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Ninja is a small, high-speed build system focused on efficiency and performance. It is designed to handle incremental builds, where only the changed parts of a project need to be recompiled. This makes Ninja particularly useful for large projects with many dependencies, where traditional build systems like Make can become inefficient due to the overhead of scanning large sets of files. Ninja minimizes this overhead by utilizing a straightforward build process that focuses on executing commands as quickly as possible. Developers often integrate Ninja into their workflows for its speed and simplicity, especially when working on projects that require frequent rebuilds.

The core idea behind Ninja is to be a thin layer over the underlying build commands, without the added complexity seen in other build systems. Ninja itself does not perform file generation, dependency scanning, or other tasks commonly associated with build systems. Instead, it relies on tools like CMake or GN to generate the build files that Ninja then executes. This separation of concerns allows Ninja to focus on the task of executing build commands as fast as possible, without introducing unnecessary complexity into the build process.

One of the primary advantages of Ninja is its minimalism. The build files used by Ninja are simple text files that describe the relationships between the inputs and outputs of each build step. These build files are generated by tools such as CMake and define what files need to be rebuilt when changes are made. The simplicity of these build files allows Ninja to start executing build commands almost immediately, without the need to spend time interpreting complex scripts or build logic.

Ninja excels at handling large-scale builds, where the number of files and dependencies can be overwhelming for traditional build systems. The speed advantage comes from its use of efficient data structures and algorithms to track file dependencies. Ninja reads its build files quickly and performs the minimum number of checks necessary to determine which files need to be rebuilt. This lean design enables Ninja to scale effectively, even for the largest codebases, making it a popular choice for projects like Chromium and LLVM.

Another key feature of Ninja is its parallelism. Ninja takes full advantage of multi-core processors by executing multiple build commands simultaneously. This parallelism is controlled through a simple mechanism where Ninja calculates which build steps are independent of each other and can be run concurrently. The user can control the degree of parallelism by specifying how many jobs should run at once. This feature ensures that Ninja makes optimal use of the available hardware resources, significantly speeding up the build process.

Unlike traditional build systems that focus on a single project at a time, Ninja can handle complex dependency graphs with ease. It ensures that each build step is executed in the correct order, based on the dependencies defined in the build files. This allows developers to break large projects into smaller components that can be built independently, and Ninja will manage the dependencies between these components efficiently.

One notable aspect of Ninja is its compatibility with other build systems. As mentioned earlier, tools like CMake and GN can generate build files for Ninja, making it easy for developers to integrate Ninja into their existing build pipelines. This interoperability allows developers to take advantage of Ninja's speed without having to abandon the build systems they are already using. For example, developers using CMake can simply add a flag to generate Ninja build files instead of Makefiles, enabling them to use Ninja with minimal disruption to their workflow.

While there is no specific RFC that directly governs the development or behavior of Ninja, it is influenced by general principles outlined in various RFCs related to build processes and dependency management. RFC 7231 on HTTP semantics, for instance, can be considered tangentially relevant when discussing Ninja in contexts where HTTP-based tasks or communication are involved in the build process. Additionally, RFC 4180, which specifies the CSV format, can be loosely connected to the simplicity of Ninja’s approach to handling and reading build instructions, though this is not an official standard for the build tool itself.

Ninja is designed to be agnostic to the type of projects it builds. It can handle everything from small utilities to massive projects like Android, which rely on thousands of files and dependencies. This flexibility, combined with its speed, makes Ninja an attractive choice for developers across industries. Furthermore, because Ninja is so lightweight, it has minimal impact on system resources, which is particularly valuable for large, resource-intensive projects.

One of the goals of Ninja is to keep the build system out of the developer’s way. By focusing on speed and simplicity, Ninja ensures that developers can spend more time working on their code and less time waiting for builds to complete. This focus on developer productivity is one of the reasons Ninja has become so popular in high-performance, iterative development environments.

Another strength of Ninja is its focus on correctness. While speed is its primary goal, Ninja does not compromise on ensuring that the build process is reliable and reproducible. It accurately tracks file dependencies and ensures that builds are always done in the correct order. In this way, Ninja avoids the common problems of build systems that can sometimes miss dependencies or rebuild files unnecessarily.

Ninja has also been designed with extensibility in mind. While the core tool remains minimalist, developers can extend it by integrating it with other tools and systems. For example, Ninja can be combined with continuous integration systems to automate the build process, ensuring that every code change is tested and built automatically. This extensibility makes Ninja a useful tool in modern software development practices, where automation is key to maintaining code quality and delivering updates quickly.

In terms of testing, Ninja integrates well with systems like CTest and other testing frameworks. This allows developers to automate not only the build process but also the testing process, ensuring that code changes are thoroughly tested as part of every build. This focus on testing and reliability further cements Ninja's role as a critical tool in modern development workflows.

In terms of its user interface, Ninja intentionally keeps things simple. The command-line interface is straightforward, with only a few basic commands to initiate and manage builds. This simplicity is a deliberate design choice to keep Ninja fast and easy to use, without overwhelming developers with unnecessary options or features.

Despite its minimal interface, Ninja provides developers with detailed feedback during the build process. It tracks the progress of each build step, reporting errors and warnings in real-time. This feedback is invaluable for diagnosing issues quickly and ensuring that the build process runs smoothly. Additionally, Ninja's output is designed to be concise, ensuring that developers can quickly understand what is happening during a build without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information.


Ninja has become a critical tool for developers seeking a fast, efficient build system. Its simplicity and speed, combined with its ability to handle large, complex projects, make it a popular choice for high-performance development environments. Although there is no specific RFC directly tied to Ninja, its design principles are influenced by general best practices in build systems and software development. With its focus on parallelism, correctness, and extensibility, Ninja enables developers to streamline their workflows and achieve faster build times. Its compatibility with other build systems like CMake ensures that Ninja remains flexible and easy to integrate into existing pipelines, making it a valuable tool in the modern software development landscape.
