Clojurescript Page


Cloud Monk enjoys functional programming in Clojure - ClojureScript, Java, JavaScript - TypeScript / React.

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Focused on Web Development DevOps, as a polyglot Clojurist, Cloud Monk enjoys functional programming in ClojureScript - Clojure, as well as JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Java, Kotlin, Scala, Swift, and Python.

ClojureScript: A Clojure to JavaScript Compiler

ClojureScript empowers developers to leverage the expressive power and functional paradigms of Clojure to build dynamic and interactive web applications that run seamlessly in the browser.

Key Features

* **Clojure Syntax and Semantics:** ClojureScript retains the familiar syntax and semantics of Clojure, enabling developers to write code that feels natural and consistent across both the server-side and client-side environments.
* **JavaScript Compilation:** ClojureScript compiles Clojure code into optimized JavaScript, ensuring efficient execution and compatibility across various browsers and platforms.
* **Rich Ecosystem:** ClojureScript benefits from a vibrant ecosystem of libraries and tools, providing developers with a wide range of resources for building sophisticated web applications.
* **REPL-Driven Development:** The interactive development environment of ClojureScript allows for real-time experimentation and feedback, accelerating the development process and enhancing productivity.


* **Code Reusability:** ClojureScript promotes code reusability between the server and the client, reducing development effort and improving maintainability.
* **Functional Programming Paradigm:** The functional programming paradigm of ClojureScript encourages the creation of modular, testable, and scalable code.
* **Performance:** ClojureScript's compilation to optimized JavaScript results in high-performance web applications that deliver a smooth and responsive user experience.
* **Developer Productivity:** The interactive development environment, coupled with the concise and expressive syntax of ClojureScript, enhances developer productivity and facilitates rapid iteration.

Getting Started

1. **Install ClojureScript:** Set up ClojureScript using tools like `lein` or `shadow-cljs`.
2. **Write ClojureScript Code:** Create your ClojureScript files, leveraging the familiar syntax and semantics of Clojure.
3. **Compile to JavaScript:** Utilize the ClojureScript compiler to generate optimized JavaScript code from your ClojureScript source files.
4. **Integrate with HTML:** Include the generated JavaScript files in your HTML pages to bring your ClojureScript code to life in the browser.

Additional Resources



