Loving kindness Page

Loving kindness (Skt. maitrī; Pali mettā; Tib. བྱམས་པ་, jampa, Wyl. byams pa) — the wish that beings may have happiness and its causes. One of the four immeasurables.
{{#evt:service=youtube|id=https://youtu.be/mTMyk4qZmZA|dimensions=400||alignment=right|container=frame|An Introduction to Loving Kindness by Andrew Warr}}


The King of Samadhi Sutra says:

:Even an offering throughout billions of realms,
:Consisting of gifts infinite in number and variety,
:Presented to great beings every day for all eternity,
:Could not match the wonder of a mind of love.https://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-055-001.html#UT22084-055-001-3381

Nagarjuna's Precious Garland (2:83–85) speaks of 'eight rewards of love':

:Offerings of three hundred pots of food
:Made three times each and every day,
:Could not match even a portion of the merit
:Gained from just a single moment’s loving kindness.

:Even if it does not bring you liberation,
:It will produce the eight rewards of love:
:Gods and humans will care for you,
:And they will offer you protection,

:You will be happy and know many joys,
:No poison or weapon will do you harm,
:Effortlessly, you will achieve your aims,
:And you will be born in Brahma’s realm.


Further Reading

*Tulku Thondup, The Heart of Unconditional Love: A Powerful New Approach to Loving-Kindness Meditation (Shambhala, 2015)

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Category:Four Immeasurables
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