Commands Page


ALL redirect to the format of xxx CLI commands with the full name, e.g. Microsoft Azure CLI commands, , , ,Microsoft PowerShell CLI commands, Microsoft SQL Server CLI commands, Microsoft CLI commands


Chocolatey CLI commands

Linux command-line, Linux command line, Linux command line interface, Linux command-line interface, Linux CLI, Linux CLI commands

* Helm commands - Helm command-line, Helm command line, Helm command line interface, Helm command-line interface, Helm CLI, Helm CLI commands
* Docker commands

* Terraform commands
* Ansible commands

command-line, command line, command line interface, command-line interface, CLI, CLI commands


* brew list

brew list -1 --formula

* rav1e
* readline
* rtmpdump
* rubberband
* sdl2
* skaffold
* snappy
* speedtest-cli
* speex
* spring-completion
* spring-loaded
* spring-roo
* sqlite
* srt
* tesseract
* theora
* tomcat
* tor
* tree
* typescript
* unbound
* watch
* webp
* webpack
* wget
* whalebrew
* x264
* x265
* xvid
* xz

brew list -1 --cask

* 0xed
* 4k-video-downloader
* Acronis True Image - brew cask install acronis-true-image
* AdGuard - brew cask install adguard

* OpenJDK - Open JDK - brew cask install adoptopenjdk - ADD Chocolatey and Linux
* adoptopenjdk8

* Amazon Music - brew cask install amazon-music
* Anaconda - brew cask install anaconda
* Android - Android NDK brew cask install android-ndk
* Android - Android SDK - - brew cask install android-sdk
* Android Studio - brew cask install android-studio
* Angry IP Scanner - brew cask install angry-ip-scanner
* Atom Editor - brew cask install atom
* Authy - brew cask install authy
* Azure Data Studio - brew cask install azure-data-studio
* Brave - Brave Browser - brew cask install brave-browser
* Burp Suite - brew cask install burp-suite
* Calibre - brew cask install calibre
* CCCleaner - brew cask install ccleaner
* Chrome Driver - brew cask install chromedriver
* Commander One - brew cask install commander-one
* DB Browser for SQLlite - dbBrowser SQLlite - brew cask install db-browser-for-sqlite
* DB Visualizer - brew cask install dbvisualizer
* Docker Toolbox - brew cask install docker-toolbox
* DotNet SDK | .NET SDK - brew cask install dotnet-sdk
* DropBox - brew cask install dropbox
* DynamoDB - brew cask install dynamodb-local
* FireFox - brew cask install firefox
* Flux - brew cask install flux
* Free Mind - brew cask install freemind

* geekbench
* gimp
* github
* gitkraken
* google-chrome
* gpodder
* grandperspective
* gulp
* handbrake
* hma-pro-vpn
* iterm2
* jetbrains-toolbox
* jupyter-notebook-viewer
* keystore-explorer
* kindle
* kindlegen
* kite
* kitematic
* kubernetic
* lastpass
* libreoffice
* little-snitch


choco list -l | more

Chocolatey v0.10.15


* 7zip CLI commands
* 7zip.install CLI commands


* agedu - brew install agedu
* Amazon ECS - Amazon ECS CLI - brew install amazon-ecs-cli
* aom - brew install aom
* AWS Shell - AWS-Shell - brew install aws-shell
* AWS CLI - AWS-CLI - brew install awscli

* anaconda3 CLI commands
* android-sdk CLI commands
* audacity CLI commands
* audacity-lame CLI commands
* autohotkey.portable CLI commands
* AWSTools.Powershell CLI commands
* azcopy CLI commands
* azurepowershell CLI commands


* Babel - brew install babel
* bdw-gc - brew install bdw-gc

* bat CLI commands
* bazel CLI commands
* brave CLI commands


* Cairo - brew install cairo
* cask (brew cask) - brew install cask
* Cloud Foundry - CF-CLI - Cloud Foundry CLI - brew install cf-cli@6

* ccleaner CLI commands
* chef-client CLI commands
* chef-workstation CLI commands
* choco-upgrade-all-at-startup CLI commands
* chocolatey CLI commands
* chocolatey-core.extension CLI commands
* chocolatey-dotnetfx.extension CLI commands
* chocolatey-fastanswers.extension CLI commands
* chocolatey-visualstudio.extension CLI commands
* chocolatey-vscode.extension CLI commands
* chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension CLI commands
* chocolateygui CLI commands
* cloudfoundry-cli commands
* cmake CLI commands
* cmake.install CLI commands
* cpu-z CLI commands
* cpu-z.install CLI commands
* curl CLI commands
* Cygwin CLI commands


* dav1d - brew install dav1d
* Deno (developed by Nodejs inventor Ryan Dahl) alternative to Node.js - brew install deno
* Docker - brew install docker
* Docker Compose - brew install docker-compose

* deno CLI commands

* diff2html-cli commands - diff2html-cli - -

* docker CLI commands
* docker-cli commands
* DotNet4.5.2 CLI commands
* dotnet4.7.1 CLI commands
* dotnetcore CLI commands
* dotnetcore-runtime CLI commands
* dotnetcore-runtime.install CLI commands
* dotnetfx CLI commands


* Emacs - brew install emacs


* ffMPEG - brew install ffmpeg
* Flac - brew install flac
* FontConfig - brew install fontconfig
* FreeType - brew install freetype
* frei0r - brew install frei0r
* fribifi - brew install fribidi

* f.lux CLI commands
* f.lux.install CLI commands
* filezilla CLI commands
* ftp CLI commands


* gdbm - brew install gdbm
* gettext - brew install gettext
* giflib - brew install giflib
* git - brew install git
* glib - brew install glib
* gmp - brew install gmp
* gnu-go - brew install gnu-go
* gnutls - brew install gnutls
* Go - Golang - brew install go
* gobject-introspection - Go Object introspection - Introspection - Object introspection - brew install gobject-introspection
* Gradle - brew install gradle - see also Maven
* Graphite - Graphite 2 - brew install graphite2
* Guile - brew install guile

* gimp CLI commands
* git CLI commands
* git.install CLI commands
* graalvm CLI commands
* gradle CLI commands
* gulp-cli CLI commands


* Helm CLI commands - see kubernetes-helm CLI commands


* is-up-cli - is-up-cli Commands - - -


* jdk11 CLI commands
* jdk8 CLI commands
* jenkins CLI commands
* jetbrainstoolbox CLI commands


KB2533623 1.0.4
KB2919355 1.0.20160915
KB2919442 1.0.20160915
KB2999226 1.0.20181019
KB3033929 1.0.5
KB3035131 1.0.3
KB3118401 1.0.4

* kotlinc CLI commands
* kubernetes-cli commands
* kubernetes CLI commands
* kubernetes-helm CLI commands
* kubernetes-kompose CLI commands
* kubernetes-node CLI commands


* lame
* leptonica
* libass
* libbluray
* libevent
* libffi
* libidn2
* libmpc
* libogg
* libpng
* libsamplerate
* libscrypt
* libsndfile
* libsoxr
* libtasn1
* libtiff
* libtool
* libunistring
* libvidstab
* libvorbis
* libvpx
* libyaml
* little-cms2
* lzo

* less CLI commands
* libreoffice-fresh CLI commands

* loadtest CLI commands - loadtest - -

* harfbuzz
* helm
* htop
* icu4c
* isl
* jansson
* jenkins
* jpeg
* kompose
* krb5
* kubernetes-cli


* malwarebytes
* micro-snitch
* microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
* microsoft-edge
* microsoft-office
* microsoft-teams
* mongodb-compass
* mono-mdk-for-visual-studio
* mysqlworkbench

* maven
* minikube
* mpfr
* mysql

* maven CLI commands
* microsoft-build-tools CLI commands
* microsoft-windows-terminal CLI commands
* msys2 CLI commands


* ncurses
* nettle
* nmap
* node

* netspot

* nodejs CLI commands
* npm CLI commands
* nodejs.install CLI commands
* notepadplusplus CLI commands
* notepadplusplus.install CLI commands
* nssm CLI commands


* OpenCore - opencore-amr - brew install opencore-amr
* OpenJDK - Open JDK - brew install openjdk
* OpenJDK 11 - brew install openjdk@11
* OpenJpeg - brew install openjpeg
* OpenSSL - brew install openssl@1.1
* Opus - brew install opus

* opera
* osxfuse

* ojdkbuild CLI commands
* openjdk CLI commands
* openjdk13 CLI commands


* p11-kit - brew install p11-kit
* Passenger - brew install passenger
* pcre - brew install pcre
* pcre2 - brew install pcre2
* Pixman - brew install pixman
* pkg-config - brew install pkg-config
* PostgreSQL - brew install postgresql
* Protocol Buffers - ProtoBuf - brew install protobuf
* Python - Python 3 - Python 3.8 - brew install python@3.8

* pluralsight
* postbird
* postico
* powershell

* packer CLI commands

* pageres-cli - pageres-cli commands - -

* pip CLI commands

* PowerShell CLI commands
* procmon CLI commands
* psexec CLI commands
* pstools CLI commands
* PSWindowsUpdate CLI commands
* puppet CLI commands
* putty CLI commands
* putty.install CLI commands
* putty.portable CLI commands
* pycharm CLI commands
* pycharm-community CLI commands
* python2 CLI commands
* python3 CLI commands



* rabbitmq
* redis

* ruby CLI commands


* slack
* springtoolsuite
* sublime-text

* sourcetree CLI commands
* springtoolsuite CLI commands
* sumatrapdf CLI commands
* sumatrapdf.commandline CLI commands
* sumatrapdf.portable CLI commands

* Surge CLI commands - -

* swiftforwindows CLI commands
* sysinternals CLI commands


* terraform CLI commands
* thunderbird CLI commands
* tor-browser CLI commands


* unetbootin


* vagrant CLI commands
* vault CLI commands - HashiCorp Vault CLI commands
* vcredist140 CLI commands
* vcredist2015 CLI commands

* vagrant
* veracrypt
* virtualbox
* virtualbox-extension-pack
* visual-studio
* visual-studio-code
* vlc
* wireshark

* viewport-list-cli - viewport-list-cli commands - -

* virtualbox CLI commands
* visualstudio-installer CLI commands
* visualstudio2017buildtools CLI commands
* vlc CLI commands
* vnc-connect CLI commands
* vscode-kubernetes-tools CLI commands
* vscode-powershell CLI commands


* webstorm CLI commands
* windirstat CLI commands
* WindowsAzurePowershell CLI commands

* WP-CLI commands - WP-CLI - -

* wsl CLI commands
* wsl-fedoraremix CLI commands


* xamarin
* xamarin-android
* xamarin-ios
* xamarin-mac


* Yarn CLI commands - Yarn -

* yum CLI commands


119 Chocolatey packages installed.

