Java linkedblockingdeque Page

Java LinkedBlockingDeque

Java LinkedBlockingDeque is a concurrent, thread-safe implementation of the Deque interface in the Java Collections Framework. It combines the features of LinkedList and BlockingQueue, providing a double-ended queue with blocking operations. LinkedBlockingDeque is typically used in producer-consumer scenarios where multiple threads need to add and remove elements from both ends of the deque safely and efficiently. It supports both bounded and unbounded modes, allowing you to specify a maximum capacity for the deque. In the bounded mode, attempts to add elements when the deque is full will block until space becomes available, ensuring that the deque does not exceed its capacity. LinkedBlockingDeque offers methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements, as well as blocking operations for waiting for elements to become available or for space to become available in the deque. It is commonly used in concurrent programming scenarios where high concurrency and efficient blocking operations are required, providing a versatile and reliable solution for managing double-ended queues in Java applications.