Vajrakilaya - a complete guide by garchen rinpoche preface (

Vajrakilaya - A Complete Guide by Garchen Rinpoche - Preface

Return to Buddhism, Vajrakilaya, Vajrakilaya - A Complete Guide by Garchen Rinpoche Table of Contents, Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche


"For some years, I have been sharing at Dharma centers whatever knowledge I have about the practice of Vajrakīla. With rejoicing, I offer thanks to the Tara Foundation for having collected these instructions and provided for their assembly, allowing Ari-ma to translate and arrange them." (VkGarR)

"On account of my inferior intellect and meager study, I certainly lack the refined exposition capable of rousing delight in the learned. Even so, Vajraku[[māra is the chief personal Deity of my paternal ancestors. Likewise, since successive generations at Gar Monastery have practiced Vajraku[[māra accomplishment retreats and since his routine pūjas came to be important there, I have relied on him as the destined Deity with whom I have had an auspicious connection for lifetimes through karma and aspirations." (VkGarR)

"As I have had the good fortune to practice Vajraku[[māra even from the time I was small, herein I have related whatever I could — with nothing but the intent to benefit others — based on the certainty associated with his felt blessing and on the slight experience I have gained. If masters of the learned who have a broad knowledge of Sutra and Tantra should opine on developing the good and rooting out the faults of these teachings, I will be most grateful." (VkGarR)

With love and affection,

Könchog Gyaltsen, holder of the Garchen name

Translated by Ari Kiev

The Commitment Being, Vajrakīla

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Source:
* Vajrakilaya - A Complete Guide by Garchen Rinpoche


