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Spring Boot

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Spring Boot

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Spring Boot

Overview of Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a Java-based framework used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications with minimal effort. It simplifies the development process by providing a platform to deploy Spring applications without the need for complex configuration. Spring Boot automates many processes such as configuration, dependency management, and more, allowing developers to focus on the unique business features of their applications.

History and Creation

Spring Boot was developed by Pivotal Software, and the first version was officially released in 2014. It was primarily created by Phil Webb, who aimed to simplify the deployment and configuration of Spring applications. The framework quickly gained popularity within the Java community due to its ease of use and the robust ecosystem surrounding Spring. It continues to be actively developed and maintained under the Spring projects.

For more detailed information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Spring Boot at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Boot


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Detailed Summary

Spring Boot

Introduction to Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a powerful Java framework designed to simplify the creation of new Spring applications. It allows developers to start with minimal configurations and focus on application logic without worrying about the intricate setup typically associated with Spring. Developed by Pivotal Software, Spring Boot was first introduced in 2014 with the goal of enhancing the Spring application development process.

Key Features of Spring Boot

Spring Boot offers several key features that make it a popular choice among developers. It provides a range of out-of-the-box functionalities for database interactions, security, and transaction management, which significantly reduces the development time. The framework also supports embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow, enabling easy deployment and management of applications.

Ease of Development

One of the main advantages of Spring Boot is its ability to facilitate rapid application development. The framework uses an opinionated approach to configuration, which means it prefers convention over configuration, reducing the need for extensive setup. This is particularly useful for developers looking to quickly prototype and deploy applications.


Spring Boot is known for its auto-configuration capabilities, which automatically configures Spring and third-party libraries whenever possible. This feature is essential for reducing the amount of manual configuration and boilerplate code that developers have to write. For example, if Spring Boot detects H2, an in-memory database, on the classpath, it automatically sets up the database and configures it to be used with your application.

Code Example: Auto-configuration

public class ExampleApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ExampleApp.class, args);

In the above code, the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation encompasses `@Configuration`, `@EnableAutoConfiguration`, and `@ComponentScan` annotations, which are essential for any Spring Boot application.

Standalone Applications

Spring Boot makes it straightforward to create stand-alone, ready-to-run Spring applications that can be started using `java -jar` or more traditional war deployments. The framework embeds Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow directly into the executable jar file, eliminating the need for external server deployment.

Dependency Management

Spring Boot uses a unified dependency management system that manages application dependencies and configuration. It is compatible with Maven and Gradle, which are widely used for dependency management in Java projects. This integration ensures that all dependencies are at compatible versions, which helps in avoiding common dependency conflicts.

Microservices Architecture

Spring Boot is particularly well-suited for building microservices. It is part of the larger Spring Cloud project which focuses on providing tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g., configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, etc.). The framework's modular nature allows developers to pick and choose the components necessary for their application, rather than having to bring in everything.

Code Example: Microservice

public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";

In this example, `@RestController` and `@RequestMapping` are used to create a simple RESTful microservice that returns a greeting text.

Production-ready Features

Spring Boot includes several production-ready features to monitor and manage the application. It provides metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration as part of the Actuator module. These features are crucial for maintaining and monitoring applications running in production environments.

Code Example: Actuator

import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.Health;
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.HealthIndicator;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
public Health health() {
int errorCode = check(); // perform some specific health check
if (errorCode != 0) {
return Health.down().withDetail("Error Code", errorCode).build();
return Health.up().build();

private int check() {
// Your logic to check health
return 0;

This code demonstrates how to implement a custom health check in a Spring Boot application using the Actuator framework.

Comprehensive Developer Tools

Spring Boot also comes with a suite of developer tools to help during the development process. These tools include automatic restarts for real-time code changes, configurable environments for different stages of deployment, and options to improve performance such as caching and optimized execution.

Extensive Community Support

The Spring Boot framework benefits from a strong community of developers and contributors who continue to expand its capabilities and integrations. There are numerous plugins, extensions, and third

-party tools available that enhance its functionality. The community also ensures that the framework stays up to date with the latest industry standards and security practices.

Continuous Improvement and Updates

Since its release in 2014, Spring Boot has seen regular updates and improvements. Each version brings enhancements in performance, security features, and compatibility with other technologies. This ongoing development effort ensures that Spring Boot remains relevant and continues to meet the evolving needs of modern application development.


Spring Boot has revolutionized Java application development by providing a framework that is easy to use, highly configurable, and production-ready. Its seamless integration with the Spring ecosystem and its emphasis on microservices architecture make it an indispensable tool for modern developers looking to efficiently deploy and manage their applications.

For more detailed information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Spring Boot at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Boot


Spring Boot Alternatives

See: Spring Boot Alternatives

Spring Boot Best Practice

Return to Spring Boot, Best Practices, Spring Boot Anti-Patterns
* Best Practices for Spring Boot
* Best Practice for Spring Boot
* Spring Boot Best Practice
#redirect Spring Boot Best Practices

Spring Boot Best Practices:

Summarize this topic in 20 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Anti-Patterns

See: Spring Boot Anti-Patterns

Spring Boot Security

Return to Spring Boot, Security
#redirect Spring Boot Security

Spring Boot Security

Summarize this topic in 15 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Authorization with OAuth

Return to Spring Boot, OAuth
#redirect Spring Boot Authorization with OAuth

* Spring Boot OAuth Authorization
* OAuth Authorization with Spring Boot
* OAuth with Spring Boot

Spring Boot and OAuth

Summarize this topic in 4 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and JWT Tokens

Return to Spring Boot, JWT Tokens
#redirect Spring Boot and JWT Tokens
* Spring Boot JWT Tokens
* Spring Boot and JWT
* Spring Boot JWT

Spring Boot and JWT Tokens

Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and the OWASP Top Ten

See: Spring Boot and the OWASP Top Ten

Programming Languages for Spring Boot

See: Spring Boot Programming Languages:

Spring Boot and TypeScript

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and TypeScript

Discuss how TypeScript is supported by Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 11 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and IDEs, Code Editors and Development Tools

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and IDEs:

Discuss which IDEs, Code Editors and other Development Tools are supported. Discuss which programming languages are most commonly used. Summarize this topic in 7 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and the Command-Line

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot Command-Line Interface - Spring Boot CLI:

Create a list of the top 40 Spring Boot CLI commands with no description or definitions. Sort by most common. Include NO description or definitions. Put double square brackets around each topic. Don't number them, separate each topic with only a comma and 1 space.

Spring Boot Command-Line Interface - Spring Boot CLI:

Summarize this topic in 15 paragraphs with descriptions and examples for the most commonly used CLI commands. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and 3rd Party Libraries

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and 3rd Party Libraries

Discuss common 3rd Party Libraries used with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Unit Testing

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and Unit Testing:

Discuss how unit testing is supported by Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Test-Driven Development

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and Test-Driven Development:

Discuss how TDD is supported by Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Performance

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and Performance:

Discuss performance and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Functional Programming

Return to Spring Boot,

Spring Boot and Functional Programming:

Discuss functional programming and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Asynchronous Programming

Return to Spring Boot, Asynchronous Programming

Spring Boot and Asynchronous Programming:

Discuss asynchronous programming and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Serverless FaaS

Return to Spring Boot, Serverless FaaS

Spring Boot and Serverless FaaS:

Discuss Serverless FaaS and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Microservices

Return to Spring Boot, Microservices

Spring Boot and Microservices:

Discuss microservices and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and React

Return to Spring Boot, React

Spring Boot and React:

Discuss React integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Angular

Return to Spring Boot, Angular

Spring Boot and Angular:

Discuss Angular integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Vue.js

Return to Spring Boot, Vue.js

Spring Boot and Vue.js:

Discuss Vue.js integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Spring Framework

Return to Spring Boot, Spring Framework

Spring Boot and Spring Framework:

Discuss Spring Framework integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and RESTful APIs

Return to Spring Boot, RESTful APIs

Spring Boot and RESTful APIs:

Discuss RESTful APIs integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and OpenAPI

Return to Spring Boot, OpenAPI

Spring Boot and OpenAPI:

Discuss OpenAPI integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and FastAPI

Return to Spring Boot, FastAPI

Spring Boot and FastAPI:

Discuss FastAPI integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and GraphQL

Return to Spring Boot, GraphQL

Spring Boot and GraphQL:

Discuss GraphQL integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and gRPC

Return to Spring Boot, gRPC

Spring Boot and gRPC:

Discuss gRPC integration with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Node.js

Return to Spring Boot, Node.js

Spring Boot and Node.js:

Discuss Node.js usage with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Deno

Return to Spring Boot, Deno

Spring Boot and Deno:

Discuss Deno usage with Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Containerization

Return to Spring Boot, Containerization

Spring Boot and Containerization:

Discuss Containerization and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Docker

Return to Spring Boot, Docker, Containerization

Spring Boot and Docker:

Discuss Docker and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Podman

Return to Spring Boot, Podman, Containerization

Spring Boot and Podman:

Discuss Podman and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Kubernetes

Return to Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Containerization

Spring Boot and Kubernetes:

Discuss Kubernetes and Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and WebAssembly / Wasm

Return to Spring Boot, WebAssembly / Wasm

Spring Boot and WebAssembly:

Discuss how WebAssembly / Wasm is supported by Spring Boot. Give code examples. Summarize this topic in 8 paragraphs. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Middleware

Return to Spring Boot, Middleware

Spring Boot and Middleware

Summarize this topic in 4 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and ORMs

Return to Spring Boot, ORMs

Spring Boot and ORMs

Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot and Object Data Modeling (ODM)

Return to Spring Boot, Object Data Modeling (ODM)

Spring Boot and Object Data Modeling (ODM) such as Mongoose

Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Give code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Automation with Python

Return to Spring Boot, Automation with Python

Spring Boot Automation with Python

Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Give 5 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Automation with Java

Return to Spring Boot, Automation with Java

Spring Boot Automation with Java

Summarize this topic in 5 paragraphs. Give 4 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Automation with JavaScript using Node.js

Return to Spring Boot, Automation with JavaScript using Node.js

Spring Boot Automation with JavaScript using Node.js

Summarize this topic in 5 paragraphs. Give 4 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Automation with Golang

Return to Spring Boot, Automation with Golang

Spring Boot Automation with Golang

Summarize this topic in 5 paragraphs. Give 4 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.

Spring Boot Automation with Rust

Return to Spring Boot, Automation with Rust

Spring Boot Automation with Rust

Summarize this topic in 5 paragraphs. Give 4 code examples. Make the Wikipedia or other references URLs as raw URLs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words.


Spring Boot Glossary

Return to Spring Boot, Spring Boot Glossary

Spring Boot Glossary:

Give 10 related glossary terms with definitions. Don't number them. Each topic on a separate line followed by a second carriage return. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword or jargon or technical words.

Give another 10 related glossary terms with definitions. Don't repeat what you already listed. Don't number them. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword or jargon or technical words.


{{wp>Spring Boot}}

Research It More

* ddg>Spring Boot on DuckDuckGo
* google>Spring Boot on Google.com
* oreilly>Spring Boot on O'Reilly
* github>Spring Boot on GitHub

* javatpoint>Spring Boot on javatpoint.com
* w3schools>Spring Boot on w3schools.com
* tutorialspoint>Spring Boot on tutorialspoint.com
* freecode>Spring Boot on FreeCodeCamp.org

* aws>Spring Boot on AWS Docs
* k8s>Spring Boot on Kubernetes.io
* ms>Spring Boot on docs.microsoft.com
* gcp>Spring Boot on GCP Docs
* ibm>Spring Boot on IBM Docs
* redhat>Spring Boot on Red Hat Docs
* oracle>Spring Boot on Oracle Docs

* youtube>Spring Boot on YouTube
* reddit>Spring Boot on Reddit
* scholar>Spring Boot on scholar.google.com
* stackoverflow>Spring Boot on Stackoverflow
* quora>Spring Boot on Quora
* dzone>Spring Boot on Dzone
* hackernoon>Spring Boot on Hacker Noon
* infoq>Spring Boot on InfoQ.com

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* archive>Spring Boot for Archive Access for Fair Use Preservation, quoting, paraphrasing, excerpting and/or commenting upon

{{navbar_Spring Boot}}
navbar_Spring Boot

Spring Boot: Spring Boot Glossary, Spring Boot Alternatives, Spring Boot versus React, Spring Boot versus Angular, Spring Boot versus Vue.js, Spring Boot Best Practices, Spring Boot Anti-Patterns, Spring Boot Security, Spring Boot and OAuth, Spring Boot and JWT Tokens, Spring Boot and OWASP Top Ten, Spring Boot and Programming Languages, Spring Boot and TypeScript, Spring Boot and IDEs, Spring Boot Command-Line Interface, Spring Boot and 3rd Party Libraries, Spring Boot and Unit Testing, Spring Boot and Test-Driven Development, Spring Boot and Performance, Spring Boot and Functional Programming, Spring Boot and Asynchronous Programming, Spring Boot and Containerization, Spring Boot and Docker, Spring Boot and Podman, Spring Boot and Kubernetes, Spring Boot and WebAssembly, Spring Boot and Node.js, Spring Boot and Deno, Spring Boot and Serverless FaaS, Spring Boot and Microservices, Spring Boot and RESTful APIs, Spring Boot and OpenAPI, Spring Boot and FastAPI, Spring Boot and GraphQL, Spring Boot and gRPC, Spring Boot Automation with JavaScript, Python and Spring Boot, Java and Spring Boot, JavaScript and Spring Boot, TypeScript and Spring Boot, Spring Boot Alternatives, Spring Boot Bibliography, Spring Boot DevOps - Spring Boot SRE - Spring Boot CI/CD, Cloud Native Spring Boot - Spring Boot Microservices - Serverless Spring Boot, Spring Boot Security - Spring Boot DevSecOps, Functional Spring Boot, Spring Boot Concurrency, Async Spring Boot, Spring Boot and Middleware, Spring Boot and Data Science - Spring Boot and Databases - Spring Boot and Object Data Modeling (ODM) - Spring Boot and ORMs, Spring Boot and Machine Learning, Spring Boot Courses, Awesome Spring Boot, Spring Boot GitHub, Spring Boot Topics: Most Common Topics:

. (navbar_Spring Boot -- see also navbar_full_stack, navbar_javascript, navbar_node.js, navbar_software_architecture)

Create a list of the top 100 Spring Boot topics with no description or definitions. Sort by most common. Include NO description or definitions. Put double square brackets around each topic. Don't number them, separate each topic with only a comma and 1 space.


