Manjushri Page


* Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

Padmasambhava Buddhist Center

We dedicate the merit to the Long Life and Holy Wishes of Guru Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche and his Sangha.

* Buddhist Masters

Product Subtotal
Guhyagarbha Tantra × 1 $44.95
Essential Journey of Life and Death: Both Companion Volumes × 1 $45.00
Inborn Realization: Commentary on HH Dudjom Rinpoche's Mountain × 1 $22.00
Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: Hardback × 1 $24.95
Liberating Duality with Wisdom Display: Eight Emanations of Guru Padmasambhava × 1 $22.00
Sarnath Stupa Memorial Book × 1 $25.00
Seven Chapter Prayer Commentary: Vajra Sound of Peace × 1 $42.00
Seven Nails: The Final Testament of the Great Dzogchen Master Shri Singha × 1 $22.00
Supreme Wisdom: A Commentary on Yeshe Lama × 1 $75.00
Tara's Enlightened Activity × 1 $24.95
Chetsun Nyingthig Ngondro RESTRICTED × 1 $11.00
Dudjom Tersar Ngondro × 1 $20.00
Lake Born HH Dudjom Rinpoche × 1 $18.00
Lion Faced Dakini by Tsasum Lingpa × 1 $8.00
Vajrakilaya Razor That Destroys on Contact × 2 $20.00
Sharp Vajra of Awareness Tantra revealed by Dudjom Lingpa × 1 $16.00
Vajrakilaya Sadhana by Tsasum Lingpa × 2 $18.00
A Treasury of Precious Mantras and Prayers of Supplication, Dedication and Aspiration . . . (Updated Edition in 2024!) × 1 $30.00
Vajravarahi Sangwa Yeshe Troma × 2 $20.00
White Umbrella by Raga Asye × 1 $9.00
Yumka Dechen Gyalmo: Queen of Great Bliss (UPDATED and EXTENDED in 2024) × 1 $24.00
Riwo Sang Chod - Mountain of Burnt Offerings × 1 $12.00
Songs of the Lotus: Nyingma Sadhanas × 1 $18.00
Chod CD: Bellowing Laugh of the Dakini × 1 $18.00
Monastic Shawl, light weight × 1 $28.00
Ngakpa Shawl Light weight × 1 $72.00
Echoes of Dream Boy × 1 $8.00
Opening the Door to Tibetan Buddhism × 1 $8.00
Amitayus Iron Knot × 1 $10.00
Akshobhya: Longsal Dorje Nyingpo × 1 $10.00
Biography of Orgyen Guru Pema Jungne × 1 $14.00
"Eight Herukas: The Secret Glorious Subjugators" revealed by Tsasum Lingpa × 1 $15.00
Bodhichitta Vows × 1 $18.00
Buddha Sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche Extended × 1 $20.00
Chenrezig - The Lotus Garland × 1 $18.00
Dharma Protector Sadhana EXTENDED 2024 × 1 $22.00
Condensed Daily Prayer on the Nine termas of the Great Eight Herukas by HH Dudjom Rinpoche × 1 $15.00
Dawn of Devotion - Newly Expanded and Revised × 1 $25.00
Feast of Summer × 1 $9.00
Green Tara by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche × 1 $14.00
Khandro Thugthig - Dakini Sadhana × 1 $18.00
Guru Dragpo Padma Heruka by Tsasum Lingpa × 1 $10.00
Kuntuzangpo Prayer × 1 $9.00
Maha Sukhavati Amitabha × 1 $16.00
Medicine Buddha by Raga Asye × 1 $10.00
Remembrance of the Only Father Lama × 1 $5.00
Orgyen Menla × 1 $9.00
Shower of Blessings by Mipham Rinpoche × 1 $13.00
Stainless King Confession Prayer × 1 $13.00
Three Roots Torma Dedication × 1 $15.00
Ngakpa skirt, (Shanthab), heavy Nepali style white with lavender × 1 $46.00
Swift Fulfillment of Wishes × 1 $8.00
12 Deeds, Vajra Manjushri, and Vajra Knot Prayers × 1 $9.00
Fire Offering - Jamgon Kongtrul Pema Garwang × 1 $6.00
Chenrezig - The Lotus Garland Extended Edition × 1 $18.00
Entering the City of Omniscience × 1 $8.00
Tengye Monlam: An Aspiration for the Spread of the Nyimgma Teach × 1 $6.00
Maitreya Aspiration Prayer × 1 $8.00
Vajrapani Sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche × 1 $9.00
Vidyadhara Lama by Tsasum Lingpa Extended Edition × 1 $14.00
One-Hundred-and-Eight Stupa Tsa Tsa × 1 $22.00
Dzambhala × 1 $42.00
Subtotal $1,209.85
USPS Priority Mail: $103.94
USPS Media Mail: $99.64
Total $1,313.79

Karma Lingpa's Beholding Naked Awareness

Karma Lingpa


Mind Only School

100 Syllables Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Achi Chokyi Drolma Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Amitabha Mantra 1
Play | DownLoad

Amitabha Mantra 2
Play | DownLoad

Buddha Akshobhya Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Buddha Vairocana Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Chakrasamvara Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Chanting of the Six Syllables Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Garchen Guru Yoga Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Great Compassion Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Green Tara Mantra 1
綠度母咒 1
Play | DownLoad

Green Tara Mantra 2
綠度母咒 2
Play | DownLoad

Guru Rinpoche Mantra 1
蓮師咒 1
Play | DownLoad

Guru Rinpoche Mantra 2
蓮師咒 2
Play | DownLoad

Guru Rinpoche Mantra 3
蓮師咒 3
Play | DownLoad

Guru Rinpoche Mantra 4
蓮師咒 4
Play | DownLoad

Mani Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Mani Mantra (long)
六字大明咒 長版
Play | DownLoad

Medicine Buddha Long Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Medicine Buddha Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Namgyalma Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Peaceful Deities of the Eight Great Herukas Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Red Avalokiteshvara for the Mani Pills Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Three Kaya’s of Guru Rinpoche Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Vajrakilaya Mantra Long
Play | DownLoad

Vajrakilaya Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Vajrasattva Mantra
Play | DownLoad

White-Tara Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Wrathful Vajrapani Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Yamantaka Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Yamantaka Protection Mantra
Play | DownLoad

Yamantaka Protection Mantra by Gape Lama
文殊閻魔敵保護咒 by Gape Lama
Play | DownLoad

Key to the Precious Treasury ~ Book
$ 95.00 $ 95.00
Guhyagarbha Tantra ~ Book
Guhyagarbha Tantra ~ Book
$ 150.00 $ 150.00
Troma Nagmo ~ Image
Troma Nagmo ~ Image
$ 6.00 $ 6.00
Troma Nagmo Ngondro & Phowa ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Ngondro & Phowa ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 18.00 $ 18.00
Troma Nagmo Intermediate Sadhana ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Intermediate Sadhana ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 24.00 $ 24.00
Troma Fire Ritual ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Fire Ritual ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 15.00 $ 15.00
Troma Nagmo: An Illuminating Vessel of Siddhis ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Nagmo: An Illuminating Vessel of Siddhis ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 9.00 $ 9.00
Essence of Clear Light Teachings ~ Digital Transcript
Essence of Clear Light Teachings ~ Digital Transcript
$ 50.00 $ 50.00
Essential Prayers ~ Digital Practice Text
Essential Prayers ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 15.00 $ 15.00
Chetsun Nyingtig One-Month Retreat Manual: English ~ Digital Practice Text
Chetsun Nyingtig One-Month Retreat Manual: English ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 21.00 $ 21.00
Chetsun Nyingtig Liturgy 5th Edition: English ~ Digital Practice Text
Chetsun Nyingtig Liturgy 5th Edition: English ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 25.00 $ 25.00
Heart Essence of Chetsun - Wisdom Bindu ~ Book
Heart Essence of Chetsun - Wisdom Bindu ~ Book
$ 45.00 $ 45.00
Heart Essence of Chetsun - The Perfect Secret Bindu ~ Book
Heart Essence of Chetsun - The Perfect Secret Bindu ~ Book
$ 45.00 $ 45.00
Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning Teachings ~ Digital Transcripts - Yr 1 (2008) PDF Download
Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning Teachings ~ Digital Transcripts
Yr 1 (2008) PDF Download
$ 50.00 $ 50.00
Jigmed Lingpa's Yeshe Lama: An Extensive Oral Commentary by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche ~ Book
Jigmed Lingpa's Yeshe Lama: An Extensive Oral Commentary by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche ~ Book
$ 45.00 $ 45.00
Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu ~ Book
Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu ~ Book
$ 45.00 $ 45.00
Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning ~ Book
Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning ~ Book
$ 45.00 $ 45.00
Troma Nagmo Feasts of Chod ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Feasts of Chod ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 18.00 $ 18.00
Troma Nagmo Concise Sadhana ~ Digital Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Concise Sadhana ~ Digital Practice Text
$ 18.00 $ 18.00
Troma Nagmo Concise Sadhana 2nd Edition ~ Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Concise Sadhana 2nd Edition ~ Practice Text
$ 30.00 $ 30.00
Troma Nagmo Intermediate Sadhana ~ Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Intermediate Sadhana ~ Practice Text
$ 40.00 $ 40.00
Troma Nagmo Ngondro & Phowa ~ Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Ngondro & Phowa ~ Practice Text
$ 30.00 $ 30.00
Troma Nagmo Feasts of Chod ~ Practice Text
Troma Nagmo Feasts of Chod ~ Practice Text
$ 30.00 $ 30.00
Dudjom Lingpa's Chod
Dudjom Lingpa's Chod
$ 45.00 $ 45.00

Product Total
"Eight Herukas: The Secret Glorious Subjugators" revealed by Tsasum Lingpa × 1 $15.00
Lion's Gaze: hardback × 1 $30.00
Advice from a Spiritual Friend: A Commentary on Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend × 1 $22.00
Guhyagarbha Tantra × 1 $44.95
Anuyoga: Exploring the One Taste of the Three Mandalas × 1 $22.00
Beauty of Awakened Mind: Dzogchen Lineage of Shigpo Dudtsi × 1 $22.00
Buddhist Path × 1 $19.95
Ceaseless Echoes of the Great Silence × 1 $22.95 on the Buddha Sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche × 1 $8.00
Discovering Infinite Freedom: The Prayer of Küntuzangpo × 1 $20.00
Essential Journey of Life and Death: Both Companion Volumes × 1 $45.00
Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind from Samsara × 1 $8.00
Cutting Through Ego and Revealing Fearlessness: Chod Practice According to Jigme Lingpa’s Bellowing Laugh of the Dakini × 1 $28.00
Illuminating the Path: Ngondro Instructions According to the Nyingma School of Vajrayana Buddhism × 1 $18.00
Inborn Realization: Commentary on HH Dudjom Rinpoche's Mountain × 1 $22.00
Invincible Determination of the Princess Yeshe Dawa: A Commentary on the Twenty-One Verses of Praise and Homage with the Root Mantra of Ārya Tārā × 1 $24.95
Light of Peace: How Buddhism Shines in the World × 1 $16.00
Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: Hardback × 1 $24.95
Liberating Duality with Wisdom Display: Eight Emanations of Guru Padmasambhava × 1 $22.00
Lion's Gaze: paperback × 1 $20.00
Madhyamaka School × 1 $20.00
Madhyamakalamkara Vritti by Abbot Shantarakshita × 1 $24.95
Mind Only School × 1 $20.00
Mipham's Sword of Wisdom by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche × 1 $17.95
Nature of Mind × 1 $21.95
Nine Golden Chariots × 1 $20.00
Opening the Door to Tibetan Buddhism × 1 $8.00
Opening the Wisdom Door of the Outer Tantras × 1 $20.00
Praise to the Lotus Born: Hardcover × 1 $24.00
Rangtong & Shentong Views: A Brief Explanation of the One Taste × 1 $20.00
Refuge Booklet Setting Your Foot on the Path × 1 $4.00
Sarnath Stupa Memorial Book × 1 $25.00
Seven Chapter Prayer Commentary: Vajra Sound of Peace × 1 $42.00
Seven Line Prayer Practice Guide × 1 $8.00
Seven Nails: The Final Testament of the Great Dzogchen Master Shri Singha × 1 $22.00
Supreme Wisdom: A Commentary on Yeshe Lama × 1 $75.00
Tara's Enlightened Activity × 1 $24.95
Tattvasiddhi and Madhyamakalankara by Shantarakshita with Commentary by the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches × 1 $25.95
Twelve Deeds of the Buddha commentary × 1 $8.00
Uprooting Clinging: A Commentary on Mipham Rinpoche’s Wheel of Analytic Meditation × 1 $22.00
Vaibhashika & Sautrantika Schools × 1 $18.00
Vows and Conduct in the Nyingma Tradition × 1 $8.00
Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha: The Path to Freedom × 1

At present, we are focusing upon the work of illustrious Tibetan scholars such as omniscient Lonchenpa (1308-1363), the vidyadhara Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798), Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpa’i Nyima (1865-1929), Heruka Dudjom Lingpa (1835-1904), Ju Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912), Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987), and Kyabje Dungsai Thrinley Norbu Rinpoche.

Pema Osel Ling

“I next envisioned Pema Osel Ling as remaining for a long time to come --- a long-lasting ocean of Dharma --- where teachers would teach and where generation upon generations of people would come for teachings and practice. And I wanted this Dharma center to remain totally dedicated to the Dudjom Tersar lineage, not out of sectarianism, but because this lineage is the most profound and direct for this time. Not only does it suit peoples’ mental capacities but, more profoundly, it completely contains all 84,000 teachings as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni and the 640,000 Great Perfection tantras as well. Nothing is missing.”

Image:Manjushri.jpg|frame|The [[bodhisattva Mañjushri]]

Return to Yamantaka


The Sutra on Perfect Wisdom (Conze 1975) defines the significance of each syllable thus:[citation needed]

A is a door to the insight that all dharmas are unproduced from the very beginning (ādya-anutpannatvād). RA is a door to the insight that all dharmas are without dirt (rajas). PA is a door to the insight that all dharmas have been expounded in the ultimate sense (paramārtha). CA is a door to the insight that the decrease (cyavana) or rebirth of any dharma cannot be apprehended, because all dharmas do not decrease, nor are they reborn. NA is a door to the insight that the names (i.e. nāma) of all dharmas have vanished; the essential nature behind names cannot be gained or lost.

name of Mañjuśrī in siddhaṃ
maṃ ju śrī

Name of mañjughoṣa in siddhaṃ
maṃ ju gho ṣa

The names Mañjughoṣa and Mañjuśrī are synonyms for the same figure, although there are sometimes slight iconographic differences between them in Buddhist art. In Sanskrit mañju means: "beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasent, sweet"; while ghoṣa means "voice", while śrī has a range of meanings taking in "light, lustre, radiance; properity, welfare, good fortune, success, auspciousness; high rank, royalty". So Mañjughoṣa can mean Beautiful Speech, and Mañjuśrī might be translated as Lovely Prince, or Beautiful Radiance, etc.

The emblems of both figures are the flaming sword in the right hand, and the book in the left. Sometimes these are perched upon lotuses which are held in the relevant hand. Sometimes the book is held to the heart and sometimes out to the side. The book is the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramita Sutra - the Perfection of Wisdom in 8000 lines.

He is sometimes known as Arapacana Mañjuśrī after his mantra (in the Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgitī for instance) which is also known as the Arapacana Mantra - see below. Another name he goes by is Vagiśvara or Lord of Speech.

Seed Syllable

Seed syllable of manjusri/manjughosa 'dhih', the perfection of wisdom, in the Siddham script

Siddhaṃ Mañjuśrī 's seed syllable is dhīḥ, the seed syllable of perfect wisdom which he shares with Prajñāpāramita.
For more information on dhīḥ see also my essay The Seed Syllable of Perfect Wisdom.

Seed syllable of manjusri/manjughosa 'dhih', the perfection of wisdom, in the Tibetan Uchen script

Tibetan - Uchen


The Manjughosa/Manjusri - arapacana - mantra in the Siddham script
Tibetan - Uchen

The Manjughosa/Manjusri - arapacana - mantra in the Tibetan Uchen script

The Manjughosa/Manjusri - arapacana - mantra in the Lantsa script

The Manjughosa/Manjusri - arapacana - mantra in the Lantsa script

oṃ a ra pa ca na dhīḥ

Tibetan pronunication is slightly different and so the Tibetan characters read:

oṃ a ra pa tsa na dhīḥ

Notes on the Mañjuśrī-Mañjughoṣa/Arapacana Mantra

The middle part of the mantra consists of the first five syllables of what is most likely the Gāndhārī alphabet - it is clearly not Sanskrit which has quite a different order. I have written a short essay on the Arapacana alphabet on my blog. I'm unsure about the oṃ and dhīḥ, the first of which especially, seems to frame it as part of the general Mahayana Dhāraṇī cult. dhīḥ is strongly associated with the Prajñāpāramita tradition, but I haven't explored the nature of the connection yet. One source of the alphabet is the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramita Sutra, The Perfection of Wisdom in 25,000 lines, which Conze translates in his book The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom which sets out the following meanings for the first syllables:

A is a door to the insight that all dharmas are unproduced from the very beginning (ādya-anutpannatvād);
RA is a door to the insight that all dharmas are without dirt (rajas);
PA is a door to the insight that all dharmas have been expounded in the ultimate sense (paramārtha);
CA is a door to the insight that the decrease (cyavana) or rebirth of any dharma cannot be apprehended, because all dharmas do not decrease, nor are they reborn;
NA is a door to the insight that the names [i.e. nāma] of all dharmas have vanished; the essential nature behind names cannot be gained or lost.
Each letter of this mystical alphabet then is associated with some point of the Dharma, and all together are referred to as the syllable-doors (to the Dharma). The 'power' of these syllables is somewhat cryptically explained, but I think the point is that all of the reflections are pointing towards the nature of śunyata. (See The Wisdom Alphabet for more detail).

The first sentence in Sanskrit - akāro mukhaṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ ādyanutpannavāt - went on to become a mantra in its own right in the Hevajra Tantra for instance.


Mañjuśrī is sometimes known by an epithet that is also borne by Śiva, and by Indra before him. Vak is speech in Sanskrit. In Vedic texts Vāc is treated as a Goddess in her own right. Vagiśvara combines vāc and īśvara and means Lord of Speech. Since it is Vāc or speech that forms the basis of mantra, to be the Lord of Speech is to be Lord of Mantra.



Vagisvara Manjusri Mantra Siddham

oṃ va gi śva ra muḥ

oṃ vagiśvara muḥ


Vagisvara Manjusri Mantra Tibetan

oṃ va gī śva ri muṃ

oṃ vagīśvari muṃ

The Tibetan version often has īśvari rather than īśvara, but this is incorrect.

Mañjushri (Skt. Mañjuśrī; Tib. འཇམ་དཔལ་, འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས་, Jampalyang, Wyl. 'jam dpal dbyang; Chi. 文殊, Wenshu, Pin. Wénshū)) or Mañjughosha (Skt. Mañjughoṣa; Tib. འཇམ་དབྱངས་, Jamyang, Wyl. ‘jam dbyangs; 'the Gentle Voiced') or is
#one of the eight great bodhisattvas who were the closest disciples of the Buddha. In this form, he sometimes appears whitish-green in colour and holding a lily to symbolize renunciation of the destructive emotions.
#the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom of all the buddhas, traditionally depicted with a sword in his right and a text in his left hand.

In The Array of Virtues of Manjushri’s Buddha Realm the Buddha proclaims:
:The benefit accomplished for beings by ManjushrikumarabhutaAnother name for the bodhisattva Mañjuśrī, it means in full “the youthful Mañjuśrī.” in each eon is not performed even by trillions of buddhas.

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo says:

:In definitive terms, Mañjushri, you are now, and from the very beginning you have always been, a genuine buddha, in whom all the qualities of abandonment and realization are totally perfected, because you completely traversed all ten bhumis, such as the Joyous and so on, and purified the two obscurations, together with any latent habitual tendencies, many incalculable aeons ago. Nevertheless, from a merely provisional perspective, you appear as the foremost of all the bodhisattvas, and demonstrate the means of training as a bodhisattva in the presence of all the victorious ones and their heirs throughout the ten directions.

:Moreover, from the perspective of the mantrayana, there is no doubt whatsoever that you, Mañjushri, are a buddha. In fact, this is even stated in the sutras. In the The Array of Virtues of Manjushri’s Buddha Realm, for example, it says you have completed the ten bhumis. And in two other sutras—the Shurangama-samadhi Sutra and the Angulimala Sutra—you are clearly referred to as a buddha. {{LH|tibetan-masters/jamyang-khyentse-wangpo/manjushri-few-remarks|A Few Remarks—An Explanation of the Praise to Noble Mañjushri known as Glorious Wisdom’s Excellent Qualities}}

Manjushri's initial prayers of aspiration

In The Array of Virtues of Manjushri’s Buddha Realm we read about the extraordinary aspirations Manjushri made in a past life as King Akasha:

:For as long as beginningless cyclic existence
:Has occurred in the past,
:I shall now engage in limitless deeds
:For the sake of beings.Verses 1.203-214,

:In the presence of the World’s Protector,i.e. Buddha
:I direct my mind toward supreme awakening.
:I will serve all beings,
:And free them from poverty and misery.

:I shall not aspire or be eager
:To quickly awaken to buddhahood.
:Rather, throughout the reaches of the future,
:I shall act for the benefit of every single being.

Normally, a Buddha would prophesy a bodhisattva's future enlightenment, but King Akasha had the great confidence to proclaim:

:I make my own prophecy,
:As there is no doubt of my buddhahood.


Teachings Given to the About Rigpa|Rigpa Sangha

*Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 30 May 2011

Empowerments of Manjushri Given to the About Rigpa|Rigpa Sangha

*His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Dzogchen Orgyen Chö Ling, London, UK, [August/September?] 1978
*His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Cornwall, UK, 29 March 1989
*Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok, Lerab Ling, 30 August 1993
*His Holiness Sakya Trizin, Lerab Ling, 2 August 2014
*Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 17 August 2019: White Manjushri
*Ling Choktrul Rinpoche, Dharma Mati, Germany, 7 May 2023

Further Reading

*Jamgön Mipham, A Garland of Jewels, (trans. by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso), Woodstock: KTD Publications, 2008

Internal Links

*Arapatsana mantra
*Wutai Shan
*Chanting the Names of Manjushri
*Black Manjushri
*White Manjushri

External Links

*{{LH|topics/manjushri|Manjushri series on Lotsawa House}}
*{{LH|tibetan-masters/jamyang-khyentse-wangpo/manjushri-few-remarks|A Few Remarks—An Explanation of the Praise to Noble Mañjushri known as Glorious Wisdom’s Excellent Qualities}}
*[ Manjushri outline page at Himalayan Art Resources]
*{{84000||The Noble Mahāyāna Sūtra 'The Dwelling Place of Manjushri'}}
*[ A teaching on Manjushri by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Bir, India, 2020]
*{{84000|| The Root Manual of the Rites of Mañjuśrī}}
*{{84000|| Spoken by Mañjuśrī Himself}}
*{{84000|| Mañjuśrī’s Sworn Oath}}
*{{84000|| Mañjuśrī’s Promise}}
*{{84000|| The Epithets of Mañjuśrī}}
*{{84000|| The Noble Lord Mañjuśrī’s Dḥāraṇī for Increasing Insight and Intelligence}}
*{{84000|| The Procedure for Mañjuśrī’s Single-Syllable Mantra}}
*{{84000|| The Blessed One’s Praise of Sharp Mañjuśrī}}
*{{84000|| The Eight Maidens’ Praise of Mañjuśrī, Lord of Speech}}
*{{84000|| One Hundred and Eight Names of Mañjuśrī}}

Category: Buddhas and Deities
Category: Bodhisattvas
Category: Manjushri
Category: Eight Close Sons