Aliasing Page


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Python aliasing - aliasing - "Binding two or more names to the same object. Aliasing happens naturally all the time in any language where variables and function parameters hold references to objects. To avoid confusion, just forget the idea that variables are boxes that store objects (an object can’t be in two boxes at the same time). It’s better to think of them as labels attached to objects (an object can have more than one label). See alias (Python alias)." (FlntPy 2022)

"Aliasing occurs when two or more handles (variables) reference the same memory location. Call by reference, for example, sets up an alias between the formal and the actual parameters. Aliasing may be used for efficiency since it allows data to be shared, and thus avoids copying. However, aliases must be tracked carefully for data integrity."

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Fair Use Sources:
* B09WZJMMJP (FlntPy 2022)

