Flux Page


Flux is an open-source suite of tools designed to enable continuous and progressive delivery of applications to Kubernetes clusters using a GitOps approach. It allows you to define your desired application state in Git repositories, and Flux automatically ensures that the live state of the Kubernetes cluster matches the desired state.

Key Features

* GitOps-Based Deployments: Flux utilizes Git as the single source of truth for both application code and Kubernetes configuration. Changes committed to Git trigger automated deployments, fostering consistency and traceability.
* Continuous Reconciliation: Flux continuously monitors Git repositories for changes and automatically applies those changes to the cluster, keeping the live state in sync with the desired state.
* Progressive Delivery: Flux integrates with tools like Flagger to enable progressive delivery techniques such as canary releases and A/B testing, reducing deployment risks and ensuring smoother rollouts.
* Multi-Tenancy: Flux supports multi-tenancy, allowing multiple teams or projects to manage their deployments independently within the same cluster.
* Extensibility: Flux is designed to be flexible and extensible, offering support for custom controllers and integrations with other tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem.


* Automation and Efficiency: Flux automates the deployment and management of Kubernetes resources, reducing manual errors and improving operational efficiency.
* Consistency and Reliability: The GitOps approach ensures that the cluster's state always matches the desired state defined in Git, promoting consistency and reliability.
* Collaboration and Transparency: By using Git as the central hub for configuration and deployment, Flux fosters collaboration between development and operations teams and increases transparency into the deployment process.
* Enhanced Security: Flux's declarative model and Git-based workflows improve security by providing audit trails and enabling quick rollbacks in case of issues.
* Scalability: Flux seamlessly scales to handle complex Kubernetes environments, supporting multiple clusters and namespaces.

Code Examples

1. Defining a GitRepository Custom Resource:

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: GitRepository
name: my-app
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m0s
url: https://github.com/my-org/my-app
branch: main

This defines a GitRepository object in Kubernetes, instructing Flux to monitor the 'main' branch of the specified GitHub repository for changes every minute.

2. Defining a Kustomization Custom Resource:

apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: Kustomization
name: my-app
namespace: flux-system
interval: 10m0s
path: "./deploy/overlays/production"
prune: true
kind: GitRepository
name: my-app

This Kustomization object tells Flux to apply the Kubernetes manifests found in the 'production' overlay directory of the 'my-app' GitRepository every 10 minutes, also enabling pruning of resources that are no longer defined in Git.

3. Using HelmRelease for Helm Chart Deployments:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: my-app
namespace: flux-system
interval: 5m0s
chart: my-app
version: "1.0.0"
kind: HelmRepository
name: my-helm-repo
namespace: flux-system
tag: latest

This HelmRelease object instructs Flux to deploy the 'my-app' Helm chart from the specified HelmRepository, using the provided values and checking for updates every 5 minutes.

Additional Resources

* Flux Official Website: [https://fluxcd.io/](https://fluxcd.io/)
* Flux GitHub Repository: [https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2)
* GitOps with Flux - Linux Foundation Training: [https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/gitops-continuous-delivery-on-kubernetes-with-flux-lfs269/](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/gitops-continuous-delivery-on-kubernetes-with-flux-lfs269/)