Java Case (

= Java case Keyword =
In Java, the case keyword is used within a switch statement to mark blocks of code that are executed when the switch's expression matches the case's value. The case statements within a switch block are tested sequentially until a match is found. Once matched, the block of code associated with that case is executed.

Code Example

int number = 2;
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
System.out.println("Not One or Two");

Java Documentation on switch statement|

= C =
In C, the case keyword functions similarly to Java, being used inside a switch statement to execute a block of code based on the switch expression's value.

Code Example

int number = 2;
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
printf("Not One or Two\n");

C Documentation on switch statement|

= C++ =
C++ also uses the case keyword within a switch statement in the same manner as C and Java, allowing conditional execution of code blocks.

Code Example

int number = 2;
switch (number) {
case 1:
std::cout << "One" << std::endl;
case 2:
std::cout << "Two" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Not One or Two" << std::endl;

C++ Documentation on switch statement|

= Python =
Python does not have a switch or case keyword. However, Python 3.10 introduced the match statement, which serves a similar purpose but with a different syntax and more capabilities, known as Structural Pattern Matching.

Code Example

number = 2
match number:
case 1:
case 2:
case _:
print("Not One or Two")

Python Documentation on match statement|

= JavaScript =
In JavaScript, the case keyword is used within a switch statement, similar to its usage in Java, C, and C++, to execute code based on the match of the switch expression.

Code Example

let number = 2;
switch (number) {
case 1:
case 2:
console.log("Not One or Two");

JavaScript Documentation on switch statement|

= PHP =
PHP uses the case keyword inside a switch statement in a manner very similar to JavaScript, allowing execution of code blocks based on a matching case.

Code Example

$number = 2;
switch ($number) {
case 1:
echo "One";
case 2:
echo "Two";
echo "Not One or Two";

PHP Documentation on switch statement|

= Swift =
Swift's case keyword is used within switch statements. Swift adds a level of pattern-matching capabilities to case statements, allowing for more powerful and flexible conditional expressions.

Code Example

let number = 2
switch number {
case 1:
case 2:
print("Not One or Two")

[[Swift Documentation on switch statement|


= Ruby =
Ruby uses case in a slightly different manner. The Ruby case statement is more akin to a series of if-elsif statements and can include ranges and more complex conditions.

Code Example

number = 2
case number
when 1
puts "One"
when 2
puts "Two"
puts "Not One or Two"

Ruby Documentation on case statement|

= Go =
Go does not use the case keyword in the same context as a switch statement directly. Instead, Go's switch statements can include initialization statements, and case expressions can be non-constants, making them more powerful and flexible.

Code Example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
number := 2
switch number {
case 1:
case 2:
fmt.Println("Not One or Two")

Go Documentation on switch statement|

Each language uses the case keyword or its functional equivalent within conditional structures, like switch statements or pattern matching constructs, to control the flow of execution. While the core idea remains similar—executing code based on matching conditions—the specifics of syntax, capabilities, and flexibility vary across different programming languages. The code examples provided illustrate the basic usage of case or its equivalent in each language, highlighting both the commonalities and unique features that each language brings to conditional logic and pattern matching.

This summary offers an insight into how different programming languages utilize the concept of `case` or its equivalents, showcasing the variations in syntax, usage, and functionality. For detailed usage and examples, the official documentation linked in each section is recommended.