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Cloud Automation Market Survey

Cloud Automation

List the competing alternatives in 1. AWS Automation, 2. Azure Automation, 3. GCP Automation, 4. IBM Cloud Automation, 6. IBM z Mainframe Automation, 7. Oracle Cloud Automation, 8. Kubernetes Automation, 9. VMWare Cloud Automation / Tanzu Automation, 10. Alibaba Cloud Automation, 11. DigitalOcean Automation, 12. Huawei Cloud Automation, 13. Tencent Cloud Automation, 14. On-Premises Data Center Automation using Open Source Cloud / Private Cloud Technologies. When you make a numbered list, precede the number with an asterisk and a space. Put a section heading for each paragraph. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Here's a list of cloud automation alternatives provided by various cloud platforms, including on-premises solutions enabled by open-source or private cloud technologies. This list covers a broad spectrum of automation capabilities, from infrastructure provisioning and management to application deployment and orchestration.


AWS Automation

* AWS CloudFormation: Provides a common language for you to model and provision AWS and third-party application resources in your cloud environment.
* AWS OpsWorks: An automation service that provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet.

Azure Automation

* Azure Automation: Delivers a cloud-based automation service that automates repetitive tasks across Azure and non-Azure environments.
* Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates: Allows you to deploy, manage, and monitor Azure resources in a consistent manner using JSON templates.
* Azure Bicep

GCP Automation

* Google Cloud Deployment Manager: Enables the deployment of resources using declarative templates, simplifying resource provisioning and management.
* Google Cloud Build: A service that executes your builds on Google Cloud's infrastructure.

IBM Cloud Automation

* IBM Cloud Schematics: Uses Terraform as the engine to automate the deployment of infrastructure and applications across IBM Cloud services.
* IBM Cloud Pak for Automation: A comprehensive solution designed to help deploy and manage automation applications.

IBM z Mainframe Automation

* Mainframe environments often rely on specialized software for automation, which might include proprietary tools and solutions for managing system resources, job scheduling, and application deployment.

Oracle Cloud Automation

* Oracle Cloud Resource Manager: An infrastructure as code service that allows you to provision and manage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources using Terraform.
* Oracle Autonomous Database: Automatically encrypts data, backs up the database, tunes performance, and patches itself when needed.

Kubernetes Automation

* Kubernetes itself is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, offering inherent automation capabilities.

VMWare Cloud Automation / Tanzu Automation

* VMware vRealize Automation: Automates the delivery of personalized infrastructure, applications, and custom IT services.
* Tanzu Mission Control: Provides a single control point for teams to more easily manage Kubernetes and operate modern, containerized applications.

Alibaba Cloud Automation

* Alibaba Cloud Resource Orchestration Service: A service that simplifies cloud resource management and automates the deployment of Alibaba Cloud resources using templates.
* Alibaba Cloud Function Compute: A fully-managed event-driven computing service.

DigitalOcean Automation

* DigitalOcean provides API access and tools such as DigitalOcean Droplets and DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) which can be automated using third-party tools and scripts for infrastructure management.

Huawei Cloud Automation

* Huawei Cloud ServiceStage: Automates the application deployment process on cloud containers and virtual machines.
* Huawei Cloud FunctionGraph: A serverless platform that enables automatic event-driven computing.

Tencent Cloud Automation

* Tencent Cloud CloudFormation: Allows users to model, provision, and manage Tencent Cloud resources using JSON or YAML templates.
* Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF): A serverless execution environment that enables you to build and deploy functions without managing servers.

On-Premises Data Center Automation using Open Source Cloud / Private Cloud Technologies

* On-premises solutions can utilize tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, and Terraform for automating infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and management in both private clouds and traditional data centers.

This list showcases the diverse range of automation tools and services available across major cloud platforms and for on-premises data center environments, enabling organizations to automate the provisioning, management, and orchestration of cloud resources efficiently.

Best Practices for Cloud Automation


Cloud Automation Best Practices

Summarize this topic in 20 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Adopting best practices in cloud automation ensures that organizations can achieve operational efficiency, reliability, and scalability. These practices span various aspects of cloud computing, from resource provisioning to application deployment and management.


Introduction to Cloud Automation Best Practices

Embracing best practices in cloud automation is essential for organizations looking to optimize their cloud infrastructure for efficiency, cost savings, and improved operational resilience.

Define Clear Automation Objectives

Before implementing automation, clearly define your objectives, such as reducing manual tasks, improving deployment times, or enhancing system reliability.

Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using tools like Terraform, CloudFormation, or ARM Templates to manage and provision resources in a consistent, repeatable manner.

Embrace Configuration Management

Utilize configuration management tools such as Ansible, Chef, or Puppet to automate the setup and maintenance of software on existing servers.

Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Leverage CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, or GitHub Actions to automate the testing and deployment of applications.

Prioritize Security in Automation Processes

Incorporate security practices into automation workflows by scanning for vulnerabilities in code, automating compliance checks, and enforcing security policies.

Automate Monitoring and Alerts

Set up automated monitoring and alerting for your cloud resources using tools like CloudWatch, Grafana, or Prometheus to quickly identify and respond to issues.

Automate Backups and Disaster Recovery

Implement automated backups and define disaster recovery plans that leverage automation for quick recovery of services in case of failures.

Leverage Serverless Technologies for Automation

Use serverless computing services, such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, to run automation scripts without provisioning or managing servers.

Develop Self-Healing Systems

Design systems that automatically detect and correct failures without human intervention, enhancing the reliability of cloud services.

Optimize Resource Usage and Cost

Utilize automation to optimize resource allocation based on load, reducing costs by automatically scaling resources up or down as needed.

Establish Version Control for Automation Scripts

Use version control systems like Git for all automation scripts and templates to track changes, collaborate, and roll back if necessary.

Automate Compliance and Governance

Automate compliance checks and governance policies to ensure that cloud resources meet organizational and regulatory standards continuously.

Implement Idempotency in Automation Scripts

Ensure that automation scripts are idempotent, meaning they can be run multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

Automate Network Configuration and Management

Automate the provisioning and management of network components like subnets, load balancers, and firewalls to ensure consistent network configurations.

Use Tags for Resource Management and Automation

Apply tags to cloud resources to organize, manage, and automate operations based on tagging policies, such as cost allocation and environment separation.

Encourage Collaboration Across Teams

Foster collaboration between development, operations, and security teams to ensure automation practices are aligned and support organizational goals.

Continuously Evaluate and Improve Automation Strategies

Regularly review and refine automation strategies to incorporate new technologies, feedback, and evolving best practices.

Train and Empower Teams in Automation Tools and Practices

Invest in training for team members on automation tools and best practices to empower them to contribute effectively to automation efforts.

Conclusion on Cloud Automation Best Practices

Adhering to these cloud automation best practices allows organizations to fully harness the power of cloud computing, achieving greater agility, efficiency, and reliability in their operations.

These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for effectively implementing cloud automation across an organization's cloud infrastructure, ensuring that automated processes are secure, efficient, and aligned with business objectives.



Research It More

* ddg>Cloud Automation on DuckDuckGo
* google>Cloud Automation on
* aws>Cloud Automation on AWS Docs
* oreilly>Cloud Automation on O'Reilly
* github>Cloud Automation on GitHub
* k8s>Cloud Automation on
* ms>Cloud Automation on Azure Docs
* gcp>Cloud Automation on GCP Docs
* ibm>Cloud Automation on IBM Docs
* redhat>Cloud Automation on Red Hat Docs
* oracle>Cloud Automation on Oracle Docs
* reddit>Cloud Automation on Reddit
* stackoverflow>Cloud Automation on StackOverflow
* youtube>Cloud Automation on YouTube

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