Vajrakilaya - a complete guide by garchen rinpoche note to practitioners Page

Vajrakilaya - A Complete Guide by Garchen Rinpoche - Note to Practitioners

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Note to Practitioners

"It is taught that after cultivating precious Bodhicitta and training in the progressive Stages of the Path, one can enter the door of the Secret Mantric Vajra Vehiclefirst receiving Empowerment, then transmission, and finally Practice Instructions. This mode of spiritual development is fundamentally relational in its approach; it depends on the human connection between guru and disciple. Indeed, this is how Garchen Rinpoche and countless other realized Lineage Masters were gradually initiated into the Mantric Path. Now, as ever, practitioners who aspire to become like them would do well to emulate their approach to the teachings." (VkGarR)

"Because Garchen Rinpoche's actions are shaped by both extreme love and extreme pragmatism, they can sometimes be unorthodox and difficult to fathom. Ever cognizant of how fleeting human life is and how rare the conditions are to meet with and receive the sublime Dharma, Rinpoche fulfills without delay the wishes of those who approach him with interest. He offers lovingly and in good faith that which he has received." (VkGarR)

"Rinpoche has often spoken of his firm commitment to not investigate disciples' good and bad qualities or spiritual histories. Only the Buddhas can know an individual's karma and fitness to receive any teaching. In this regard, maintaining unwavering trust in the sources of Refuge, Dharma Guardians, and the workings of causality, Garchen Rinpoche considers a person's interest in and access to the Dharma sufficient indications of his or her karmic connection." (VkGarR)

"Because this manual includes secret teachings, I asked Rinpoche about the threshold for readership. He responded with the following words: "It is said that compassionately looking with a long-range view on the future time of dregs, the Buddhas taught Mantric sadhanas. Today that future has become manifest. Right now is the time of dregs, in which Secret Mantra teachings must be propagated. As Guru Padma prophesied, 'When the wicked era burns like fire, the potent force of Secret Mantra will blaze forth.' "[1]" (VkGarR)

"Because of this and because it is far better to receive the Buddhas' Teachings than not, Rinpoche has offered the instructions herein without demanding prerequisites like Empowerment. Maintaining pure perception without investigating or discriminating, he has given the Dharma with an open hand. This is one of the ways in which he upholds his samaya, or commitment, to beings and to the sources of Refuge." (VkGarR)

"It is not Rinpoche's style to offer the Buddha Dharma in a prescriptive way, establishing and policing rules of conduct. Instead, disciples must mature beyond outwardly imposed dictates, taking personal responsibility for our own actions, which are to be tempered by love and heedfulness of cause and effect. Thus, how we approach, receive, and integrate Rinpoche's instructions — how we uphold our own samaya — is a matter we must ultimately determine for ourselves." (VkGarR)

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Source:
* Vajrakilaya - A Complete Guide by Garchen Rinpoche


