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Practices of the Python Pro

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by Dane Hillard

Fair Use Source: 1617296082

Professional developers know the many benefits of writing application code that’s Clean Python | clean, well-organized, and easy to maintain. By learning and following established Python design patterns and Python best practices, you can take your code and your career to a new level. With Practices of the Python Pro, you’ll learn to design professional-level, clean, easily-maintainable software at scale using the incredibly popular programming language, Python. You’ll find easy-to-grok examples that use pseudocode and Python to introduce software development best practices, along with dozens of instantly-useful techniques that will help you code like a pro.

Dane Hillard has spent the majority of professional software development career building web applications using Python. He's passionate about introducing professional software development techniques to the many data scientists, business pros, and other self-taught programmers working with Python.

* Paperback: 305 pages
* Publisher: Manning Publications; 1 edition (February 11, 2020)
* ISBN-10: 1617296082
* ISBN-13: 978-1617296086
* amazon>1617296082


Dane Hillard


Practices of the Python Pro


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Brief contents


1 ■ The bigger picture


2 ■ Separation of concerns - 19

3 ■ Abstraction and encapsulation - 41

4 ■ Designing for high performance - 58

5 ■ Testing your software - 77



6 ■ Separation of concerns in practice - 103

7 ■ Extensibility and flexibility - 127

8 ■ The rules (and exceptions) of inheritance - 143

9 ■ Keeping things lightweight - 160

10 ■ Achieving loose coupling - 177



11 ■ Onward and upward - 199

Full Table of Contents





about this book


about the author


about the cover illustration




The bigger picture

1.1 - Python is an enterprise language

The times they are a-changin’

■ What I like about Python

1.2 - Python is a teaching language

1.3 - Design is a process

The user experience

■ You’ve been here before

1.4 - Design enables better software

Considerations in software design

■ Organically grown software

1.5 - When to invest in design

1.6 - New beginnings

1.7 - Design is democratic

Presence of mind

1.8 - How to use this book




* Python separation of concerns


2.1 - Python Namespacing

* Python Namespaces and the Python import statement
* The many masks of importing
* Python Namespaces prevent collisions


2.2 - Python hierarchy of separation

* Python Functions
* Python Classes
* [[Python Modules
* Python Packages

3 Python Abstraction and Python encapsulation

3.1 - What is abstraction?

The “black box”

■ Abstraction is like an onion

Abstraction is a simplifier

■ Decomposition enables


3.2 - Python Encapsulation

Encapsulation constructs in Python

■ Expectations of privacy in Python

3.3 - Try it out

* Python Refactoring

3.4 - Programming styles are an abstraction too

* Python Procedural programming

* Python Functional programming

* Python Declarative programming

3.5 - Python Typing, inheritance, and polymorphism

3.6 - Recognizing the wrong abstraction

Square pegs in round holes

Clever gets the cleaver


4 * Python Designing for high performance

4.1 - Hurtling through time and space

Complexity is a little . . . complex

* Python Time complexity

* Python Space complexity

4.2 - Python performance and data types

* Python Data types for constant time

* Python Data types for linear time

Space complexity of operations on data types

4.3 - Make it work, make it right, make it fast

Making it work

68 ■ Making it right

68 ■ Making it fast

4.4 - Python Tools

* * Python timeit

72 ■ CPU profiling

4.5 - Try it out


5 Python Testing your software 77

5.1 - What is software testing?

Does it do what it says on the tin?

■ The anatomy of a Python functional test

5.2 - Python Functional testing approaches

* Python Manual testing

* Python Automated testing

* Python Acceptance testing

* Python Unit testing

* Python Integration testing

* The testing pyramid

* Python Regression testing

5.3 - Statements of fact

5.4 - Python Unit testing with unittest

* Python Test organization with unittest

* Python Running tests with unittest

* Python Writing your first test with unittest

* Python Writing your first integration test with unittest

* Python Test doubles

■ Try it out

■ Writing interesting tests

5.5 - * Python Testing with pytest

* Python Test organization with pytest

* Python Converting unittest tests to pytest

5.6 - Python Beyond functional testing

* Python Performance testing

* Python Load testing

5.7 - * Python Test-driven development: A primer

It’s a mindset

It’s a philosophy



6 * Python Separation of concerns in practice

6.1 - A command-line bookmarking application

6.2 - A tour of Bark

The benefits of separation: Reprise

6.3 - An initial code structure, by concern


The persistence layer

107 ■ The business logic layer


The presentation layer




7 Extensibility and flexibility 127


What is extensible code?


Adding new behaviors

128 ■ Modifying existing behaviors


Loose coupling



Solutions for rigidity


Letting go: Inversion of control

133 ■ The devil’s in the details:

Relying on interfaces

136 ■ Fighting entropy: The robustness




An exercise in extension


8 The rules (and exceptions) of inheritance 143


The inheritance of programming past


The silver bullet

144 ■ The challenges of hierarchies



The inheritance of programming present


What is inheritance for, really?

146 ■ Substitutability


The ideal use case for inheritance



Inheritance in Python


Type inspection

150 ■ Superclass access

151 ■ Multiple

inheritance and method resolution order

152 ■ Abstract base




Inheritance and composition in Bark


Refactoring to use an abstract base class

157 ■ A final check on

your inheritance work


9 Keeping things lightweight 160


How big should my class/function/module be?


Physical size

161 ■ Single responsibility

161 ■ Code




Breaking down complexity


Extracting configuration

166 ■ Extracting functions



Decomposing classes


Initialization complexity

171 ■ Extracting classes and forwarding



10 Achieving loose coupling 177


Defining coupling


The connective tissue

178 ■ Tight coupling

178 ■ Loose






Recognizing coupling


Feature envy

184 ■ Shotgun surgery

184 ■ Leaky




Coupling in Bark



Addressing coupling


User messaging

189 ■ Bookmark persistence

191 ■ Try it



PAR T 4 WHAT’S NEXT? ...................................................197

11 Onward and upward 199


What now?


Develop a plan

200 ■ Execute the plan

201 ■ Track your




Design patterns


Ups and downs of design patterns in Python

206 ■ Terms to start




Distributed systems


Modes of failure in distributed systems

207 ■ Addressing

application state

208 ■ Terms to start with



Take a Python deep dive


Python code style

208 ■ Language features are patterns


Terms to start with



Where you’ve been


There and back again: A developer’s tale

210 ■ Signing off



Installing Python






Python, like me, was born in December of 1989. Although I’ve accomplished a great

deal in the subsequent three decades, Python’s success is prolific. More people than

ever before are picking it up to accomplish fascinating things in data science, machine

learning, and more. Since I learned Python, this “second-best language for every-

thing” has in reality been my first choice for many endeavors.

I had a rather traditional path into programming through the Electrical Engineer-

ing and Computer Science Department at the University of Michigan. At that time,

the coursework focused mainly on C++ and MATLAB—languages I continued to use

in my first job out of school. I developed some shell scripting and SQL chops in my

next position, processing big data for bioinformatics. I also started using PHP to work

on a personal WordPress site from scratch.

Although I was getting results (and cool ones, in some cases), none of the lan-

guages I was using resonated with me. But I was oblivious. I assumed that programming

languages were purely means to an end, and they had little chance of being fun to

work with. Around this time, a friend invited me to join him in a hackathon project to

build a Ruby library.

The world exploded with color, fruits tasted sweeter, and all that. The ease of using

an interpreted language and the human-friendly syntax of Ruby really made me think

about the tools I’d been using. Although I didn’t stick with Ruby for too long, I

decided to give Python and the Django web framework a try for the next iteration of

my personal site. It gave me the same joy and shallow learning curve I’d seen with

Ruby, and I haven’t looked back since!




Now that Python is recognized widely as a language of choice for many tasks, folks

coming into software development don’t need to go through the trial and error pro-

cess I did. New and interesting pathways into a career in software are opening up all

around too. Despite these differences, I hope we can all share in the common experi-

ence of finding joy in programming with Python. I also hope this book can contribute

to that joy.

Come along on the wonderful Python journey I fell into somewhat haphazardly. I

want to see you build a website, a data pipeline, or an automated plant-watering sys-

tem. Whatever you fancy. Python’s got your back. Send photos and code samples of

your projects to


I didn’t write this book alone. My appreciation runs deep for everyone who helped me

along the way, at every stage and in every capacity. You are loved.

Most anyone who’s been involved in the production of a book can tell you that it’s

always more work than you think. I heard this many times throughout the process,

and it certainly was a lot of work. What’s not always clear is that the real struggle is bal-

ancing all that extra work with your existing life.

To my partner, Stefanie: your support, encouragement, and tolerance of my rant-

ing and raving were paramount in making this book a reality. Thank you for judging

my neglect lightly and extricating me from this project during the roughest times. I

could not have done this without you.

Thank you to my parents, Kim and Donna, for always funneling my energy toward

curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

Thanks to my dear friend Vincent Zhang for spending countless nights at the cof-

fee shop coding by my side. You were there when the concept for this book was born,

and your validation helped spur me to take on this endeavor.

Thank you to James Nguyen for persevering as you changed paths to become a

developer. You embody the audience for this book, and your input has been invalu-

able. I’m proud of your accomplishments.

My gratitude goes to all my colleagues at ITHAKA and beyond for your input and

support. I thank you for enduring what has undoubtedly been a flighty period for me.




To Toni Arritola, my editor: thank you for your determination in pushing me ever

toward higher-quality teaching. The writing process is fraught with many unexpected

snags, but you provided me consistency and stability. Thank you.

To Nick Watts, my technical editor: your feedback has pushed the content of this

book from frantic ramblings to plausible software teachings. Your candor and insight

are much appreciated.

Thank you to Mike Stephens and Marjan Bace at Manning for believing in this

idea and trusting me as its shepherd. Thank you to everyone at Manning for working

tirelessly to bring authors’ ideas to life.

To all the reviewers—Al Krinker, Bonnie Bailey, Burkhard Nestmann, Chris Way-

man, David Kerns, Davide Cadamuro, Eriks Zelenka, Graham Wheeler, Gregory

Matuszek, Jean-François Morin, Jens Christian Bredahl Madsen, Joseph Perenia, Mark

Thomas, Markus Maucher, Mike Stevens, Patrick Regan, Phil Sorensen, Rafael Cas-

semiro Freire, Richard Fieldsend, Robert Walsh, Steven Parr, Sven Stumpf, and Willis

Hampton—your suggestions helped make this a better book.

A final thank you to anyone and everyone else who has had a positive influence—

directly, intentionally, or otherwise—on my journey in programming and this book. I

cannot hope to produce an exhaustive list; names not appearing here are due

expressly to the limitations of my own mind. Thank you to Mark Brehob, Dr. Andrew

DeOrio, Jesse Sielaff, Trek Glowacki, everyone at SAIC (in our little Ann Arbor office),

everyone at Compendia Bioscience (and friends), Brandon Rhodes, Kenneth Love,

Trey Hunner, Jeff Triplett, Mariatta Wijaya, Ali Spittel, Chris Coyier, Sarah Drasner,

David Beazley, Dror Ayalon, Tim Allen, Sandi Metz, and Martin Fowler.

about this book

Practices of the Python Pro introduces several concepts that software developers in almost

any language can use to improve their work. This would be a great book to read after

learning the fundamentals of the Python language.

Who should read this book

Practices of the Python Pro is for anyone in the early stages of their programming jour-

ney. In fact, people outside the software industry altogether who use software to sup-

plement their work can find value in this book. The concepts contained in these pages

will help readers build software that’s more maintainable, which in turn makes their

software easier to collaborate on.

In the sciences, reproducibility and provenance are important aspects of the

research process. As more research comes to rely on software, code that people can

understand, update, and improve is a major consideration. But college curricula are

still catching up to this intersection of software with other disciplines. For those with

limited experience in formal software development, this book provides a set of princi-

ples for producing shareable, reusable software.

If you’re seasoned in object-oriented programming and domain-driven design, you

may find this book too introductory for your benefit. On the other hand, if you’re rel-

atively new to Python, software, or software design, give this book a try. There’s some-

thing in here for you.




How this book is organized: A roadmap

Practices of the Python Pro consists of 11 chapters in 4 parts. Parts 1 and 2 provide discus-

sion along with short examples and an occasional exercise. Part 3 builds on what

you’ve learned in earlier chapters and contains a variety of exercises. Part 4 provides

strategies for learning more, along with recommendations about what to try after

reading this book.

Part 1, “Why it all matters,” sets the stage for Python’s rise to fame and why software

design is valuable.

Chapter 1 covers some recent history of Python and why I enjoy developing

Python programs. It goes on to explain software design, why it’s important, and

how it manifests in your day-to-day work.

Part 2, “Foundations of design,” covers the high-level concepts that underpin software

design and development.

Chapter 2 covers separation of concerns, a fundamental activity that provides a

basis for several others in the book.

Chapter 3 explains abstraction and encapsulation, showing you how hiding

information and providing simpler interfaces to more complex logic helps you

keep a handle on your code.

Chapter 4 prompts you to think about performance, covering different data

structures, approaches, and tools to help you build speedy programs.

Chapter 5 teaches you about testing your software, using a variety of approaches,

from unit testing to end-to-end testing.

Part 3, “Nailing down large systems,” walks you through building a real application

using the principles you’ve learned.

Chapter 6 introduces the application you’ll build in the book and provides

exercises for creating a program’s foundation.

Chapter 7 covers the concepts of extensibility and flexibility and includes exer-

cises that add extensibility to the application.

Chapter 8 helps you understand class inheritance, providing recommendations

about where and when it should be used. It continues on with exercises that

examine inheritance in the application you’re building.

Chapter 9 steps back a bit, introducing tools and an approach for keeping code

from growing too large as you go along.

Chapter 10 explains loose coupling, providing some final exercises to reduce

the coupling in the application you’re building.

Part 4, “What’s next?” gives you some recommendations for how and what to learn next.

Chapter 11 shows you how I map out new learning material and gives you a few

areas of study to try if you’re interested in going deeper into software




I recommend reading Practices of the Python Pro from cover to cover, though you may

choose to skip chapters in parts 1 and 2 if you’re familiar with the material. Part 3 is

best read in order so you can go through the exercises in a linear fashion.

There’s an appendix that will help you install Python, should you need it:

The appendix covers which version of Python you should install, along with the

most common approaches folks use to install it on their systems.

About the code

You can get the full source code for the book’s examples and exercises in the book’s

repository on GitHub (

Alternatively, you can visit the book’s homepage (

tices-of-the-python-pro) and click Source Code to download the code.

This book contains many examples of source code, both in numbered listings and

in line with normal text. In both cases, source code is formatted in a fixed-width

font like this to separate it from ordinary text.

In many cases, the original source code has been reformatted; we’ve added line

breaks and reworked indentation to accommodate the available page space in the

book. In rare cases, even this was not enough, and listings include line-continuation

markers (➥). Additionally, comments in the source code have often been removed

from the listings when the code is described in the text. Code annotations accompany

many of the listings, highlighting important concepts.

For each chapter, the code is organized into Python modules that are referenced

in the text. In general, you’re expected to write your own version of the code and use

the provided source only to check your work. In part 3, the projects in each chapter

build on the code from previous chapters, but each chapter provides a full working

copy of the source.

All code in this book is written in Python 3, and more specifically is intended to

work with Python 3.7+. Most of the code could be made to work on earlier versions

without much fuss, but consider installing a relatively new version of Python for use

with this book.

liveBook discussion forum

Purchase of Practices of the Python Pro includes free access to a private web forum run by

Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical

questions, and receive help from the author and from other users. To access the

forum, go to!/book/practices-of-the-python-pro/

discussion. You can also learn more about Manning’s forums and the rules of conduct at!/discussion.

Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful

dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the author can take

place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of

the author, whose contribution to the forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We



suggest you try asking the author some challenging questions lest his interest stray!

The forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the

publisher’s website as long as the book is in print.

about the author

Dane Hillard is currently a lead web application developer at ITHAKA, a nonprofit in

higher education. His prior experience includes building inference engines for telem-

etry data and ETL pipelines for bioinformatics applications.

Dane’s first forays into programming included creating custom styling for his

MySpace page, scripting for the Rhinoceros 3D modeling application, and making

custom skins and weapons for the MS-DOS game Liero. He enjoys creative coding and

is actively seeking ways to combine his loves of music, photography, food, and software.

Dane has spoken at Python and Django conferences internationally and plans to

continue until someone asks him to stop.


about the cover illustration


The figure on the cover of Practices of the Python Pro is captioned “Homme Finnois,” or

“Finnish Man.” The illustration is taken from a collection of dress costumes from vari-

ous countries by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (1757–1810), titled Costumes de Dif-

férents Pays, published in France in 1797. Each illustration is finely drawn and colored

by hand. The rich variety of Grasset de Saint-Sauveur’s collection reminds us vividly of

how culturally apart the world’s towns and regions were just 200 years ago. Isolated

from each other, people spoke different dialects and languages. In the streets or in

the countryside, it was easy to identify where they lived and what their trade or station

in life was just by their dress.

The way we dress has changed since then and the diversity by region, so rich at the

time, has faded away. It is now hard to tell apart the inhabitants of different conti-

nents, let alone different towns, regions, or countries. Perhaps we have traded cultural

diversity for a more varied personal life—certainly for a more varied and fast-paced

technological life.

At a time when it is hard to tell one computer book from another, Manning cele-

brates the inventiveness and initiative of the computer business with book covers

based on the rich diversity of regional life of two centuries ago, brought back to life by

Grasset de Saint-Sauveur’s pictures.


Part 1

Why it all matters

When you set out to learn new topics, it’s important to consider the big

picture, to frame and focus your thinking. The first part of this book will famil-

iarize you with Python’s importance in modern software development, and it will

provide a framework for understanding the value of software design principles

and practices in furthering your career in programming.

Whether you’re new to programming, looking for the next language you’d

like to learn, or trying to advance your skills to tackle bigger projects, this part of

the book should convince you that Python is a great choice.

The bigger picture

This chapter covers

 Using Python in complex software projects

 Getting familiar with the high-level process of

software design

 Recognizing when you should invest in design

I’m glad you picked up this book; it means you’d like to take the next step with soft-

ware development. Maybe you’re looking to enter the software industry, or maybe

you’re looking to use software to supplement your work. Maybe you’ve even been

paid to write software before. Congratulations—you’re already a pro! Coding like a

pro just means learning the concepts and strategies that will help you build and

maintain big software for the long term.

By reading on, you’re committing yourself to learning how Python can help you

think big and go from writing utility scripts to writing complex software. I’ll help

you lay a foundation on which you can construct your software development skills.

Throughout your career, you will likely be exposed to ever-increasing software

complexity. That software could be something you build over time, or it could very

well be an existing heap of code thrust upon you at the most inopportune moment.




The bigger picture

Whatever the case, you’ll want to have a suite of utilities at your disposal so you can be

prepared to make sense of it.

By reading this book, you’ll gain experience and familiarity with how complex

software systems work so that you can use that expertise to improve upon them. You’ll

be learning how to envision these kinds of systems before building them to minimize

surprises and risks. Once you’re through with this book, you should be able to dive

headlong into things that you’re confused or anxious about now with a newfound


You’ll learn about putting the complexities of your code into easy-to-understand,

reusable wrappers. You’ll make sure your code is neatly organized by its purpose so

you can remember what’s what. These tools will help you help yourself and become

more productive in your projects, both new and old!

I’m going to use Python as the vehicle for the examples in this book. Python has

been my favorite programming language for some time now, and I hope it’s one of

yours too. If you haven’t had a chance to get to know Python much yet, take the time

to do that first. The Quick Python Book, third edition, by Naomi Ceder (Manning, 2018),

is a great place to get started.

All examples in this book are written with a recent version of Python 3 in mind. I

strongly recommend you install Python 3 before proceeding. See the appendix if you

need some guidance on the installation process.

The great divide

Are you using Python 2 or Python 3? A sizable number of people are still using Python

2, even though Python 3 came onto the scene a while ago— quite a while ago, in

2008. To put that in perspective, Flo Rida’s “Low” and Alicia Keys’ “No One” were at

the top of the charts that year.

Python 3 brought with it several backward-incompatible changes whose effects are

still being felt today. Many of these changes have been backported to later versions

of Python 2 to ease the transition. Developers on large projects using Python 2 have

some hurdles to overcome, but some people seem to be taking their Python 2 soft-

ware to the grave with them.

If you need a bit of convincing about why Python is a good choice of language, read

on a bit further.


Python is an enterprise language

The Python programming language has been treated historically as a scripting lan-

guage. Developers perceived its performance and applicability negatively, choosing

other languages for their enterprise software needs. Python was used for small data-

processing jobs or personal tools, but enterprise software was still a job for languages

like Java, C, or SAS.

Python is a teaching language



The times they are a-changin’

Over the last few years, the notion that Python couldn’t stand up to enterprise use has

shifted dramatically. Python is now being applied to nearly every discipline out there,

from robotics to machine learning to chemistry. Python has powered some of the most

successful internet companies of the last decade and doesn’t show any signs of slowing.


What I like about Python

Python is a breath of fresh air. Like many of my friends and colleagues, I learned a

great deal of C++ in school, along with a bit of MATLAB, Perl, and PHP. I built my first

website in PHP and even tried a Java Spring version at one point. PHP and Java are, as

many successful companies will attest, perfectly capable languages in this arena, but

they didn’t click with me for some reason.

I found that Python excelled in its syntax; this is often cited as one reason for its

accelerating popularity. The syntax comes closer to written English than other lan-

guages, and as a result it can be more approachable for those new to programming, as

well as for people who don’t like the verbosity of other languages. I’ve seen people

light up with joy when asking Python to print('Hello world!') and seeing it do

exactly that. Even now I will occasionally have one of those moments when I uncover a

standard library module I didn’t know about before.

Python is readable. This translates to faster development even for fairly seasoned

developers. Hui Ding, an engineer at Instagram, astutely points out that “Perfor-

mance speed is no longer the primary worry. Time to market speed is.”1 Python

enables rapid prototyping and, as you’ll see later on, the ability to solidify software

into a robust, maintainable codebase. This is what I like about Python.


Python is a teaching language

In 2017, Stack Overflow revealed that, in high-income countries, questions related to Python

made up more than 10% of all questions on the platform, surpassing all other major pro-

gramming languages.2 Python is the fastest growing programming language today, which is

why it’s a handy teaching tool. The thriving developer community and wealth of information

available online mean that it will be a safe choice for the next several years.

Throughout this book, I’ll assume you have a foundational knowledge of Python

syntax, data types, and classes. You’ve seen it and played with it, but you don’t need to

have won awards with it. (Do they have those?). Anyone with a bit of programming

under their belt and a few hours of learning and using Python on their own should

have no problem with the code in this book. You’re going to go through this book

with Python as the conduit for designing bigger, better software. That being said, what

you learn here will, with any luck, be applicable to any language you choose to use.

You’ll find that many software design concepts transcend any particular technology.


Michelle Gienow, “Instagram Makes a Smooth Move to Python 3,” The New Stack, This is a great write-up on Instagram’s transition from Python 2 to Python 3.


See David Robinson, “The Incredible Growth of Python,” Stack Overflow Blog,



The bigger picture


Design is a process

Although the word design often describes a tangible outcome, the value of design is in

the process of arriving at that outcome. Consider fashion designers. Their goal is ulti-

mately to create pieces that will end up in the hands of the people wearing them. For

the designer to reach customers with the next great trend, though, a lot of steps—and

people—are involved (see figure 1.1).

Each interaction the designer has

requires passing information about

the fabric, pattern, cost, etc.

Fabric supplier





Each person needs specific information to perform

Pattern maker

a specific task. They’re fairly independent, but it

takes them all to get the job done.

Figure 1.1

The workflow for a fashion designer. The designer works with a number of other people to get the job


Designers usually work with a fabric supplier to source the right materials for the look,

fit, and texture they want. Once they’ve designed a piece, they work with a patterner to

get different sizes made. Once they produce the pieces, they’re sent through fulfillment

to retail stores where customers can finally buy the clothing. This can take months!

As in fashion, art, and architecture, design in software is the process of sketching

out the plans for a system so that it can be executed for maximum effect. In software,

these plans help us understand the flow of data and the pieces of the system operating

on that data. Figure 1.2 shows a high-level diagram of an e-commerce workflow, out-

lining how a user would progress through the steps.

Each interaction the customer has

requires passing information about

Each step involves a specific set of

who they are, where they live, their

tasks based on the information

credit card information, etc.

provided by the customer.






Figure 1.2

The workflow for an e-commerce website. The system performs a number of activities to

get the job done.

Design is a process


A customer looking to buy something online usually logs in, enters their shipping

information, and pays for the item. This creates an order for the company to process

and ship. Workflows like these require a great deal of design to nail down. The soft-

ware that runs these systems tackles complex rules, error-state checking, and more.

And it has to do it all without missing a beat, because users are sensitive to errors.

They might abandon or even actively speak out against a product that isn’t working

well for them.


The user experience

Workflows that appear concise and clear often take a lot of work to create. Creating

software that works smoothly for all use cases requires market research, user testing,

and robust design. Some products work well for the intended use case, but companies

may find after release that users are doing something totally unexpected with the

product. The software may work for that use case, but it wasn’t optimized for it. There

may be gaps in the design that need to be considered.

When software works well, we hardly notice. People using software products like to

have a frictionless experience, and developers working on software like it too. Working

with code that hasn’t been maintained can lead to frustration, and not knowing how

to fix it can lead to anger! Take a deep breath.


Imagine ice skating at the local hockey rink. When you get on the ice right after the

Zamboni finishes smoothing it out, skating requires little effort. You can lean into

each step just a little, letting the skate do the work. After some time, everyone’s

skates start to cut up the ice. It gets more difficult to glide; you have to push hard

into each step.

Friction in a user experience is a lot like the rough ice. The user may still be able to

accomplish what they’re trying to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s fun. A frictionless

experience is one that guides users along lightly, to the point that they hardly notice

they’re doing work.

Say you’ve been tasked with updating the reporting software at your company. It’s cur-

rently using comma-separated values (CSV) in its export files, but users have been

talking about how much they like tab-separated values (TSV). You think, “I’ll just go

update the delimiter in the output function to a tab instead of a comma!” Now imag-

ine opening up the code to find that the lines of output are all being built up like so:

print(col1_name + ',' + col2_name + ',' + col3_name + ',' + col4_name)

print(first_val + ',' + second_val + ',' + third_val + ',' + fourth_val)

To change the output from CSV to TSV, you’d have to make sure you changed the

comma to a tab in six places. This leaves some room for human error; maybe you saw



The bigger picture

the first line printing the header but missed the line printing the data rows. To make

this more friendly to the next developer who uses the code, you can store the delim-

iter value in a constant and make use of it where needed. You could also use a Python

function to make building the string easier on yourself. Then, when users decide they

like the commas better after all, the change could be made in just one place:


print(DELIMITER.join([col1_name, col2_name, col3_name, col4_name]))

print(DELIMITER.join([first_val, second_val, third_val, fourth_val]))

By sitting down and thinking through the system at a high level, you’ll start to notice

rough areas you didn’t see before, or realize that certain assumptions you had aren’t

accurate. You’ll surprise yourself more than once, and this kind of enlightenment can

motivate you to keep at it. Once you start seeing repeated patterns and common

mistakes, you can start recognizing which thorns can be pulled out. It can be quite



You’ve been here before

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve almost certainly gone through a design process

in the past. Think of a time when you stopped writing code for a moment to revisit the

goal you were trying to achieve. Did you notice something that made you change

direction? Did you see a more efficient way of doing things?

These little moments are design processes in themselves. You take stock of the goal

and current state of your software and use them together to inform what you do next.

Generating these moments intentionally and early on in your software process will

have both short- and long-term benefits.


Design enables better software

I’ll level with you: good design requires time and effort. It’s not something you get for

free. Although embedding design thinking into the development work you do

everyday is ideal, an independent design step before writing (or rewriting) your code

is crucial.

Planning out a software system will help you uncover areas that present risk. You

can identify where sensitive user information might be exposed to a vulnerability. You

can also see which pieces of the system might be performance bottlenecks or single

points of failure.

You can save time and money by simplifying, combining, or splitting up pieces of

the system. Gains like this are difficult to identify when looking at a component in iso-

lation because it isn’t clear whether other components are doing similar jobs. Viewing

the system as a whole allows you to regroup and make informed decisions about the

path forward.

Design enables better software



Considerations in software design

We often think about writing software for “the user,” but software can often serve mul-

tiple audiences. Sometimes “the user” is a person using the product the software is a

part of, whereas other times “the user” is a person trying to develop additional fea-

tures of the software. Often, you’re the only user of your software! By looking at soft-

ware from these different points of view, you can better identify the qualities of the

software you want to build.

The following are some common aspects consumers use to assess software for their

use cases:

 Speed—The software does its job as quickly as it can.

 Integrity—Data used or created by the software is protected from corruption.

 Resources—The software uses disk space and network bandwidth efficiently.

 Security—Users of the software can read and write only data for which they’re


In addition, these are some common outcomes you as a developer might want:

 Loose coupling—Components of the software are not intricately dependent on

one another.

 Intuitability—Developers can discover the nature of the software and how it

works by reading it.

 Flexibility—Developers can adapt the software to related or similar tasks.

 Extensibility—Developers can add or change one aspect of the software without

affecting other aspects.

The pursuit of these outcomes often involves real-world costs. As an example, commit-

ting to increasing security in your software likely means you’ll have to spend more

time in development. Because that development time may increase your expenses,

you may choose to sell your software at a higher price. Effective planning and an

understanding of the trade-offs between these outcomes will help you minimize the

costs to you and your consumers.

Programming languages don’t typically address most of these considerations head

on; they simply provide tools that will enable developers to cater to them. For exam-

ple, high-level languages like Python, which allow developers to write in something simi-

lar to human language instead of machine language, provide some protections in

terms of memory corruption. Python also encourages the use of efficient data types

through its syntax; you’ll learn more about this in chapter 4.

That being said, there’s still a lot of work we can do on our own, because even

Python can’t predict all the ways developers might screw things up. This is where care-

ful design and thinking about the system as a whole will help.



The bigger picture


Organically grown software

Unlike the produce at your local farmers’ market, organically grown software is not

good for your health. In the context of software, a system that has grown organically

over time is likely a system ripe for refactoring. Refactoring code is the process of updat-

ing code so it’s better designed and reflects your latest best practices. It might involve

improving the performance, maintainability, or readability of code.

As the term suggests, organically grown software has become an organism, com-

plete with a nervous system and a mind of its own. Bits of other software may have

been plastered onto it (usually more than once), methods that haven’t been used in

years are in there somewhere, rotting, and maybe there’s one function that does

about 150% of the work. Choosing when to refactor a system like this can be difficult,

but it’s sometime before the moment that makes you yell, “It’s alive!”

An example of this phenomenon is shown in figure 1.3, which depicts the check-

out process for an e-commerce site. It involves several important steps:


Determine that the product is available in the inventory.


Based on the price of the product, calculate the subtotal.


Based on the region of purchase, calculate:




Shipping and handling


Based on the current promotions, calculate any discounts.


Calculate the final total.


Process the payment.


Fulfill the order.

In this system, some of the steps are separated clearly. Not bad! But there is a rough

patch in the middle. It looks like all of the price-related logic happens in one big chunk.

If there’s a bug in that process, it might be difficult to understand exactly which step con-

tains the bug. You may see that the price is wrong, but there will be a lot of code to sift

through to figure out why. The payment processing and fulfillment are also lumped

Check inventory


cart subtotal,

This area handles a lot of logic!

tax, shipping,



final total


Process payment

What happens when the payment

and send to

succeeds but fulfillment fails?


Figure 1.3

An e-commerce system that grew organically

When to invest in design


together, so with an ill-timed error it’s possible you could process the payment success-

fully but never fulfill the order. That would make for a disgruntled customer.

A good start on the path to making this workflow more robust is to split its logical

steps up (figure 1.4). If each step is handled by its own service, the service for a partic-

ular step only needs to concern itself with one job. The inventory service keeps track of

how many items are in stock. The pricing service knows the cost and tax for each item.

This isolates each step from the others, making each one less likely to suffer from bugs.

Purchase info can be persisted here

so fulfillment can retry as needed.




Trigger order


Send to fulfillment













Purchase info can be persisted here


so fulfillment can retry as needed.

Figure 1.4

What a thoughtfully planned e-commerce system might look like

Design often allows you to see where a system’s existing pieces can be broken down

into simpler ones. This idea of decomposition is just one of the tools we’ll explore more

thoroughly in the chapters to come. Keep in mind that this work is almost never done;

refactoring and redesigning code will happen constantly. By internalizing some of the

techniques you’ll learn in this book, though, you’ll find these tasks get easier and

quicker in a given project over time. Stay sharp and recognize opportunities for

improving your existing code!


When to invest in design

We tend to focus our efforts on creating new software to complete tasks. But as proj-

ects grow, we forget about the implementation of working code until it gets in our way.

Some code gets in the way so often that it creates more trouble than value. At this

point the project incurs technical debt, because additional work must be done to

remain productive.

The more frequently a gnarly piece of code gets in the way, and the more difficult

it is to deal with it when it gets in the way, the more time you should allot to getting in

there and sweeping up the mess. This is often based on a gut feeling after a system is

already built, but sometimes you can catch things early.



The bigger picture

Intentional software design up front can save time and headaches down the road.

When software is flexible enough to be extended to new use cases, it can be a pleasure

to work with, so putting thought into the system before writing a line of code is a good

way to keep productivity up. I like to think of this as a technical investment because it’s

putting work in up front for a later return.

One place you may have encountered this is in a framework. Frameworks are large

libraries of code that act as guides to some goal. A framework might help you make your

website look wonderful, or it may help you build a neural network for detecting faces

in video. Regardless of its function, a framework seeks to provide the building blocks

that you can use to make something all your own. For a framework to be useful, it must

be flexible enough to handle a variety of use cases and extensible enough that you can

write new functionality that the original developers didn’t think of. Python developers

have created numerous frameworks: Requests, for making HTTP calls; Flask and

Django, for web development; and Pandas, for data analysis, to name a few. In a way,

much of the code you write is a framework. It provides some useful functionality that

you may need to use again and again or for different purposes along the way. Writing

your code with these facts in mind will keep you from putting hurdles in your own way.

The process of designing software, whether revisiting a project or starting a new

one, is an investment. The hope is that the return on this investment will be code that

adapts to the needs of developers and consumers without incurring a great deal of

overhead or frustration. There will be times when some code is in poor shape but may

not warrant the time and effort good design can require. How often the code is used

or updated is an important consideration, because spending weeks improving a script

that’s used once or twice in its lifetime isn’t economical.


New beginnings

When you set out to be more mindful of design, the opportunities for improvement

can become overwhelming. There is so much to learn and do that trying to manage it

all at once won’t be fun. Taking on design concepts little by little, until they become a

part of your mindset, is a more sustainable approach to success. In this book, I’ll intro-

duce small sets of concepts in each chapter, and you can revisit particular chapters at

any time to reinforce what you learned there.


Design is democratic

Up to now, it’s quite possible that you’ve worked on projects mostly by yourself. If you

did any coding as part of a class, you may have been required to write all the code your-

self. In the real world, this doesn’t happen often for large projects. In companies writ-

ing software for business uses, there may be tens of developers working on a single

product. Each developer has a unique set of experiences that can affect how they

choose to work. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to a more robust system because

experiences with previous bugs, failures, and successes all inform directions to take in

upcoming work.

Design is democratic


It’s to your benefit to get input from other developers, especially at the early stages.

There’s rarely one way of doing something, so learning many approaches, along with

their pros and cons, will empower you to make educated choices, or at least to choose

what feels best if all other things are equal. Some approaches will make sense for one

use case but not for another, so knowing several will increase your productivity.

If you don’t have the privilege of working with an active team of developers,

examining some open source projects is another way to get some exposure to the

collaborative nature of software. Look for discussions where developers disagreed

(constructively!) about how to achieve some task, and see what kinds of considerations

came into play on the way to a resolution. The thought process that leads to a solution

is often more important than the specific solution the developers choose. This kind of

reasoning and discussion capability will get you through more difficulties than knowing

a specific algorithm.


Presence of mind

It’s easy to get carried away when writing software. Think about a time when you were

excited to get something done. You were probably anxious to see your code work, and

it’s often difficult in that situation to sit still and be deliberate about writing perfect


When working with a small script or doing some exploratory work, a quick feed-

back cycle can be valuable in staying productive. I often do this kind of work in

Python’s read-eval-print loop (REPL).


The REPL—pronounced REH-pull—is what’s hiding behind the >>> when you type

python at the terminal. It reads what you type, evaluates it, prints the result, and waits for it all to happen again (the loop). Many languages provide a REPL so developers can interactively test a few lines of code.

But beware: at some point, the back and forth of writing a quick line of code and see-

ing how it changes the program’s output becomes tedious. You’ll want to write length-

ier or longer-lived code in a file and run it with the interpreter. Each person has a

different threshold; I usually hit mine when I want to reuse a line of code I previously

wrote, and it’s 15 lines back in my history.

The example in listing 1.1 shows how you might work through transforming a dictio-

nary of data. Given a dictionary that maps states in the United States to their capital

cities, you want to produce a list of all capital cities in alphabetical order. The

approach is something like this:


Get the city values from the dictionary.


Sort the city values.



The bigger picture

Listing 1.1

Getting the United States capitals in alphabetical order

>>> us_capitals_by_state = {

A dictionary that maps state

'Alabama': 'Montgomery',

names to capital names

'Alaska': 'Juneau',



>>> capitals = us_capitals_by_state.values()

Only the capital names

dict_values(['Montgomery', 'Juneau'])

>>> capitals.sort()

Whoops! This isn’t a “list”, so

Traceback (most recent call last):

no “sort” method is available.

File "", line 1, in

AttributeError: 'dict_values' object has no attribute 'sort'

>>> sorted(capitals)

['Albany', 'Annapolis', ...]

New (sorted) list using “sorted”,

which accepts any iterable

This task wasn’t too bad; there was only one fumble along the way. But as a project

grows and the scope of the change you’re making increases, taking a step back and

planning your actions in advance is helpful.

Some thoughtful planning will often save you time in the long run because you

won’t be going two steps forward and one step back as you develop. If you do this up

front, you can also get into a good habit of recognizing opportunities to refactor as

they happen, rather than when you’re further down the road. When I’m in this mode,

I typically shift to writing my code in a real Python module, even if I’m still writing a

pretty short script. This encourages me to slow down a bit and keep the bigger goal in

mind during development.

In the case of the state capitals code, imagine you’ll need the list of state capitals in

many contexts. You might need it on a registration form, a shipping form, or a billing

form. To avoid doing the same calculation over and over, you could wrap that calcula-

tion in a function and call it whenever you need it, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 1.2

Wrapping the state capital logic in a function

def get_united_states_capitals():

Same code as listing

us_capitals_by_state = {'Alabama': ...}

1.1, in a function

capitals = us_capitals_by_state.values()

return sorted(capitals)

Now you have a reusable function. But looking at this function, you can see that it

operates on constant data but does a bit of calculation each time it’s called. If this

function is called frequently in the program, it can be refactored further to improve

its performance.

In fact, it turns out a function isn’t necessary at all. You can achieve the reusability

while still making only one set of calculations by storing the result in a constant for

later use, as shown in the following listing.

How to use this book


Listing 1.3

Refactored code reveals a more concise solution

US_CAPITALS_BY_STATE = {'Alabama': 'Montgomery', ...}

Constant data,


defined once

Also constant, no need for a function;

just reference “US_CAPITALS”.

This has the added benefit of cutting the number of lines of code in half without sacri-

ficing readability.

The process we just went through from initial problem statement to a final solu-

tion is a design process. As you progress, you may find that you can identify areas for

improvement earlier and earlier. Eventually, you may even decide to start drawing

high-level diagrams that represent several complex pieces of software, using your dia-

grams to assess opportunities and risk before writing any code. Not everyone works

this way, of course, so you’ll need to use what you learn in this book where it gives you

the most value.

You might be feeling the urge to scrap everything and start your project anew at

this point, but hold on! As you go through this book, you’ll see that the processes of

designing and refactoring software are not only interrelated, but in fact are two sides

of the same coin. Doing one often means doing the other, and they’re both continu-

ous processes throughout the life of a project. Nothing and no one is perfect either, so

it’s valuable to revisit code early and often, especially when you start to feel friction.

With that in mind, take a deep breath and relax. There’s plenty more to cover.


How to use this book

Generally speaking, this book is best experienced from cover to cover. I’ve laid out the

parts of the book so they build on one another; later parts use concepts from earlier

parts. In part 3, each chapter builds upon a software project you’ll start in chapter 6.

But feel free to skim or skip chapters that cover things you already know, with the

caveat that you may need to thumb back to an earlier chapter from time to time.

Most chapters will leave you in a good place to incorporate a new concept or prac-

tice into your software development routine. If there’s a chapter whose concepts you

find particularly valuable, you might want to work on applying those concepts to your

projects until you’ve got the hang of them. Once you feel comfortable, you can come

back and read the next chapter.

Remember that the code for the examples and exercises is in this book’s GitHub

repository (, and also remember that most of the source code is meant as a way to check your own work after complet-

ing an exercise. Use the provided code if you’re stuck or you want to compare solutions,

but give each exercise your own effort first.

Happy coding!



The bigger picture


 Python pulls as much weight in complex, enterprise projects as other major

programming languages.

 Python has one of the fastest growing user bases of any programming language.

 Design isn’t only a thing you draw on paper; it’s the process you follow to get


 Design up front is an investment that will reward you with clean and flexible code

later on.

 You need to build software with a diverse audience in mind.
