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Ayurveda and Apples

wp>Apples come in many colors and varieties, but for Ayurvedic healing we shall look at their ripe/sweet quality and their sour quality. When sweet, apples are s[[lightly astringent, cooling and the vipaka (post-digestive effect) is sweet. On the other hand, sour apples are mainly astringent in taste, cooling and the vipaka is pungent. Apples are good for Pitta and Kapha, but too drying for Vata unless they are well-cooked and spiced. The skin of the apple is hard to digest and can cause gas. Do not eat the seeds of the apple, forthey are astringent and bitter and can cause Vata aggravation.

Remedies using Apples

1. raw apple, even though it stimulates Vata, relieves constipation, bleedAyurvedic

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ing gums and over-saliVation. It is traditionally used for stomatitis -- an
inflammation of the oral mucus membrane or cold sores in the mouth.
One can peel and chew an apple thoroughly, an hour or so after a
meal, to help regularize the bowels and to clean the tongue and teeth.
The skin can be peeled off easily if the apple is soaked in hot Water for
15 minutes.

2. apple juice is helpful for burning sensations in Pitta conditions such as gastritis, colitis and bladder infections.

3. To help stop diarrhea and dysentery, peel and cook a couple of apples
until soft. Add a pinch of nutmeg, Saffron and one teaspoon of ghee and
eat slowly.

4. For a delicious dessert, remove the skins and the core from 5 apples.
Blend or mash the mixture to make a pulp. Add honey to taste and mix
thoroughly. Add μ teaspoon of powdered cardamom, a pinch each of
Saffron and nutmeg]] and 10 drops of Rose Water or a few organic Rose
petals. About ½ cup of this “honey-apple pulp” can be eaten at least an
hour after the meal. Ayurveda says do not take milk, yogurt or fish at
least 4 hours either before or after eating this pulp, because it makes a
bad food combination.

This dessert is a good energetic food for the heart muscles, relaxes the
blood vessels and helps to relieve swelling of the feet. traditionally it is
used as a food for people with varicose veins, insomnia, sexual debility
