Navbar (


* Buddhism - navbar_buddhism - Buddhist topics





Return to DokuWiki, navigation bar

* navbar_glossary - See Major Glossary Categories, and Information Technology - IT - Computing Topics

* navbar_header - Header says "Curated by Cloud Monk"
* footer navbar - Footer

* navbar_cloudmonk_is - Cloud Monk - Losang Jinpa

* navbar_buddhist_masters - Namo to all Buddhist Masters

* navbar_lineage - See Lineage, navbar_nyingma, navbar_sakya, navbar_kagyu, navbar_jonang, navbar_gelug

* navbar_tantra - Buddhist Tantra
* navbar_fpmt - FPMT
* navbar_drba - DRBA
* navbar_tripitaka - Tripitaka
* navbar_sutras - Buddhist Sutras
* navbar_sanskrit - Sanskrit Buddhist Terms - Sanskrit Ayurveda Terms

* navbar_immeasurables - See Four Immeasurables

* navbar_noble_truths - See Four Noble Truths

* navbar_paramita - See Ten Perfections (Paramitas), Ten Grounds (Ten Bhumis)


* navbar_best_practices - e.g. Java Best Practices, Spring Boot Best Practices

* navbar_anti-patterns - e.g. Python Anti-Patterns, Django Anti-Patterns

* navbar_popular - Popular: StackOverflow Tags, Popular Programming Languages, Popular Libraries, Popular Frameworks, Popular Software. (see also navbar_famous)

* navbar_BLANK - Just a line using the ---- feature of DokuWiki

* navbar_inventors - Inventors and Inventions, Scientists, Physicists, Creators, Founders

* navbar_famous - Famous people

* navbar_inventors - Inventors, Founders

* navbar_my_opinion

* navbar_do_not_return_to_media_machine - Don't Return to The Media Machine (Media Industrial Complex serving the Military Industrial Complex serving TPTB)

* navbar_media_industrial_complex

* navbar_bigpharma

* navbar_propaganda - navbar_diversity_propaganda

* navbar_names - navbar_ancestry

* navbar_countries, e.g. navbar_england, navbar_uk, navbar_eu - navbar_europe - navbar_eastern_europe - navbar_central_europe, navbar_usa, navbar_asia - navbar_korea

* navbar_mediterranean - See also Mediterranean, Mediterranean countries

* navbar_glossary

* navbar_header - Header says "Curated by The Curator"

* navbar_privacy - See also Privacy, navbar_security, navbar_advertising

* navbar_advertising - Advertising

* navbar_msm - See Mainstream Media (MSM)


* navbar_months - See Months
* navbar_july - July -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_august - August -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_september - September -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_october - October -- See also navbar_months - Months

* navbar_days - See Day of the Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

* navbar_korean - See also Korean Vocabulary

* navbar_august - August -- See also navbar_months - Months

* navbar_privacy - See also Privacy, navbar_security, navbar_advertising

* navbar_advertising - Advertising

* navbar_criticism - see also macOS Criticisms (Apple Sucks!!!!), iOS Criticisms (iOS Sucks), Windows Criticisms (Windows Sucks), Linux Criticisms (Linux Sucks, Linux Sucks Less)


* Philosophy, navbar_philosophy

* navbar_emotions -- See also Emotions - Emotions topics

* navbar_chinese_zodiac -- See also Chinese zodiac

* navbar_history - See also History and IT History, Computer History, Programming Language History

* navbar_ithistory - See also Retrocomputing Retrogaming - Vintage computers, IT History


* Quantum computing - Quantum computers, navbar_quantum_computing - Quantum computing topics - Quantum Computing FUD - Quantum Computing Propaganda

* navbar_science - See also Science

* navbar_math_algorithms - See also Mathematical Algorithms

* navbar_ai - Singularity - AI FUD - AI Propaganda --

* navbar_tptb - See also TPTB

Big Tech Navbars

* navbar_bigtech - See also Big Tech, Tech Giants, FAANG - GAMMA

* navbar_technocracy - See also Technocrats, Technocracy, Technocratic

* navbar_surveillance_capitalism - See also: Don't Return to Surveillance Capitalism, Surveillance State / Police State, Censorship, GroupThink Social Engineering, Monetization of EVERYTHING from TPTB / Big Tech Technocracy-Technocrats and their Military-Digital Complex - Military-Industrial Complex - (Read Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex) (navbar_surveillance_capitalism)



* navbar_alphabets - See also Alphabets

* Awesome - Awesome list - GitHub awesome - navbar_awesome - Awesome topics
** navbar_awesome_redirect

NOTE: Always Redirect e.g. GitHub Kubernetes and Awesome Kubernetes to the Main article Kubernetes Awesome. (navbar_awesome_redirect)

* navbar_silicon_valley -- See also Silicon Valley
* navbar_california -- See also California

* navbar_korea -- See also Korea

* navbar_asia -- See also Asia

* navbar_publishers -- See also Publishers and navbar_bibliography

* navbar_math - Math topics

* navbar_logic - Logic topics

* navbar_wikipedia

* navbar_bibliography

* navbar_shadow_library - Shadow libraries - Anna's Archive

* disambig

* Search engine - navbar_searchengine



* navbar_months - See Months
* navbar_july - July -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_august - August -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_september - September -- See also navbar_months - Months
* navbar_october - October -- See also navbar_months - Months

* navbar_days - See Day of the Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday


* navbar_korean - See also Korean Vocabulary

Cloud Monk is quadrilingual and is literate in Basic Korean - > Korean Words - 2000 most common | 100 words of spoken Korean and written Korean (Hangul - can read Korean and write Korean using Korean keyboard).

* navbar_cloud_monk_korean - See also Korean Words - 2000 Most Common

* navbar_cloudmonk_library - See also Cloud Monk Library, Books Read by Cloud Monk

* navbar_korean - See also Korean Vocabulary

The Cloud Monk, Losang Jinpa, is now focused writing until end of December 2025 on his polyglot programmer compendium - concordance books Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book and DevOps for 20 Languages by Cloud Monk (with a particular focus on Cloud Native DevSecOps and Web API Security) to be published on GitHub and this Wiki. (navbar_devops_book - navbar_devops_focus
* navbar_devops_book
* navbar_manning - See also Manning Bibliography

* navbar_august - August -- See also navbar_months - Months

* navbar_privacy - See also Privacy, navbar_security, navbar_advertising

* Make a navbar for EACH and EVERY software package on Homebrew on macOS and Homebrew on Linux

* navbar_rfc4949 - RFC 4949 Internet Security Glossary Definitions

* navbar_visual_studio_code - brew install visual-studio-code

* navbar_visual_studio - brew install visual-studio

* navbar_advertising - Advertising

Cloud Monk is quadrilingual and is literate in Basic Korean - > Korean Words - 2000 most common | 100 words of spoken Korean and written Korean (Hangul - can read Korean and write Korean using Korean keyboard).

* navbar_cloud_monk_korean - See also Korean Words - 2000 Most Common

* navbar_cloudmonk_library - See also Cloud Monk Library, Books Read by Cloud Monk

* navbar_java, navbar_java.base, navbar_java.util

* navbar_msm - See Mainstream Media (MSM)

* navbar_home_lab - Cloud Monk Home Lab - navbar_my_apple - navbar_my_pcs - navbar_my_android - navbar_my_amazon

* navbar_rfc - RFCs of the IETF - Internet Standards

* navbar_k8s
* navbar_kubernetes
* navbar_k8s_detailed

* navbar_windows_services - See also Windows Services
* navvbar_windows - See also navbar_windows11

* navbar_nginx - See also Nginx

* navbar_iis - See also IIS

* navbar_linux_kernel - See also Linux Kernel

* navbar_linux_service_management - See also Linux service management - Service management in Unix

* navbar_filesystems - File System

* navbar_browsers - See also Web browsers

* navbar_dark_mode - See also Dark Mode

* navbar_korean - See also Korean Vocabulary

* navbar_jobs - See also Employment - Jobs - Work - Job Interviews

* navbar_remote_work - See also Remote First! - Remote work

* navbar_iot - See also IoT


REWORK ALL of these so that start with the keyword navbar_ so that way they are sorted.

* Buddhist Masters - navbar_buddhist_masters
* Buddhist Monasteries and Dharma Centers - navbar_buddhist_dharma_centers

* Buddhism - navbar_buddhism - Buddhist topics

* Buddhist Philosophy, Philosophy, navbar_philosophy - Buddhist Philosophy

* Ayurveda - navbar_ayurveda - Ayurveda topics

* VPK - Vata-Pitta-Kapha - navbar_vpk

* navbar_emotions -- See also Emotions - Emotions topics

* navbar_tcm - See also Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

* navbar_chinese_zodiac -- See also Chinese zodiac

* navbar_iac - See also Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

* navbar_gitops - See also GitOps, GitOps Tools

* navbar_best_practices - See also Best Practices - Programming Best Practices - Software Engineering Best Practices - Software Architecture Best Practices, DevOps Best Practices, Ops Best Practices (Infrastructure as Code IaC Best Practices, K8S Best Practices, AWS Best Practices, Azure Best Practices, GCP Best Practices)


navbar_wordpress - See WordPress

navbar_cms - See CMS


* navbar_nixos - See also NixOS

* navbar_package_managers - See also Package managers

* navbar_dependency_management - See also Dependency management

* navbar_jamstack - See also Jamstack
** navbar_gatsby - See also GatsbyJS, navbar_react.js, React
** navbar_netlify - See also Netlify

* navbar_javascript_frameworks - See also JavaScript Frameworks

* navbar_history - See also History and IT History, Computer History, Programming Language History

* navbar_ithistory - See also Retrocomputing Retrogaming - Vintage computers, IT History

* navbar_vintage_apple - See also Vintage Apple, Retrocomputing Retrogaming - Vintage computers, IT History

* navbar_basic - See also BASIC Programming Language, Programming Language History

* navbar_legacy_languages - See also Legacy Language, Programming Language History

* navbar_reserved_keywords - See also Reserved keywords

* navbar_cpp_keywords - See also CPP keywords


* Quantum computing - Quantum computers, navbar_quantum_computing - Quantum computing topics - Quantum Computing FUD - Quantum Computing Propaganda

* navbar_science - See also Science

* navbar_computer_science - See also Computer science

* navbar_hardware - See also Computer hardware, Hardware. Hardware Architectures:navbar_hardware_architectures

* navbar_cicd - See also CI/CD, Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

* navbar_scripting - See also Scripting, Automation, DevOps

* navbar_environment_variables - See also Environment variables

* navbar_boot - See also booting

* navbar_data_structures - See also Data structures

* navbar_data_algorithms - See also Algorithms

* navbar_math_algorithms - See also Mathematical Algorithms

* navbar_microservices - See also Microservices

* navbar_serverless - See also Serverless computing, FaaS

* navbar_language_designers - See also Programming language designers

* navbar_ai - Singularity - AI FUD - AI Propaganda -- See also navbar_ml, navbar_dl, navbar_tensorflow, navbar_nlp, navbar_chatgpt, navbar_chatbot

* navbar_os - See also OS - operating systems
* navbar_hardware - See also Hardware, navbar_hardware_architectures

* navbar_software - See also Software

Big Tech Navbars

* navbar_bigtech - See also Big Tech, Tech Giants, FAANG - GAMMA

* navbar_technocracy - See also Technocrats, Technocracy, Technocratic

* navbar_surveillance_capitalism - See also: Don't Return to Surveillance Capitalism, Surveillance State / Police State, Censorship, GroupThink Social Engineering, Monetization of EVERYTHING from TPTB / Big Tech Technocracy-Technocrats and their Military-Digital Complex - Military-Industrial Complex - (Read Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex) (navbar_surveillance_capitalism)

* navbar_tptb - See also TPTB

* navbar_certifications - See also Vendor certification, Vendor certification

* navbar_apple - See also Apple, Inc., GitHub Apple

* navbar_microsoft - See also Microsoft, GitHub Microsoft
* navbar_google - See also Google, GitHub Google
* navbar_ibm - See also IBM, GitHub IBM
** navbar_redhat - See also Red Hat, GitHub Red Hat - GitHub Ansible
* navbar_facebook - See also Facebook, GitHub Facebook
* navbar_netflix - See also NetFlix, GitHub Netflix
* navbar_cisco - See also Cisco, GitHub Cisco
* navbar_juniper - See also Juniper - Juniper Networks, GitHub Juniper Networks
* navbar_oracle - See also Oracle, GitHub Oracle
* navbar_ide - See also Adobe, GitHub Adobe
* navbar_paypal - See also PayPal, GitHub PayPal
* navbar_salesforce - See also Salesforce, GitHub Salesforce
* navbar_vmware - See also VMware, GitHub VMware - GitHub Spring - GitHub Spring Boot
* navbar_splunk - See also Splunk, GitHub Splunk
* navbar_mongodb - See also MongoDB, GitHub MongoDB
* navbar_uber - See also Uber, GitHub Uber
* navbar_spotify - See also Spotify, GitHub Spotify
* navbar_ebay - See also eBay, GitHub eBay
* navbar_bloomberg - See also Bloomberg L.P., GitHub Bloomberg
* navbar_twitter - See also Twitter, GitHub Twitter
* navbar_stripe - See also Stripe, GitHub Stripe
* navbar_airbnb - See also Airbnb, GitHub Airbnb
* navbar_zillo - See also Zillo, GitHub Zillo
* navbar_godadday - See also GoDaddy, GitHub GoDaddy
* navbar_lyft - See also Lyft, GitHub Lyft
* navbar_craigslist - See also Craigslist, GitHub Craigslist
* navbar_twilio - See also Twilio, GitHub Twilio
* navbar_grubhub - See also Grubhub, GitHub Grubhub
* navbar_hashicorp - See also HashiCorp, GitHub HashiCorp
* navbar_docker - See also Docker, GitHub Docker-- See also
* navbar_podman - See also Podman, GitHub Podman-- See also
* navbar_jetbrains - See also JetBrains, GitHub JetBrains
* navbar_linkedin - See also LinkedIn, GitHub LinkedIn
* navbar_jenkins - See also Jenkins, GitHub Jenkins
* navbar_apache - See also Apache Foundation, GitHub Apache
* navbar_cncf - See also navbar_cloud_native_languages, CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation, GitHub Apache, Cloud Native
* navbar_cloud_native_languages - Cloud Native languages
* navbar_linux_foundation - See also Linux Foundation, GitHub Linux Foundation
* navbar_x - See also x, GitHub x

* navbar_silicon_valley - See also Silicon Valley topics

Programming Navbars

* navbar_server_side - See also Server-side. e.g. Server-side Swift

* DELETE navbar_software_testing

* navbar_testing - See also Software testing, TDD

* navbar_software_architecture - See also Software architecture

* navbar_functional - See also Functional programming

* navbar_concurrency - See also Concurrent programming

* navbar_async - See also Asynchronous programming

* navbar_fortran - navbar_fortran_standards - Fortran topics

* navbar_cobol - COBOL topics

* navbar_nlp - See also Natural Language Processing (NLP)

* navbar_alphabets - See also Alphabets

* navbar_cloud_categories, navbar_azure_categories, navbar_aws_categories, navbar_gcp_categories, navbar_ibmcloud_categories, navbar_oraclecloud_categories -- See also:
** Cloud categories, Azure categories, AWS categories, GCP categories, IBM Cloud categories, Oracle Cloud categories
** Cloud topics, Azure topics, AWS topics, GCP topics, IBM Cloud topics, Oracle Cloud topics

* navbar_generics - Generic programming

* navbar_classes - Class (computer programming)

* navbar_web_development - Web development -- See also Outline of web design and web development

* navbar_windows_development - Windows development

* navbar_refactoring - Refactoring, Refactoring topics -- See also Legacy code

* navbar_commandline - Command-line, Command-line topics -- See also Shell, navbar_terminal

* navbar_handson - Hands-on, Daily Hands-on, Daily, Study and Practice

* Router (computing) - navbar_routers - Router topics - Router

* Awesome - Awesome list - GitHub awesome - navbar_awesome - Awesome topics
** navbar_awesome_redirect
NOTE: Always Redirect e.g. GitHub Kubernetes and Awesome Kubernetes to the Main article Kubernetes Awesome. (navbar_awesome_redirect)

* navbar_silicon_valley -- See also Silicon Valley topics
* navbar_california -- See also California topics

* navbar_korea -- See also Korea

* navbar_asia -- See also Asia

* navbar_publishers -- See also Publishers and navbar_bibliography


* navbar_security -- See also Cybersecurity topics
* navbar_devsecops -- See also DevSecOps topics
* navbar_cloud_security -- See also Cloud Security topics
*** navbar_aws_security -- See also AWS Security topics
*** navbar_azure_security -- See also Azure Security topics
*** navbar_gcp_security -- See also GCP Security topics
*** navbar_k8s_security -- See also Kubernetes Security topics
*** navbar_container_security -- See also Container Security topics
** navbar_web_security -- See also Web Security topics
*** navbar_react_security -- See also React Security topics
*** navbar_angular_security -- See also Angular Security topics
*** navbar_javascript_security -- See also JavaScript Security topics, TypeScript Security topics
** navbar_mobile_security -- See also Mobile Security topics
*** navbar_android_security -- See also Android Security topics
*** navbar_ios_security -- See also iOS Security topics
** navbar_windows_security -- See also Windows Security topics
** navbar_windows_server_security -- See also Windows Server Security topics
** navbar_linux_security -- See also Linux Security topics
*** navbar_ubuntu_security -- See also Ubuntu Security topics
*** navbar_security -- See also X Security topics
*** navbar_rhel_security -- See also RHEL Security topics
*** navbar_freebsd_security -- See also X Security topics and navbar_freebsd
** navbar_mainframe_security -- See also IBM Mainframe Security topics
** navbar_cryptography - See also cryptography and encryption

* navbar_passwords - Password topics -- See also navbar_security - Security topics
* navbar_mfa - MFA topics -- See also navbar_passwords

* navbar_pentesting - Pentesting topics -- See also navbar_security - Cybersecurity topics - Security topics


* navbar_storage - Data storage - Data storage topics
* navbar_memory - Computer memory - Memory topics -- See also navbar_memory_management

* navbar_math - Math topics

* navbar_logic - Logic topics

* DokuWiki - navbar_dokuwiki - DokuWiki topics

* navbar_wikipedia

* navbar_iso - ISO topics
* navbar_management - Management topics

* navbar_compilers - Compiler topics

* navbar_bibliography - Bibliography topics

* navbar_shadow_library - Shadow libraries - Anna's Archive

* disambig

* Search engine - navbar_searchengine - Search engine topics

* navbar_designpatterns - Design Patterns topics
** navbar_designpatterns_detailed

* navbar_data_units - Data Units topics

* navbar_memory_management - Memory Management topics

* navbar_datatypes - Data Types topics
* navbar_classes - Classes topics

* navbar_declaration - Declaration topics
* navbar_definition - Definition topics

* navbar_programming - Programming topics
** navbar_programming_detailed

* IDE - navbar_ide - IDE topics
* JetBrains - navbar_jetbrains - JetBrains topics

* Agile - navbar_Agile and navbar_Agile_detailed - Agile topics
* Angular - navbar_Angular and navbar_Angular_detailed - Angular topics

* Android - navbar_android and navbar_android_detailed - Android topics -- See also navbar_kotlin and navbar_mobile

* Ansible - navbar_Ansible and navbar_Ansible_detailed - Ansible topics
* Apple - navbar_Apple and navbar_Apple_detailed - Apple topics
* Apple macOS - navbar_macOS and navbar_macOS_detailed - Apple macOS topics - macOS topics

* navbar_ios - navbar_iphone -- See Apple iOS - navbar_ios_detailed - Apple iOS topics - iOS topics -- see also navbar_mobile and navbar_swift

* Artificial intelligence (AI) - navbar_ai, AI topics, Artificial intelligence (AI) topics
* AWS - navbar_AWS and navbar_AWS_detailed - AWS topics
* Azure - navbar_Azure and navbar_Azure_detailed - Azure topics
* Bash - navbar_Bash and navbar_Bash_detailed - Bash topics
* C programming language - navbar_C and navbar_C_detailed - navbar_c_standards - C topics - C language topics
* C Sharp | C# - navbar_CSharp and navbar_CSharp_detailed - navbar_csharp_standards - C Sharp topics
** dot NET | .NET - navbar_dotnet and navbar_dotnet_detailed - Dot Net topics

* C plus plus | C++ - navbar_Cplusplus and navbar_Cplusplus_detailed - navbar_cplusplus_standards - C Plus Plus topics
** navbar_cpp_advice -- See also CPP Advice | C++ Advice
** navbar_cpp_containers - See also CPP Containers | C++ Containers
** navbar_cpp_algorithms - See also CPP Algorithms | C++ Algorithms
** navbar_cpp_ranges - See also CPP Ranges | C++ Ranges
** navbar_cpp_concurrency - See also CPP Concurrency | C++ Concurrency

CPP Concurrency | C++ Concurrency: (navbar_cpp_concurrency)

CPP Concurrency | C++ Concurrency: (navbar_cpp_concurrency)

* Cassandra - navbar_Cassandra and navbar_Cassandra_detailed - Cassandra topics

* ChatGPT - navbar_chatgpt -- See also navbar_chatbot, navbar_ml, navbar_dl

* Chef - navbar_Chef and navbar_Chef_detailed - Chef topics
* Cisco - navbar_Cisco and navbar_Cisco_detailed - Cisco topics
* Clojure - navbar_Clojure and navbar_Clojure_detailed - Clojure topics
* COBOL - navbar_COBOL and navbar_COBOL_detailed - navbar_cobol_standards - COBOL topics
* Dapr - navbar_Dapr and navbar_Dapr_detailed - Dapr topics
* Dart - navbar_Dart and navbar_Dart_detailed - Dart topics
* Data science - navbar_datascience and navbar_datascience_detailed] - Data Science topics
* Debian - navbar_Debian and navbar_Debian_detailed - Debian topics

* Deep learning - navbar_dl and navbar_DL_detailed - Deep Learning topics

* Deno - navbar_deno and navbar_deno_detailed - Deno topics
* DevOps - navbar_DevOps and navbar_DevOps_detailed - DevOps topics. See also navbar_sre, navbar_scripting
* DataOps - navbar_DataOps and navbar_DataOps_detailed - DataOps topics
* Django - navbar_Django and navbar_Django_detailed - Django topics
* Docker - navbar_Docker and navbar_Docker_detailed - Docker topics
* Express.js - navbar_Express.js and navbar_Express.js_detailed - Express.js topics
* Fedora - navbar_Fedora and navbar_Fedora_detailed - Fedora topics
* Flask - navbar_Flask and navbar_Flask_detailed - Flask topics
* Flutter - navbar_Flutter and navbar_Flutter_detailed - Flutter topics
* Fortran - navbar_Fortran and navbar_Fortran_detailed - navbar_fortran_standards - Fortran topics
* FreeBSD - navbar_FreeBSD and navbar_FreeBSD_detailed - FreeBSD topics
* GCP - navbar_GCP and navbar_GCP_detailed - GCP topics - Google Cloud Platform topics
* GitHub - navbar_GitHub and navbar_GitHub_detailed - GitHub topics
* Git - navbar_Git and navbar_Git_detailed - Git topics
* GitOps - navbar_GitOps and navbar_GitOps_detailed - GitOps topics
* Golang, Go, Go programming language - navbar_Golang and navbar_Golang_detailed - navbar_golang_standards - Golang topics - Go topics
* Gradle - navbar_Gradle and navbar_Gradle_detailed - Gradle topics
* GraphQL - navbar_GraphQL and navbar_GraphQL_detailed - GraphQL topics
* gRPC - navbar_gRPC and navbar_gRPC_detailed - gRPC topics
* Groovy - navbar_Groovy and navbar_Groovy_detailed - Groovy topics
* Haskell - navbar_Haskell and navbar_Haskell_detailed - Haskell topics
* HCL - navbar_HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) - navbar_HCL and navbar_HCL_detailed - HCP topics - HashiCorp HCL topics
* IBM - navbar_IBM and navbar_IBM_detailed - IBM topics
* IBM Cloud - navbar_IBMCloud and navbar_IBMCloud_detailed - IBM Cloud topics
* IBM Db2 - navbar_Db2 and navbar_Db2_detailed - Db2 topics - IBM Db2 topics
* IBM Mainframe - navbar_Mainframe and navbar_Mainframe_detailed - Mainframe topics - IBM Mainframe topics
* Jakarta EE - navbar_Jakarta and navbar_Jakarta_detailed - Jakarta EE topics
* Java - navbar_Java and navbar_Java_detailed - navbar_java_standards - Java topics
* JavaScript - navbar_JavaScript and navbar_JavaScript_detailed, navbar_java_standards - JavaScript topics
* Julia - navbar_Julia and navbar_Julia_detailed - Julia topics
* Kafka - navbar_Kafka and navbar_Kafka_detailed - Kafka topics
* Kotlin - navbar_Kotlin and navbar_Kotlin_detailed - navbar_kotlin_standards - Kotlin topics
* Kubernetes - navbar_K8S and navbar_K8S_detailed - Kubernetes topics -- See also navbar_k8s_security
* Linux - navbar_Linux and navbar_Linux_detailed - navbar_linux_standards - Linux topics

* Machine learning - navbar_ml and navbar_ML_detailed - Machine learning topics - see also navbar_tensorflow

* Mainframe - navbar_Mainframe and navbar_Mainframe_detailed - Mainframe topics --> IBM Mainframe topics
* MATLAB - navbar_matlab and navbar_matlab_detailed - MATLAB topics
* Maven - navbar_Maven and navbar_Maven_detailed - Maven topics
* Microsoft - navbar_Microsoft and navbar_Microsoft_detailed - Microsoft topics
** Microsoft Windows - navbar_Windows and navbar_Windows_detailed - Windows topics --> Microsoft Windows topics
** Microsoft Windows Server - navbar_WindowsServer and navbar_WindowsServer_detailed - Windows Server topics --> Microsoft Windows Server topics
** Microsoft Office - navbar_microsoft365 - Microsoft Windows, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Access
** Microsoft Excel - navbar_excel - See also Excel is the most popular "programming language"
* MLOps - navbar_MLOps and navbar_MLOps_detailed - MLOps topics
* MongoDB - navbar_MongoDB and navbar_MongoDB_detailed - MongoDB topics
* MySQL - navbar_MySQL and navbar_MySQL_detailed - MySQL topics

* CHANGE FROM _Node.js to _nodejs!! Node.js - navbar_Node.js and navbar_Node.js_detailed - navbar_nodejs_standards - Node.js topics
** See navbar_nodejs

* NPM - navbar_npm and navbar_npm_detailed - NPM topics
* Objective-C - navbar_ObjectiveC and navbar_ObjectiveC_detailed - Objective-C topics
* OpenShift - navbar_OpenShift and navbar_OpenShift_detailed - Openshift topics - Red Hat OpenShift topics
* Oracle Database - navbar_OracleDatabase and navbar_OracleDatabase_detailed - Oracle Database topics
* Perl - navbar_Perl and navbar_Perl_detailed - Perl topics
* PHP - navbar_PHP and navbar_PHP_detailed - PHP topics
* PostgreSQL - navbar_PostgreSQL and navbar_PostgreSQL_detailed - PostgreSQL topics
* PowerShell - navbar_PowerShell and navbar_PowerShell_detailed - navbar_powershell_standards - PowerShell topics
* Puppet - navbar_Puppet and navbar_Puppet_detailed - Puppet topics

* Python - navbar_Python and navbar_Python_detailed - Python topics
** navbar_python_virtual_environments
** navbar_python_builtin
** navbar_python_keywords
** navbar_python_zen
** navbar_python_docs
** navbar_python_pep
** navbar_numpy - See also NumPy

* navbar_anaconda - See also Anaconda, Conda, Miniconda

* Quarkus - navbar_Quarkus and navbar_Quarkus_detailed - Quarkus topics
* R Language - navbar_R and navbar_R_detailed - navbar_r_standards - R topics --> R Language topics
* REXX - navbar_rexx and navbar_rexx_detailed - REXX topics --> IBM REXX topics
* Redis - navbar_Redis and navbar_Redis_detailed - Redis topics
* RHEL - navbar_RHEL and navbar_RHEL_detailed - RHEL topics

* React.js - navbar_React.js and navbar_React.js_detailed - React.js topics
* React.js - navbar_React and navbar_React_detailed
MOVE THIS and all is linked pages TO the NEW version .js:

* Reactive programming - navbar_reactive and navbar_reactive_detailed - Reactive topics --> [[Reactive programming topics
* Ruby - navbar_Ruby and navbar_Ruby_detailed - navbar_ruby_standards - Ruby topics
* Rust - navbar_rust and navbar_rust_detailed - navbar_rust_docs - navbar_rust_standards - Rust topics, SAS - navbar_sas and navbar_sas_detailed - SAS topics
* Scala - navbar_Scala and navbar_Scala_detailed - navbar_scala_standards - Scala topics
* Spark - navbar_Spark and navbar_Spark_detailed - Spark topics
* Spring - navbar_Spring and navbar_Spring_detailed - Spring topics
* SQL - navbar_SQL and navbar_SQL_detailed - navbar_sql_standards - SQL topics
* SQL Server - navbar_SQLServer and navbar_SQLServer_detailed - SQL Server topics --> Microsoft SQL Server topics
* SRE - navbar_SRE and navbar_SRE_detailed - SRE topics --> Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) topics. See also navbar_devops

* Swift - navbar_swift and navbar_swift_detailed - navbar_swift_standards - Swift topics -- see also navbar_ios, navbar_iphone and navbar_mobile

* TensorFlow - navbar_tensorflow -- see also navbar_ml, navbar_dl

* Terraform - navbar_Terraform and navbar_Terraform_detailed - Terraform topics --> HashiCorp Terraform topics
* TypeScript - navbar_TypeScript and navbar_TypeScript_detailed - navbar_typescript_standards - TypeScript topics
* Ubuntu - navbar_Ubuntu and navbar_Ubuntu_detailed - Ubuntu topics
* Virtualization - navbar_virtualization and navbar_virtualization_detailed - Virtualization topics
* Vue.js - navbar_Vue and navbar_Vue_detailed - Vue.js topics
* Yarn - navbar_yarn and navbar_yarn_detailed - Yarn topics


* navbar_cloud
** navbar_cloud_detailed

* navbar_aws
** navbar_aws_detailed

* navbar_azure
** navbar_azure_detailed

* navbar_gcp
** navbar_gcp_detailed

* navbar_ibmcloud
** navbar_ibmcloud_detailed

* navbar_oraclecloud
** navbar_oraclecloud_detailed

* navbar_heroku
** navbar_heroku_detailed

* navbar_openstack
** navbar_openstack_detailed

* navbar_digitalocean
** navbar_digitalocean_detailed

* navbar_netlify
** navbar_netlify_detailed

* navbar_ibm
** navbar_ibmcloud
*** navbar_ibmcloud_detailed
** navbar_mainframe
*** navbar_mainframe_detailed
** navbar_db2
** navbar_sna
** navbar_cobol

* navbar_oracle
** navbar_oraclecloud
** navbar_oracledb

* navbar_



REWORK ALL of these so that start with the keyword navbar_ so that way they are sorted.

* Azure navbar
* computer files_navbar
* database navbar
* GCP navbar
* http navbar
* OSI model navbar
* rpi_startup_navbar

* angular_navbar
* azure_navbar
* computer_files_navbar
* computer_security_navbar
* cryptography_navbar
* database_navbar
* devops_deployment_navbar
* footer_navbar
* gcp_navbar
* http_navbar
* ibm_navbar
* ipstack_navbar
* navbar
* navbar_aws
* navbar_aws_detailed
* navbar_azure
* navbar_azure_detailed
* navbar_brew
* navbar_choco
* navbar_cloud
* navbar_cloud_detailed
* navbar_cncf
* navbar_cobol
* navbar_containers
* navbar_database
* navbar_db2
* navbar_digitalocean
* navbar_digitalocean_detailed
* navbar_footer
* navbar_gcp
* navbar_gcp_detailed
* navbar_ghplugin
* navbar_github
* navbar_heroku
* navbar_heroku_detailed
* navbar_ibm
* navbar_ibmcloud
* navbar_ibmcloud_detailed
* navbar_k8s - see also K8S
* navbar_kubernetes
* navbar_k8s_detailed
* navbar_linux
* navbar_linux_detailed
* navbar_mainframe
* navbar_mainframe_detailed
* navbar_netlify
* navbar_netlify_detailed
* navbar_networking - see also Networking topics, navbar_dns
* navbar_dns - see also DNS topics
* navbar_networking_detailed
* navbar_openshift
* navbar_openshift_detailed
* navbar_openstack
* navbar_openstack_detailed
* navbar_opensuse
* navbar_oracle
* navbar_oraclecloud
* navbar_oraclecloud_detailed
* navbar_oracledb
* navbar_react
* navbar_react_detailed
* navbar_ruby
* navbar_secretsmgmt
* navbar_sqlserver
* navbar_systemprogramming
* navbar_unix
* navbar_unix_detailed
* navbar_wsl

* navbar_cloudmonk_library


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