Most Common Chinese Characters In Order Of Frequency (

The Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency by Zein Patrick Hassel

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#redirect Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency

Most Common Chinese Characters

* The Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency by Zein Patrick Hassel

* The most common Chinese characters in order of frequency

* Seq.num. - Character - Pronunciations and explanations

* 1 - - de <grammatical particle marking genitive as well as simple and composed adjectives>; 我的 de my; 高的 gāode high, tall; 是的 shìde that's it, that's right; ... shì one who...; . shì shuō Hànyǔ]]de. He is one who speaks Chinese.

* 目的 mùdì goal

* true, real; 的确 díquè certainly

* 2 - (A ) - one, a little; 第一 dì-[[yī first, primary; 看一看 k[[àn--kàn have a (quick) look at

* (used before tone 4); 一个 yí gè rén one person; dìng certain; y[[àng same; 一月 yí yuè January

* (used before tone 2 and tone 3); 一点 di[[ǎnr]] a little; 一些 yì xiē some

* Compare with (F ) o]], which also means "one"

* 3 - - shì to be, 不是? shìbu shì? is (it) or is (it) not?; shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not?

* 4 - - not

* (used before tone 4); 不是 shì isn't

* 5 - - [le] <verb particle marking a new situation or a completed action>; ! i]le! You have come! ! Wǒ lèile! I've gotten tired! ! hǎole! That's OK (now)! . Wǒ zhǐ qǐngle wèi ren. I invited only one guest.

* liǎo end, finish, settle, dispose of, know clearly, to be able, (=了解 liǎo-jiě) understand, comprehend; liǎoliaǒ clearly understand, settle (a debt/etc.), to be intelligent; liǎole to be over/ended/finish/settled; ! mài liǎo! You will not be able to sell (it)!

* liào]] (= liaò) to survey/watch

* Compare with zǐ] [[child

* 6 - - rén person; 人类 rén-lèi humankind; 有人? yǒu rén ma? Is there anybody here?

* Compare with enter

* 7 - - I, me, my; 我们 wǒmen we, us

* Compare with zhǎo seek

* 8 - - i]] at; 现在 xiàni]] now; cúni]] exist

* 9 - - yǒu have, there is; 没有 i]]yǒu haven't, there isn't; 没有? Yǒui]]yǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?; yǒude some

* yòu (= yòu) again, both... and...

* 10 - - he, him, his, (she, her, it, its), (= ) other

* tuō (in classical]] texts) someone else, something else

* 11 - (F ) - zhè this; zhèr here

* zhèi] this (before classifier)

* 12 - - zhōng middle, in; Zhōngguó China

* zhòng hit (a target)

* 13 - - big; ? duō? how large?; xiǎo size; jiā everybody

* dài dàifu doctor

* Compare with tài very and tree

* 14 - (F ) - i]] come; yuáni] originally, as a matter of fact; i]nián coming/next year(s)

* lai (when used as a verb complement); lai get up

* 15 - - s[[hàng]] above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous

* sh[[ǎng]] sh[[ǎng]]shēng 3rd tone in Mandarin

* shang (when used as a verb complement)

* Compare with xià under

* 16 - (F ) - guó (= guójiā) country, state, nation, <family name>; Zhōngguó China; Měiguó USA

* 17 - (F ,) - <general and non-specific classifier>; rén personal; rénzhù personal homepage

* zìgě oneself

* 18 - - dào to, towards, until, arrive, reach

* 19 - (F 說) - shuō explain, scold, refer to, (= shuōhuà) speak, say; 游 yóushuō persuade

* shuì try to persuade; 游 ushuì lobbying

* 20 - (F ) - men <pluralizing suffix for pronouns and nouns referring to persons>; 我们 wǒmen we; rénmen people, persons

* 21 - (F ) - wèi for, for the sake of, in order to, in this connection

* wéi do, act, act as, be, become; 认为 rèn-wéi think or believe that...; wéi think or believe erroneously that...

* Compare with bàn do

* 22 - - child, son; zǐ][[nǚ sons and daughters; érzi son

* zi (noun suffix); 桌 zhuōzi table

* Compare with le <particle>

* 23 - - together, with, (F ) harmony, gentle, mild, kind, <family name>; píng peace

* Japan

* huo nuǎnhuo nice and warm

* [hè] join in singing, compose a poem in reply

* huó mix with water

* huò mix, blend

* complete a set in Mahjong

* 24 - - (Alternative feminine form: 妳 ) you, your; men you (plural)

* 25 - - earth, ground, soil, place, position, distance; zhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches

* de <adverbial particle: descripion + + verb>, ~ly; kuàide u walk quickly

* 26 - - chū go out, come out, in direction]] out from something, emit, issue, prouce; chūxiàn appear, emerge, (F 齣) <classifier for operas and plays>

* 27 - - dào way, path, channel, way, say, a streak (of light), doctrine, <classifier for rivers, topics, etc.>, (= Dàojiào) Taoism; zhīdao know

* dǎo (= dǎo) lead; = lǐngdǎo leader

* 28 - - also, as well; perhaps

* 29 - (F ) - shí period, season, (= shíjiān, = shíhou) time, (= xiǎoshí) hour

* 30 - - nián year, <family name>; jīnnián this year; míngnián next year; nián last year; zhōngnián middle age

* 31 - - de <adverbial particle: verb + + descripion>; ude kuài walk quickly

* get, reach, achieve

* i]] should

* 32 - - jiù just, simply, right away; jiùyào about to (do something); ! Zhè jiùshì ! This is simply me!; . jiùyào . He is about to leave.

* 33 - - that

* nèi that (before classifier)

* nuó c[[hán]]nuó deep m[[editation]]

* nuò nuò helpless, unfortunately

* (= ) what?

* něi (= něi before classifier) which?

* 34 - - yào want, will, shall, need, important, essential; 主要 zhǔyào main, fundamental

* o]] o]]qiú demand

* 35 - - xià below, under, (go) down, next (as opposed to previous/last)

* Compare with s[[hàng]] above

* 36 - - use, take, according to, because of, in order to; OK, may; suǒ so, therefore, as a result; wài beyond, except

* 37 - - shēng give birth, life; xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir

* 38 - (F ) - huì can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party

* kuài kuài accounting

* huǐ huìr moment

* 39 - - from, since, (= ) self; rán nature

* Compare with eye and bái white

* 40 - (F ) - zhe <verb particle marking a continuing progress/state>

* z[[háo]] touch

* [zhuó wear clothes, dress, touch

* zhāo put in, add, (F ) make move in chess, trick, decieve

* 41 - - go, leave, depart (opposite of i])

* 42 - - zhī de>, it (in classical]] texts)

* 43 - (F ) - guò pass, cross, go by, exceed, <verb particle marking that someone has had the experience of doing something, that it has happened at least once>; guò cross the street; . guo Zhōngguó li[[ǎng . I have gone to China twice.

* 44 - - jiā home, house, family; guójiā nation; jiā everybody

* jie zhěngtiānjie all day long; jiā (at) home, (in the) family

* 45 - (F ) - xué study, learn; 学校 xuéxiào school; xuésheng student

* Compare with written character

* 46 - (F ) - duì correct, answer, treat, agree, mutual, pair; duìbu excuse me

* 47 - - ~able, (= ) may, can, (= shì) but, however; 'ài loveable, cute; 可能 'néng]] possible, probable, maybe; kǒu Coca Cola

* n]] khan

* 48 - - she, her

* 49 - - neighborhood, half kilometer, <family name>, (F ,) in, inside, lining; ? li? where?; li there; zhèli here

* 50 - - hòu queen, (F ) after, behind, <family name>; hòutiān the day after tomorrow

* 51 - - xiǎo small; xiǎo size

* 52 - - me/mo (F 麼,末) (interrogative suffix) 什么? shénme? what?; 什么? wèishénme? why? 什么! i]] shénme! It doesn't matter!, Never mind!; 怎么? zěn-me? how?

* o]] (S) youngest, one (e.g. in bus/house/phone numbers)

* 53 - - xīn heart; xiǎoxīn be careful; xīn psychology, mentality; zhōngxīn center

* 54 - - duō many, much, more; duō how large?; duōs[[hǎo how many/much?

* 55 - - tiān sky, heaven, god, day, (= tiānkōng) sky; tiān weather
* { tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 乙丙丁戊壬癸 jiǎ--ng-ng---gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers

* Compare with man and without

* 56 - - ér (=而且 érqiě) and, furthermore, (= rán'ér) yet, even so

* 57 - - néng]] can, be able; néng]]gòu be capable of; 可能 'néng]] maybe

* 58 - - hǎo good, good to..., easy to...; ! hǎo! Hello!

* hào to like

* hāo hǎohāor in perfectly good condition

* 59 - - u] all

* (= shǒu) capital city

* 60 - - rán right, correct, so, like that; suīrán although; 忽然 rán suddenly; dāngrán of course; rán nature

* 61 - (F 沒]) - [[méi]] (=没有 i]]yǒu) haven't, there isn't; 没有? Yǒui]]yǒu? Is there or isn't there? Have (you) or haven't (you)?

* sink, overflow, disappear, confiscate

* 62 - - sun, (= zi) day; diary; guāng sunlight

* Compare with yuē say, eye and gān sweet

* 63 - - <family name>, (F ) in, at, for, to, from, by, than

* Compare with qiān thousand and gān stem

* 64 - - rise, start; lai get up; duìbu excuse me

* qi (when used as a verb complement)

* 65 - (F ) - i]] still, yet

* huán return, give back

* 66 - - (F ) deliver, utter, express, shoot, emit, develop, expand

* (F ) hair

* fa (F ) tóufa hair

* 67 - - chéng (= chéngwéi, = bi[[ànchéng) become, <family name>; chénggōng succeed; wánchéng accomplish, complete, fulfill; 成][[语 chéng idiom

* 68 - - shì matter, affair, thing, event, accident, job, responsibility; shìqing situation

* 69 - (F ) - zhǐ only, just, merely, <classifier implying "one of a pair", animals, vessels, utensils, etc.>; zhǐ o a cat

* zhī (F ) single, one, only

* Compare with xiōng brother

* 70 - - zuò do, make; gōngzuò work; 作业 zuò yè homework

* zuó zuójian spoil, waste, humiliate, insult

* zuō do

* 71 - - dāng] (F ) serve as, (F ) ding-dong

* d[[àng (F ) proper, right, equal, (= d[[àngzuò) treat as, regard as

* 72 - - xi[[ǎng] think, feel, consider, want, remember

* 73 - - k[[àn see, look at, read, think, consider

* n] look after, tend; nshǒu guard

* 74 - - wén language, literature, <family name>; wénhuà culture; Zhōngwén Chinese (written) language

* 75 - (F ) - without, nothingness, have not

* nán <Sanskrit> to give oneself totally to

* Compare with tiān heaven

* 76 - (F ) - kāi open; kāishǐ begin kāi open, unfold

* kai (when used as a verb complement)

* Compare with bìng combine

* 77 - - shǒu hand, a person skilled in something; huīshǒu wave; ishǒu clap; 握 shǒu shake/clasp hands

* Compare with máo hair

* 78 - (A ) - shí ten; shín]] thirteen; shí fifty; shíyuè October

* 79 - - yòng use; hǎoyòng useful; yòng there's no need; 使 shǐyòng use, apply

* Compare with shuǎi]] swing


* 80 - - zhǔ lord, master, host, god, (=主要 zhǔyào) main, primary; 主义 zhǔ-yì doctrine, ~ism; zhù homepage

* Compare with wáng king

* 81 - - xíng go, OK; xíngdòng action, operation, move, get about, act

* ng]] line; 银 yínng]] bank; ng]] profession

* hàng]] shùhàng]]zi rows of trees

* héng] (phonetic radical)

* 82 - - fāng side, square; 地方 dì-[[fang place; 方面 fāngmi[[àn aspect

* Compare with w[[àn ten thousand

* 83 - - yòu again, both... and...

* 84 - - like, as, as if, (=如果 rú-guǒ) if; like this

* 85 - - qián in front, previous, ago, former, first; the day before yesterday

* 86 - - suǒ place; suǒ so, therefore; suǒyǒu all; suǒ toilet

* 87 - - běn basis, origin, edition, <classifier for books, periodicals, files, etc.>; běnrén I, me, my[[self; běn Japan

* Compare with tree

* 88 - (F ) - jiàn appear to be, meet with, call on, (=看见 k[[àn-jian) see; 意见 yì-[[jian idea, view, opinion; tīngjiàn hear

* xiàn show, appear, become visible

* Compare with bèi shellfish

* 89 - (F ) - jīng longitude (both geographic and in Chinese medicine), scripture, constant, regular, <family name>, deal with, (= jīng) manage (a business); jing already; jīngguò pass, go through; jīngy[[àn experience; jīngyóu via, by way of; jīngc[[háng]] frequent, daily; jīng Book of Changes;

* 90 - (F ) - tóu head, top, first, <classifier for livestock, garlic, etc.>; tóufa hair

* tou shítou stone

* 91 - - mi[[àn face, surface, <classifier for mirrors, flags, etc.>, (F ) wheat flour, (= mi[[àntiáo) noodle; mi[[ànbāo bread

* 92 - - gōng public, official; gōng kilometer; 办公 bàng]]gōngshì office; 公司 gōng-sī company; 公共 gōng-gòng public, communal, common; 公共汽车 gōng-gòngqì-chē (public) bus; gōng (honorable and old) Mr Li

* 93 - - tóng] same, with; tóngzhì comrade

* tòng (F ) tòng lane

* 94 - (A ) - n]] three; -n]] shìjiè 3rd World; n]]yuè March

* 95 - - stop, cease, end, (= jīng) already

* Compare with self, which is "open" on the left side

* 96 - - lǎo old, venerable, outdated; 老师 lǎoshī teacher; lǎo tiger; lǎo Zhāng old Zhang = dear (friend) Mr Zhang

* 97 - (F ) - ng] from, through, join, follower, secondary

* ng] hēingng murky

* 98 - (F ) - dòng move, change, arouce; dòng animal; huódòng activity; yùndòng sports

* 99 - (F ) - li[[ǎng] two (before classifier), 50 grams

* 100 - (F ) - c[[háng]] long, lasting, length

* z[[h[[ǎng]] grow up, chief, head, older, elder


* 101 - - zhī realize, sense, inform, tell, (= zhīdao) know; zhīshi knowl[[edge

* zhì (= zhì) wit, (= zhìhuì) wisdom, (= zhì) intellect

* 102 - - mín (= rénmín) people, <family name>; nzhǔ democracy

* 103 - (F 樣) - y[[àng appearance, shape, form, manner; zhèy[[àng like this; 怎么 zěn-mey[[àng how? in what way?

* 104 - (F 現) - xiàn show, appear, current; 现在 xiàni]] now; xiàn discover; xiàndài modern

* 105 - - fēn divide, fr[[action, minute, cent; bǎifēnzhī = 5/100 = 5%

* n] limits of rights or duty

* 106 - (F ) - jiāng shall; jiāngi] future

* jiàng general, a piece in Chinese chess jiàng mahjongg

* 107 - - wài outside, outer, other, foreign, beyond, relative on ones mother's/sisters/wife's side; wàisūn daugthers son; wàiguórén foreigner; wài unexpected

* Compare with chù place

* 108 - - d[[àn (= d[[ànshì) but, still, nevertheless, however, yet

* 109 - - shēn life, incarnation, <classifier for suits of clothing]]>, (=身体 shēntǐ) body; qīnshēn in person, personally

* 110 - - xiē some, <classifier for plural or indefinite/small amount>; 一些 yì xiē a number of, some; zhèxiē rén these people

* 111 - (F ) - give, offer, help, support, and

* n participate in

* <interrogative/esclamative particle>

* Compare with xiě write

* 112 - - gāo high, tall, loud, <polite> your, <family name>; gāo improve; gāoxìng happy; gāojiàn <polite> your opinion/idea

* 113 - - (= si, =意义 yì-yì) meaning, idea, (= yu[[ànyi) wish, desire; intention; 意见 yì-[[jian opinion; 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy

* 114 - (F ) - jìn enter, go forward, recieve, drink, eat, submit; jìn progress

* 115 - - grasp, hold, handle, <classifier for things with handles, handfuls, chairs, etc.>

* zi, bàr handle

* 116 - - (= ) law, (=办[[法 bàn-fǎ]]) method; guó France

* 117 - - this; (= zhèy[[àng) like this; (= zhè) here, at this place

* 118 - (F ) - shí solid, true, real; shìshí fact; shíshang actually; shíi]] really

* 119 - - huí circle, return, reply, turns, times, chapter, Muslim, Hui (ethnic minority), <classifier for chapters, times, etc.>; huíi] come back; huí go back; huí answer

* 120 - (A ) - èr two; èryuè February

* 121 - - principle; lùn theory; gu[[ǎn manage; xīn psychology, mentality

* 122 - - měi (= mei) beautiful, (= hǎo) good, (= měi) virtue, <family name>; Měiguó USA; měiyuán US$ měijiā artist

* 123 - (F ) - di[[ǎn a drop (of liquid), dot, decimal point, a little, a bit, appoint time, select, choose, order food/drink, <classifier for small amounts>, (= di[[ǎnhuǒ) light a fire; 一点 di[[ǎnr]] a little; di[[ǎntóu nod one's head

* 124 - - yuè month, (= yuèliang, = yuèqiú) moon

* 125 - - míng bright, clear, distinct, next (day or year), <family name>; míngbai clear, understand; míngtiān tomorrow

* 126 - - its, that, such, they, them; other; yóu especially

* anniversary

* 127 - (F ) - zhǒng] kind, sort, breed, race

* zhòng to plant, cultivate

* 128 - (F ) - shēng voice, declaration, (= shēngyīn) sound, <classifier for sounds>; shēngmíng reputation, fame, statement, declaration

* 129 - - quán whole, entire, total, complete, <family name>; wánquán completely; ānquán safety

* 130 - - gōng (= gōngzuò) work, job; gōngrén worker

* 131 - - (= ) self

* Compare with already, which is "closed" on the left side

* 132 - (F ) - huà speech, word, language, dialect, (= shuōhuà) talk, speak

* huo báihuo = báihuà vernacular, empty talk

* 133 - (F ) - ér child; érzi son; 'ér daughter

* [r] (noun suffix); zhèr here; nàr there

* rén (when referring to the radical)

* Compare with xiōng brother, table, moment

* 134 - - zhě one who...; zuòzhě author; 主义 píngzhǔ-yìzhě pacifist

* 135 - - xiàng]] take somebody's part, to, towards, all along, always, <family name>, (F ) direction]], towards, (F ) formerly, previously; xiàng]]zhě formerly, once upon a time

* 136 - - qíng sensibility, (=感情 g[[ǎn-qíng]]) feeling, emotion; 爱情 ài-qíng love

* 137 - 部] - [[bù (=部][[分 fen) part, section, unit, <classifier for film, large books, machines, etc.>, (=部][[队 duì) troops, army; 西部] [[xī western part; 部] [[quán entire

* 138 - - zhèng right, straight, upright, correct

* zhēng zhēngyuè, xīnzhēng the 1st month of lunar year

* 139 - - míng (= míngzi) name, personal name, reputation, famous, <classifier for persons with professional or prominent social identities, e.g. students, doctors, soldiers, workers>; zhùmíng famous; míng noun

* 140 - - dìng fix, settle, calm, stable, subscribe, (=决定 jué-dìng) decide; dìng definite

* 141 - - female, (=女人 nǚ-rén, =妇女 fù-nǚ) woman

* 142 - (F ) - wèn ask, examine; 问题 wèn question, problem; 访 f[[ǎngwèn visit

* 143 - - (= néng]]) energy, vitality, <family name>, (= liang) strength, force

* 144 - (F ) - (= qi) machine; shōuyīn radio; fēi aircraft

* 145 - (F ) - gěi give, give to, for, for the benefit of; sònggěi send/present to

* give, supply, provide, (= gōng) provide

* 146 - - děng equal, class, wait, and so on, etc.

* 147 - - small table, (F ) almost

* (F ) how many?, a few, (used in numerals)

* Compare with ér child

* 148 - - hěn very, quite; hěnhǎo very good; ! hěn cuò! not bad at all!

* 149 - (F ) - line of business, trade, occupation, profession, course of study, engage in, <family name>; shāng commerce; 工业 gōng-yè industry; 作业 zuò yè homework

* 150 - - zuì most, marking for superlative; 最近 zuìjìn recently/soon; 喜欢 zuì huan favorite


* 151 - (F ) - jiān room, between, locality, within given time or space, <classifier for rooms>

* jiàn gap, interval

* gān bàn'gān neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre

* 152 - - xīn new, renew; 重新 chóngxīn again; 新闻 xīn-wén news

* 153 - (F ) - shén 什么 shénme what?

* shí (= shí) ten

* 154 - - strike, hit, get, play, (generalized verb with specific meaning determined by its object); suan plan, intend; kāi open, unfold; strike, hit, attack, assault

* dozen

* 155 - 便 - bi[[àn (=方便 fāngbi[[àn) convenient

* pi[[án 便 pi[[ányi cheap

* Compare with 使 shǐ send and gèng more

* 156 - - wèi place, location, position, <polite classifier for people>

* 157 - - yīn cause, (=因为 yīnwèi) because, (=原因 yuányīn) reason

* 158 - - zhòng w[[eight, considerable in amount/value, (=沉重 chénzhòng) heavy, w[[eighty]], (=重要 zhòng-yào) important

* chóng] again

* 159 - - bèi quilt, cover (with), by (indicates passive voice)

* = bèi bedding and clothing]], something one hangs on to

* 160 - - u] go, walk, leave

* 161 - (F ) - di[[àn (= sh[[ǎndi[[àn) (flash of) lightning, (=电气 di[[àn qì]]) electricity; 电话 di[[àn huà]] phone; 电脑 di[[àn-nǎo]] computer

* 162 - (A ) - four; zhōu all around; yuè April

* 163 - - indicating ordinal number, ~th; -n]] shìjiè 3rd World; 第一 dì-[[yī 1st time

* 164 - (F ) - mén door, gate, family, house, valve, switch, <family name>, <classifier for courses, braches of science, etc.>; 门口 ménkǒu doorway; 部][[门 mén department; ménlíng doorbell

* 165 - - xiāng] each other, mutual, mode, phase, <family name>

* xiàng]] look at, appearance, photo

* 166 - - occurence, time, second, inferior, number of times; li[[ǎng twice

* 167 - (F ) - dōng master, owner, <family name> (=东方 dōng-fāng) east; dōngběi northeast; 西 dōngxi thing, creature

* Compare with chē vehicle

* 168 - - zhèng (= zhèngzhì) politics, political affairs, (=政府 zhèng) government

* 169 - - i] sea, big lake, <family name>, (=iyáng, = i) sea, ocean

* 170 - - kǒu mouth, opening, entrance, hole, cut, <classifier for mouthfuls, people, wells, etc.>; 门口 ménkǒu doorway; rénkǒu population

* 171 - 使 - shǐ make, cause to (do), send (as envoy), (=使 shǐyòng) use, apply

* Compare with and 便 bi[[àn official

* 172 - - jiāo teach; 老师. Wáng lǎoshī jiāo shùxué. Teacher Wang teaches math.

* jiào cause, ask to, teach; jiàoshī teacher, instructor; jiào education

* 173 - 西 - west, western; 西 dōngxi thing; 西 běi northwest

* 174 - - i]] again, once more; i]]jiàn goodbye

* 175 - - píng] flat, level, even; shuǐpíng level; píng peace; píngc[[háng]] ordinary, common, usually

* Compare with bàn half

* 176 - - zhēn true, genuine, really

* {There are two ways of writing this character!

* 177 - (F ) - tīng listen; tīngjiàn hear; tīngbung don't understand (by listening)

* 178 - - shì generation, <family name>, (= shìjiè) world; shì century

* 179 - (F ) - air, gas, vapor, spirit, vital energy; tiānqi weather

* 180 - - xìn letter, message, information, (= xiāngxìn) belive in; xìnfēng envelope

* 181 - - běi north; dōngběi northeast; 北京 Běijīng

* 182 - - s[[hǎo few, little, less, lack

* [shào young; shàonián juvenile

* 183 - (F ) - guān shut, close, turn off, close down, concern, key part; 关系 guānxi connection; guān concerning

* 184 - - bìng] (F ) combine, merge, (F ) and, equally, truly

* bīng] Bìng Zhōu (Taiyuan in Shanxi)

* Compare with kāi open

* 185 - (F ) - nèi inside; nèiróng]] content

* Compare with ròu meat and 丙 ng third

* 186 - - jiā add, plus, append, (= zēngjiā) increase; njiā join

* 187 - - huà convert, melt, dissolve, digest, incinerate, (= bi[[ànhuà) change, transform

* huā (= huā) spend

* 188 - - yóu from, let, (= yóu) due to, (= yóu) cause, reason; yóu freedom

* Compare with jiǎ helmet and shēn explain

* 189 - (F ) - què however, but, yet

* 190 - - dài (= dàibiǎo) represent, (= shídài) generation, period, epoch, <classifier for periods>; xiàndài modern (times); s[[hàng]]dài previous generation

* 191 - (F ) - n] army, military, troops

* 192 - (F ) - ch[[ǎn give birth to, (= ch[[ǎnshēng) produce, (= ch[[ǎnn) product

* 193 - - (= jìn) enter, get into; shōu income

* Compare with rén person

* 194 - - xiān first, before, earlier; xiānsheng mister, gentleman, Sir; xiān = xiānbèi ancestor

* Compare with shī lose

* 195 - - shān hill, mountain, <family name>; huǒshān volcano; shānmài mountain range

* 196 - (A ) - five; yuè May

* 197 - - tài great, very, too; tàitai Madame; tàiyáng sun, sunshine

* Compare with big

* 198 - - [shuǐ water, liquid, <family name>; shuǐpíng level; shuǐguǒ fruit; 药 yàoshuǐ liquid medecine

* Compare with yǒng forever

* 199 - (F ) - w[[àn ten thousand, myriad, <family name>; w[[ànsuì long live

* <family name>

* Compare with fāng square


* 200 - - shì (=市场 shìch[[ǎng]]) market, (=城市 chéng-shì) city, town

* 201 - - yǎn (=眼睛 yǎnjing) eye; 眼镜 yǎnjìng glasses

* 202 - (F ) - substance, (=身体 shēntǐ) body; 具体 jùtǐ concrete, specific; 体字 tǐzì style of written Chinese, typface, font

* 体己 ji (or ) intimate, confidential

* 203 - (F ,) - bié separate, other, don't, leave, differentiate, <family name>

* biè 别扭 bièniu awkward

* 204 - (F ) - chù place, part, point, department, office

* chǔ deal with, get along with somebody

* Compare with wài outside

* 205 - (F ) - zǒng general, overall, always, (= zǒngshù) sum, total; zǒngtǒng president (of a republic)

* 206 - (F ) - cái talent, only then; gāngcái just now

* 207 - (F ) - ch[[ǎng]] field, place where people gather, stage, level open ground, country fair, market, <classifier for games, performances etc.>

* c[[háng]] <classifier for happenings>

* 208 - (F ) - shī (=老师 lǎoshī) teacher; 师傅 shīfu master

* 209 - (F ) - shū book, style of calligraphy; 书记 shūji clerk; 图书馆 tú shū gu[[ǎn library

* 210 - - compare, contrast; 比较 bǐ-jiào relatively; 比如 bǐ-rú for example

* 211 - - zhù live (in a place)

* 212 - (F ) - yuán member. ~ist, ~er; 委员 wěiyuánhuì committee; 人员 rén-[[yuán personnel

* 213 - (A ) - jiǔ nine; 九月 jiǔ-yuè September

* 214 - - xiào laugh

* 215 - - xìng sex, gender, nature, disposission, ~ness; 可能性 kě-[[néng-xìng]] possibility

* 216 - - tōng communicate, notify, connect, join, know very well, authority, expert, (=通过 tōngguò) go through, <classifier for `telegrams>, <family name>; 交通 jiāotōng traffic; 普通话 tōng Common Speech = Mandarin

* tòng <classifier for actions>

* 217 - - eye; 目前 mù-[[qián in front of ones eyes, at present; 目的 mùdì goal, purpose, aim; catalogue, list, list of contents

* Compare with self and sun

* 218 - (F ) - huá glory, splendor, magnificent, (= Zhōnghuá) China

* Huà <family name>; 华山 Huà Shān (mountain in Shaanxi)

* 219 - (F ) - bào (=报告 bào-gào) report, (=报纸 bào-zhǐ) newspaper, (=电报 di[[àn-bào]]) telegram

* 220 - - stand, erect, vertical; jiàn establish; 立刻 lì-kè right away; 立方 lì-fāng cube

* 221 - (F ) - horse; 马上 s[[hàng]] right away ma careless, casual

* Compare with crow

* 222 - - mìng (=生命 shēngmìng) life, fate, destiny; 命令 mìnglìng command; 革命 mìng revolution

* 223 - (F ) - zhāng] spread, sheet of paper, <classifier for surfaces, tables, postcards, etc.>; 紧 jǐnzhāng tense, nervous

* 224 - - huó live, alive, living, vivid, save someone's life; shēnghuó life; huódòng activity

* 225 - (F ) - nán difficult

* n[[àn disaster

* 226 - - shén spirit, god; jīngshén spirit, mind, consciousness, essence

* 227 - (F 數) - shù number, number, figure, fate, plan; shùxué math

* shǔ count, enumerate, list

* shuò frequently, repeatedly

* 228 - - jiàn item, correspondence, document, <classifier for articles and items>; tiáojiàn term, condition

* 229 - - ān still, quiet; ānquán safe, secure; āni arrange, plan, fix up

* 230 - - biǎo show, list, table, form, meter, (F 錶) (wrist-)watch

* 231 - - yuán originally, simple, <family name>; yuáni] original, formerly, as a matter of fact; 原因 yuányīn cause, reason

* 232 - (F ) - chē car, vehicle with wheels, <family name>

* (a piece in Chinese chess)

* Compare with dōng east

* 233 - - bái white; míngbai understand, realize, clear, obvious; báitiān daytime; báicài cabbage

* = Bái

* Compare with self and bǎi hundred

* 234 - (F ) - yīng promise, answer, respond, <family name>, (=应该 yīngg[[āi) should, ought to

* yìng yìngyòng apply

* 235 - - path, way, journey, distance, means, sequence, logic, sort, grade, class, <family name>, (= dào) road

* 236 - - phase, stage, <classifier for issues of periodicals>, (= shí) time period; 班 bān schedule, time table; 星 xīng week; c[[háng]] long term

* anniversary

* 237 - - jiào cry out, call; 叫做 jiào-zuò be called, be known as

* 238 - - die, death

* 239 - - c[[háng]] often, constant, ordinary, <family name>; 非常 fēic[[háng]] extremely

* 240 - - lift, raise, pick up, carry; gāo improve; gōng provide

* fang take precautions or be on guard against

* 241 - - g[[ǎn (=感觉 g[[ǎn-jué]]) feel, (=感情 g[[ǎn-qíng]]) emotion

* 242 - - jīn (=金子 jīn-zi) gold, (= jīnshǔ) metals in general

* 243 - - what?, where?, how?, <family name>; rèn any; how?; geometry

* 244 - - gèng] more, still/even more, furthermore

* gēng replace, transform, night watch; (=更改 gēnggǎi) change, alter

* Compare with official and 便 bi[[àn convenient

* 245 - - f[[ǎn turn over, return, revolt, (= f[[ǎnduì) oppose, combat; f[[ǎnyìng reflect

* b[[ǎn 反反 b[[ǎn-bǎn proper, fitting

* Compare with yǒu friend

* 246 - - close, shut, accord with, conform to, be equal to, together, jointly, <classifier for rounds>, (= jié) combine; zuò cooperate

* decilitre

* 247 - - f[[àng put, release, set free, give out, expand, blossom, bloom, lend (money) at interest; 解放 jiěf[[àng liberate, emancipate

* 248 - - zuò do, act, make, produce, write, compose, to have sex; 叫做 jiào-zuò be called, be known as; 做[[法 zuò-fǎ method, way of doing

* {Sometimes replaceable with zuò do

* 249 - - series, department, faculty, (=系统 xì-tǒng) system, (F ) (= lián]]) integrate, relate to; 关系 guānxi concern, affect, matter, (F ) tie, fasten]], feel anxious, be concerned

* (F ) tie, bind

* 250 - (F ) - (=计算 jì-su[[àn) count, calculate, plot, plan, <family name>; 统计 tǒng-jì statistics


* 251 - - huò (=或者 huò-zhě) or, (=或许 huò-xǔ) perhaps, maybe, (=可能 kě-[[néng]]) probably

* Compare with = guó country

* 252 - - 公司 gōng-sī company, corporation; 司令 sī-lìng commander

* 253 - - (=利益 lìyì) interest, benefit, profit, <family name>; 利用 yòng utilize; 胜利 shèng triumph; 意大利 Yìdàlì Italy

* 254 - - [shòu receive, endure, (=接受 jiēshòu) accept; nánshòu unhappy

* 255 - - guāng light, merely; 阳光 yángguāng sunlight; 光荣 guāng-[[róng]] glory

* 256 - - wáng king; 王国 wángguó kingdom, realm, domain

* w[[àng (rare) rule

* Compare with zhǔ lord and jade

* 257 - - guǒ fruit, surely, truly, as expected, (= jié-guǒ) result, consequence, outcome; 如果 rú-guǒ if

* 258 - (F ) - qīn close relative, kiss; mù-[[qin mother; 父亲 fù-qin father; 亲自 qīn in person

* qìng] qìngjia relatives by marriage

* 259 - - jiè (=jièxiàn) boundary, limit; shìjiè world

* have no relation, have nothing to do with

* bàn'gān neither this nor that, inexplicit, equivocal, mediocre

* 260 - - reach, come up to, and, in, on, to; 以及 as well as; 及时 shí promptly

* 261 - - jīn now, this; 今天 jīn-tiān today

* 262 - - jīng capital city, (=北京 Běijīng) short for Beijing; 南京 Nánjīng; 东京 Dōngjīng Tokyo (or other eastern capital in previous dynasties)

* 263 - (F ) - affair, business; rènwu assignment, task; 服务 service, serve

* 264 - - zhì work out, (=制度 zhì) system, institution, (= kòngzhì) control, dominate, (F ) (= zhìzào) manufacture

* 265 - - jiě separate, explain, untie, undo, take off, dissolve, <mathematic> solution

* Xiè <family name>

* jiè jièsòng send under guard

* 266 - - each, every, different, separately; yǒuqiānqiū each has his merits

* zìgě oneself, by oneself

* 267 - - rèn appoint, no matter, serve a position, allow, trust, official post, <classifier for terms of office>; rènwu task; rèn any

* [Rén] <family name>

* 268 - - zhì to, until, extremely, most, arrive, reach; shènzhì even (to the point of), so much so that; zhìs[[hǎo at least

* 269 - - qīng (= qīngchu) clear; qīngjié clean

* 270 - - thing, matter; dòng animal; zhí plant; physics

* 271 - - tái <polite> you, (F ) platform, <classifier for performances, engines, computers, TV-sets, etc.>, (= Táiwān) short for Taiwan, (F 檯) desk, table, (F 颱) táifēng typhoon

* t[[āi Tiānt[[āi (in eastern Zhejiang)

* 272 - - xiàng]] appearance, likeness, (= xiàng]]) elephant

* 273 - (F ) - (= de) remember, (= ) record

* Compare with the "open" radical self and not the close already

* 274 - (F ) - biān on the side of something, margin, limit, <family name>, (= pángbiān) side; zhèbiān over here

* 275 - - gòng share; 一共 gòng in all; 共产 gòngch[[ǎn communist; 公共 gōng-gòng public; 共和 gòng-hé republic

* 276 - (F ) - fēng wind

* 277 - (F ) - z[[hàn (= z[[hànzhēng) war

* 278 - - gān stem; gānshè interfere, intervene, (F ) dry

* gàn (F ) do

* { tiāngān the Ten Heavenly Stems: 乙丙丁戊壬癸 jiǎ--ng-ng---gēng-xīn-rén-guǐ (these characters are sometimes used as ordinal numbers

* Compare with qiān thousand and at

* 279 - - jiē connect, (=接受 jiēshòu) accept; jiēzhe catch, next; zhíjiē direct

* 280 - - it, its

* 281 - (F ) - allow, somewhat, <family name>, (= ) perhaps; duō a lot

* yell in unison, yo-ho-ho

* 282 - (A ) - eight; Bā-yuè August

* 283 - - (= bié) special, particular; 特点 di[[ǎn characteristic

* 284 - (F ) - jué perceive

* jiào (= shuìjiào) sleep; jiào siesta, afternoon nap

* 285 - - w[[àng look, full moon; w[[àng hope, wish

* 286 - - zhí straight, directly

* Compare with zhēn true

* 287 - - (=服务 ) serve, (=衣服 -fu) clothes

* dose

* 288 - - máo hair

* Compare with shǒu hand

* 289 - - lín (=森林 sēnlín) forest, <family name>; 桂林 Guìlín (city in Guangxi)

* 290 - (F ) - topic, problem, inscribe; 问题 wèn question, problem; title

* 291 - - jiàn construct, establish; jiàn suggest

* 292 - - nán south; 西 xīnán southwest

* Sanskrit〉 to give oneself totally to

* 293 - - degree, extent, unit (kWh, angle, temperature, etc.), <classifier for units of measurement, occasions, times, etc.>; 制度 zhì system, institution

* duó c[[āiduó surmise

* 294 - (F ) - tǒng order, unite, (=系统 xì-tǒng) system; tǒngzhì rule, dominate; tǒng together, unify, unite, integrate

* 295 - - (=颜色 yán-sè) color; 脸色 li[[ǎn-sè]] complexion, look, facial expression

* shǎi color

* 296 - - written character; Hànzì]] Chinese character; míngzi name; 体字 tǐzì style of written Chinese, typface, font

* Compare qith xué study

* 297 - (F ) - qǐng please, request, invite; 请求 qǐngqiú ask, request

* 298 - - jiāo join; 交通 jiāotōng traffic; 交换 jiāo-hu[[àn exchange

* 299 - (F ) - ài (=爱情 ài-qíng) love; 爱人 ài-rén spouse, lover

* 300 - (F ) - r[[àng let, allow


* 301 - (F ) - rèn (=认为 rèn-wéi) consider, (=认识 rènshi) recognize

* 302 - - su[[àn (=计算 jì-su[[àn) count, calculate, compute; su[[ànle forget it, never mind

* 303 - (F ) - lùn theory

* Lún 论[[语 Lún-yǔ The Confucian Analects

* 304 - (F ) - bǎi hundred

* 抄总 chāo-bòzǒng express/cover everything

* Compare with bái white

* 305 - - chī eat

* 吃吃 qī-qī sound of giggling>

* 306 - (F ) - justice, (=意义 yì-yì) meaning; 主义 zhǔ-yì ~ism

* 307 - - department; 科学 kē-xué science; 外科 wài-kē surgery

* 308 - - zěn (=怎么 zěn-me) how?

* 309 - - yuán first, primary, dollar

* 310 - - shè club, organized body, (=社会 shè-huì) society

* 311 - (F ) - shù skill, (=艺术 shù) art; shù technique

* zhú zhújiǔ medicinal wine

* 312 - (F ) - jié tie; jié-guǒ result; jiéhūn marry

* jiē bear fruit

* 313 - (A , ) - liù six; liùyuè June

* Compare with xìng prosper

* 314 - - gōng achievement; chénggōng succeed; gōngfu time (duration), time (when), skill, art, work

* 315 - - zhǐ point, (= zhǐtou) finger, toe; zhǐjia finger nail

* 316 - - (= xi[[ǎng) thought

* si si meaning

* s[[āi s[[āi richly bearded

* 317 - - fēi not, non-; 非常 fēic[[háng]] unusually, extraordinary, special, very, extremely

* 318 - - liú to flow, stream; 电流 di[[àn-liú]] electric current; 交流 jiāoliú to exchange, alternate

* 319 - - měi every, each; měitiān every day

* 320 - - qīng nature's color blue/green/black...; qīngnián youth; qīng frog

* 321 - - gu[[ǎn tube, (= gu[[ǎn) manage, supervise; gu[[ǎn no matter, regardless of

* 322 - - man, (= z[[hàng]]fu) husband; gōngfu time, duration, skill; dàifu doctor

* (formal) this/that (person)

* Compare with tiān heaven and shī lose

* 323 - (F ) - lián]] connect, including; lián]]máng right away; lián]] continuous

* 324 - (F ) - yuǎn] far

* 325 - (F ) - money, expenses; 主义 běnzhǔ-yì capitalism; tóu invest

* 326 - (F ) - duì team, (=部][[队 duì) army, (= duì) troops

* 327 - - gēn heel, follow, with, and

* 328 - (F ) - dài belt, zone, carry, bring, take

* 329 - - huā flower, spend; huāshēng peanut

* 330 - - kuài fast, sharp, (=快乐 kuài, = kuài) happy

* 331 - (F ) - tiáo twig, strip, item, <classifier for dogs, snakes, dragons, etc.>; tiáojiàn condition, term

* 332 - - yu[[àn courtyard; xuéyu[[àn college; 医 yu[[àn hospital; yu[[àn court

* 333 - (F ) - bi[[àn change; bi[[ànchéng become; bi[[ànhuà variation; 改变 gǎibi[[àn alter

* 334 - (F ) - lián]] unite, join; lián]] integrate, relate, link, get in touch with

* 335 - - yán words; yán language, speech, word

* 336 - (F ) - quán right, power

* 337 - - w[[ǎng]] to, toward; w[[ǎng]]w[[ǎng]] often

* 338 - - zh[[ǎn expand, spread out, <family name>; zh[[ǎn develop, expand, grow; zh[[ǎnl[[ǎn exhibit, show, display

* 339 - (F ) - g[[āi (=应该 yīngg[[āi) should

* 340 - (F ) - lǐng to lead, collar; lǐngdǎo, lǐngxiù leader; běnlǐng ability

* 341 - (F ) - [chuán pass, pass on; chuántǒng tradition

* zhu[[àn Confucian classic

* 342 - - jìn near; 附 jìn vicinity; 最近 zuìjìn recently, lately, soon

* 343 - - liú remain, stay, (= bǎoliú) keep, reserve; liúxé to study abroad; liú hand down; liú arrest

* 344 - (F ) - hóng (=红色 hóng-sè) red; 东方 Dōng-fānghóng The East is Red

* gōng gōng needlework

* 345 - - zhì govern, cure, punish; zhèngzhì government

* 346 - (F ) - jué 解决 jiě-jué solve, resolve, settle; 决定 jué-dìng decide, resolve, make up one's mind

* 347 - - zhōu circuit, circumference, cycle, week; zhōuwéi vicinity, surroundings, entirely; zhōushēn whole body

* 348 - - bǎo (=保护 bǎo-hù) protect; 保证 bǎo-zhèng ensure, guarantee

* 349 - (F ) - reach, arrive

* sounds of clocks or footsteps>

* 挑达 tāo-tà walk casually to and fro

* 350 - (F ) - bàn do; 办[[法 bàn-fǎ]] method; 办公 bàn-gōng]]shì office

* Compare with wèi for


* 351 - (F ) - yùn carry, transport, ( yùnqi) fortune, luck; yùndòng move, turn around, sports

* 352 - - military; 武器 wǔ-qì weapon; wǔ-shù martial arts

* 353 - - bàn half, semi~

* Compare with píng even

* 354 - - hòu (= shíhou) time, wait, situation

* 355 - (A ) - seven; 七月 qī-yuè July

* 356 - - (= ) must; bú-bì needn't

* 357 - - chéng (=城市 chéng-shì) city, wall; c[[háng]]chéng Great Wall

* 358 - - (=父亲 fù-qin) father; 父母 parents

* old man

* 359 - (F , ) - qiáng] strong

* qi[[ǎng] strive

* jiàng juéjiàng stubborn, unbending

* 360 - - step; jìn progress, improve; sàn take a walk

* 361 - - wán finished, complete

* 362 - - leather; 革命 mìng revolution; 改革 gǎi reform

* bìng about to die of illness

* 363 - - shēn deep; shēn deep, profound; shēn-yè deep in the night

* 364 - (F ) - (= ) area; bié difference

* [ōu] <family name>

* 365 - - namely, that is, even if, (= ) immediately, at once

* 366 - - qiú seek, ask; o]]qiú demand, request, requirement

* 367 - - n] (= ch[[ǎnn) product; shāngn merchandise, goods

* 368 - - shì scholar; shì Ph.D; shì lady, Ms.; z[[hànshì soldier

* Compare with earth

* 369 - (F ) - zhuǎn] turn, transfer

* zhu[[àn rotate

* zhuǎi]] zhuǎi]]wén to flaunt one's speech

* 370 - - li[[àng amount; li[[àng classifier, measure word

* lián]]g] to measure

* 371 - - kōng empty, sky

* kòng] leave empty, free time

* 372 - - shèn very; shènzhì even, go so far as to

* shén (= shén) what?; = 什么 shénme what?

* 373 - (F ) - zhòng crowd, many; qúnzhòng the masses; tīngzhòng audience

* 374 - - shù technology, technique; science and technology

* 375 - (F ) - qīng light (compare with zhòng heavy)

* 376 - - chéng guòchéng process; gōngchéng engineering project; chéngdu level, degree, extent

* 377 - - gào (= gàosu) tell; 报告 bào-gào report, make known

* shuò distributing feudal calendar

* 378 - - jiāng river; 长江 C[[háng Jiāng]] Yangtze River; 江山 jiāngshān landscape

* 379 - (F ) - (= yán) language; Hànyǔ]] Chinese; grammar; 成][[语 chéng idiom

* tell

* 380 - - yīng brave, outstanding person, (= yīngxióng) hero; ngguó England

* 381 - - chǔ base, foundation; běn basic, fundamental, essential

* 382 - - pài faction, send; d[[ǎng]]pài political parties

* si passport, identification

* 383 - (F 滿) - m[[ǎn full; m[[ǎn satisfied, contented

* 384 - - shì (=形式 xíngshì) form; fāngshì way, pattern; 正式 zhèngshì formal, official

* 385 - - (=李子 lǐzi) plum, <family name>

* 386 - - breath, stop

* xi xiāoxi news; xiūxi rest

* 387 - (F ) - xiě write; miáoxiě describe, depict

* xiè xiě freehand brushwork, sketch

* Compare with and

* 388 - - ne <sentence final particle>

* woolen cloth

* 389 - (F ) - shí know; 认识 rènshi know, recognize; shíbié tell apart

* zhì (formal) remember, commit to memory, mark, sign

* 390 - (F ) - extreme, pole; Tài the Supreme Ultimate (in Chinese cosmology); iquán shadowboxing

* 391 - - lìng make, cause; 命令 mìnglìng command

* lǐng ream, <classifier for paper>

* líng líng (= líng) wagtail (a symbol of brotherly friendship)

* 392 - (F 黃) - huáng (= huáng) yellow

* 393 - - virtue; 道德 dào ethics; 德国 Déguó Germany

* 394 - - shōu gather, (= shōudào) recieve, (= shōuhuò) harvest; shōushi put in order; shōuyīn radio

* 395 - (F ) - li[[ǎn face

* 396 - (F ) - qián money, copper coin

* 397 - (F ) - d[[ǎng]] (political) party, clique; 共产 Gòngch[[ǎnd[[ǎng]] Communist Party; 国民 Guómínd[[ǎng]] Nationalist Party

* 398 - - dǎo fall down, topple

* dào invert, (move) backwards, pour, contrary to expectations

* o] follow up

* 399 - - wèi have not, did not; wèii] future

* Compare with 末 end

* 400 - - chí hold; jiānchí persist in, insist on; bǎochí keep, maintain, preserve


* 401 - - take, get, fetch

* 402 - (F ) - shè set up; jiànshè build, construct; shè design, plan; shèbèi equipment, facilities

* 403 - - shǐ (= kāishǐ) begin, start; shǐzhōng all along

* 404 - - b[[ǎn printing plate, edition; chūb[[ǎn publish

* 405 - (F ) - [shuāng pair, twin, double; shuāngfāng both sides

* 406 - - (F ) shǐ history; jīng experience, (F 曆) calendar

* Compare with 厉 severe

* 407 - - yuè … the more... the more...

* 408 - - shǐ (= shǐ) history, <family name>; wàishǐ unofficial history

* Compare with official and gèng more

* 409 - - shāng] discuss, business

* 410 - (F ) - qiān thousand

* Compare with gān stem and at

* 411 - - piàn] slice; zhàopiàn photo; piàn moment; 卡 piàn card

* piān] film

* 412 - - róng]] contain; róng]] easy; nèiróng]] content

* 413 - - yán grind, (= yánjiū) study, research

* 414 - - xiàng]] resemble, (= xiàoxiàng]]) portrait, image

* 415 - - zhǎo look for, seek

* Compare with me

* 416 - - yǒu (= péngyǒu) friend; yǒuhǎo friendship

* Compare with f[[ǎn turn over

* 417 - - i]] (= i]]zi, = xiǎoi]]r) child; i]]r girl

* 418 - - z[[hàn stand; huǒchēz[[hàn train station

* 419 - 广 (F ) - gu[[ǎng]] wide, extensive

* yǎn (when referring to the radical)

* 420 - - gǎi (=改变 gǎibi[[àn) change; 改革 gǎi reform

* 421 - (F ) - (= lùn) discuss, confer; huì meeting, conference; jiàn suggest, propose

* 422 - - xíng (=形式 xíngshì) form, shape; xíngchéng to form, take shape

* 423 - - wěi 委员 wěiyuánhuì committee; wěituō entrust

* wēi wēi to pretend interest and sympathy

* 424 - - zǎo early; 早饭 zǎof[[àn breakfast; zǎochen morning

* 425 - - fáng] (= fángjiān) room, (= fángzi) building

* 426 - - yīn (= shēngyīn) sound; yīnyuè music

* 427 - - huǒ fire; huǒchē train; huǒc[[hái]] match; huǒy[[àn flame

* 428 - (F ) - (= biān) boundary; shí reality; guó international

* 429 - (F ) - (conjunction); yuán principle; fǒu or else

* 430 - - shǒu head; shǒuxiān first of all; shǒu capital (of a country)

* 431 - (F ) - dān alone, single, sheet

* c[[hán]] c[[hán]] chief of the Xiongnu

* S[[hàn <family name>

* 432 - (F ) - seize, depend on, (= gēn) according to

* jié short of money, hard up

* 433 - (F ) - dǎo lead; lǐngdǎo leader

* 434 - - ng] shadow, image; di[[ànng movie

* 435 - - shī lose; shībài be defeated

* Compare with xiān first

* 436 - - hold; i] bring; take; gěi hand over

* 437 - (F ) - w[[ǎng]] net; w[[ǎng]]qiú tennis; yīnwáng Internet

* 438 - - xiāng] perfume, fragrant; Xiāngg[[ǎng Hong Kong

* 439 - - similar; hu it seems

* shì shìde alike

* 440 - - thus (nowadays used mostly as a phonem in foreign names); 西 Fascist

* 441 - (F ,) - zhuān (= zhuānmén) special, (= zhuānjiā) expert; zhuānzhèng dictatorship

* 442 - - shí (= shítou) stone, rock

* d[[àn unit of grain

* Compare with yòu right

* 443 - - ruò seem, as if; jiǎruò if; ruògān how much?

* Buddhist wisdom, prajna

* 444 - - bīng] (= shìbīng) soldier; bīng military strength

* Compare with bīn guest

* 445 - - (= dìdi) younger brother

* [tì] (=)

* 446 - (F ) - shuí who?

* shéi who?

* 447 - - xiào (=学校 xuéxiào) school

* jiào (=校对 jiàoduì, 校正 jiàozhèng) proofread

* 448 - (F ) - read

* dòu pause in reading

* 449 - - zhì (= zhì) will, (= biāozhì) mark; tóngzhì comrade, (F 誌) 杂zhì magazine

* 450 - (F ) - fēi fly; fēi airplane


* 451 - (F ) - guān view, contemplation

* gu[[àn Dàogu[[àn Daoist temple

* 452 - (F ) - zhēng contend, dispute; z[[hànzhēng war, warfare; 斗争 dòuzhēng fight, struggle

* 453 - - [jiū] yánjiū study, research; jiūjìng after all

* 454 - - bāo bag, wrap

* 455 - (F ) - organize, group; zhī organization, organize, form

* 456 - - zào (= zhìzào) manufacture, (= chuàngzào) create

* 457 - - luò fall

* be missing

* o] oshǎi fade (in color)

* luō kōngluōluō absolutely nothing left, open/spacious and desolate

* 458 - (F ) - shì look; di[[ànshì television

* 459 - (F ) - jīng economy; jiù help disaster victims

* multitudinous, numerous, magnificent

* 460 - - happiness; 喜欢 huān like

* 461 - (F ) - (= kāi) leave, from

* 462 - (F ) - suī (= suīrán) although

* 463 - - zuò seat, sit, travel by (car/plane/etc.), put a kettle (or similar) on the fire, <classifier for bridges, buildings, etc.>; qǐngzuò please have a seat; 公共汽车 zuò gōn-gòng qì-chē ride a bus

* 464 - - (= shōu) collect; zhōng centralize

* 465 - (F ) - biān weave, organize, (= biān) edit

* 466 - (F ) - bǎo treasure

* 467 - (F ) - tán talk

* 468 - - 政府 zhèng government

* 469 - - pull, drag, haul

* bàn half

* slit

* la mole cricket

* 470 - - hēi (=黑色 hēi) black; 黑暗 hēi'àn dark

* 471 - - qiě for the time being; 而且 érqiě furthermore

* (only used some personal names)

* 472 - (F ) - suí follow; 便 suíbi[[àn as you like

* 473 - - check, pattern, standard; wài especially

* sound of laughter, clicking of a hen>, chuckel

* 474 - - jìn (F ) use up

* jǐn (F ) to max extent; jǐngu[[ǎn even though

* 475 - (F ) - jiàn sword; bǎojiàn double-edged sword

* 476 - (F ) - ji[[ǎng] speak, explain, discuss, stress

* 477 - 布] - [[bù cloth, spread

* 478 - 杀 (F 殺) - shā kill, fight, weaken, reduce, burn (of medicine)

* 479 - 微 - wēi tiny, micro; 微 wēixiào smile

* 480 - 怕 - [pà] (=害怕 hàipà) to fear; pà horrible

* 481 - - (= qin) mother; 父母 parents; letters of an alpabet

* 482 - 调 (F 調) - diào] shift, tone

* tiáo adjust

* 483 - 局 - [jú] department, situation; 邮局 yóujú post office

* 484 - - gēn root; gēnběn essence, foundation, basic, utterly, (not) at all

* 485 - - ng] (= ngjīng) in the past

* zēng] great- (grandmother)

* cēng] āicēngr 〈colloquial〉 to get a scolding

* 486 - - zhǔn allow, (F ) certainly, precise; zhǔnbèi prepare; biāozhǔn standard

* 487 - (F ) - tuán ball, lump, group; tuánjié unite, rally

* 488 - - duàn] section, paragraph; shǒuduàn method, means (to an end), strategy

* 489 - (F ) - zhōng end; zhōng finally; shǐzhōng all along; zhōngshēn life-long

* 490 - (F ) - enjoy, be glad, pleasure, (=快乐 kuài) happy

* yuè (= yīnyuè) music

* 491 - - qiē to cut

* qiè correspond to; qiè all

* 492 - (F ) - grade, level; jiē (social) class, steps, stairs, rank

* 493 - - (= ) overcome, gram, (F ) set time limit

* kēi (=) scold

* 494 - - jīng perfect; jīngshén spirit, essence; jiǔjīng alcohol

* 495 - - what? nǎr where?

* něi (before classifier) which?

* [na] (used in orders and exclamations)

* (in foreign names)

* 496 - - guān official; guānliáo bureaucrat

* 497 - - shì (= biǎoshì) show, indicate; zhǐshì point out

* 498 - - [chōng] (F ) rinse, rush, (F 衝]) [[rush

* chòng] (F [[衝]) towards

* 499 - - jìng finish, (= jìngrán) unexpectedly; jiūjìng actually, exactly, in the end, after all

* 500 - - hu it seems; almost


* 501 - - nán male, (= nánrén) man

* 502 - (F ) - raise; xíng hold (a meeting); xuǎn election; give an example

* 503 - - (= rén) guest; guān objective; qi polite

* 504 - (F , ) - zhèng prove; shūzhèng library card; qiānzhèng visa

* 505 - - bitter; jiān arduous; tòng suffering

* 506 - - zhào shine; zhàoxiàng]] photo

* 507 - - zhù pour, (F 註) notes; zhù pay attention; zhùshì gaze

* 508 - (F ) - fèi cost; xuéfèi tuition

* 509 - - foot, (= gòu) enough; m[[ǎn satisfy

* 510 - (F ) - ěr <archaic> you; ěrhòu thereafter; gāo'ěr golf

* 511 - - zhāo beckon, recruit, attract; entertain (guests)

* 512 - - qún crowd, group; qúnzhòng The Masses

* 513 - (F ) - hot

* 514 - - tuī push

* 515 - - [wǎn late; wǎnshang evening; wǎn night; wǎnf[[àn dinner

* 516 - (F ) - xi[[ǎng] sound; ngxi[[ǎng influence

* 517 - (F ) - [chēng weigh, name

* [chèn] duìchèn symmetric

* 518 - (F ) - xìng gāoxìng glad

* xīng] xīngn excited

* Compare with liù six

* 519 - - dài treat, entertain, wait for

* dāi (= dāi) stay

* 520 - (F ) - yuē approximately, arrange, appointment

* o]] weigh

* 521 - (F ) - yáng opposite of yīn; tàiyáng the sun

* 522 - [ - (=[ ge) older brother

* 523 - (F ) - jīng surprise

* 524 - (F ) - ma <interrogative particle>

* what; ? gàn ? What's up?

* fēi morphine

* 525 - - zhěng] (= zhěng) whole; 调 tiáozhěng adjust; zhěng neat

* 526 - - zhī branch, support; zhīchí sustain; zhī the Twelve Terrestrial Branches

* 527 - - (= dài) ancient

* Compare with shé tongue

* 528 - (F 漢) - hàn Chinese ethnicity; hànyu Chinese; hànzi Chinese character; lǎohàn old man

* 529 - 突 - [tū] charge forward, stick out; 突rán suddenly

* 530 - 号 (F 號) - hào name, number, mark

* o] yell

* 531 - 绝 (F 絕) - jué cut off, absolute

* 532 - (F 選) - xuǎn] (=xuǎn) choose, select; xuǎn election

* 533 - 吧 - [ba] at end of sentence, indicates suggestion

* snap!

* 534 - (F 參) - n] njiā participate

* shēn rénshēn ginseng

* cēn cēncī uneven, irregular

* 535 - 刊 - n] periodical, publication; bǎon periodical publications, the press

* 536 - 亚 (F 亞) - inferior, second; 亚洲 zhōu Asia

* 537 - 复 - (F 復) 恢复 huī recover, (F 複) 复杂 zá complicated, complex, (F 覆) cover

* 538 - 伤 (F 傷) - shāng] wound, injury, injure; 伤 chuāngshāng trauma

* 539 - (F 類) - lèi category, kind, type; lèi similar

* 540 - (F 備) - bèi (= zhǔnbèi) get ready, prepare; shèbèi equipment

* 541 - (F 歡) - huān (= huān) happy, joyous; 喜欢 huan like

* 542 - 另 - lìng other; 另 lìngwài other, besides

* 543 - 港 - g[[ǎng] harbor; Xiāngg[[ǎng Hong Kong

* 544 - 势 (F 勢) - shì power; xíngshì circumstances; 姿势 shì posture

* 545 - - carve, quarter hour, moment

* 546 - 星 - xīng] star; huǒxīng Mars; 星 xīng week

* 547 - 断 (F 斷) - duàn] cut off; duàn unceasing; 判断 pànduàn judge

* 548 - 陈 (F 陳) - chén display, explain, stale, (dynasty 557-589)

* 549 - 掌 - z[[h[[ǎng]] palm of the hand; 掌握 z[[h[[ǎng]] grasp

* 550 - 农 (F 農) - [nóng] (=农 nóngmín) farmer, peasant; 农 nóng agriculture


* 551 - - (= wǎn) night; bàn, midnight; at night

* 552 - - bān sort, kind; bān ordinary

* pán happy

* Buddhist wisdom, prajna

* 553 - 念 (F 唸) - [niàn miss, read aloud; guānniàn concept; 念 niànshū study

* 554 - 价 - jià (F 價) (=价值 jiàzhí) value, (=价 jiàqian) price

* jie (F 價)

* jiè servant

* 555 - (F 腦) - nǎo (= nǎozi) brain; nǎodai head; nǎoké skull; 电脑 di[[àn-nǎo]] computer

* 556 - 规 (F 規) - [guī] 规 guī regular pattern; 规 guīdìng regulations

* 557 - 底 - [dǐ] bottom; 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; dàodǐ after all

* 558 - 故 - cause, therefore; 故 shi story; 故 on purpose

* 559 - 省 - [shěng] province, economize, omit

* ng] f[[ǎnng introspection

* 560 - 妈 (F 媽) - mother, mom; 妈妈 ma mama

* 561 - (F 剛) - gāng firm, (= gāngcái) just (a moment ago)

* 562 - 句 - sentence

* 563 - 显 (F 顯) - xi[[ǎn appear; 显 xi[[ǎnrán obvious

* 564 - - xiāo disappear; xiāoxi news; xiāomiè perish

* 565 - - (=衣服 -fu) clothing]]

* wear (clothing]]), give (clothing]]) to others to wear

* 566 - (F ) - land; continent

* liù six (= liù)

* 567 - - utensil, (= qi) machine; 武器 wǔ-qì weapon

* 568 - (F 確) - què true; zhèngquè correct; quèshí indeed; míngquè explicit

* 569 - 破 - [pò] smash; 破坏 pòhuài ruin; 破烂 pòn worn out

* 570 - - gōng tool; yǒu possess; 具体 jùtǐ concrete; 玩 wán toy

* 571 - 居 - (=居 zhù) live, reside; 居 mín resident; 居 rán unexpectedly

* 572 - 批 - <classifier for a batch/lot>, comment, criticize, refute; 批评 píng criticize

* 573 - - sòng see somebody off, deliver, give

* 574 - 泽 (F 澤) - 沼泽 zhǎo marsh, swamp; color and lustre; Máo dōng CCP leader and founder of the PRC

* 575 - 紧 (F 緊) - jǐn tight; 紧 jǐnzhāng tense; yàojǐn important

* 576 - (F 幫) - bāng (=帮助 bāngzhù, bāngmáng) help, gang

* 577 - 线 (F 線) - xiàn line, thread; 线 guāngxiàn light ray; 线 di[[ànxiàn (electric) wire

* 578 - - cún (= cúni]]) exist; bǎocún preserve

* 579 - (F 願) - yu[[àn wish

* 580 - 奇 - marvellous, (=) rare, strange

* odd (not even)

* 581 - 害 - [hài harmful; 害 hàichóng destructive insect; 厉害 hai fierce

* 582 - - zēng] (= zēngjiā, = zēngz[[h[[ǎng]]) increase

* 583 - 杨 (F 楊) - yáng poplar tree; 叶杨 n]]jiǎoyáng cottonwood

* 584 - 料 - liào]] (=材料 cáiliào]]) material, expect, anticipate; liào]] means, data, material

* 585 - - zhōu prefecture; 广 Gu[[ǎng]]zhōu Canton

* 586 - 节 (F 節) - jié joint, section, festival, holiday, (=节 jiérì) holiday

* jiē knot, link; 节 jiēzi gnarl, knot (in wood)

* 587 - 左 - [zuǒ] left; 左 zuǒbiān left side

* 588 - 装 (F 裝) - [zhuāng dress up, load, install, (=jiǎzhuāng) pretend

* 589 - - (= róng]]) easy, change; jīng Book of Changes

* 590 - - zhù write, book

* zhe (S)

* z[[háo]] (S)

* [zhuó (S)

* zhāo (S)

* 591 - 急 - urgent; z[[háo]] anxious; 急 máng in a hurry

* 592 - 久 - jiǔ (for a) long time

* 593 - 低 - low; jiàng reduce; 低 elementary; gāo height

* 594 - (F 歲) - [suì] years old; suìshu age; w[[ànsuì long life, Your/His Majesty, "Banzai"

* 595 - 需 - (=需 yào) need; essential

* 596 - - jiǔ wine; 啤 jiǔ beer; 喝 jiǔ drink wine

* 597 - 河 - river; 河nán shěng Henan Province; yùn canal

* 598 - 初 - chū beginning, first (in order); 初 chū preliminary; chū at first

* 599 - 游 - yóu (=游泳 yóuyǒng) swim, (=旅游 lǚyóu) travel

* 600 - 严 (F 嚴) - yán severe, stern


* 601 - 铁 (F 鐵) - [tiě] iron; tiě underground, subway

* 602 - 族 - (=mín) people, nationality, (=zhǒng) race

* 603 - 除 - [c get rid of, divide, (=除 cle) except

* 604 - 份 - n] portion, share, copy, <classifier for portion, share, copies of newspapers etc.>, college degree

* 605 - 敢 - g[[ǎn dare; 勇敢 yǒngg[[ǎn brave

* 606 - - recklessly; nonsense (F 鬍) (= zi) beard (F 衚) tòng lane

* 607 - - [xuè] blood

* xiě blood

* 608 - 企 - stand on tiptoe, hope for, look forward to; 企 enterprise; 企 attempt; 企鹅 penguin

* 609 - 仍 - réng] (=仍 réngrán, =仍旧 réngjiù) still, yet, as before

* 610 - - tóu throw; tóupiào vote

* 611 - (F 聞) - wén smell, hear; 新闻 xīn-wén news

* 612 - - u] 10 liters; 烟 nu tobacco/opium pipe; Běiuxīng The Big Dipper, The Plow

* dòu (F 鬥]) [[fight

* 613 - (F 紀) - shì century; jìniàn memento; discipline

* <family name>

* 614 - 脚 (F 腳) - jiǎo] foot; 脚 cjiǎo barefoot; 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ toe

* jué (= jiǎo) role, part, character, actor, actress

* 615 - - yòu right; yòubiān right side; 左 zuǒyòu around, nearby, more or less

* Compare with shí stone

* 616 - 苏 (F 蘇) - 苏醒 ng revive; 苏 zhōu; 苏 lián]] USSR

* 617 - (F 標) - biāo mark; biāozhǔn standard

* 618 - (F 飯) - f[[àn rice, food

* 619 - 云 - n] say, (F 雲) (=云彩 ncai) cloud

* 620 - - bìng] sick; máobing malfunction

* 621 - 医 (F 醫) - (=医 xué) medical science; 医 shēng doctor; 医 yu[[àn hospital

* 622 - 阿 - [ā] 阿伯 ā Arab

* [ē] 阿弥陀佛ētuógó Amitabha = Buddha preserve us

* 623 - 答 - (=huí) answer

* ying respond, promise

* 624 - - earth, (= ) land, (=rǎng) soil

* Compare with shì scholar

* 625 - 况 (F 況) - [kuàng qíngkuàng circumstances; 况 kuàngqiě moreover

* 626 - 境 - jìng border, territory; 环境 huánjìng environment

* 627 - 软 (F 軟) - [ruǎn soft; 软 ruǎnjiàn software

* 628 - - o] (=o) consider, (= oshì) exam

* 629 - - niáng] mother, aunt

* [niang] gūniang girl

* 630 - 村 - [cūn] village, rustic; 农村 nóngcūn countryside, village

* 631 - 刀 - o] knife

* 632 - (F 擊) - beat, strike, knock; strike, hitt, attack, assault

* 633 - 仅 (F 僅) - jǐn (=仅仅 jǐnjǐn) only, barely

* 634 - 查 - [c examine, investigate; 检查 ji[[ǎnc inspect

* Z[[hā <family name>

* 635 - 引 - yǐn draw, stretch, (=引 yǐn) cause, (=吸引 yǐn) attract

* 636 - 朝 - [co] towards, dynasty; 朝鲜 Coxiān Korea

* zhāo (morning)

* 637 - 育 - raise, educate; jiào education

* [yō] 杭育 ng]]yō heave-ho, yo-ho

* 638 - (F 續) - (=继 ) continue; lián]] continuous

* 639 - 独 (F 獨) - only, alone; 独 independent

* 640 - 罗 (F 羅) - [luó] (=罗 luów[[ǎng]]) birdnet; 罗 Luó Rome; 罗 luópán compass

* luō 罗嗦 luōsuo wordy, troublesome; 哩哩罗罗 līliluōluō the sound of boiling/rumbling/etc.

* 641 - 买 (F 買) - i] buy

* 642 - (F 戶) - door, household; 窗 chuāng window

* 643 - (F 護) - (=保护 bǎo-hù) guard, protect; shi nurse

* 644 - 喝 - drink

* [hè] shout

* 645 - - péng] péngyǒu friend

* Compare with beautiul and book

* 646 - - gōng supply

* gòng confess

* 647 - 责 (F 責) - duty; 责 zérèn responsibility

* 648 - 项 (F 項) - xiàng]] (=项 xiàng]]) item

* 649 - 背 - bèi back

* i] carry on the back


* 650 - 余 - I, me, (F 餘) left-over, extra; 余 the rest; 余弦 cosine

* 651 - - sparse, scattered, watery, this; w[[àng hope; rare, strange; Greece

* 652 - 卫 (F 衛) - wèi 卫 defend; 卫 sanitary; 卫星 satellite

* 653 - 列 - [liè] column, line up; 列 lièchē train; 排列 iliè arrange

* 654 - (F 圖) - picture; map; 图书馆 tú shū gu[[ǎn library

* 655 - - shì room; jiàoshì classroom; 卧 shì bedroom; 办公 bàn-gōng]]shì office

* 656 - 乱 (F 亂) - [luàn chaotic, disorderly, messy; 混乱 nluàn chaos

* 657 - 刘 (F 劉) - Liú <family name>

* 658 - 爷 (F 爺) - father; 爷爷 ye grandpa

* 659 - (F 龍) - ng] dragon; 恐 ngng dinosaur

* 660 - 咱 - [zán (=咱 zánmen) we = you and I

* [zan] (abbreviation for zǎowǎn) all the time, morning and evening, sooner or later

* 661 - - zhāng] chapter, seal, stamp, medal, badge, rules

* 662 - 席 - mat, seat, banquet; zhǔ chairperson

* 663 - (F 錯) - cuò (=cuò) mistake; cuò not bad, pretty good; 一点! di[[ǎnr]] cuò! perfectly correct!

* 664 - - xiōng (elder) brother; xiōng brothers

* Compare with (F ) ér child and zhǐ only

* 665 - - àn (=黑暗 hēi'àn) dark; secretly; gloomy; hint

* 666 - (F 創) - [chuàng chuàngzào create

* [chuāng 伤 chuāngshāng trauma

* 667 - 排 - i] arrange, row, line

* [pǎi] 排 pǎichē handcart

* 668 - - chūn (= chūntiān, =chūn) spring; chūnjuǎn spring roll; chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons

* 669 - - (F 須) (= ) must, (F 鬚) (= ) beard

* 670 - 承 - chéng chéngrèn admit; 继承 chéng inherit

* 671 - 案 - àn desk, (law) case; 答案 'àn answer or solution to a problem

* 672 - - máng] hurry, busy; help; right away

* 673 - 呼 - shout, exhale; 呼吸 breathe; huān cheer

* 674 - (F 樹) - shù tree; shùlín woods; shù trees; shùgàn trunk

* 675 - - tòng painful; tòng suffering; tòngkuai delighted

* 676 - - chén to sink; 沉重 chénzhòng heavy

* [chēn hēichēnchēn pitch-black

* 677 - 啊 - [a] (used as phrase suffix, indicating obviousness/impatience)

* [ā] (indicating elation); 啊!! ā! Wǒ yòu yíngle! Ha! I've won again!

* [á] (indicating doubt or questioning), huh?; 啊?什么? ?? shuō shenme? Huh? What are you saying?

* [ǎ] (indicating puzzled surprise)

* [à] (indicating agreement/approval); 啊,吧! ?, hǎoba! Well, OK!

* 678 - 灵 (F 靈) - líng clever, spirit, soul, elf; 灵 línghuó nimble, easy

* 679 - 职 (F 職) - zhí duty; 职 zhígōng staff; 职 zhí occupation

* 680 - 乡 (F 鄉) - xiāng] countryside, home town

* 681 - 细 (F 細) - thin; 仔细 zǐ][[xì careful; 细胞 bāo cell; 详细 xiáng detailed

* 682 - (F 訴) - gàosu tell; sòng lawsuit

* 683 - 态 (F 態) - tài form; 态 tàidu manner; z[[huàngtài state

* 684 - 停 - ng] (=停 ngzhǐ) stop; 停 ngchēch[[ǎng]] parking lot

* 685 - - yìn (=印刷 yìnshuā) print, (= yìnzhāng) seal

* 686 - (F ) - writing implement; 毛笔 brush; pen; 铅 pencil

* 687 - - xià (= xiàtiān) summer; chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons

* 688 - - zhù (=帮助 bāngzhù) help

* 689 - - blessing, good fortune, (=幸福 xìng-fú) happiness, happy; zhù invoke/wish a blessing; 福建 Fújiàn

* {It is common to hang calligraphy of this character up-side-down on doors, in order to get people to note that dàole = "The 'Fu' is up-side-down", which is pronounced just as = "Fortune/happiness has come"

* 690 - (F ) - kuài piece, lump, chunk, (= yuán) Chinese dollar

* 691 - - lěng] cold; lěngjìng calm

* 692 - - qiú ball; qiú football (soccer); qiú the Earth

* 693 - - gūniang girl

* 694 - - huá row (a boat) (F ) scratch

* huà (F ) (= huà) plan (F 畫)

* 695 - - since, already; rán since, now that

* 696 - (F ) - zhì (= zhì) matter, substance; zhìli[[àng quality, mass

* 697 - - wěiba tail; zuǐ mouth; 西 Brazil

* zuǐzi mouth, a slap in the face

* 698 - - zhì send, convey; zhì identical, (F 緻) 细 zhì careful

* 699 - (F ) - wān harbor; Táiwān

* 700 - - yǎn (= biǎoyǎn) perform, act, performance


* 701 - - tree, (= tou) wood;

* Compare with běn root and big

* 702 - (F 韋) - wéi soft leather, <family name>

* 703 - 怪 - [guài blame, (=奇怪 guài) strange; 怪 guàiwu monster

* 704 - (F 圍) - wéi surround; wéi Japanese "go"

* 705 - (F 靜) - jìng still, quiet; jìngdi[[àn static electricity

* 706 - - páng] (= pángbiān) side

* bàng]] (=傍)

* 707 - 园 (F 園) - yuán (=huāyuán) garden, (=gōngyuán) park

* 708 - - fǒu not; shìfǒu whether or not, is (it) or is (it) not?

* bad, inferior; 臧 zāng pass judgment (on people)

* 709 - - assist, vice-; adverb

* 710 - (F ) - biān edit; 逻 luó logic

* 711 - - cǎi pick, gather (F )

* cài (F ) cài fief

* 712 - - shí eat, (= shí, = shín) food

* feed

* 713 - - ng] climb

* 714 - (F ) - gòu enough; néng]]gòu be capable of

* 715 - (F ) - sài contest; match, race

* 716 - - (= f[[àn) rice, meter; corn

* 717 - - jiǎ false

* jià (= jià) vacation

* 718 - (F 較) - jiào relatively, quite; 比较 bǐ-jiào compare, relatively

* jiǎo] (jiǎo = bǐ-jiào)

* 719 - - jiě (= jiějie) older sister; xiǎojie young lady

* 720 - (F ) - u] story, building; mansion; u stairs

* 721 - - huò (F ) (= huò) get, obtain, (F ) shōuhuò harvest

* 722 - (F ) - sūn grandchild; 子孙 zǐ][[sūn children and grandchildren, descendants; Sūn kōng monkey with supernatural powers in the nobel "Journey to the West"; Sūn Zhōngshān = 逸仙 Sūn Yixiān = Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Republican Revolution and the KMT

* 723 - - xuān] (=布] [[xuān) declare; propaganda

* 724 - 穿 - [chuān penetrate, wear

* 725 - (F ) - shī poem; shīrén poet

* 726 - - song; chàng]] to sing

* 727 - - fast; 速度 speed

* 728 - - disregard, (=忽然 rán) suddenly, (= 'ér) now...

* 729 - - táng] hall; shítáng dining hall, canteen; táng classroom

* ng] li[[àngngng brightly lit, brilliant

* 730 - (F ) - ( rén) enemy; enemy troops

* 731 - (F ) - shì try, test; oshì test, quiz

* 732 - (F ) - xiè thank; xièxie thanks; 非常

* 733 - - ng] entreat, center; central; beg, plead

* 734 - 怀 (F ) - huái] bosom, cherish; 怀huái suspect; 怀huáiniàn cherish memory

* 735 - (F ) - (= zhàogu) look after; customer

* 736 - (F ) - y[[àn (= jīngy[[àn) experience

* 737 - (F ) - yíng] camp; campfire; do business

* 738 - - zhǐ (=停 ngzhǐ) stop

* 739 - - xìng family name; xìngmíng full name (family name and personal name); 您贵 n guìxìng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame?

* 740 - (F ) - yǎng] raise, nourish; yíngyǎng nutrition

* 741 - (F ) - měi beautiful; majestic

* Korea

* Compare with péng friend and book

* 742 - (F ) - shǔ belong to, be subordinate to, born in a specific year acoording to the Chinese calendar

* zhǔ enjoin

* 743 - - jǐng scene, scenery; fēngjǐng scenery, landscape

* 744 - - [guō] outer wall of city, <family name>

* 745 - - (=o) depend on, comply with, according to; rán still

* 746 - - wēi wēixié threaten, imperil; shìwēi demonstrate; Nuówēi Norway

* 747 - - àn press, (= ànzhào) according to; àn massage

* 748 - (F 惡) - [è] evil

* () hate

* ě () nauseous

* 749 - - [màn slow


* 750 - 座 - zuò (=座 zuòwèi) seat, place, stand, pedestal, base, <classifier for mountains, bridges etc.>

* 751 - 罪 - zuì crime, guilt

* 752 - 维 (F 維) - wéi 纤维 xiānwéi fiber; 维 wéi safeguard; 维 síwéi think

* 753 - 渐 (F 漸) - jiàn (=渐渐 jiànjiàn, =逐渐 zhújiàn) gradually

* jiān dip/soak in liquid

* 754 - (F 勝) - shèng] (=胜利 shèng) victory, triumph, win

* 755 - 藏 - ng] store; conceal, hide

* ng] (=西ng) Tibet

* 756 - 皇 - huáng 皇帝 huáng emperor; 皇 huánghòu empress

* 757 - 街 - jiē street; 街 street, neighborhood; 街 street-corner

* 758 - 激 - surge, dash, (=激 dòng) excite; 激烈 liè intense

* 759 - 异 (F 異) - different; 异 c[[háng]] unusual

* 760 - 摘 - z[[hāi] pick, take off, select

* 761 - - jiǎo] horn, corner, dime

* jué actor, role

* 762 - 瞧 - qiáo] look

* 763 - 负 (F 負) - carry on shoulder, suffer, negative

* 764 - 施 - shī carry out; 措施 cuòshī to measure, step; 施 construction

* 765 - 模 - 模范 f[[àn model; 模仿 f[[ǎng imitate

* [mú] 模y[[àng appearance; 模 múzi mold, pattern, die

* 766 - 草 - [cǎo] grass; 草莓 cǎoi]] strawberry

* 767 - 某 - [mǒu] certain, some; 某 mǒurén somebody

* 768 - 银 (F 銀) - yín silver; 银 yínng]] bank

* 769 - 露 - (=露 shui) dew, show, reveal, betray

* [lòu] reveal

* 770 - 阵 (F 陣) - zhèn battle array, <classifier for phases, spells etc.>; zhèn fēng a short period of time

* 771 - 值 - zhí (=值 zhíde) be worth, (=价值 jiàzhí) value

* 772 - 班 - bān class, work; s[[hàng]]bān go to work; 值班 zhíbān be on duty

* 773 - 层 (F 層) - ng] layer, level, storey

* 774 - 修 - xiū repair, decorate; 修 xiūgǎi revise

* 775 - 差 - [c differ, wrong

* [c difference

* [ci]

* [cī] rank

* [cuō] stumble

* 776 - 味 - wèi (=味 wèidao) flavor, taste

* 777 - (F 織) - zhī weave, knit; shī organize; 纺 f[[ǎngzhī spin and weave

* 778 - 药 (F 藥) - yào medicine, drug

* 779 - (F 館) - gu[[ǎn building; restaurant

* 780 - 密 - thick, dense

* 781 - - li[[àng bright, light, shine, loud and clear; 漂 piàoliang handsome, beautiful, remarkable, brilliant, smart

* 782 - - law; shū lawyer; discipline; 旋 xuán tune, melody

* 783 - 习 (F 習) - 练习 li[[àn practice; xué study; 习惯 gu[[àn habit

* 784 - - tián] field; tián open country

* 785 - 简 (F 簡) - ji[[ǎn ji[[ǎndān simple; 简体字 ji[[ǎntǐzì simple form character

* 786 - 免 - [miǎn exempt; 避免 miǎn avoid; 免 miǎnfèi free

* 787 - 毒 - (毒) poison; (毒) drug; 毒 virus

* 788 - 归 (F 歸) - [guī] return

* 789 - 波 - (=波浪 ng) wave; 波 c[[háng]]a wavelength

* 790 - 型 - xíng mould, type; 典型 di[[ǎnxíng typical

* 791 - 屋 - (屋 zi) room, (=fáng) building; 屋顶 roof

* 792 - (F 換) - hu[[àn change, exchange

* 793 - - jiù help, rescue; jiùmìng! Help! Save me!

* 794 - 寄 - to mail; 寄 shēngchóng parasite

* 795 - 帝 - emperor; 帝 guó empire; S[[hàng]] God

* 796 - 退 - [tuì] go backwards, (=退 hòutuì) retreat; 撤退 chètuì withdraw

* 797 - 洋 - yáng (=iyáng) ocean; Tàipíng Yáng Pacific Ocean

* ng] 洋洋 nuǎnngng warm

* 798 - 丝 (F 絲) - silk, thread

* 799 - 湖 - lake; 湖泊 lakes; 湖 nán; 湖 běi


* 800 - - shuì (= shuìjiào) sleep

* 801 - 劳 (F 勞) - o] (=劳 odòng) labor

* o] encourage, console

* 802 - (F 婦) - (=妇女 fù-nǚ) woman; married couple

* 803 - 伯 - eldest brother, uncle

* bǎi bǎizi eldest brother of one's husband

* bai 叔伯 shūbai cousinship on father's side

* (=霸)

* Compare with bǎi hundred

* 804 - 尼 - Buddhist nun; 尼 jiāguā Nicaragua; 尼 ng nylon

* 805 - - (=) skin

* 806 - - ( xiān) ancestor; grandmother

* 807 - - xióng] powerful, male; yīngxióng hero; xióngwěi grand; xióng rooster

* 808 - - hūn (= ehūn) marry; hūn wedding; hūnyīn marriage

* 809 - 康 - ng] 健康 jiànng health; 康熙ng di[[ǎn dictionary compiled in the Kangzi period

* 810 - 评 (F 評) - píng] criticize, comment, review

* 811 - 追 - [zhuī pursue

* 812 - 哈 - exhale, sip, aha!, sound of laughter, etc.>

* <family name>

* 哈撒 sa shake, swing; 哈shi Chinese forest frog

* 813 - 络 (F 絡) - luò net, twine

* o] 挂络 guào involvement, implication

* 814 - 店 - di[[àn (=shāngdi[[àn) store, shop; f[[àndi[[àn restaurant

* 815 - 翻 - fān turn over; 翻译 fān translate

* 816 - 环 (F 環) - huán ring; 环境 huánjìng environment, surroundings

* 817 - 礼 (F 禮) - ceremony; hūn wedding; 礼貌 mào polite

* 818 - 跑 - [pǎo] run

* o] paw the earth

* 819 - 超 - chāo (=超 chāoguò) go past, exceed, (=超 chāo) super

* 820 - 叶 - (F 葉) leaf (of a plant)

* [xié] harmonize

* 821 - 压 (F 壓) - press, pressure

* gēn from the start, in the first place, altogether, entirely, totally, at all, simply

* 822 - 占 - zhān fortune telling

* z[[hàn occupy; 占 z[[hànlǐng capture

* 823 - 均 - n] even; píngn average

* 824 - - yǒng] (= yǒngyuǎn) always, forever, eternal

* Compare with shuǐ water

* 825 - 烈 - [liè] (=qiángliè) intense; 烈 ardent; 烈 martyr

* 826 - 奖 (F 獎) - ji[[ǎng] prize, award; 奖 bonus; 奖 scholarship

* 827 - 婆 - [pó] old lady; lǎopo wife

* 828 - 赶 (F 趕) - g[[ǎn catch up

* 829 - 富 - (=富 yǒu) rich; 丰富 fēng abundant; 财富 cái wealth

* 830 - 兰 (F 蘭) - [lán lánhuā orchid

* 831 - (F 錄) - record; take notes; tape recorder

* 832 - 画 (F 畫) - huà draw, picture

* 833 - 遇 - meet; 遇 dào encounter

* 834 - 顿 (F 頓) - n] to pause, meal

* 835 - (F 藝) - skill, (=艺术 shù) art; wén literature and art

* 836 - - 普通 tōng common; 普通话 tōnghuà Common Speach = Mandarin; bi[[àn universal

* 837 - 判 - [pàn judge; 批判 pàn criticize

* 838 - 源 - yuán (=i]yuán) source, origin; yuán resources

* 839 - 亿 (F 億) - 100 million

* 840 - 素 - plain, white, vegetarian; yīn factor, element

* 841 - 船 - [chuán boat, ship; 渡船 chuán ferry; 宇宙zhòu]] fēichuán "cosmic flying boat" = spaceship

* 842 - 继 (F 繼) - (=继 ) continue; 继承 chéng inherit

* 843 - 尚 - s[[hàng]] esteem; gāos[[hàng]] noble, lofty

* shang shang monk

* 844 - - zuǐ ( zuǐba) mouth; zuǐcn lip

* 845 - 察 - [c guānc observe; 警察 jǐngc police

* 846 - - rain; rainwater; 暴 bàofēng rainstorm

* 847 - 优 (F 優) - [yōu] excellent; 优良 fine; 优秀 outstanding; 优 yōuyuè superior

* 848 - 您 - n] <polite> you; 您贵 n guìxìng? (May I ask for) your family name, Sir/Madame?

* 849 - 险 (F 險) - xi[[ǎn (危险 wēixi[[ǎn) danger; bǎoxi[[ǎn insurance


* 850 - 烟 - n] (F 煙) smoke, cigarette, mist

* yīn (=氤)

* 851 - (F 階) - jiē (=) steps; class; rank; phase

* 852 - 担 (F 擔) - dān carry on a shoulder pole

* d[[àn two buckets full, 50 kg.

* 853 - - [sàn break up, distribute, dispel

* [sǎn fall apart, scattered

* 854 - 板 - b[[ǎn board, hard, (F 闆) lǎob[[ǎn shopkeeper, proprietor, boss

* 855 - 钟 - zhōng (F 鐘) bell, clock; 钟 3 o'clock, (F 鍾) 钟 zhōng'ài dote on, <family name>

* 856 - 访 (F 訪) - f[[ǎng] (=访 f[[ǎngwèn) visit; 访 gather material

* 857 - 妹 - [mèi] (妹妹 mèimei) little sister; jiěmèi sisters

* Compare with 妺 = wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty

* 857 - 伸 - shēn stretch

* 859 - 佛 - [Fó] Buddha; 佛jiào Buddhism

* 仿佛 f[[ǎng seem

* 860 - 限 - xiàn limit, bounds; limited; 限 restrict

* 861 - 讨 (F 討) - o] (=讨 olùn) discuss; 讨 oy[[àn digusting

* {讨okǒucǎi = 讨() o ge (huà) to ask for something as a token of good omen

* 862 - 临 (F 臨) - lín overlook, be adjacent to; 临 temporary

* 863 - 吴 (F 吳) - <family name>, Wu Kingdom (222-280 A.D.)

* 864 - 摇 (F 搖) - o] shake

* 865 - 跳 - [tiào] jump; 跳伞 tiàosǎn parachute; 跳舞 tiào dance

* 866 - 曲 - (=弯曲 wān) curved

* melody

* 867 - 练 (F 練) - li[[àn white silk, (=练习 li[[àn) practice

* 868 - 构 (F 構) - gòu jiégòu structure; 构 constitute; 构

* 869 - 玩 - wán play; 玩 wán toy; hǎowánr fun

* 870 - - ( shí) jade; corn

* Compare with wáng king

* 871 - 犯 - f[[àn violate; 犯罪 f[[ànzuì commit a crime; 罪犯 criminal

* 872 - 厂 (F 廠) - ch[[ǎng]] (=gōngch[[ǎng]]) factory

* 873 - 肯 - n] be willing to, consent; 肯 ndìng definitely

* 874 - 协 (F 協) - [xié] 协 xiézuò cooperate

* 875 - - xìng good fortune, luck; 幸福 xìng-fú happy

* 876 - (F 揮) - huī wave, wield; command an army; wave (one's hand)

* 877 - 效 - xiào (=效 xiàoguǒ) effect, result; yǒuxiào effective

* 878 - (F 齊) - zhěng neat; together

* z[[hāi] (=斋)

* (=粢)

* 879 - 封 - fēng to seal; 封 feudal; 封 envelope

* 880 - 温 (F 溫) - [wēn] (=温 wēnnuǎn) warm; 温 wēn temperature

* 881 - 疑 - (怀huái) doubt, suspect; 迟疑 chí hesitate

* 882 - - [ròu] flesh, meat; 肌 ròu muscle

* Compare with nèi inside

* 883 - 攻 - gōng (=jìngōng, =攻 gōng) attack; specialize in studying

* 884 - (F 紙) - zhǐ paper; 报纸 bào-zhǐ newspaper

* 885 - 策 - plan; zhèng policy

* 886 - 充 - [chōng] fill; 充 chōngn full, ample; 充 chōngm[[ǎn full of

* 887 - 顶 (F 頂) - [dǐng] top, <classifier for hats etc.>; 顶帽 dǐng màozi a hat

* 888 - 寻 (F 尋) - [xún] (=寻 xúnzhǎo) seek

* xín xínsi

* 889 - 宁 (F 寧) - [nìng] (=宁 nìngyu[[àn, 宁 jìng) prefer, rather

* ng] 宁 tranquil

* 890 - 沙 - shā sand; 沙漠 shā desert; 沙丘 shāqiū dune; 沙 shā sofa

* 891 - - fáng] embankment, guard, protect, anti-

* 892 - 抓 - [zhuā grab, seize, arrest, attract, scratch

* 893 - 例 - (=例 zi) example; 例 for instance

* 894 - 股 - thigh, section

* 895 - (F 賣) - mài sell; 苹怎么? Píngguǒ zěn-me mài? How much are the apples?

* 896 - 顺 (F 順) - shùn] along, in the same direction]] as, obey, suitable

* 897 - 警 - jǐng 警察 jǐngc police; 警 jǐnggào warn

* 898 - (F ) - mèng] dream

* 899 - 剧 (F 劇) - drama, play, opera; 剧烈 liè severe

* 900 - 善 - s[[hàn good; gǎis[[hàn improve; 善 be good at


* 901 - 蒙 - méng] to cover, ignorant

* [mēng] cheat

* [Měng] 蒙 Měng Mongolia

* 902 - 票 - piào] ticket

* 903 - 良 - lián]]g] (优良 yōulián]]g, 良) good; 良 lián]]gxīn conscience

* 904 - 范 - f[[àn <family name>; (F 範) 范 f[[ànwéi scope, range; 模范 f[[àn model, fine example

* 905 - (F 堅) - jiān hard, solid, firmly; persist; firm

* 906 - 端 - [duān] hold sth. level with both hands, extremity, end

* 907 - 靠 - o] lean on, rely on, keep close to, come up to, near

* 908 - 杂 (F 雜) - [zá] mixed; 复杂 zá complicated; 杂zhì magazine

* [zā] lizā rambling

* 909 - 贵 (F 貴) - guì expensive, valuable

* 910 - 怒 - [nù] anger, rage

* 911 - 稿 - o] stalk of grain, draft, sketch, manuscript

* 912 - - i] clap, paddle; 乒乓 ngngi ping-pong paddle

* 913 - 率 - rate, proportion; 频率 pín frequency

* [shuài] 率 shuàilǐng lead, command

* 914 - 旧 (F 舊) - jiù old (not new) (compare with lǎo old, not young; xīn new)

* 915 - 掉 - diào] drop, fall

* 916 - 啦 - [la] corresponding to le plus 啊 a,

* 呼啦啦 flapping sound

* 啦啦 chat, gossip, jaw; 啦呱 guā chat, gossip

* 917 - 莫 - nothing; not; 莫 greatest; 莫míngmiào baffling, inexplicable

* 918 - 授 - [shòu award, give; teach; jiàoshòu professor

* 919 - 守 - shǒu guard; bǎoshǒu conservative

* 920 - 油 - yóu oil; yóu gasoline; 酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce

* [yōu] 绿油油 yōuyōu bright/fresh green; 碧油油 yōuyōu bluish green

* 921 - 恩 - [ēn] kindness; Zhōu ēni]

* 922 - 积 (F 積) - accumulate; 积 positive; 积 area

* 923 - - (=利益 lìyì) advantage, profìt

* 924 - 县 (F 縣) - xiàn county; 县 xiànz[[h[[ǎng]] county magistrate

* 925 - 哭 - [kū] cry, weep

* 926 - 罢 (F 罷) - stop; 罢 strike; 罢 le that's all

* (=疲) tired, weary, exhausted

* 927 - 庭 - ng] jiāng family; court; 庭 courtyard

* 928 - 窗 - [chuāng (=窗 chuānghu, =窗 chuāngkǒu) window; 窗帘 curtain

* 929 - 扬 (F 揚) - yáng raise; yáng develop, promote

* 930 - 忘 - w[[àng (=忘 w[[àng) forget

* wáng

* 931 - - noon; morning; afternoon; lunch

* Compare with niú cow

* 932 - 卡 - block, calory, card

* [qiǎ] checkpoint

* 933 - 雪 - [xuě] snow; 雪 xuěhuā snowflake; 滑雪 huáxuě to ski

* 934 - 菜 - cài vegetable, dish

* 935 - 牌 - i] tablet, brand, cards, dominoes; 牌 izi sign, label, logo

* 936 - - [niú] ox, cow, bull; 奶 niúi milk

* Compare with noon

* 937 - (F 脫) - tuō take off; tuō break away

* 938 - - abundant, plentiful; Ph.D.; universal love; gu[[ǎn museum

* 939 - - z[[hàng]] 10 chǐ = 3 1/3 meters, to measure land, male elder relative/person; z[[hàng]]fu husband

* 940 - 弹 (F 彈) - d[[àn 炸弹 bomb; 弹 bullet

* tán 弹吉 play guitar

* 941 - 洲 - zhōu continent; 亚洲 zhōu Asia; 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe; Fēizhōu Africa

* 942 - 松 - [sōng] pine tree; 松 squirrel, (F 鬆) loose

* 943 - 坏 - huài] (F 壞) bad

* (=坯)

* 944 - 邓 (F 鄧) - [Dèng] <family name>

* 945 - 鲜 (F 鮮) - xiān fresh

* xi[[ǎn few, rare; 朝鲜 Korea

* 946 - 短 - [duǎn short (opposite of c[[háng]])

* 947 - 毕 (F 畢) - graduate; 毕 jìng after all

* 948 - 置 - zhì put, place; wèizhi position

* 949 - - chu qīngchu clear

* chǔ chǔ misery


* 950 - 欧 (F 歐) - [ōu] 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe; 欧姆 ōu ohm

* 951 - 略 - [lüè] brief, slight; 略微 lüèwēi slightly

* 952 - - zhì zhìhuì wisdom; zhì intellegence

* 953 - 岛 (F 島) - dǎo island

* 954 - 抗 - k[[àng (=抵抗 dǐk[[àng) resist; 抗 revolt; 抗 protest

* 955 - 妻 - (=妻 zi) wife

* 956 - 抱 - bào hug, embrace

* 957 - 载 (F 載) - i]] carry, be loaded with

* i] 载 put down in writing

* 958 - (F 敗) - bài ( shībài) lose, be defeated; 腐 bài corrupt

* 959 - 枪 (F 槍) - qiāng] gun

* [chēng 欃枪 c[[hán]]chēng comet

* 960 - 适 (F 適) - shì shì suitable, appropriate

* ng follow, go to

* 961 - (F 虛) - empty, void; 谦 qiān modest; xīn open-minded; kōng hollow

* 962 - 预 (F 預) - prepare; 预 beforehand; 预 forecast

* 963 - - jīng eye

* jing 眼睛 yǎnjing eye

* 964 - 刺 - thorn, prick, stab, irritate, (=刺杀 cìshā) assassinate

* [cī] wham

* 965 - 爹 - [diē] dad; 爹爹 diēdie daddy; 爹 diē daddy

* 966 - 纷 (F 紛) - fēn 纷纷 one after another; 纠纷 jiūfēn dispute; 纷乱

* 967 - 介 - jiè 介绍 jièshào introduce; 介 preposition

* 968 - - kuò bāokuò include; gàikuò generalize

* 969 - (F ) - xiāo melt (metal), remove, sell; sold out

* 970 - - jiàng fall, descend

* xiáng] tóuxiáng surrender

* 971 - (F ) - fish; jīn goldfish; 鲨 shā shark

* 972 - - n] run fast, flee

* n] go straight towards

* 973 - - n] endure, tolerate; rénbuzhù can't bear, can't resist

* 974 - - ng] ancestor, clan, faction; religion; ancestry

* 975 - (F ) - pán disk, tray; su[[ànpán abacus; 棋 chessboard

* 976 - - ěr (= ěrduo) ear; earphone, headphones

* 977 - 野 - wild

* 978 - (F ) - n] interrogate; tōngn news report

* 979 - - i] match, deserve; distribute; i cooperate

* 980 - - jìn ( jìnzhǐ) prohibit

* jīn endure; jīn can't resist (doing something)

* 981 - - suǒ rope; suǒ think deeply; suǒxìng simply, just

* 982 - (F ) - Zhào <family name>

* 983 - - silent; silently; chén reticent; 幽 yōu humor

* 984 - - on foot, follower; di apprentice; i gangster

* 985 - - jià frame, rack, shelf, put up, <classifier for planes, radios etc.>; jià fēi an aeroplane; shūjià bookshelf

* 986 - (F ) - ng] lamp

* 987 - - fēng mountain peak

* 988 - (F ) - z[[huàng (=z[[huàngtài, =z[[huàngkuàng) condition, state of affairs

* 989 - - kuǎn fund

* 990 - - (= dòng) move; shift, transform; transplant

* 991 - - dad; ba daddy

* 992 - - tuō hold in the palm, rely on; wěituō entrust

* 993 - - hóng (= hóngshuǐ) flood, vast, <family name>; hóngli[[àng loud and clear, magnanimity

* 994 - - shēng liter, rise, ascend

* 995 - - huǒ <classifier for groups, crowds, bands etc.>, group of people. (=huǒbàn) partner; jiāhuo fellow

* 996 - (F ) - dìng conclude (compare with dìng decide)

* 997 - - o] long fine hair, milli-; o not at all

* 998 - - li fox

* 999 - (F ) - zhèn town, press down, calm, cool

* 1000 - - chuáng bed; chuángdān sheet; 河 river bed

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:
* The Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency by Zein Patrick Hassel

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