Operation Page


dict>operation on Wiktionary

Operation or Operations may refer to:


* wp>Business operations, the harvesting of value from assets owned by a business
* wp>Manufacturing operations, operation of a facility
* wp>Operations management, an area of management concerned with designing and controlling the process of production

Military and law enforcement

* wp>Military operation, a military action (usually in a military campaign) using deployed forces
** Black operation, or "Black op", an operation that may be outside of standard military protocol or against the law
** Clandestine operation, an intelligence operation or military operation carried out so that the operation goes unnoticed
** wp>Combined operations, operations by forces of two or more allied nations
** Covert operation, an operation which conceals the identity of the sponsor
** Psychological operations (PsyOp), an operation consisting of psychological manipulations, psychological tactics, and psychological warfare
** Special operations (Special Ops), military operations that are unconventional operations
* wp>Operations (J3), third level of Nation Level Command Structure
* wp>Operations (military staff), staff involved in planning operations
* Sting operation, an operation designed to catch a person committing a crime, by means of deception

Science and technology

* Inference, a step in reasoning
* Information technology operations - IT Operations - ITops
* Operation (mathematics), a calculation from zero or more input values (called operands) to an output value
** Arity, number of arguments or operands that the function takes
** Binary operation, calculation that combines two elements of the set to produce another element of the set
** Graph operations, produce new graphs from initial ones
** Modulo operation, operation finds the remainder after division of one number by another
** Operations research, in British usage, application of advanced analytical methods to make better decisions
** Unary operation, an operation with only one operand
* wp>Rail transport operations, the control of a rail system
* wp>Scientific operation
* wp>Surgical operation or surgery, in medicine
* wp>Unit operation, a basic step in a wp>chemical engineering process

Other uses

* wp>Anomalous operation, in wp>parapsychology, a term describing a broad category of purported wp>paranormal effects
* Operation, a word which represents a wp>grammatical relation (i.e., function) or instruction, rather than a term or name
* wp>Operation of law, a legal term that indicates that a right or liability has been created for a party

See also

* wp>List of military operations
* wp>OP (disambiguation)
* wp>Operations support system, used in the telecommunications industry
* wp>Operations room, the tactical center providing processed information for command and control of an area of operations
* wp>Operative (disambiguation)
* wp>Operator (disambiguation)

