Update all Page

Update All


Update All Software on Windows with Chocolatey - choco upgrade all

Chocolatey upgrade via choco upgrade
* https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/protoc
* Update all: choco upgrade all -y

=Update All Software on macOS with Homebrew - brew upgrade

Homebrew upgrade via brew upgrade
* Update all: brew upgrade and brew upgrade --cask

=Update All Software on Ubuntu-Debian with apt update and upgrade

Upgrade software on Ubuntu - Upgrade software on Debian via apt update && apt upgrade
* Update all: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Update All Software on Rocky-CentOS-Fedora-Oracle-OpenSUSE Linux with dnf upgrade

Update software on Rocky Linux via dnf upgrade
* Update all first: sudo dnf upgrade -y

Update All Software on RHEL with yum upgrade

Update software on RHEL via yum upgrade
* Update all: sudo yum upgrade

=Update All Software with Ansible

Upgrade software with Ansible

=Update All Software with Chef

Upgrade software with Chef

=Update All Software with Puppet

Upgrade software with Puppet