Spring boot best practices - consider static factory methods instead of constructors Page

Item 1: Spring Boot Best Practices - Consider static factory methods instead of constructors

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Spring Boot Best Practices - Consider Static Factory Methods Instead of Constructors

In Spring Boot and the wider Spring Framework, choosing between constructors and static factory methods for object creation can have significant implications for the flexibility, readability, and maintainability of your application. Static factory methods often provide more advantages than constructors, particularly in the context of dependency injection, configuration management, and bean creation within the Spring Framework.

Why Use Static Factory Methods in Spring Boot?

Using static factory methods instead of constructors in Spring Boot offers several key benefits:

1. **Descriptive Naming**: Static factory methods can have descriptive names that clarify the purpose and intent of the method, making the code more readable and self-documenting.
2. **Controlled Instantiation**: Static factory methods allow you to encapsulate complex creation logic, such as validation, object pooling, or conditional instantiation, which isn't feasible with simple constructors.
3. **Flexibility in Return Types**: Static factory methods can return instances of different classes (including subclasses) or cached instances, offering greater flexibility in object creation.
4. **Integration with Spring Framework**: Static factory methods can be easily integrated with Spring Framework programming examples, such as @Bean definitions, providing more control over bean lifecycle and configuration.

Example 1: Using Static Factory Methods in @Configuration Classes

In Spring Boot, static factory methods can be particularly useful when defining beans in @Configuration classes, where complex bean creation logic or conditional instantiation is required.

### Constructor-Based Bean Creation (Anti-Pattern)

public class AppConfig {

public MyService myService() {
return new MyService("https://api.example.com", "apiKey123", 5000);

In this example, the `MyService` bean is created using a constructor with multiple parameters. This approach can become unwieldy as the number of parameters grows or if complex instantiation logic is needed.

### Static Factory Method for Bean Creation

public class AppConfig {

public MyService myService() {
return MyService.createWithDefaults("https://api.example.com", "apiKey123");

public class MyService {

private final String apiUrl;
private final String apiKey;
private final int timeout;

// Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation
private MyService(String apiUrl, String apiKey, int timeout) {
this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.timeout = timeout;

// Static factory method with default timeout
public static MyService createWithDefaults(String apiUrl, String apiKey) {
return new MyService(apiUrl, apiKey, 5000);

// Static factory method with custom timeout
public static MyService createWithCustomTimeout(String apiUrl, String apiKey, int timeout) {
return new MyService(apiUrl, apiKey, timeout);

In this improved version, `MyService` is instantiated using the static factory method `createWithDefaults`, which provides a more descriptive and flexible way to create the bean. The method allows for the default timeout to be applied without exposing unnecessary constructor details.

Example 2: Static Factory Methods in @Bean Method Definitions

Static factory methods can also simplify @Bean method definitions by encapsulating complex initialization logic, making it easier to manage dependencies and configurations.

### Constructor-Based @Bean Method (Anti-Pattern)

public class DataSourceConfig {

public DataSource dataSource() {
return new DataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "root", "password", 10, true);

In this example, the `DataSource` constructor is used to create a bean with multiple parameters, leading to code that is harder to maintain and modify.

### Static Factory Method for @Bean Method

public class DataSourceConfig {

public DataSource dataSource() {
return DataSource.createWithPooling("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "root", "password");

public class DataSource {

private final String url;
private final String username;
private final String password;
private final int poolSize;
private final boolean useSSL;

// Private constructor to control instantiation
private DataSource(String url, String username, String password, int poolSize, boolean useSSL) {
this.url = url;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.poolSize = poolSize;
this.useSSL = useSSL;

// Static factory method for creating a DataSource with pooling
public static DataSource createWithPooling(String url, String username, String password) {
return new DataSource(url, username, password, 10, true);

// Static factory method for creating a DataSource without pooling
public static DataSource createWithoutPooling(String url, String username, String password) {
return new DataSource(url, username, password, 1, false);

In this improved version, the `DataSource` bean is created using a static factory method that encapsulates the logic for setting up a connection pool. This approach simplifies the @Bean method and allows for easier adjustments if the configuration needs to change.

Example 3: Returning Subtypes or Cached Instances with Static Factory Methods

Static factory methods can be particularly powerful when the object creation involves returning different subtypes or managing instances (e.g., singleton pattern) within the Spring Framework.

### Constructor for Service Implementation (Anti-Pattern)

public class UserService {

private final UserRepository userRepository;

public UserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;

// Business logic

In this example, `UserService` is instantiated using a constructor, which limits flexibility if different implementations or configurations are needed.

### Static Factory Method with Subtype or Singleton Instance

public class ServiceConfig {

public UserService userService(UserRepository userRepository) {
return UserService.createDefault(userRepository);

public class UserService {

private final UserRepository userRepository;
private static UserService instance;

// Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation
private UserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;

// Static factory method to create a default instance
public static UserService createDefault(UserRepository userRepository) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new UserService(userRepository);
return instance;

// Static factory method to return a mock or specialized instance
public static UserService createMock(UserRepository userRepository) {
return new UserService(userRepository) {
// Override methods for mock behavior

// Business logic

In this example, `UserService` is instantiated using static factory methods that either return a default singleton instance or a mock instance, depending on the application's needs. This approach provides greater flexibility and control over how services are instantiated and managed within Spring Boot.

When to Prefer Static Factory Methods in Spring Boot

Consider using static factory methods instead of constructors in the following scenarios:

- **Complex Bean Creation**: When creating beans with complex initialization logic or optional parameters, static factory methods can encapsulate this complexity and provide a cleaner interface.
- **Subtype or Singleton Management**: When you need to return subtypes, enforce singleton behavior, or manage cached instances, static factory methods offer more flexibility than constructors.
- **Descriptive Naming and Readability**: When you want to improve code readability by providing descriptive method names that indicate the purpose of the object being created.
- **Integration with Spring Framework**: Static factory methods can be seamlessly integrated into Spring Framework programming examples, such as @Configuration and @Bean definitions, providing more control over the instantiation process.


In Spring Boot, considering static factory methods instead of constructors is a best practice that can lead to more readable, flexible, and maintainable code. By employing static factory methods in @Configuration classes, @Bean methods, and service instantiation, you can encapsulate complex creation logic, manage object instances more effectively, and improve the overall design of your application. This approach aligns with the principles of clean code and can help ensure that your Spring Boot applications are robust, scalable, and easy to maintain.

Further Reading and References

For more information on best practices in Spring Boot and the use of static factory methods, consider exploring the following resources:

* https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/
* https://spring.io/guides
* https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot
* https://effectivejava.com/ (Joshua Bloch's *Effective Java*, which discusses static factory methods in depth)

These resources provide additional insights and best practices for writing efficient and optimized code in Spring Boot.

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* ddg>Spring Boot on DuckDuckGo
* archive>Spring Boot for Archive Access for Fair Use Preservation, quoting, paraphrasing, excerpting and/or commenting upon
* The Borg (CBorg)

