Code Complete - A Practical Handbook Of Software Construction (

Code Complete - A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

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See also Intelligent code completion


"Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" is a comprehensive book written by Steve McConnell, published by Microsoft Press. First published in 1993, with its second edition released in 2004, this book is considered one of the seminal texts on software development and engineering. Its focus is on software construction, which McConnell defines as the detailed creation of working, meaningful software through a combination of coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, and debugging.


"Code Complete" delves into the art and science of software construction, offering practical advice, techniques, and best practices for effective software development. McConnell emphasizes the importance of construction in the overall software development process, arguing that good construction practices are pivotal to the success of software projects. The book is rich with examples, recommendations, and analyses that cover a wide range of topics, from design and coding to testing and debugging.

Author, Publisher, and Publication Year

* Name of the Author: Steve McConnell
* Publisher: Microsoft Press
* Year of Publication: 2004 (Second Edition)

ISBN and ASIN Numbers

* ISBN Number: 0735619670

GitHub Repository

Unfortunately, there is no official GitHub repository associated with "Code Complete." The book itself is a guide and does not have a singular repository for its content. However, many developers and readers discuss its principles and share related resources on various forums and GitHub repositories focused on software development best practices.

Official Website

The official website for Steve McConnell and his works, including "Code Complete," can be found at []( This site provides insights into McConnell's publications, his blog, and additional resources for software developers. Page

The Amazon page for "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition" offers readers the opportunity to purchase the book in various formats, including paperback and Kindle editions. You can find it at [](

MLA Bibliographic Citation

McConnell, Steve. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition. Microsoft Press, 2004.


The book starts by discussing the importance of software design before actual coding begins. McConnell points out that thoughtful design is critical to creating maintainable, efficient, and scalable software. He introduces concepts such as abstraction, modularity, and encapsulation, explaining how they contribute to a solid software architecture.

Construction Practices

McConnell emphasizes the significance of adopting good construction practices, such as choosing the right algorithms and data structures, coding styles, and naming conventions. He argues that these practices can significantly affect the readability, maintainability, and ultimately the success of a software project.


A substantial section of "Code Complete" is dedicated to debugging. McConnell provides strategies for effective debugging, stressing the importance of a systematic approach to finding and fixing bugs. He discusses various types of bugs and how to use debuggers, assertions, and logging to identify and resolve issues.


The book covers the critical role of testing in software construction. McConnell describes different testing strategies, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. He offers advice on how to plan tests, write effective test cases, and automate testing to ensure software quality and reliability.


McConnell introduces the concept of refactoring as a method for improving the design of existing code without changing its functionality. He provides guidelines for identifying code that needs refactoring and discusses various refactoring techniques to enhance code readability and performance.

Performance Optimization

"Code Complete" addresses the topic of performance optimization, cautioning developers not to prematurely optimize their code. McConnell advocates for writing clear and understandable code first, then optimizing for performance where it is genuinely needed, based on profiling and benchmarking results.

Collaboration and Teamwork

The book also explores the dynamics of working in a software development team. McConnell offers insights into effective collaboration, code reviews, and the importance of communication among team members. He discusses how to build a cohesive team that can work together efficiently to produce high-quality software.

Software Craftsmanship

McConnell champions the idea of software craftsmanship, encouraging developers to take pride in their work and strive for excellence. He discusses the importance of continuous learning, staying updated with the latest technologies and practices, and mentoring others in the field.


"Code Complete" concludes with a discussion on the future of software construction, emphasizing the importance of adapting to change and embracing new methodologies and technologies. McConnell encourages readers to apply the principles and practices discussed in the book to become better software developers.

Impact on the Software Development Community

Since its publication, "Code Complete" has had a profound impact on the software development community. It is widely regarded as a must-read for developers, offering timeless advice that remains relevant in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape. The book has influenced the practices of countless individuals and organizations, contributing to the advancement of software engineering as a discipline.

In summary, "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell is a comprehensive guide that covers the breadth and depth of software construction. It provides valuable insights, best practices, and practical advice for developers at all levels of experience. Despite the lack of a GitHub repository specifically for the book, its principles continue to inspire and guide the software development community worldwide.


Code Complete - A Practical Handbook of Software Construction - by Steve McConnell, ISBN-13: 978-0735619678, ISBN-10: 0735619670, 960 pages, Publisher: Microsoft Press; 2nd edition (June 9, 2004), ASIN: B00JDMPOSY, Purchased: May 28, 2018

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Software Architecture and DevOps - Software Architecture and SRE - Software Architecture of CI/CD, Cloud Native Software Architecture - Microservices Software Architecture - Serverless Software Architecture, Software Architecture and Security - Software Architecture and DevSecOps, Software Architecture and Functional Programming, Software Architecture of Concurrency, Software Architecture and Data Science - Software Architecture of Databases, Software Architecture of Machine Learning, Software Architecture Bibliography (Fundamentals of Software Architecture by Mark Richards and Neal Ford, Software Architecture - The Hard Parts), Software Architecture Courses, Software Architecture Glossary, Awesome Software Architecture, Software Architecture GitHub, Software Architecture Topics

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Programming languages, abstraction, agile, ahead-of-time (AOT), AI, algebraic data types, algorithms, Android, anonymous functions, anonymous methods, AOP, AOT, APIs, arguments, ARM, arithmetic, arrays, aspect-oriented, assignment, associative arrays, async, asynchronous callbacks, asynchronous programming, automatic variables, automation, Avro, backend, backwards compatibility, block scoped, Booleans, Boolean expressions, buffer overflow, builds, built-in types, bytecode, cache, caching, call by reference, call by value, callbacks, call stack, casting, characters, Chocolatey, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, closures, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), code smells, coercion, collections, command-line interface, commands, comments, compilers, complex numbers, composition, concurrency, concurrent programming, conditional expressions, conferences, constants, constructors, containers, control flow, control structures, coroutines, crashes, creators, currying, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, data synchronization, dates, dates and times, deadlocks, debugging, declarative, deferred callbacks, delegates, delegation, dependency injection, design patterns, designers, destructors, DevOps, dictionaries, dictionary comprehensions, DI, distributed software, distributions, distros, DL, Docker, do-while, DSL, duck typing, dynamic binding, dynamic scope, dynamically scoped, dynamically typed, dynamic variables, eager evaluation, embedded, encapsulation, encryption, enumerated types, enumeration, enums, environment variables, errors, error handling, evaluation strategy, event-driven, event handlers, event loops, exception handling, executables, execution, expressions, FaaS, Facebook, fibers, fields, file input/output, file synchronization, file I/O, filter, first-class functions, fold, foreach loops, fork-join, floating-point, FP, frameworks, FreeBSD, frontend, functions, functional, functional programming, function overloading, garbage collection, generators, generator expressions, generics, generic programming, GitHub, global variables, GraphQL, gRPC, GUI, hashing, heap, heap allocation, hello world, higher-order functions, history, Homebrew, HTTP, idempotence, IDEs, import, imperative, immutable values, immutability, inheritance, influenced, influenced by, installation, integers, integration testing, interfaces, internationalization, interpreters, interprocess communication (IPC), iOS, IoT, IPCs, ISO Standard, iteration, JetBrains, JIT, JSON, JSON-RPC, JSON Web Tokens, JSON Web Token (JWT), Just-in-time (JIT), JWT, K8S, keywords, lambdas, lambda expressions, lambda functions, language spec, lazy evaluation, lexically scoped, lexical scoping, libraries, linters, Linux, lists, list comprehensions, literals, localization, local variables, locks, logging, logo, looping, loosely typed, loose typing, macOS, map, mascot, math, member variables, memoization, memory addressing, memory allocation, malloc, memory management, memory safety, message queues, metaclasses, meta-programming, methods, method overloading, MFA, ML, microservices, Microsoft, mobile dev, modules, modulo operators, monitoring, multiprocessing, multi-threaded, mutable values, mutability, mutex (mutual exclusion), namespaces, natural language processing (NLP), networking, network programming, NLP, non-blocking, non-blocking I/O, null, null reference, null coalescing operators, numbers, number precision, OAuth, objects, object code, object comparisons, object creation, object creators, object destruction, object destructors, object lifetime, object-oriented constructors, object-oriented programming, object serialization, observability, OOP, operators, operator overloading, optimizations, organizations, ORMs, packages, package managers, pass by reference, pass by value, parallel computing, parallel programming, parallelism, parameters, people, performance, persistence, pipelines, pointers, polymorphism, primitives, primitive data types, probability, procedural, processes, producer-consumer, programmers, programming, programming paradigm, program structure, program termination, Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), Protocol Buffers, Protobuf, proxies, public-key encryption, PKI, pure functions, race conditions, random, reactive, readability, records, recursion, reentrancy, refactoring, reference counting, reference types, referential transparency, reflection, regex, remote procedure calls (RPC), REPL, reserved words, REST, REST APIs, RHEL, RPCs, runtimes, safe navigation operators, SDK, secrets, security, serialization, serverless, server-side, sets, set comprehensions, side effects, signed integers, SMTP, Snapcraft, social media, sockets, source code, source-to-source compiler, SQL, SSL - SSL-TLS, Single sign-on (SSO), SSO, StackOverflow, stack, stack allocation, Stack overflow, standards, standard errors, standard input, standard library, standard operators, standard output, state, statements, strings, string concatenation, string functions, string operations, scheduling, scientific notation, scope, scope rules, scoping, scripting, static analyzers, statically scoped, static scoping, statically typed, static variables, statistics, strongly typed, structural typing, synchronization, syntax, systems programming, TCP/IP, TDD, testing, test frameworks, threads, thread-local storage (TLS), TLS, thread locking, thread locks, thread safety, thread scheduling, thread synchronization, times, timers, to JavaScript, tools, toolchain, transpiler, transpiling to JavaScript, truth values, tuples, type checking, type conversion, type inference, type safety, type system, web dev, while loops, work stealing, values, value types, variables, variable lifetime, variable scope, versions, virtual environments, virtual machine, Ubuntu, Unicode, unit testing, unsigned integers, usability, weak typing, weakly typed, Windows, wrappers, written using, x86-64-AMD64, XML, YAML;


. (navbar_software_architecture - see also navbar_microservices, navbar_design_patterns, navbar_programming_detailed - Based on MASTER navbar_golang_detailed. navbar_programming is the shorter one.


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