Linux package managers Page

Linux Package Managers

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See: Linux packages and search it with linuxpkg. e.g. linuxpkg>Kubernetes

RPM and yum for RedHat - CentOS

* RPM Package Manager (RPM): Created by Red Hat. RPM is the Linux Standard Base packaging format and the base of a number of additional tools, including apt4rpm, Red Hat's up2date, Mageia's urpmi, openSUSE's ZYpp (zypper), PLD Linux Distribution|PLD Linux's poldek (software)|poldek, Fedora (operating system)|Fedora's DNF (software)|DNF, and Yellow dog Updater Modified (yum), which is used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL, and Yellow Dog Linux.

dpkg and apt-get for Ubuntu - Debian

* dpkg: Originally used by Debian and now by Ubuntu (operating system)|Ubuntu. Uses the deb (file format)|.deb format and was the first to have a widely known dependency resolution tool, Advanced Packaging Tool|APT (apt-get). The ncurses-based front-end for APT, aptitude (software)|aptitude, is also a popular package manager for Debian-based systems.

* Installing software with apt-get - Installing software on Ubuntu with apt-get - Installing software on Ubuntu-Debian with apt-get

Pacman for Arch Linux

* Pacman (Arch Linux) (pacman): Used in Arch Linux, Frugalware and DeLi Linux. Its binary package format is a xz-compressed tar archive (file extension: .pkg.tar.xz) built using the makepkg utility (which comes bundled with pacman) and a specialized type of shell script called a PKGBUILD.