Http Navbar (

Hypertext Transfer Protocol|HTTP:
* HTTP persistent connection|Persistence
* HTTP compression|Compression

Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|Request methods
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|OPTIONS
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|GET
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|HEAD
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|PUT
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|DELETE
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|TRACE
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol#Request methods|CONNECT

List of HTTP header fields|Header fields:
* HTTP cookie|Cookie
* HTTP ETag|ETag
* HTTP location|Location
* HTTP referer
* Do Not Track|DNT
* X-Forwarded-For

List of HTTP status codes|Status codes:
* HTTP 301|301 Moved Permanently
* HTTP 302|302 Found
* HTTP 303|303 See Other
* HTTP 403|403 Forbidden
* HTTP 404|404 Not Found
* HTTP 451|451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons

Security access control methods:
* Basic access authentication
* Digest access authentication

Security vulnerabilities:
* HTTP header injection
* HTTP request smuggling
* HTTP response splitting
* HTTP parameter pollution

http navbar
