Zookeeper operator (CloudMonk.io)

Zookeeper Operator

The Zookeeper Operator is a Kubernetes-native tool that automates the deployment, management, and scaling of Apache Zookeeper clusters within a Kubernetes environment. It uses Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define and manage various Zookeeper resources, including clusters, nodes, and configurations.

Key Features

* **Kubernetes Custom Resources:** Employs familiar Kubernetes manifests to configure and deploy Zookeeper clusters.
* **Simplified Deployment Configuration:** Essential Zookeeper configurations like versions, node types, storage, and security settings are defined directly within Kubernetes resources.
* **Automated Cluster Management:** Facilitates the creation, scaling, upgrading, and management of Zookeeper clusters, including automated failover and recovery.
* **High Availability:** Ensures high availability by managing multiple Zookeeper nodes within a cluster.
* **Security:** Enforces security measures such as TLS encryption, authentication, and authorization to protect data.
* **Monitoring and Metrics:** Integrates with Prometheus for monitoring and metrics collection to track the health and performance of Zookeeper clusters.


* **Streamlined Zookeeper Deployment:** Simplifies the process of setting up and managing Zookeeper in Kubernetes.
* **Scalability:** Effortlessly scales Zookeeper clusters to accommodate growing coordination and synchronization needs.
* **High Availability:** Configures Zookeeper clusters for high availability, ensuring data durability and accessibility.
* **Open Source:** Zookeeper Operators are typically open-source projects (specific licensing may vary depending on the provider).

Getting Started

* **Installation:** Install the chosen Zookeeper Operator using Helm or by directly applying the necessary manifests to your Kubernetes cluster.
* **Configuration:** Define Zookeeper clusters and related resources using Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).
* **Management:** The Zookeeper Operator will automatically deploy and manage your Zookeeper clusters based on your configurations.

Additional Resources

There are a few different Zookeeper Operators available, each with its own specific features and focus. Here are a couple of popular options:

* **Pravega Zookeeper Operator:**
* GitHub Repository: * [https://github.com/pravega/zookeeper-operator](https://github.com/pravega/zookeeper-operator)

* **StreamNative Zookeeper Operator (formerly Pulsar Operator):**
* Note: StreamNative has transitioned to a unified operator focusing on Pulsar, and new versions of the Zookeeper Operator are no longer being released.
* GitHub Repository (archived): * [invalid URL removed]

Be sure to check the documentation for the specific Zookeeper Operator you choose for detailed installation and configuration instructions.