for Deployment
* enabling metrics server add-on, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* mobile device clouds, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* AWS Device Farm, AWS device farm-AWS device farm
* Google Firebase Test Lab, Google Firebase Test Lab
* Microsoft Visual Studio App Center, Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* strategy for device testing, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* mobile workflows
* about, Mobile Workflows-Mobile Workflows
* continuous updates, Mobile Workflows
* (see also continuous deployment)
* Android device fragmentation
* about, Android Device Fragmentation
* hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* screen size disparity, Building for Disparate Screens-Building for Disparate Screens
* benefits to business, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* continuous testing on parallel devices
* about, Continuous Testing on Parallel Devices
* device farm, Building a Device Farm-Building a Device Farm
* mobile device clouds, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* strategy for device testing, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* deployment, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* DevOps stages, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* monitoring, Monitoring-Monitoring
* about observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* monolith applications, Dissecting the Monolith, Serverless
* microservices versus, Microservices
* monolithic architecture, Dissecting the Monolith, Serverless
* multicloud architecture, Hybrid and MultiCloud Architectures
* mv (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics


* namespaces, Local Setup for Deployment
* development namespaces in remote clusters, Local Setup for Deployment
* Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes
* Native Image
* about, Microservice Frameworks
* implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* GraalVM required, Microservice Frameworks
* Helidon, Helidon
* Java mode versus, Microservice Frameworks, Summary
* Micronaut, Micronaut
* platform-specific binaries, Microservice Frameworks
* Quarkus, Quarkus, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* Spring Boot framework, Spring Boot-Spring Boot
* NetBeans IDE, Git IDE Integration
* nodes in Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes
* cluster definition, Local Setup for Deployment
* control planes, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* kubelet definition, Local Setup for Deployment


* observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* about metrics, Monitoring
* best practices, Monitoring
* libraries and tools, Monitoring
* continuous deployment, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* logging, Logging
* monitoring, Monitoring-Monitoring
* tracing, Tracing
* best practices, Tracing
* terminology, Tracing
* OCI (Open Container Initiative)
* distribution specification, The History of Containers
* establishment of, The History of Containers
* Image Format Specification, The History of Containers
* Runtime Specification, The History of Containers, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* containerd and cri-o, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* developing, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* runtimes available list, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* oil spill financial disasters, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills
* “On the Definition of Microservice Bad Smells” (Taibi and Lenarduzz), Antipatterns
* OneFlow, OneFlow
* online resources (see resources for learning)
* Open Container Initiative (see OCI)
* Open STF (see Device Farmer Android library)
* Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), Static Application Security Testing
* attack surfaces cheat sheet, Methods of Evaluation
* Cornucopia card game, Methods of Evaluation
* Security Champions, Shift Security Left
* top 10 most common threats, Advantages of DAST, Shift Security Left, Advanced Training on Secure Coding
* OpenCensus, Tracing
* OpenJDK support of Java releases, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* OpenShift (Red Hat)
* Developer Sandbox, Local Setup for Deployment
* JKube generating manifests, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube-Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* OpenTelemetry, Tracing
* OpenTracing, Tracing
* Oracle JDeveloper support of Git, Git IDE Integration
* orchestration tools, Deploying to Kubernetes
* (see also Kubernetes)
* OS
* Android OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* container definition, Intro to Container Anatomy
* continuous updates (see continuous deployment)
* Docker, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Dockerfile, Building and Pushing Container Images
* infrastructure as a service, Cloud Computing
* metadata about, Determining the Metadata
* ransomware attack, UK hospital ransomware
* VMs versus containers, Why Containers?
* OWASP (see Open Web Application Security Project)


* PaaS (platform as a service), Cloud Computing
* package management
* A/B testing, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough
* about, Package Management
* Android mobile workflow, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* artifact publication
* about, Artifact Publication
* JFrog Artifactory, Publishing to JFrog Artifactory
* Maven Central, Publishing to Maven Central-Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven Local, Artifact Publication-Publishing to Maven Local
* Sonatype Nexus Repository, Publishing to Sonatype Nexus Repository
* dependency management
* about, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle
* Apache Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* containers, Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* Gradle, Dependency Management with Gradle-Dependency Management with Gradle
* POM file metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* metadata, Why Build-It-and-Ship-It Is Not Enough
* capturing, Capturing Metadata-Capturing Metadata
* dependency management, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management Basics for Containers
* determining, Determining the Metadata
* insightful metadata, Key Attributes of Insightful Metadata
* issues to consider, Metadata Considerations
* writing, Writing the Metadata-Writing the Metadata
* version value format, Capturing Metadata
* tagging with SNAPSHOT, Capturing Metadata
* parent images, Intro to Container Anatomy
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* The Phoenix Project (Kim), Exhibit 1: The Phoenix Project
* pixel density in mobile devices, Building for Disparate Screens
* platform as a service (PaaS), Cloud Computing
* Podman, Building and Pushing Container Images
* Pods
* Kubernetes clusters, Deploying to Kubernetes
* VerticalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* workloads, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* Kubernetes resources, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* resource limit specification, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* POM file (Apache Maven), Build with Apache Maven-Build with Apache Maven
* Ant build file from, Build with Apache Maven
* dependency metadata, Dependency Management Basics for Maven and Gradle-Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* direct dependencies, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* parent POM, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* Eclipse JKube plug-in, Building Container Images with Eclipse JKube
* privacy and metadata, Metadata Considerations, Determining the Metadata
* progressive delivery, Volume and Velocity
* Cloudflare case study, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* continuous deployment best practices, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* project management
* quality gate method, Fit with Project Management Procedures
* security expertise, The Right Contact Person
* Prometheus
* metrics, Monitoring-Monitoring
* performance of application, High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* tracing, Tracing
* provided dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* pull (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* book repository exercise, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* pull requests in central repository model, Git Collaboration Patterns
* push (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics


* quality gate method
* about, Quality Gate Methodology
* definition of done, Milestones for Quality
* implementing, Implementing Security with the Quality Gate Method
* practical application, Practical Applications of Quality Management
* project management, Fit with Project Management Procedures
* risk management, Risk Management in Quality Gates
* strategies
* flexible quality strategy, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* not reviews or milestones, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* uniform quality guideline, Quality gates as uniform quality guideline
* quality via source code management, The System of Truth
* Quarkus, Quarkus-Quarkus
* about implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* Java versus GraalVM Native Image, Microservice Frameworks
* building container images
* Jib for, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* JVM base image customization, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* Configure Your Application page, Quarkus
* Dekorate resource limits, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* Docker configuration files, Quarkus
* FaaS setup example, Setting Up-Setting Up
* GraalVM Native Image mode, Quarkus
*, Quarkus, Helidon
*, Quarkus
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks
* Java mode, Quarkus
* tracing, Tracing
* quotas in Kubernetes deployments, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy


* railcar runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Rancher Desktop, Local Setup for Deployment
* ransomware at UK hospital, UK hospital ransomware
* RASP (see runtime application self-protection)
* rate, errors, duration (RED), Tracing
* readiness probes, Setting Up Health Checks
* rebase (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* Recreate deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Red Hat
* CodeReady Containers, Local Setup for Deployment
* OpenShift
* Developer Sandbox, Local Setup for Deployment
* JKube generating manifests, Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube-Generate and Deploy Kubernetes Manifests with Eclipse JKube
* Reinhold, Mark, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* release (see deployment)
* ReplicaSet (Kubernetes), Local Setup for Deployment, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* repositories
* book repository, Using Code Examples, Making Your First Pull Request
* code for JKube plus Jib, Managing Container Images by Using Jib
* pull request exercise, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request
* central server pattern, Git Command-Line Basics, Git Collaboration Patterns
* Git commands for management, Git Command-Line Basics
* (see also Git)
* tutorial, Git Command-Line Tutorial
* publication to, Artifact Publication
* Sonatype Nexus Repository, Publishing to Maven Central
* publishing to, Publishing to Sonatype Nexus Repository
* reset (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* ResourceQuota Kubernetes object, Adjusting Resource Quotas-Adjusting Resource Quotas
* resources for learning
* “Accelerate: State of DevOps” link, State of the Industry
* Apache Maven
* documentation, Build with Apache Maven
* Git plug-ins, Capturing Metadata
* Maven Central rules guide, Publishing to Maven Central
* Maven in 5 Minutes guide, Build with Apache Maven
* attack surfaces cheat sheet, Methods of Evaluation
* AWS Lambda Developer Guide, Setting Up
* book
* repository, Making Your First Pull Request
* supplemental material, Using Code Examples
* web page, How to Contact Us
* Docker
* container runtime explained, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* getting started guide, Intro to Container Anatomy
* Git
* clients list, Git Clients
* Codespaces IDE, Choosing Your Source Control
* download, Choosing Your Source Control
* GitHub Desktop, Git Command-Line Basics
* trunk-based development, Trunk-Based Development
* Gradle
* build language reference, Build with Gradle
* documentation, Build with Gradle
* forums, Build with Gradle
* Git plug-ins, Capturing Metadata
* migrating from Maven, Build with Gradle
* Kubernetes
* development clusters, Local Setup for Deployment
* health probe documentation, Setting Up Health Checks
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler documentation, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* metrics server, Adjusting Resource Quotas
* layer visualization tool, Visualizing layers
* Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship, If We’re Not About Deployment and Operations, Then Just What Is Our Job?
* Maven Central rules guide, Publishing to Maven Central
* microservice antipatterns, Antipatterns
* OCI Image Format Specification, The History of Containers
* OCI Runtime Specification, The History of Containers
* list of runtimes, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* system properties link, Determining the Metadata
* timestamp ISO 8601 format, Determining the Metadata
* restore (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* reverting to older version, The System of Truth
* Richards, Mark, Antipatterns
* risk management in quality gates, Risk Management in Quality Gates
* rkt (CoreOS) status, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* rm (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* Rodgers, Peter, Microservices
* RollingUpdate deployment strategy, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* default deployment, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework, Micronaut
* Ruka, Adam, OneFlow
* runtime application self-protection (RASP), Runtime Application Self-Protection
* SAST, DAST, IAST versus, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* runtimes
* available runtimes list, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* crun runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Docker container runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime-Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* deprecated, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* explained, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* Java Runtime Environment, Why Containers?
* kubelet alternative container runtimes, The History of Containers
* OCI Runtime Specification, The History of Containers, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* containerd and cri-o, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* developing, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime
* railcar runtime, Docker Architecture and the Container Runtime


* Sadogursky, Baruch, About the Authors
* SAST (see static application security testing)
* scalability
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* documentation online, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* Kubernetes deployments, Deploying to Kubernetes
* microservices versus monoliths, Serverless
* serverless approach, Serverless
* VerticalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* scalable pixels (sp), Building for Disparate Screens
* scheduling affected by security, Effects on Scheduling
* scopes of dependencies (Maven), Dependency Management with Apache Maven, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* configuration in Gradle, Dependency Management with Gradle
* scratch command in Dockerfile, Intro to Container Anatomy
* screen size disparity in mobile devices, Building for Disparate Screens-Building for Disparate Screens
* SDKMAN!, Microservice Frameworks
* SecMs (security managers), Shift Security Left
* attacker’s point of view, The Attacker’s Point of View
* code review, Methods of Evaluation
* OWASP Security Champions versus, Shift Security Left
* secrets protected, Protect Your Secrets
* security
* about, Securing Your Binaries
* about DevOps, Integrity, Authentication, and Availability
* analysis
* compliance, Compliance issues
* compliance versus vulnerabilities, Compliance Versus Vulnerabilities
* how much is enough, How Much Is Enough?
* make or buy, Make or Buy
* time to market, Time to Market
* vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities
* Common Vulnerability Scoring System
* about, The Common Vulnerability Scoring System
* basic metrics, CVSS Basic Metrics
* environmental metrics, CVSS Environmental Metrics
* implementation, CVSS in Practice
* temporal metrics, CVSS Temporal Metrics
* DevOps infrastructure
* about, Securing Your DevOps Infrastructure
* rise of DevSecOps, The Rise of DevSecOps
* site reliability engineers, The Role of SREs in Security
* dynamic application security testing, Dynamic Application Security Testing-Disadvantages of DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* static versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* expertise availability, The Right Contact Person
* full impact graph of vulnerabilities, The Full Impact Graph
* interactive application security testing, Interactive Application Security Testing, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* iOS App Store, Case Study: iOS App Store
* metadata considerations, Metadata Considerations, Determining the Metadata
* need for continuous updates, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates
* Open Web Application Security Project, Static Application Security Testing
* Security Champions, Shift Security Left
* top 10 most common threats, Advantages of DAST, Shift Security Left, Advanced Training on Secure Coding
* quality gate method
* about, Quality Gate Methodology
* definition of done, Milestones for Quality
* flexible quality strategy, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* implementing, Implementing Security with the Quality Gate Method
* not reviews or milestones, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* practical application, Practical Applications of Quality Management
* project management, Fit with Project Management Procedures
* risk management, Risk Management in Quality Gates
* uniform quality guideline, Quality gates as uniform quality guideline
* responsibility for, Be Aware of Responsibility
* runtime application self-protection, Runtime Application Self-Protection
* SAST, DAST, IAST versus, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* secure code versus clean code, Not All Clean Code Is Secure Code
* security managers, Shift Security Left
* security paradox, Shift Security Left
* shift left, Shift Security Left-Shift Security Left
* best practices, Shift Security Left-Be Aware of Responsibility
* SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* customer perspective, Security from the Customer Perspective
* vendor perspective, Security from the Vendor Perspective
* static application security testing, Static Application Security Testing, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* advantages, Advantages of the SAST approach
* dynamic versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* training on, Advanced Training on Secure Coding
* vulnerabilities
* about timeline, Vulnerabilities: Timeline from Inception Through Production Fix
* combined into attack vectors, Vulnerabilities Can Be Combined into Different Attack Vectors
* compliance versus, Compliance Versus Vulnerabilities
* creation of, Creation of a vulnerability
* discovery of, Vulnerabilities, Discovery of the vulnerability
* fixing in production, Fixing the vulnerability in production
* public availability of, Public availability of the vulnerability
* test coverage, Test Coverage Is Your Safety Belt
* security managers (SecMs), Shift Security Left
* attacker’s point of view, The Attacker’s Point of View
* code review, Methods of Evaluation
* OWASP Security Champions versus, Shift Security Left
* self-healing of Kubernetes, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* serverless approach to microservices, Serverless
* billing information for FaaS, Setting Up
* function as a service, Serverless-Setting Up
* setting up FaaS, Setting Up-Setting Up
* Service (Kubernetes), Local Setup for Deployment
* ClusterIP Deployment and Service resource, Generate Kubernetes Manifests by Using Dekorate
* service mesh control planes, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* service uptime, Continuous Uptime
* (see also continuous uptime)
* service-level indicators (SLIs), High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* service-level objectives (SLOs), High Availability and Geographic Distribution
* service-oriented architecture (SOA), Microservices
* service-to-service communication control, Choose and Implement a Deployment Strategy
* Shafer, Andrew Clay, Foreword
* Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), Logging
* site reliability engineering (SRE)
* bridging Dev and Ops, Done and Done
* definition of SRE, We All Got the Message
* failure budget, The Role of SREs in Security
* rate, errors, duration (RED), Tracing
* role of site reliability engineer, The Role of SREs in Security
* today’s definition of “done”, Done and Done
* SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java), Logging
* SmallRye Health extension, Setting Up Health Checks
* smartphone workflows
* about, Mobile Workflows-Mobile Workflows
* continuous updates, Mobile Workflows
* (see also continuous deployment)
* Android device fragmentation
* about, Android Device Fragmentation
* hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* screen size disparity, Building for Disparate Screens-Building for Disparate Screens
* benefits to business, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* continuous testing on parallel devices
* about, Continuous Testing on Parallel Devices
* device farm, Building a Device Farm-Building a Device Farm
* mobile device clouds, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* strategy for device testing, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* deployment, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* DevOps stages, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* SNAPSHOT tag, Capturing Metadata
* software as a service (SaaS)
* about, Cloud Computing, Continuous Uptime
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare
* 2013 router rule outage, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage
* 2019 bad regex outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* 2020 backbone outage, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* continuous uptime, Continuous Uptime
* software craftsmanship manifesto, If We’re Not About Deployment and Operations, Then Just What Is Our Job?
* SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* customer perspective, Security from the Customer Perspective
* vendor perspective, Security from the Vendor Perspective
* Sonatype Nexus Repository, Publishing to Maven Central
* publishing to, Publishing to Sonatype Nexus Repository
* source code management (SCM)
* about, The System of Truth
* Git as de facto standard, Three Generations of Source Code Management, Choosing Your Source Control-Choosing Your Source Control
* metadata about, Determining the Metadata
* three generations of, Three Generations of Source Code Management-Three Generations of Source Code Management
* Sourcetree Git client (Atlassian), Git Clients
* span in tracing, Tracing
* Spectre vulnerability exploit, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* Spring Boot, Spring Boot-Spring Boot
* about implementation, Microservice Frameworks
* Java versus GraalVM Native Image, Microservice Frameworks
* Actuator
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks
* metrics, Monitoring-Monitoring
* GraalVM Native Image mode, Spring Boot-Spring Boot
*, Spring Boot, Helidon
*, Spring Boot
* Java mode, Spring Boot, Spring Boot
* Spring Initializr, Spring Boot
* Spring Framework, Spring Boot
* SRE (see site reliability engineering)
* StatefulSet (Kubernetes), Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* static application security testing (SAST), Static Application Security Testing, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* advantages, Advantages of the SAST approach
* dynamic versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* static contract pitfall, Antipatterns
* storage of images via layers, Leveraging layer cache
* Subversion (Apache), Three Generations of Source Code Management
* switch (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* system dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* system properties link, Determining the Metadata
* system-on-a-chip (SoC) manufacturers of mobile hardware, Android OS Fragmentation


* T-shaped people, Making It Manifest
* tag (Git command), Git Command-Line Basics
* tag with container image version, Basic Tagging and Image Version Management-Basic Tagging and Image Version Management
* SNAPSHOT tag, Capturing Metadata
* Taibi, Davide, Antipatterns
* Taylor Energy oil spill, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills
* technical debt, Dealing with Technical Debt
* test dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* testing
* Android device continuous testing
* about, Continuous Testing on Parallel Devices
* device farm, Building a Device Farm-Building a Device Farm
* mobile device clouds, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* strategy for device testing, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* Android device fragmentation
* about, Android Device Fragmentation
* hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* screen size disparity, Building for Disparate Screens
* Android mobile build scripts, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* automated tests, Automate Tests
* Android mobile unit tests, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* continuous updates, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* AWS SAM CLI for FaaS setup, Setting Up
* containers for, Why Containers?
* continuous integration, Adopt Continuous Integration
* dynamic application security testing, Dynamic Application Security Testing-Disadvantages of DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* runtime versus, Runtime Application Self-Protection, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* static versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* interactive application security testing, Interactive Application Security Testing, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* internal testing API flag reused, Case Study: Knight Capital
* monitoring and maintaining tests, Monitor and Maintain Tests
* production before all tested, Volume and Velocity
* progressive delivery, Volume and Velocity
* security vulnerability test coverage, Test Coverage Is Your Safety Belt
* static application security testing, Static Application Security Testing
* advantages, Advantages of the SAST approach
* dynamic versus, Comparing SAST and DAST, SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP Summary
* test dependency scope, Dependency Management with Apache Maven
* test-driven development workflow, Continuously Build
* time to market for security, Time to Market
* timers as metrics, Monitoring
* timestamps as metadata, Determining the Metadata
* ISO 8601 format, Determining the Metadata
* TortoiseGit, Git Clients
* tracing, Tracing
* about observability, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* best practices, Tracing
* terminology, Tracing
* tools for, Tracing
* distributed tracing, Tracing
* trace definition, Tracing
* training on secure coding, Advanced Training on Secure Coding
* Trojan horse in SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* trunk-based development in Git, Trunk-Based Development
* trust relationships exploited in SolarWinds cyberattack, Supply Chain Security Compromised
* tutorials
* function as a service setup, Setting Up-Setting Up
* Git command line, Git Command-Line Tutorial
* Git pull request, Making Your First Pull Request-Making Your First Pull Request


* UK hospital ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* The Unicorn Project (Kim), We All Got the Message
* unit tests (see testing)
* Unix in history of containers, The History of Containers-The History of Containers
* updates
* about continuous deployment, Continuous Deployment Patterns and Antipatterns
* best practices, Continuous Update Best Practices
* automated testing, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* automatic updates, Case Study: iOS App Store
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare-2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* frequent updates, Case Study: iOS App Store, Case Study: Knight Capital
* local rollbacks, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage
* observability, 2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* progressive delivery, 2013 Cloudflare router rule outage, 2019 Cloudflare regex outage
* state awareness, Case Study: Knight Capital
* getting users to update, Getting Users to Update
* case study: iOS App Store, Case Study: iOS App Store
* case study: Java, Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence-Case Study: Java Six-Month Release Cadence
* history of mobile device upgrades, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* manual update hidden costs, The Hidden Cost of Manual Updates
* case study: Knight Capital, Case Study: Knight Capital
* need for continuous updates, Mobile Workflows, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates-Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* case study: Cloudflare, Case Study: Cloudflare-2020 Cloudflare backbone outage
* software vulnerability financial disasters, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills-Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* chipset vulnerabilities, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* Equifax security breach, Equifax security breach
* steps for addressing vulnerability, Security Vulnerabilities Are the New Oil Spills
* UK hospital ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* user expectations
* app ecosystem, Mobile Workflows, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* consumers less technical, Mobile Workflows, User Expectations on Continuous Updates
* new features added constantly, Why Everyone Needs Continuous Updates
* uptime, Continuous Uptime
* (see also continuous uptime)
* user authentication for Kubernetes API, Local Setup for Deployment


* version control systems
* container image version management, Basic Tagging and Image Version Management-Basic Tagging and Image Version Management
* distributed version control systems
* about, Three Generations of Source Code Management
* Git as de facto standard, Three Generations of Source Code Management, Choosing Your Source Control-Choosing Your Source Control
* (see also Git)
* repository hierarchy, Git Command-Line Basics
* scaling well for large teams, Git Collaboration Patterns
* security vulnerability mitigation, Test Coverage Is Your Safety Belt
* source code management, The System of Truth
* Git as de facto standard, Three Generations of Source Code Management, Choosing Your Source Control-Choosing Your Source Control
* three generations of, Three Generations of Source Code Management-Three Generations of Source Code Management
* version value format, Capturing Metadata
* tagging with SNAPSHOT, Capturing Metadata
* VerticalPodAutoscaler (VPA; Kubernetes), Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* virtual machines (VMs), Why Containers?
* Java Virtual Machines versus, Why Containers?
* Spectre vulnerability, Widespread chipset vulnerabilities
* virtual sensors in Android devices, Hardware and 3D Support
* Visual Studio (Microsoft)
* App Center device farm, Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* Code support of Git, Git IDE Integration
* VMs (see virtual machines)
* vulnerabilities in security
* about scanning for versus fixing, Vulnerabilities
* combined into attack vectors, Vulnerabilities Can Be Combined into Different Attack Vectors
* about timeline, Vulnerabilities: Timeline from Inception Through Production Fix
* creation of vulnerabilities, Creation of a vulnerability
* discovery of vulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities, Discovery of the vulnerability
* public availability of vulnerability, Public availability of the vulnerability
* compliance issues versus, Compliance Versus Vulnerabilities
* fixing in production, Fixing the vulnerability in production
* Open Web Application Security Project, Static Application Security Testing
* Security Champions, Shift Security Left
* top 10 most common threats, Advantages of DAST, Shift Security Left, Advanced Training on Secure Coding
* quality gate method
* about, Quality Gate Methodology
* definition of done, Milestones for Quality
* flexible quality strategy, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* implementing, Implementing Security with the Quality Gate Method
* not reviews or milestones, Quality gates as a flexible quality strategy
* practical application, Practical Applications of Quality Management
* project management, Fit with Project Management Procedures
* risk management, Risk Management in Quality Gates
* uniform quality guideline, Quality gates as uniform quality guideline
* shift left, Shift Security Left-Shift Security Left
* best practices, Shift Security Left-Be Aware of Responsibility
* test coverage, Test Coverage Is Your Safety Belt


* WannaCry ransomware, UK hospital ransomware
* Willis, John, Exhibit 2: The DevOps Handbook
* workflows
* Git collaboration patterns, Git Collaboration Patterns-Trunk-Based Development
* mobile workflows
* about, Mobile Workflows-Mobile Workflows
* Android device fragmentation, Android Device Fragmentation-Hardware and 3D Support
* Android hardware and 3D support, Hardware and 3D Support-Hardware and 3D Support
* Android OS fragmentation, Android OS Fragmentation
* Android screen size disparity, Building for Disparate Screens-Building for Disparate Screens
* benefits to business, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* clouds for testing, Mobile Pipelines in the Cloud-Microsoft Visual Studio App Center
* continuous testing on parallel devices, Continuous Testing on Parallel Devices-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* continuous updates, Mobile Workflows
* (see also continuous deployment)
* deployment, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* device farm for testing, Building a Device Farm-Building a Device Farm
* device-testing strategy, Planning a Device-Testing Strategy-Planning a Device-Testing Strategy
* DevOps stages, Fast-Paced DevOps Workflows for Mobile
* test-driven development, Continuously Build
* workflow automation via version control services, Choosing Your Source Control
* workload management in Kubernetes
* about, Managing Workloads in Kubernetes
* adjusting resource quotas, Adjusting Resource Quotas-Adjusting Resource Quotas
* health checks, Setting Up Health Checks-Setting Up Health Checks
* HorizontalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* documentation online, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* persistent data collections, Working with Persistent Data Collections
* VerticalPodAutoscaler, Best Practices for Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing
* WorldWideWeb browser, Case Study: iOS App Store


* XP (Extreme Programming), Adopt Continuous Integration (see also continuous integration)

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* B09Y2JXJ9W (DvOpJava 2022)
