Functional And Concurrent Programming By Michel Charpentier Index (

Functional and Concurrent Programming by Michel Charpentier Index

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* ::: (concat), 59, 85–86

* :: (cons operator or method reference) cons operator, 31. See also functional lists

* method reference, 124, 134, 263

* - (contravariance annotation), 238–239. See also contravariance

* + (covariance annotation), 237–239. See also covariance

* >: (lower type bound), 176, 242. See also type bounds

* | (pipe)

* pattern matching alternatives, 47. See also pattern matching

* type union, 54, 222, 226–227. See also types

* & (type intersection), 222, 227, 243, 248. See also types

* _ (underscore)

* for partial application, 125–126, 134, 248. See also partial application

* in pattern matching, 47–48, 50–52, 58–59. See also pattern matching

* () (unit value), of type Unit, 23, 222

* <: (upper type bound), 177, 241–243, 248. See also type bounds


* abstract data types (ADT), 224–225, 250

* actions, 23–26

* composition of, 10–11

* tasks implemented as, 274–277, 284, 355, 370, 379, 384–386, 390–391, 397

* versus pure functions, 24, 32–34, 63–64

* actors, 407–410, 414–415. See also non-blocking synchronization

* ad hoc polymorphism, 232, 248, 251–252. See also polymorphism

* ADT. See abstract data types

* algebraic data types, 6, 48–56, 60–61

* anonymous functions. See function literals

* append list function, 86, 90–91

* arguments

* by-name, 175–178, 192, 207, 279, 376, 424. See also lazy evaluation

* delayed evaluation of, 173–174, 193. See also thunks

* named, 16–17, 19

* optional, 16, 19

* repeated, 15, 19

* async/await, 406–407, 414. See also non-blocking synchronization

* asynchronous operations, 255–258, 307–311, 371–372. See also higher-order functions

* atomic operations, 259, 271–277. See also check-then-act; compare-and-set

* by locking, 279–284, 289–290, 296

* interleaving of, 272–277, 293–295


* barrier. See cyclic barrier synchonization

* behavioral subtyping, 223–224, 229–230, 235–244. See also subtyping

* Bjarnason, Rúnar Óli, 210

* blocking queue synchronizer, 342–346, 349–354. See also producer-consumer pattern

* busy-waiting, 322–325, 335. See also sleeping for synchronization

* bytecode examples

* atomicity, 272

* locking, 292

* tail recursion , 72–73


* callbacks

* asynchronous on futures, 384–386, 390–391, 397, 414

* synchronous by higher-order functions, 133, 135

* CAS. See compare-and-set

* check-then-act, 276–277, 282–283, 289–290, 344, 400–401, 414. See also atomic operations

* closures, 130–134, 377. See also scoping

* collections. See data structures

* compare-and-set (CAS), 400–404, 414. See also atomic operations

* composition

* of actions, 10–11

* of functions, 10–12

* of objects, 172, 231–232

* comprehension

* for-comprehension, 35–37, 153–155, 212–213, 317, 362, 389, 407. See also higher-order functions

* list comprehension, 154–155

* concat list function (:::), 59, 85–86

* condition synchronizer, 343–346, 354, 364–366. See also locks

* cons (::), 31. See also functional lists

* consumer. See producer-consumer pattern

* contains list function, 80–81

* contravariance, 238–240, 251–252. See also variance,

* annotation (-), 238–239

* restrictions on, 239

* control abstraction, 176–179, 193

* coroutines, 407, 412–413. See also async/await

* count higher-order function, 138

* countdown latch synchronizer, 325–328, 334, 339–340, 354

* covariance, 222, 237–240, 244, 251–252. See also variance

* annotation (+), 237–239

* restrictions on, 238

* currying, 5, 118–120, 134, 148. See also partial application

* cyclic barrier synchronizer, 340–341, 354


* daemon threads, 264, 313

* data structures. See also functional lists; trees; streams; thread-safety

* lock-free, 401–404

* mutable versus immutable, 29–30

* parallel, 314–319, 362

* recursive, 6, 53–54, 61, 69–71

* deadlocks, 259, 304–306, 325–327, 335–336, 342, 374, 382–383, 391,

* debugging with thread dumps, 328–329, 336

* of tasks and not threads, 412–415

* default arguments. See arguments

* defensive copies, 33–34, 37, 56, 289, 291, 296

* domain specific language (DSL), 179, 194. See also control abstraction

* drop list function, 82–84, 89

* dropWhile higher-order function, 139

* DSL. See domain specific language

* duck typing. See structural subtyping

* dynamic binding. See subtype polymorphism

* dynamic dispatch. See subtype polymorphism


* error handling. See failure handling

* exceptions, 48, 177, 195–197, 199, 201–204

* exists higher-order function, 137–138, 152, 164–165

* expressions, 25–28, 36,

* code block as, 14

* if-then-else as, 10, 26, 28, 36

* statements versus, 25–26

* switch as, 28, 47, 60

* extension methods, 13–14, 178, 247. See also methods

* extractors, 59–61. See also pattern matching


* failure handling, 6, 195–204

* of futures, 199, 374, 394–395

* using higher-order functions, 198, 200–204

* filter, filterNot higher-order functions, 138, 142, 154–155

* find higher-order function, 116–118, 167–168

* flatMap higher-order function, 141–146, 153, 155, 211–213, 388–389, 393– 394

* flatten

* list function, 87

* on futures, 389

* fold, foldLeft, foldRight higher-order functions, 146–148, 152, 155, 165–166

* forall higher-order function, 137–138

* foreach higher-order function, 140–141, 152–155

* fork-join pattern, 266, 318, 339

* without blocking threads, 395–397, 405–406, 414

* fork/join pools, 405–406, 414. See also non-blocking synchronization

* for-yield, for-do. See comprehension

* function literals, 5–6, 120–123, 134. See also higher-order functions

* as lambda expressions, 120–122

* by partial application, 125–126

* by pattern matching, 122–123

* functional lists, 31–32, 35–37, 51–53, 225, 236–237, 297. See also recursive data structures

* data sharing in, 6, 31–32, 83

* recursion on, 75, 79–96

* functional variables, 26–30, 37

* functional object-oriented programming, 28–30, 32–37, 43–45

* functions, 4–6, 9–20. See also recursive functions; higher-order functions

* composition, 10–12

* curried, 118–120, 134, 148

* local, 14–15, 19

* pure, 21–25, 34, 36, 41–43, 95, 97, 160

* tasks implemented as, 369–370, 387, 418

* versus methods, 12, 123–124, 134

* functors, 144–146

* futures, 369–397. See also promises

* cancellation, 374, 393

* higher-order functions on, 385–397, 414

* as synchronizers, 371–380, 397


* getAt list function, 84

* group list function, 88–89

* groupBy, groupMap higher-order functions, 150–151, 156


* happens-before. See Java memory model

* head list function, 37, 51

* Heisenbugs, 277, 278

* higher-order functions, 6, 94, 115–156, 239–240. See also function literals

* as the basis for comprehensions, 153–155

* count, 138

* from currying, 118–120

* dropWhile, 139

* exists, 137–138, 152, 164–165

* for failure handling, 198, 200–204

* filter, filterNot, 138, 142, 154–155

* find, 116–118, 167–168

* flatMap, 141–146, 153, 155, 211–213, 388–389, 393–394

* fold, foldLeft, foldRight, 146–148, 152, 155, 165–166

* forall, 137–138

* foreach, 140–141, 152–155

* on futures, 385–397, 414

* groupBy, groupMap, 150–151, 156

* for inversion of control, 133, 135

* iterate, 148, 155

* map, 140–142, 153–155, 211, 387–389

* maxBy, 149–150, 156

* minBy, 149

* parallel evaluation of, 314–319, 362

* partition, 138–139

* reduce, 147

* sortBy, sortWith, 149–150, 156

* span, 139

* tabulate, 148

* takeWhile, 139

* unfold, 148–149, 155

* versus loops, 185–187

* zipWith, 388–389, 411


* if-then-else expression, 10, 26, 28, 36

* impure functions. See pure functions

* inference. See types

* infix operators as methods, 12–13, 19

* inheritance, 231–232

* invariance. See non-variance

* isEmpty list function, 52

* iterate higher-order function, 148, 155

* iterators, 185–188. See also lazy evaluation


* Java memory model (JMM), 265, 286–287, 291, 330–334, 336

* Java virtual machine (JVM), 260–261, 265, 268, 271, 279, 284, 329

* JMM. See Java memory model

* JVM. See Java virtual machine


* lambda calculus, 3, 5, 124

* lambda expression, 5–6, 120–122, 134, 174. See also function literals

* implement SAM interfaces with, 124–125, 263, 268, 371

* last list function, 75, 79–80

* latch. See countdown latch synchronizer

* late binding

* in scoping, 126

* in subtype polymorphism, 233

* lazy evaluation, 7, 167–168, 173–194. See also streams

* of arguments, 7, 175–178, 192, 207, 279, 376, 424

* with iterators, 185–188

* for lazy initialization, 190–191, 194

* with views, 7, 167–168, 188–190, 194

* length list function, 81–82

* Liskov substitution principle. See behavioral subtyping

* list functions

* append, 86, 90–91

* concat (:::), 59, 85–86

* contains, 80–81

* drop, 82–84, 89

* flatten, 87

* getAt, 84

* group, 88–89

* head, 37, 51

* isEmpty, 52

* last, 75, 79–80

* length, 81–82

* reverse, 90–91, 96

* splitAt, 89

* tail, 37, 51

* take, 84–85, 94–95

* zip, 87–88

* lists. See functional lists

* lock-free algorithms. See compare-and-set

* locks, 278–284, 337–339, 341–342, 353. See also condition synchronizer; synchronization

* enabling client-side locking, 289–290, 299–300

* exclusive, 278–284

* intrinsic, 279–284

* read-write, 338–339, 353–354

* reentrancy, 281, 284, 289, 300, 338, 341–342

* splitting, 303–305

* as synchronizers, 324, 335

* loops

* versus higher-order functions, 133, 146, 176

* versus recursion, 6, 63–65, 74


* map higher-order function, 140–142, 153–155, 211, 387–389

* maxBy higher-order function, 149–150, 156

* memoization

* with closures, 130–131. See also thread-safe caching illustration

* in streams, 180, 194

* memory model. See Java memory model

* methods

* extension, 13–14, 178, 247

* infix operators as, 12–13, 19

* versus functions, 12, 123–124, 134

* minBy higher-order function, 149

* model checking, 268, 346–349

* monads, 144–146

* multiple dispatch. See subtype polymorphism


* Nil. See functional lists

* nominal subtyping, 230–231, 245, 251. See also subtyping

* non-blocking synchronization. See also higher-order functions

* with actors, 407–410, 414–415

* with async/await, 406–407, 414

* with fork/join pools, 405–406

* non-variance, 237–244. See also variance

* nondeterminism, 259, 263–264, 267, 269, 272, 274

* null versus options for handling failures, 50, 176, 195–197


* options, 50–51,

* for failure handling, 142–143, 197, 204


* pairs. See tuples

* parallel data structures, 314–319, 362

* parallel server illustration, 309–311, 372–374, 383, 385, 390–392, 405–408, 411

* parametric polymorphism, 17–20, 233, 235–244, 251. See also polymorphism

* partial application, 125–126, 134, 248. See also function literals

* partition higher-order function, 138–139

* pattern matching, 6, 47–61

* on algebraic data types, 48–56, 60–61

* to define function literals, 122–123

* for runtime type checking, 48

* for switching, 47–48, 60

* performance, 6, 29, 45, 85–86, 90–92, 94–96, 147–148, 173–174, 281, 303, 311, 316, 322, 324, 330, 335, 343, 383, 397, 414–415

* pipelines

* asynchronous, 394, 411–412

* handling failures in, 201–203

* lazily evaluated, 182–183, 186–187, 201–202

* poison pills, 352–353

* polymorphism, 232–244, 247–252

* ad hoc, 232, 248, 251–252

* parametric, 17–20, 233, 235–244, 251

* subtype, 233–235, 249–251

* procedures. See actions

* producer. See producer-consumer pattern

* producer-consumer pattern

* through blocking queues, 349–354

* through lazy evaluation, 180–181

* product types. See algebraic data types

* promises, 375–380. See also futures

* pure functions, 21–23,

* versus actions, 24–25


* queues, 86,

* blocking, 311–312, 342–346, 349–354

* thread-safe, 297–306, 350–351


* reactive streams, 411–412, 415

* read-write locks, 338–339, 353–354

* recursive data structures, 53, 69–71, 77. See also functional lists; trees

* recursive functions, 54

* designing, 67–69, 77, 80

* as equalities, 79–88, 96

* with tail recursion , 71–77, 81–82, 94–96, 205–209

* termination, 67–69, 93

* versus loops, 6, 63–65, 74, 77, 82, 95, 133

* reduce higher-order function, 147

* referential transparency, 27–28. See also functional variables

* reverse list function, 90–91, 96


* SAM. See single-abstract-method interfaces

* scatter-gather. See fork-join pattern

* scoping, 126–129. See also closures, static (lexical) vs dynamic (late binding), 126

* semaphore synchronizer, 341–343, 354, 407

* shadowing of variables, 126. See also scoping

* Shevchenko, Ruslan, 406

* side effects, 21–23,

* due to assignments, 27–30

* single-abstract-method interfaces (SAM), 124–125, 134,

* implemented as lambda expressions, 124–125

* sleeping for synchronization, 322, 324, 335. See also busy-waiting

* sortBy, sortWith higher-order function, 149–150, 156

* sorting illustration, 92–94, 139, 381–383, 389

* span higher-order function, 139

* splitAt list function, 89

* statements versus expressions, 25–27. See also side effects

* streams, 7, 180–184. See also lazy evaluation

* as infinite data structures, 184, 194

* as lazy data structures, 180–182, 189, 192–194

* for pipelines, 182–183, 194

* string interpolation, 60

* structural subtyping, 230, 245–248, 251. See also subtyping

* subset-sum illustration, 191–193

* subtype polymorphism, 233–235, 249–251. See also polymorphism

* subtypes, 229–231. See also subtype polymorphism

* as subsets, 222, 229, 250–251

* subtyping. See also subtypes

* behavioral, 223–224, 229–230, 235–244

* nominal versus structural, 230–231, 245, 251

* sum types. See algebraic data types

* switch expressions, 28, 47, 60. See also expressions

* symbolic method names. See infix operators as methods

* synchronization, 257, 259–260, 266, 285–287, 295–296, 321–322, 331–335, 412–415. See also synchronizers; deadlocks

* synchronized. See locks

* synchronizers, 324–325, 335, 337–354. See also synchronization

* blocking queue, 342–346, 349–354

* condition, 343–346, 354, 364–366

* countdown latch, 325–328, 334, 339–340, 354

* cyclic barrier, 340–341, 354,

* future, 371–380, 397

* lock, 324, 335

* semaphore, 341–343, 354, 407


* tabulate higher-order function, 148

* tail list function, 37, 51

* tail recursion , 71–77. See also recursive functions,

* compiler optimization for, 72–73, 77

* via trampolines, 76, 205–209

* take list function, 84–85, 94–95

* takeWhile higher-order function, 139

* thread dumps, 262

* debugging deadlocks with, 328–329, 336

* thread pools, 307–319. See also parallel data structures

* as timers, 313–314, 319

* default, 312–313

* fork/join, 405–406, 414

* threads, 255–269. See also thread pools,

* creation, 261–263, 268, 356–357

* daemon, 264, 313

* non-determinism of, 259, 263–264, 267, 269, 272, 274

* termination, 264–266, 268, 351–353

* testing and debugging, 259, 266–269, 277, 328–329, 336, 339–340

* thread-safe caching illustration, 377–379, 427–430

* thread safety, 274, 285–296,

* by compare-and-set, 400–404, 414

* by immutability, 285–286, 290–293, 295–296

* by locking, 287–293, 297–306, 399–400, 402

* thunks, 174–175, 206–207

* timeouts, 337–338, 374

* in non-blocking code, 392–393, 419, 421–424, 427–430

* trampolines, 76, 205–213

* trees, 6, 53–54. See also recursive data structures

* binary, 70, 76, 99–113, 212–213

* N-ary, 70–71, 157–172

* Treiber, R. Kent, 403

* triples. See tuples

* tuples, 48–49. See also algebraic data types

* type bounds, 241–244, 252. See also types

* lower, 241–243, 252

* upper, 242–244, 252

* wildcards in, 241, 243–244

* types, 217–252. See also subtypes

* abstract data types, 224–225, 250

* algebraic data types, 6, 48–56, 60–61

* static versus dynamic typing, 217–219, 221, 250

* strong typing versus weak typing, 217–220, 250

* type bounds, 241–244, 252

* type classes, 245–250, 252

* type inference, 225–229, 251

* type parameters, 17–20, 233, 235–244, 251

* type variance, 235–240


* unfold higher-order function, 148–149, 155

* unit value, of type Unit, 23, 141, 222

* use-site variance annotations. See also type bounds


* val/var keywords. See functional variables

* varargs. See repeated arguments

* variable-lengths arguments. See arguments

* variance, 235–240. See also types

* views. See lazy evaluation

* virtual methods. See subtype polymorphism

* volatile variables. See Java memory model


* zip list function, 87–88

* zipper illustration, 56–59

* on trees, 169–172

* zipWith higher-order function, 388–389, 411

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* B0B8S2QNM9 (FnCncrPg 2022)

Functional Programming: Functional Programming Compare and Contrast 10 Languages by Cloud Monk (December 2024)

Purely Functional Languages, Purely Functional Programming Languages (Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Agda, Idris, Coq, Lean, Miranda, Erlang, F Sharp | F#)

Popular Functional Programming Languages (Haskell, Scala, Clojure, F Sharp | F#, Erlang, Elm, OCaml, Elixir, Racket, PureScript, Lisp, Scheme, Common Lisp, Rust, Swift, Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby)

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