Osi Model Navbar (CloudMonk.io)


OSI Model Navbar

Layers of the OSI model

Abstraction layer - Abstraction

Application layer - Application
* Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
* Session Initiation Protocol|SIP
* Simple Sensor Interface protocol|SSI
* Domain Name System (DNS)
* File Transfer Protocol|FTP
* Gopher (protocol)|Gopher
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol|HTTP
* Network File System (protocol)|NFS
* Network Time Protocol|NTP
* Short Message Peer-to-Peer|SMPP
* Simple Mail Transfer Protocol|SMTP
* Simple Network Management Protocol|SNMP
* Telnet
* Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol|DHCP
* Netconf
*[[:Category:Application layer protocols

Presentation layer - Presentation
* External Data Representation|XDR
* Abstract Syntax Notation One|ASN.1
* Pretty Good Privacy|PGP

Session layer - Session
* Named pipe
* Session Announcement Protocol|SAP
* Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol|PPTP
* Real-time Transport Protocol|RTP

Transport layer - Transport
* Transmission Control Protocol|TCP
* User Datagram Protocol|UDP
* Stream Control Transmission Protocol|SCTP
* Datagram Congestion Control Protocol|DCCP

Network layer - Network:
* Internet Protocol|IP
** IPv4
** IPv6
* Internet Control Message Protocol|ICMP
* IPsec
* Internet Group Management Protocol|IGMP
* Internetwork Packet Exchange|IPX
* AppleTalk
* X.25 Packet Layer Protocol|PLP

Data link - Data link layer (DLC) - Data link layer (DLC)
* Asynchronous Transfer Mode|ATM
* Address Resolution Protocol|ARP
* Synchronous Data Link Control|SDLC
* High-Level Data Link Control|HDLC
* Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol|CSLIP
* Serial Line Internet Protocol|SLIP
* Generic Framing Procedure|GFP
* Parallel Line Internet Protocol|PLIP
* IEEE 802.2
* Logical link control|LLC
* Media access control|MAC
* Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol|L2TP
* IEEE 802.3
* Frame Relay
* G.hn|ITU-T G.hn DLL
* Point-to-Point Protocol|PPP
* X.25 LAPB
* Link Access Procedure for Frame Relay|Q.922 LAPF

Physical layer - Physical
* EIA/TIA-232
* EIA/TIA-449
* ITU-T V-Series Recommendations|ITU-T V-Series
* I.430
* I.431
* Plesiochronous digital hierarchy|PDH
* Passive optical network|PON
* Optical Transport Network|OTN
* Digital subscriber line|DSL
* IEEE 802.3
* IEEE 802.11
* IEEE 802.15
* IEEE 802.16
* IEEE 1394
* G.hn|ITU-T G.hn PHY
* Universal Serial Bus|USB
* Bluetooth
* RS-232
* RS-449
