Wordpress Plugins (CloudMonk.io)

WordPress Plugins

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* AGCA - Custom Dashboard & Login Page - Let's you change WordPress admin menu, login page, admin bar, dashboard widgets, custom colors, custom CSS & JS, logo & images. By Cusmin

* Akismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protection - Used by millions, Akismet is one of the best way to protect your blog from spam. Akismet anti spam keeps your site protected 24/7. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key. By Automattic - Anti Spam Team

* Blubrry PowerPress - Blubrry PowerPress is the No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress. Developed by podcasters for podcasters; features include Simple and Advanced modes, multiple audio/video player options, subscribe to podcast tools, podcast SEO features, and more! Fully supports Apple Podcasts (previously iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Blubrry Podcasting directories, as well as all podcast applications and clients. By Blubrry

* Breadcrumb NavXT - Adds a breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor's path to their current location. For details on how to use this plugin visit Breadcrumb NavXT. By John Havlik

* Cloudflare WordPress Plugin - Cloudflare speeds up and protects your WordPress site. By Cloudflare, Inc.

* Disable Embeds - Don't like the enhanced embeds in WordPress 4.4? Easily disable the feature using this plugin. By [[Pascal Birchler]

* Proxy Cache Purge - Automatically empty cached pages when content on your site is modified. By Mika Epstein

* Select Simple History - Plugin that logs various things that occur in WordPress and then presents those events in a very nice GUI. By Pär Thernström

* TemplatesNext ToolKit - Custom Portfolio and Shortcode functionality for TemplatesNext Wordpress Themes - By TemplatesNext

* WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache - WP-Optimize makes your site fast and efficient. It cleans the WordPress database, compresses images and caches pages. Fast sites attract more traffic and users. By David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft

* WPSiteSync for Content - WPSiteSync - Provides features for easily Synchronizing Content between two WordPress sites. Support: https://ServerPress.com/contact - by WPSiteSync

* Yoast Duplicate Post - Yoast Duplicate Post - The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature. By Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast


* AGCA - Absolutely Glamorous Custom Admin Plugin for WordPress


* CloudFlare WordPress plugin
** https://wordpress.org/plugins/cloudflare
** "Over 25% of all websites use WordPress, and over 10% of all Internet traffic flows through CloudFlare; WordPress and CloudFlare has always been a winning combination, and now with CloudFlare’s WordPress plugin, it's easier than ever to make your site 60% faster." https://blog.cloudflare.com/new-wordpress-plugin
** https://wpmudev.com/blog/improve-performance-and-back-up-with-a-cdn


* Disable WordPress Embeds Plugin by Pascal Birchler (https://pascalbirchler.com and https://github.com/swissspidy).
** https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-embeds
** https://github.com/swissspidy/disable-embeds
** What this plugin does:
*** Prevents others from embedding your site.
*** Prevents you from embedding other non-whitelisted sites.
*** Disables all JavaScript related to the feature.
*** Removes support for the WordPress embed block in the new WordPress block editor.

WordPress: CMS, WordPress Database, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Alternatives, Awesome WordPress. (navbar_wordpress, see also navbar_cms)

CMS: Content Management Systems, WordPress Alternatives, Awesome CMS. (navbar_cms - see also navbar_wordpress)


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