Testkube Page


* Definition: testkube is an open-source testing framework for Kubernetes. It provides a cloud-native way to run, manage, and orchestrate tests within Kubernetes clusters.
* Function: Facilitates the execution and management of various types of tests (e.g., integration, end-to-end, performance) directly within a Kubernetes environment, leveraging Kubernetes-native resources and workflows.
* Components:
* Testkube CLI: Command-line interface for interacting with Testkube, managing tests, and viewing results.
* Test Executors: Custom or predefined executors that handle specific types of tests, such as Postman, Cypress, JMeter, etc.
* Test CRD (Custom Resource Definition): Defines the tests as Kubernetes resources, enabling native management and orchestration.
* Test Results Dashboard: A web-based interface for viewing test results and monitoring test executions.
* Features:
* Kubernetes-Native Testing: Integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes, using CRDs and native resources.
* Support for Multiple Test Types: Supports a wide range of testing frameworks and tools.
* Scalable Test Execution: Leverages Kubernetes' scalability to run tests in parallel across multiple nodes.
* Automated Test Management: Automates the scheduling, execution, and management of tests.
* Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: Can be integrated into continuous integration and continuous deployment workflows.
* Usage: Ideal for DevOps and SRE teams to automate testing within Kubernetes clusters, ensuring that applications deployed on Kubernetes meet quality and performance standards.


* Installing Testkube CLI:
curl -sSLf https://kubeshop.github.io/testkube/install.sh | bash

* Creating a new test:
kubectl testkube create test --name my-test --type postman/collection --source repository

* Running a test:
kubectl testkube run test my-test

* Viewing test results:
kubectl testkube get testresults --test my-test

* Example of a Test CRD:
apiVersion: tests.testkube.io/v1
kind: Test
name: my-test
type: postman/collection
type: git
uri: https://github.com/my-repo/my-test-collection.git


* testkube: An open-source Kubernetes-native testing framework that enables the execution, management, and orchestration of various types of tests within Kubernetes clusters. It supports multiple testing frameworks, integrates with CI/CD pipelines, and leverages Kubernetes' scalability to provide a robust solution for automated testing in cloud-native environments.