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Technical debt

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Technical Debt

Technical debt refers to the concept in software development where opting for an easier, quicker, or more cost-effective solution now can lead to additional work in the future. This metaphorical debt accumulates interest in the form of extra effort required to maintain and upgrade the system as time goes by. The causes of technical debt can vary, including but not limited to, rushed timelines, evolving project requirements, lack of documentation, or the use of outdated technologies and programming languages. Like financial debt, technical debt can be managed wisely by making strategic decisions on when and where to incur it, but if left unaddressed, it can significantly hinder the scalability, performance, and maintainability of a software system.


Detailed Summary

Technical debt

Summarize this topic in 15 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword, product name, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


Introduction to Technical Debt

Technical debt is a metaphor in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (or quick) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. Initially coined by Ward Cunningham, this concept helps developers and stakeholders understand the trade-offs between short-term and long-term project success. Like financial debt, not all technical debt is bad, and if managed carefully, it can be strategic. However, excessive or unmanaged debt can lead to software that is hard to maintain and extend.

Causes of Technical Debt

Technical debt arises from various sources, including tight project deadlines, limited budgets, lack of knowledge, or simply the evolution of a project over time. Rushed code to meet release deadlines, inadequate upfront planning, or changes in technology or business requirements can all contribute. Moreover, the debt may also result from the natural decay of software as technologies become outdated or as new features complicate the codebase.

Types of Technical Debt

Technical debt can be classified into several types: deliberate, accidental/outdated, and bit rot. Deliberate technical debt occurs when decisions are made to prioritize speed over perfect code to achieve short-term goals. Accidental or outdated debt happens as a result of evolving technologies and standards, making previous solutions less effective or obsolete. Bit rot refers to the gradual degradation of a software system over time, even if the code is not actively changed, due to the environment and dependencies changing around it.

Consequences of Technical Debt

The consequences of technical debt include increased maintenance costs, decreased code quality, reduced productivity, and the potential for software to become brittle and unreliable. As the debt accumulates, it can become more difficult and time-consuming to implement new features or fix bugs. In extreme cases, it might lead to the need for a complete system rewrite.

Managing Technical Debt

Effective management of technical debt involves recognizing it early, tracking it, and making informed decisions about when to take it on and when to pay it down. Techniques like refactoring, improving documentation, and adopting software development best practices can help manage and reduce debt. Prioritization is key, with a focus on paying down the most costly debts first.

Technical Debt and Agile Development

In Agile development methodologies, managing technical debt is an ongoing concern. Agile teams often take on debt intentionally to hit deadlines but then work to pay it down in subsequent iterations. This approach requires a balance between adding new features and maintaining the health of the codebase.

Technical Debt in Legacy Systems

Legacy systems often carry a significant amount of technical debt due to their age, complexity, and the accumulation of quick fixes over time. Managing technical debt in such systems is challenging but critical for extending their lifespan and ensuring they can continue to meet user and business needs.

The Role of Code Reviews in Managing Technical Debt

Code reviews are a powerful tool in identifying and preventing technical debt. By regularly reviewing code, teams can spot potential problems early, share knowledge, and maintain higher code quality. This collaborative practice helps mitigate the accumulation of debt and encourages adherence to coding standards.

Refactoring as a Strategy to Reduce Technical Debt

Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior. It's a key strategy in reducing technical debt, improving the design of the code, and making it easier to understand and modify. Regular refactoring sessions can prevent debt from accumulating and keep the codebase healthy.

The Impact of Technical Debt on Software Maintenance

Software maintenance becomes more challenging as technical debt accumulates. The effort required to understand, modify, or extend the code increases, leading to slower development cycles and higher costs. Proactively managing debt is essential to ensure that maintenance efforts are sustainable and effective.

Measuring Technical Debt

Measuring technical debt can be challenging, but various metrics and models have been proposed to quantify it. These may include code complexity measures, the number of known bugs, or time estimates for refactoring. While no single metric can capture all aspects of technical debt, a combination can provide valuable insights into the health of a project.

Technical Debt and Project Management

Project management plays a crucial role in balancing the trade-offs between delivering features quickly and maintaining a healthy codebase. Effective project managers recognize the implications of technical debt and incorporate strategies for managing it into project plans, ensuring that both immediate and future needs are considered.

Technical Debt and Software Evolution

As software evolves, the risk of incurring technical debt increases. Continuous innovation and changes in requirements can lead to shortcuts and compromises. Understanding and managing technical debt is crucial for ensuring that software can evolve healthily, adapting to new challenges without becoming mired in debt.

The Psychology of Technical Debt

The decision to incur technical debt often involves psychological factors, such as optimism bias and pressure to deliver. Recognizing these human elements can help teams and individuals make more informed decisions about when and how much debt to take on.

Conclusion: Navigating Technical Debt

Navigating technical debt is an essential skill for software developers, project managers, and stakeholders. By understanding its causes, types, and consequences, and employing strategies for management and reduction, teams can maintain the balance between innovation and maintainability. This balance is critical for the long-term success and sustainability of software projects.


Alternatives to Technical debt

Technical debt Alternatives - Alternatives to Technical debt #redirect Technical debt Alternatives

Summarize the alternatives to Technical debt in 5 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword, product name, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


Proactive Refactoring

Proactive refactoring is a primary alternative to accumulating technical debt. Instead of allowing debt to build up through quick fixes or rushed implementations, developers can regularly revisit and improve the codebase. This approach ensures that the code remains clean, well-organized, and easy to maintain. By integrating refactoring into the development process, teams can prevent the accumulation of debt and reduce the need for extensive overhauls in the future.

Continuous Integration and Testing

Implementing Continuous Integration (CI) and comprehensive testing strategies are crucial in avoiding technical debt. CI ensures that code is integrated into a shared repository several times a day, and automated tests are run to catch issues early. This practice, combined with a robust testing framework, helps in maintaining high code quality and reducing the chances of debt accumulation by catching and fixing errors quickly and efficiently.

Adhering to Coding Standards

Adherence to coding standards and best practices is another effective alternative to accumulating technical debt. By following a consistent set of guidelines for coding, documentation, and architecture, teams can ensure that their codebase remains clean, understandable, and easy to manage. This uniformity reduces complexity and the likelihood of errors, thereby minimizing the potential for technical debt.

Incremental Development and Delivery

Embracing an incremental development approach, such as Agile methodologies, allows teams to build software in small, manageable pieces. This strategy facilitates frequent reassessment of project priorities and adjustments to plans, reducing the need for shortcuts and compromises that lead to technical debt. Incremental delivery helps in managing scope and allows for the early detection and correction of issues, keeping the debt at a minimum.

Investing in Developer Education and Tools

Investing in developer education and the right set of tools can significantly reduce the inclination towards creating technical debt. Educating developers on the importance of clean code, design patterns, and software architecture principles equips them with the knowledge to make better decisions. Additionally, providing them with tools that facilitate code analysis, version control, and automation can enhance their productivity and ability to maintain high-quality code, further avoiding the pitfalls of technical debt.

Best Practices for Technical debt


Technical debt Best Practices:

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Understanding Technical Debt

Understanding technical debt is crucial for any software development team. It involves recognizing that not all debt is bad and that some level of it can be strategic for short-term gains, as long as there is a plan for repayment. Awareness and understanding of the different types of technical debt (deliberate, accidental, and bit rot) are essential for managing it effectively.

Prioritizing Technical Debt Repayment

Prioritizing technical debt repayment is a critical best practice. Not all debt has the same impact on a project, so it's essential to assess and prioritize repayment based on the debt's cost to the project in terms of maintainability, scalability, and future development speed. Tools and metrics can aid in this assessment, helping teams focus on the most impactful areas.

Integrating Debt Management into Development Cycles

Integrating the management of technical debt into regular development cycles ensures that it is addressed continuously. This can involve allocating a portion of each development sprint to refactoring or debt reduction tasks. Such integration helps prevent debt from accumulating to unmanageable levels.

Continuous Refactoring

Continuous refactoring is the practice of regularly updating and improving the codebase to keep it clean and manageable. This ongoing process helps in maintaining high code quality and reduces the overall technical debt. Refactoring should be a part of the daily routine of developers, not an afterthought.

Automated Testing

Implementing automated testing is a key practice in managing technical debt. Automated tests provide a safety net that allows for confident refactoring and helps ensure that changes do not introduce new bugs. A robust suite of automated tests can significantly reduce the future cost of changes.

Code Reviews

Code reviews are essential for preventing technical debt. By having peers review code before it is merged into the main codebase, teams can catch and correct issues early, share knowledge, and ensure adherence to best practices and standards.


Maintaining comprehensive documentation is a preventive measure against technical debt. Documentation helps new and existing team members understand the system's architecture, dependencies, and peculiarities, reducing the likelihood of shortcuts and hacks.

Consistent Coding Standards

Adhering to consistent coding standards and best practices helps in reducing technical debt. When code is written in a consistent style, it is easier to maintain, understand, and refactor, which in turn keeps the debt at bay.

Debt Awareness and Communication

Fostering an environment where there is high awareness and open communication about technical debt is critical. Teams should regularly discuss debt issues, potential impacts, and repayment plans. This collective awareness ensures that decisions to incur debt are made judiciously.

Technical Debt Quantification

Quantifying technical debt is a practice that involves using metrics and tools to measure the amount and impact of debt. This quantification helps in making informed decisions about where and when to invest efforts in repayment.

Embracing Agile Practices

Agile practices encourage flexibility, incremental delivery, and continuous feedback, all of which can help manage technical debt. Agile frameworks provide mechanisms for regular reassessment of priorities, including debt repayment.

Investing in Developer Education

Investing in ongoing developer education and training is essential for managing technical debt. Educating team members on the principles of clean code, design patterns, and effective refactoring techniques empowers them to write high-quality code and make informed decisions.

Utilizing Static Code Analysis Tools

Static code analysis tools can automatically detect potential problems in the code that might contribute to technical debt. Regularly using these tools helps maintain code quality and prevent the accumulation of debt.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Implementing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices can help control technical debt. CI/CD practices ensure that changes are integrated and tested frequently, reducing integration issues and making it easier to address debt regularly.

Managing Dependencies

Properly managing external dependencies is key to avoiding technical debt. This involves regularly updating libraries and frameworks to their latest stable versions and removing unused dependencies to keep the codebase clean and manageable.

Planning for Repayment

Creating a plan for technical debt repayment is a strategic approach to managing it. This plan should be part of the project's roadmap, with allocated time and resources for addressing high-priority debt.

Balancing New Features and Debt Reduction

Balancing the development of new features with technical debt reduction is crucial. While it's important to deliver new value to users, neglecting debt repayment can lead to a slower pace of development and increased costs in the long run.

Monitoring and Reporting

Regularly monitoring and reporting on the status of technical debt are important for keeping stakeholders informed and making the case for allocating resources to debt reduction. Tools and dashboards can visualize the current state of the codebase, making it easier to discuss and prioritize debt repayment.

Learning from Debt Incidences

Learning from past incidences of technical debt is valuable for preventing future debt. Analyzing the root causes of debt accumulation can provide insights into improvements in processes, practices, and decision-making.

Ensuring Architectural Flexibility

Ensuring architectural flexibility allows for easier adaptation and refactoring, which can prevent technical debt. A flexible architecture makes it simpler to modify the system as requirements evolve, reducing the need for quick fixes that lead to debt.

Anti-Patterns for Technical debt


Technical debt Anti-Patterns:

Summarize this topic in 4 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


Ignoring Technical Debt Accumulation

Ignoring technical debt accumulation is a major anti-pattern in software development. When teams fail to acknowledge or address the build-up of debt, it can lead to a codebase that is difficult to understand, maintain, and extend. This neglect can cause projects to become mired in complexity, leading to increased development times, higher costs, and decreased software quality. Ignoring technical debt undermines the long-term health and scalability of software systems, making future changes and enhancements significantly more challenging and resource-intensive.

Overprioritizing New Features

Overprioritizing the development of new features at the expense of addressing technical debt is another detrimental anti-pattern. While adding new features can provide short-term gains and satisfy immediate business requirements, consistently neglecting debt repayment can lead to a brittle and unstable codebase. This approach often results in a vicious cycle where each new feature introduces additional debt, further compounding the problem and making the system increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain.

Lack of Refactoring

A lack of refactoring is a critical anti-pattern in managing technical debt. Refactoring—the practice of restructuring existing computer code to improve its code quality without changing its external behavior—is essential for maintaining a healthy, manageable codebase. Failing to refactor code regularly leads to accumulated inefficiencies, redundancy, and complexity. This negligence not only impedes the ability to introduce new features efficiently but also increases the risk of bugs and reduces the overall performance of the software.

Skipping Documentation and Code Reviews

Skipping documentation and code reviews are anti-patterns that significantly contribute to the accumulation of technical debt. Documentation is crucial for ensuring that the codebase is understandable and maintainable, especially as teams and projects evolve. Similarly, code reviews are vital for maintaining code quality, identifying potential issues early, and fostering knowledge sharing among team members. Neglecting these practices leads to a lack of shared understanding of the codebase, making it more susceptible to errors, inconsistencies, and further technical debt accumulation.

Technical debt Security


Technical debt and Security

Summarize this topic in 6 paragraphs. Put a section heading for each paragraph. Section headings must start and end with 2 equals signs. Do not put double square brackets around words in section headings. You MUST put double square brackets around ALL computer buzzwords, product names, or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.


The Intersection of Technical Debt and Security

The concept of technical debt intersects significantly with security concerns in software development. When developers take shortcuts or make compromises to meet deadlines or reduce immediate costs, it often leads to a codebase that's not only difficult to maintain but also vulnerable to security threats. This intersection occurs because hurriedly implemented features or patches may not undergo thorough security checks, leading to vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors.

Accumulating Debt and Increasing Vulnerability

As technical debt accumulates, the complexity of the software increases, making it harder for developers to understand and securely manage all aspects of the system. This complexity can obscure security vulnerabilities, making them harder to identify and fix. Additionally, outdated libraries and frameworks, often a result of technical debt, may contain known security flaws that have been addressed in newer versions, leaving the application exposed to attacks.

The Challenge of Prioritizing Security in Debt-Ridden Projects

Prioritizing security in projects burdened with significant technical debt presents a considerable challenge. The resources and time required to address technical debt can detract from efforts to implement robust security measures. Consequently, security improvements may be delayed or overlooked, further increasing the risk of security breaches. This dilemma often forces teams to choose between improving the overall quality of the codebase and addressing immediate security threats.

The Role of Refactoring in Enhancing Security

Refactoring plays a critical role in enhancing the security of a software system. By simplifying and clarifying the structure of the code, refactoring makes it easier to audit for security vulnerabilities and implement security best practices. Regularly refactoring code to reduce technical debt can lead to a more secure, robust, and maintainable software system, where security features can be more easily integrated and managed.

Automated Tools and Security Debt Management

Utilizing automated tools for static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and dependency management can help manage both technical debt and security debt. These tools can identify problematic patterns in the code and outdated dependencies with known vulnerabilities, enabling teams to address these issues systematically. Automation in managing technical and security debt ensures consistent attention to vulnerabilities, even as teams focus on new development or refactoring efforts.

Integrating Security into the Development Lifecycle to Mitigate Technical Debt

Integrating security considerations into every stage of the software development lifecycle is essential for mitigating technical debt and its impact on security. This approach, known as DevSecOps, emphasizes the inclusion of security practices and tools from the outset of project planning through to deployment and maintenance. By making security a fundamental part of the development process, organizations can reduce the accumulation of technical debt and build more secure software systems from the ground up.


Technical debt Glossary:

Give 10 related glossary terms with definitions. Each topic on a separate line followed by a second carriage return. You MUST put double square brackets around each computer buzzword or jargon or technical words. Answer in MediaWiki syntax.

Technical Debt: The implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (quick) solution now instead of a better approach that might take longer.

Refactoring: The process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external functionality to improve code quality and reduce technical debt.

Code Smell: A characteristic in the source code that potentially indicates a deeper problem, often leading to the accumulation of technical debt.

Bit Rot: The gradual deterioration of a software program's performance or reliability over time, contributing to technical debt without any actual changes to the code.

Continuous Integration (CI): A software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily, leading to multiple integrations per day.

Continuous Deployment (CD): A software engineering approach in which software changes are automatically tested and deployed to production without human intervention, helping manage technical debt by ensuring a consistent and automated deployment process.

Agile Development: An iterative and incremental approach to software development which emphasizes flexibility, customer feedback, and rapid delivery of functional software, useful in managing technical debt.

Debt Quadrant: A framework for categorizing technical debt based on whether it was incurred deliberately or inadvertently and whether it has a positive or negative impact on the project.

Code Refactoring: See Refactoring.

Software Entropy: A measure of the disorder or randomness in a software system, which tends to increase over time, contributing to technical debt if not managed properly.

Legacy Code: Software that is still in use but was developed using older technologies or programming standards, often contributing to technical debt due to its maintenance challenges.

Static Code Analysis: The process of analyzing source code before it is executed, using tools to identify potential vulnerabilities, bugs, or violations of coding standards, which helps in reducing technical debt.

Code Duplication: The presence of similar or identical blocks of code in multiple locations, which can increase technical debt by making the codebase harder to maintain and more error-prone.

Continuous Testing: A software development practice where automated tests are run continuously during the development process, helping to identify and fix issues early and reduce technical debt.

Software Architecture: The high-level structure of a software system, including its components and the relationships between them. A well-designed architecture can help minimize technical debt.

Technical Bankruptcy: A situation where the cost of paying off technical debt exceeds the value of the software, often leading to the decision to rewrite or replace the system.

Unit Testing: A method of testing software by isolating individual components and verifying that they work as intended, which helps prevent technical debt by ensuring code quality from the start.

Debt Metaphor: A conceptual framework used to describe the trade-off between short-term expedients and long-term software development goals, akin to incurring financial debt.

Release Management: The process of managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling a software build through different stages and environments; including testing and deploying release versions, critical for managing technical debt.

Code Complexity: A metric that quantifies the complexity of software code, often used to identify areas that may require refactoring to reduce technical debt and improve maintainability.

Software Maintenance: The process of modifying a software system after delivery to correct faults, improve performance, or adapt to a changed environment, essential for managing technical debt.

Legacy Code: Source code that relates to a no-longer-maintained or obsolete operating system or other computer technology, often associated with significant technical debt.

Code Duplication: The occurrence of similar or identical blocks of code in multiple locations within a software system, contributing to technical debt by increasing maintenance effort and the potential for bugs.

Static Code Analysis: The analysis of computer code that is performed without actually executing programs, in part to detect potential technical debt issues such as code smells or security vulnerabilities.

Test Debt: A type of technical debt that accumulates when automated tests are not developed or maintained alongside the software they are meant to test, leading to lower quality and increased maintenance costs.

Principle of Least Astonishment: A design principle in software engineering which states that a component of a system should behave in a way that most users will expect it to behave, the violation of which can increase technical debt.

Debt Metaphor: A metaphor used in discussing technical debt, likening the future cost of redoing a suboptimal solution to the interest paid on financial debt.

Release Debt: A specific form of technical debt that occurs when software is released with known defects or shortcomings, under the assumption that these issues will be fixed in later releases.

Software Architecture: The fundamental structures of a software system, and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both, which can influence the accumulation and management of technical debt.

DevOps: A set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) aimed at shortening the system development life cycle and providing continuous delivery with high software quality, also relevant for managing technical debt.

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Technical debt: Technical debt Glossary, Technical debt Topics, Python Technical debt, Java Technical debt, JavaScript Technical debt, Technical debt Security, Technical debt Alternatives. Most Common topics: Technical Debt, Refactoring, Agile Development, Code Smell, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), Legacy Code, Software Maintenance, Code Duplication, Static Code Analysis, Test Debt, Code Reviews, Debt Quadrant, Software Architecture, DevOps, Bit Rot, Software Entropy, Principle of Least Astonishment, Release Debt, Documentation; Software Architecture, Software Architecture Glossary, Software Architecture Topics, GitHub Technical debt, Awesome Technical debt. (navbar_technical_debt -- see also navbar_software_architecture)

Software Architecture: Software Architects, Architectural Characteristics - The "-ilities" (Availability (Confidentiality, Integrity - CIA Triad), Reliability, Testability, Scalability, Security, Agility, Fault Tolerance, Elasticity, Recoverability, Performance, Deployability, Learnability, Usability), Monolithic Architecture, Microservices Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event-Driven Architecture, Layered Architecture, Client-Server Architecture, Peer-to-Peer Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Cloud-Native Architecture, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, Clean Architecture, Onion Architecture, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), Event Sourcing, API Gateway Pattern, Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern, Database Sharding, Data Lake Architecture, Big Data Architecture, IoT Architecture, Blockchain Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Architecture, High Availability Systems, Scalable Web Architecture, Security Architecture, Network Architecture, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), DevOps Practices, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), System Design Principles, Design Patterns, Architectural Patterns, Performance Optimization, Load Balancing, Caching Strategies, Data Partitioning, Rate Limiting, API Design, Micro Frontends, Cross-Cutting Concerns, Versioning Strategies, Dependency Injection, Modular Design, Software Design Principles (SOLID), Reactive Systems, Distributed Systems Design, Failover Strategies, Disaster Recovery Planning, Data Consistency Models, Concurrency Models, Message Queuing, Stream Processing, Workflow Engines, Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Integration Patterns, Data Integration Patterns, Mobile App Architecture, Game Architecture, Virtual Reality (VR) Architecture, Augmented Reality (AR) Architecture, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Hybrid Cloud Architecture, Multi-Tenant Architecture, OAuth and OpenID Connect, Web Security Architecture, Cryptographic Architecture, Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks, Architecture Review Processes, Technical Debt Management, Architectural Refactoring, Monitoring and Observability, Logging Strategies, Feature Toggling, A/B Testing, Blue-Green Deployments, Canary Releases, Service Mesh, Containerization and Orchestration, Kubernetes Architecture, Docker Architecture, Function as a Service (FaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS), Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), DataOps, Architecture Decision Records (ADR), Technical Writing for Architects, Stakeholder Management, Architecture Governance, Cost Optimization in Architecture, Sustainability in Software Architecture, Ethics in Software Architecture, Future Trends in Software Architecture

Software Architecture and DevOps - Software Architecture and SRE - Software Architecture of CI/CD, Cloud Native Software Architecture - Microservices Software Architecture - Serverless Software Architecture, Software Architecture and Security - Software Architecture and DevSecOps, Software Architecture and Functional Programming, Software Architecture of Concurrency, Software Architecture and Data Science - Software Architecture of Databases, Software Architecture of Machine Learning, Software Architecture Bibliography (Fundamentals of Software Architecture by Mark Richards and Neal Ford, Software Architecture - The Hard Parts), Software Architecture Courses, Software Architecture Glossary, Awesome Software Architecture, Software Architecture GitHub, Software Architecture Topics

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Programming languages, abstraction, agile, ahead-of-time (AOT), AI, algebraic data types, algorithms, Android, anonymous functions, anonymous methods, AOP, AOT, APIs, arguments, ARM, arithmetic, arrays, aspect-oriented, assignment, associative arrays, async, asynchronous callbacks, asynchronous programming, automatic variables, automation, Avro, backend, backwards compatibility, block scoped, Booleans, Boolean expressions, buffer overflow, builds, built-in types, bytecode, cache, caching, call by reference, call by value, callbacks, call stack, casting, characters, Chocolatey, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, closures, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), code smells, coercion, collections, command-line interface, commands, comments, compilers, complex numbers, composition, concurrency, concurrent programming, conditional expressions, conferences, constants, constructors, containers, control flow, control structures, coroutines, crashes, creators, currying, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, data synchronization, dates, dates and times, deadlocks, debugging, declarative, deferred callbacks, delegates, delegation, dependency injection, design patterns, designers, destructors, DevOps, dictionaries, dictionary comprehensions, DI, distributed software, distributions, distros, DL, Docker, do-while, DSL, duck typing, dynamic binding, dynamic scope, dynamically scoped, dynamically typed, dynamic variables, eager evaluation, embedded, encapsulation, encryption, enumerated types, enumeration, enums, environment variables, errors, error handling, evaluation strategy, event-driven, event handlers, event loops, exception handling, executables, execution, expressions, FaaS, Facebook, fibers, fields, file input/output, file synchronization, file I/O, filter, first-class functions, fold, foreach loops, fork-join, floating-point, FP, frameworks, FreeBSD, frontend, functions, functional, functional programming, function overloading, garbage collection, generators, generator expressions, generics, generic programming, GitHub, global variables, GraphQL, gRPC, GUI, hashing, heap, heap allocation, hello world, higher-order functions, history, Homebrew, HTTP, idempotence, IDEs, import, imperative, immutable values, immutability, inheritance, influenced, influenced by, installation, integers, integration testing, interfaces, internationalization, interpreters, interprocess communication (IPC), iOS, IoT, IPCs, ISO Standard, iteration, JetBrains, JIT, JSON, JSON-RPC, JSON Web Tokens, JSON Web Token (JWT), Just-in-time (JIT), JWT, K8S, keywords, lambdas, lambda expressions, lambda functions, language spec, lazy evaluation, lexically scoped, lexical scoping, libraries, linters, Linux, lists, list comprehensions, literals, localization, local variables, locks, logging, logo, looping, loosely typed, loose typing, macOS, map, mascot, math, member variables, memoization, memory addressing, memory allocation, malloc, memory management, memory safety, message queues, metaclasses, meta-programming, methods, method overloading, MFA, ML, microservices, Microsoft, mobile dev, modules, modulo operators, monitoring, multiprocessing, multi-threaded, mutable values, mutability, mutex (mutual exclusion), namespaces, natural language processing (NLP), networking, network programming, NLP, non-blocking, non-blocking I/O, null, null reference, null coalescing operators, numbers, number precision, OAuth, objects, object code, object comparisons, object creation, object creators, object destruction, object destructors, object lifetime, object-oriented constructors, object-oriented programming, object serialization, observability, OOP, operators, operator overloading, optimizations, organizations, ORMs, packages, package managers, pass by reference, pass by value, parallel computing, parallel programming, parallelism, parameters, people, performance, persistence, pipelines, pointers, polymorphism, primitives, primitive data types, probability, procedural, processes, producer-consumer, programmers, programming, programming paradigm, program structure, program termination, Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), Protocol Buffers, Protobuf, proxies, public-key encryption, PKI, pure functions, race conditions, random, reactive, readability, records, recursion, reentrancy, refactoring, reference counting, reference types, referential transparency, reflection, regex, remote procedure calls (RPC), REPL, reserved words, REST, REST APIs, RHEL, RPCs, runtimes, safe navigation operators, SDK, secrets, security, serialization, serverless, server-side, sets, set comprehensions, side effects, signed integers, SMTP, Snapcraft, social media, sockets, source code, source-to-source compiler, SQL, SSL - SSL-TLS, Single sign-on (SSO), SSO, StackOverflow, stack, stack allocation, Stack overflow, standards, standard errors, standard input, standard library, standard operators, standard output, state, statements, strings, string concatenation, string functions, string operations, scheduling, scientific notation, scope, scope rules, scoping, scripting, static analyzers, statically scoped, static scoping, statically typed, static variables, statistics, strongly typed, structural typing, synchronization, syntax, systems programming, TCP/IP, TDD, testing, test frameworks, threads, thread-local storage (TLS), TLS, thread locking, thread locks, thread safety, thread scheduling, thread synchronization, times, timers, to JavaScript, tools, toolchain, transpiler, transpiling to JavaScript, truth values, tuples, type checking, type conversion, type inference, type safety, type system, web dev, while loops, work stealing, values, value types, variables, variable lifetime, variable scope, versions, virtual environments, virtual machine, Ubuntu, Unicode, unit testing, unsigned integers, usability, weak typing, weakly typed, Windows, wrappers, written using, x86-64-AMD64, XML, YAML;


. (navbar_software_architecture - see also navbar_microservices, navbar_design_patterns, navbar_programming_detailed - Based on MASTER navbar_golang_detailed. navbar_programming is the shorter one.


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