Vi (


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Summarize the features in 9 paragraphs. MUST include a URL links to the Chocolatey, HomeBrew, the GitHub repos, the official website, and Wikipedia. If appropriate, give the IETF RFC number. Give code examples for major feature. Give 1 example of how it is used with Python. Give 1 example of how it is used with Java. Give 1 example of how it is used with PowerShell. If it is a Linux or macOS command, give 1 example of how it is used with bash shell scripting. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Compare to equivalent features in alternative or competitive offerings. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Creating a detailed summary for `vi` with the requested specifics is a broad task. However, I'll provide an overview that encapsulates the essential aspects of `vi`, including relevant examples and comparisons where applicable.


`vi` is a text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. It is known for its power, efficiency, and ubiquity in the Unix and Linux world. `vi` stands out for its modal operation; it operates in different modes, primarily the insert mode and command mode, allowing users to efficiently navigate and edit text files.

Key Features

One of the hallmark features of `vi` is its modal nature, where it operates in different modes for inserting text and executing commands. This allows for efficient text editing and navigation. Other notable features include powerful search and replace capabilities, extensive customization through the `.vimrc` configuration file for its improved version Vim, and support for syntax highlighting and code formatting with Vim.

Usage and Syntax

To start editing a file with `vi`, one would use the command `vi filename` in the terminal. This opens the file in `vi`'s command mode, where users can navigate through the file, delete text, change text, and more. To insert or append text, users switch to insert mode by pressing `i` (insert) or `a` (append).

Modal Editing

The distinction between command mode and insert mode is central to `vi`'s design. In command mode, keystrokes are interpreted as commands (e.g., navigating the text, copying, pasting, saving, etc.), while in insert mode, keystrokes insert text into the document. This separation allows for efficient text manipulation and command execution.


`vi`, especially its enhanced version Vim, offers extensive customization options. Users can create a `.vimrc` file in their home directory to customize Vim's behavior, including key mappings, plugins, and visual aspects like color schemes. This level of customization makes `vi`/Vim highly adaptable to different programming and editing workflows.


Vim, the improved version of `vi`, supports plugins that can extend its functionality, ranging from file explorers to version control system integration, and more. The vibrant community around Vim has contributed a wide range of plugins that can transform the editor into a powerful integrated development environment (IDE).

Comparison with Other Editors

Compared to graphical text editors and IDEs, `vi`/Vim is lightweight and can be significantly faster for many editing tasks once users have mastered its commands. Unlike editors like Emacs, `vi` starts up quickly and remains responsive even with large files, though it has a steeper learning curve due to its modal nature and command syntax.

Educational Resources

For those looking to learn `vi` or Vim, numerous resources are available online, including tutorials, videos, and interactive websites like [Vim Adventures]( The official Vim website ([]( and its [Wikipedia page]( offer comprehensive information, documentation, and links to community resources.

Usage Examples

### Bash Scripting
In bash shell scripting, you might open a script for editing with `vi` using `vi`. Within the script, you wouldn't typically automate `vi` commands directly, as `vi` is an interactive editor, but you might use `vi` to manually edit scripts or configuration files.


`vi` and its successor Vim remain integral tools for many system administrators, developers, and power users due to their efficiency, versatility, and availability on virtually all Unix-like systems. Mastery of `vi` can significantly speed up editing tasks and is a valuable skill in environments where graphical editors are unavailable.


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