Rust best practices - enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type Page

Item 3: Rust Best Practices - Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type

Introduction to the Singleton Pattern in Rust

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a struct to a single instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In Rust, enforcing the Singleton property can be challenging due to the language's strict ownership and concurrency model. However, it is essential in scenarios where you need a single, consistent instance of a struct, such as in managing configurations, logging, or database connections. The Singleton pattern in Rust can be implemented using a combination of lazy initialization and thread safety, typically leveraging the `lazy_static` or `once_cell` crates, or by using an enum to ensure only one instance exists.

Advantages of the Singleton Pattern in Rust

Implementing the Singleton pattern in Rust offers several advantages:
1. **Controlled Access to a Single Instance**: The Singleton pattern ensures that there is only one instance of a struct, controlling access and maintaining consistent state across the application.
2. **Global Access Point**: The Singleton pattern provides a global access point to the instance, simplifying the management of resources that need to be shared across different parts of the application.
3. **Memory Efficiency**: By ensuring that only one instance of a struct is created, the Singleton pattern can help reduce memory usage, especially when the object is large or complex.
4. **Thread Safety**: Using crates like `lazy_static` or `once_cell` ensures that the Singleton instance is created in a thread-safe manner, preventing race conditions and ensuring consistent behavior across multiple threads.

Example 1: Enforcing the Singleton Property with `lazy_static` and a Private Constructor

In Rust, you can enforce the Singleton property using the `lazy_static` crate, which allows for safe, lazy initialization of static variables:

extern crate lazy_static;

use std::sync::Mutex;

struct Singleton {
some_property: String,

// Private implementation of the Singleton instance
impl Singleton {
fn new() -> Singleton {
Singleton {
some_property: "I am unique!".to_string(),

fn do_something(&self) {
println!("Singleton instance is doing something!");

// Global Singleton instance
lazy_static! {
static ref SINGLETON: Mutex = Mutex::new(Singleton::new());

fn get_instance() -> std::sync::MutexGuard<'static, Singleton> {

fn main() {
let singleton1 = get_instance();

let singleton2 = get_instance();
println!("{}", singleton1.some_property == singleton2.some_property); // true

In this example, the `lazy_static!` macro is used to create a global, thread-safe, lazily initialized `SINGLETON` instance. The `get_instance` function provides access to this instance, ensuring that only one instance of the `Singleton` struct is created and used throughout the application.

Example 2: Enforcing the Singleton Property with `once_cell` and a Private Constructor

Another way to implement the Singleton pattern in Rust is by using the `once_cell` crate, which provides a safe, lazy initialization mechanism:

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;

struct Singleton {
some_property: String,

// Private implementation of the Singleton instance
impl Singleton {
fn new() -> Self {
Singleton {
some_property: "I am unique!".to_string(),

fn do_something(&self) {
println!("Singleton instance is doing something!");

// Global Singleton instance
static INSTANCE: OnceCell = OnceCell::new();

fn get_instance() -> &'static Singleton {
INSTANCE.get_or_init(|| Singleton::new())

fn main() {
let singleton1 = get_instance();

let singleton2 = get_instance();
println!("{}", singleton1.some_property == singleton2.some_property); // true

This approach uses the `OnceCell` struct to provide lazy, thread-safe initialization of the `Singleton` instance. The `get_instance` function ensures that the `Singleton` is initialized only once and provides access to the single instance.

Example 3: Enforcing the Singleton Property with an Enum

In Rust, you can also use an `enum` to enforce the Singleton property. Although this method is less common, it can be used to ensure that only one instance of a type exists:

enum Singleton {
Instance {
some_property: String,

impl Singleton {
fn do_something(&self) {
match self {
Singleton::Instance { some_property } => {
println!("Singleton instance is doing something with: {}", some_property);

// Global Singleton instance
static INSTANCE: Singleton = Singleton::Instance {
some_property: "I am unique!".to_string(),

fn get_instance() -> &'static Singleton {

fn main() {
let singleton1 = get_instance();

let singleton2 = get_instance();
match singleton1 {
Singleton::Instance { some_property: ref p1 } => match singleton2 {
Singleton::Instance { some_property: ref p2 } => println!("{}", p1 == p2), // true

In this example, the `Singleton` enum has a single variant `Instance`, which ensures that only one instance exists. The `INSTANCE` static variable is initialized with the `Singleton::Instance` variant, and `get_instance` provides access to this single instance.

When to Use the Singleton Pattern in Rust

The Singleton pattern is particularly useful in the following scenarios:
- **Shared Resources**: When managing shared resources like database connections, configuration settings, or logging mechanisms, the Singleton pattern ensures that these resources are accessed in a consistent and controlled manner.
- **Centralized Control**: If you need to centralize control over certain operations, such as caching or state management, the Singleton pattern helps maintain a single point of coordination.
- **Thread Safety**: When working in a concurrent environment, the Singleton pattern, combined with `lazy_static` or `once_cell`, ensures that the instance is created in a thread-safe manner, preventing race conditions.


In Rust, enforcing the Singleton property with a private constructor, `lazy_static`, `once_cell`, or even an `enum` is a best practice when you need to ensure that only one instance of a struct exists. The Singleton pattern provides controlled access to a single instance, simplifies the management of shared resources, and ensures consistent behavior across your application. By adopting the Singleton pattern, you can write more maintainable, clear, and reliable code, especially in scenarios where centralized control, consistent state, and thread safety are critical.

Further Reading and References

For more information on implementing the Singleton pattern in Rust, consider exploring the following resources:


These resources provide additional insights and best practices for using the Singleton pattern effectively in Rust.