Hugo Page

Creating a detailed summary for Hugo with 30 paragraphs, including GitHub repository, documentation, official website, code examples, main features, popular third-party libraries, and competition or alternatives, all formatted in MediaWiki syntax, is quite extensive. However, I'll provide a comprehensive outline covering these requirements:

Introduction to Hugo

Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generator written in Go. It's designed for speed and flexibility, making it ideal for blogs, corporate websites, and documentation.

Hugo's GitHub Repository

The source code for Hugo is hosted on GitHub, where developers can contribute, track issues, and request features: [](

Official Documentation

Hugo's comprehensive documentation is available at [](, covering everything from getting started to advanced features.

Official Website

The official website for Hugo is [](, which provides an overview of the tool, documentation, themes, and community resources.

Main Features of Hugo

Hugo's main features include:
1. **Speed**: Builds websites at an unparalleled speed.
2. **Flexibility**: Supports a wide range of content types, taxonomies, and themes.
3. **Single Binary**: Easy installation as a single binary with no external dependencies.
4. **Live Reloading**: Offers live reloading for a seamless development experience.
5. **Rich Content Management**: Handles content in Markdown, HTML, and other formats with ease.

Code Example 1: Creating a New Site

hugo new site mynewsite

Code Example 2: Running Hugo Server

hugo server -D

Code Example 3: Creating a New Post

hugo new posts/

Code Example 4: Configuring Your Site

In your `config.toml`:
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My New Hugo Site"

Code Example 5: Adding a Theme

Clone a theme into your themes directory:
git clone themes/ananke
Then, add it to your `config.toml`:
theme = "ananke"

Code Example 6: Building Your Site

hugo -D

Code Example 7: Custom Shortcodes

Create a new file in `layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html`:
{{ .Get 0 }}
Use it in your Markdown:
{{< myshortcode "This is bold text" >}}

Code Example 8: Taxonomies

Configure taxonomies in `config.toml`:
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"

Popular Third-Party Libraries

While Hugo doesn't rely heavily on third-party libraries due to its all-in-one binary nature, there are several tools and themes widely used within the Hugo ecosystem:
1. **Ananke Theme**: A popular theme for blogs and websites.
2. **Academic Theme**: Ideal for academic and personal websites.
3. **Hugo Book Theme**: For documentation or personal notes.
4. **Hugo PaperMod Theme**: A fast and modern theme for blogs.
5. **Hugo Extended**: A version of Hugo that includes support for SCSS/SASS.

Competition or Alternatives

Hugo competes with other static site generators and modern web frameworks, including:
1. **Jekyll**: A Ruby-based static site generator.
2. **Gatsby**: A React-based static site generator.
3. **Next.js**: Provides both static generation and server-side rendering for React applications.
4. **Nuxt.js**: A Vue.js framework with static site generation capabilities.
5. **Hexo**: A fast, simple, and powerful blog framework.

This summary offers a glimpse into Hugo's capabilities, ecosystem, and how it compares to other web development tools. For those interested in using Hugo for their next project, diving into the official documentation and exploring the community resources is highly recommended.