Brew list Page

brew list

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* acl - krb5 - nettle
* aircrack-ng - kubernetes-cli - nginx
* alsa-lib - kustomize - nikto
* angular-cli - kustomizer - nmap
* ansible - libassuan - node
* aom - libavif - npth
* apr - libcap - numactl
* apr-util - libcbor - numpy
* apt - libclc - nvm
* argocd - libdrm - oniguruma
* argocd-vault-plugin - libedit - openblas
* argon2 - libepoxy - opencl-icd-loader
* aspell - libevent - openexr
* at-spi2-core - libffi - openjdk
* autoconf - libfido2 - openjdk@17
* aws-vault - libfontenc - openjdk@21
* awscli - libfuse - openldap
* azure-cli - libgcrypt - openssl@3
* azure-storage-cpp - libgit2@1.7 - p11-kit
* babel - libgpg-error - packer
* berkeley-db - libice - packer-completion
* berkeley-db@5 - libidn2 - pango
* bettercap - libksba - pcre
* binutils - liblinear - pcre2
* boost - libmagic - perl
* brotli - libmaxminddb - php
* burp - libmd - pinentry
* bzip2 - libmnl - pipenv
* c-ares - libmpc - pipx
* ca-certificates - libnetfilter-queue - pixman
* cairo - libnfnetlink - pkg-config
* certifi - libnghttp2 - pocl
* cffi - libnghttp3 - podman
* clojure - libnsl - podman-compose
* conan - libpcap - poetry
* conmon - libpciaccess - popt
* consul - libpng - postgresql@16
* coredns - libpq - postgrest
* cpprestsdk - libprelude - pycparser
* crun - librsync - pyenv
* cryptography - libseccomp - python@3.11
* cups - libsecret - python@3.12
* curl - libslirp - react-native-cli
* dart-sdk - libsm - readline
* dbus - libsmi - rlwrap
* deno - libsodium - rtmpdump
* docker - libssh - ruby
* docker-completion - libssh2 - rust
* docker-compose - libtasn1 - samba
* dotnet - libtiff - sbt
* dpkg - libtirpc - scala
* elfutils - libtool - scalaenv
* elixir - libunistring - scalastyle
* erlang - libunwind - selenium-server
* expat - libusb - sevenzip
* flux - libuv - shared-mime-info
* fontconfig - libva - slirp4netns
* freeglut - libvdpau - snap
* freetds - libvmaf - snapcraft
* freetype - libvterm - speedtest-cli
* fribidi - libx11 - [[speexdsp]
* fuse-overlayfs - libxau - spirv-llvm-translator
* gcc - libxcb - spirv-tools
* gd - libxcrypt - spring-completion
* gdbm - libxcvt - sqlbench
* gdk-pixbuf - libxdamage - sqlite
* gettext - libxdmcp - sqlite-utils
* gh - libxext - sqlmap
* ghc - libxfixes - squashfs
* giflib - libxfont2 - swift
* git - libxi - systemd
* glib - libxinerama - talloc
* glslang - libxkbcommon - terraform
* gmp - libxkbfile - terraform-docs
* gnu-tar - libxml2 - terraform-inventory
* gnucobol - libxmu - testkube
* gnupg - libxrandr - tidy-html5
* gnutls - libxrender - tmux
* go - libxshmfence - tomcat
* gobuster - libxslt - tree-sitter
* google-benchmark - libxt - typescript
* google-java-format - libxtst - unbound
* googletest - libxv - unibilium
* gpatch - libxxf86vm - unixodbc
* gperf - libyaml - unzip
* gpgme - libzip - userspace-rcu
* gradle - linux-pam - utf8proc
* graphite2 - little-cms2 - util-linux
* groonga - llvm - vagrant-completion
* gsettings-desktop-schemas lm-sensors - valgrind
* gtk+3 - lpeg - vault
* gzip - lttng-ust - vault-cli
* harfbuzz - lua - vim
* hashcat - luajit - virtualenv
* haskell-language-server - luv - wayland
* haskell-stack - lxc - wayland-protocols
* helidon - lz4 - webp
* helm - lzo - wget
* hicolor-icon-theme - m4 - wireshark
* highway - mandoc - wxwidgets
* hwloc - mariadb - xauth
* hydra - maven - xcb-util
* icu4c - maven-completion - xcb-util-image
* imath - mawk - xcb-util-keysyms
* influxdb-cli - mecab - xcb-util-renderutil
* isl - mecab-ipadic - xcb-util-wm
* iso-codes - mesa - xdelta
* jadx - mesa-glu - xinput
* jenkins - micronaut - xkbcomp
* jetty - minikube - xkeyboardconfig
* jetty-runner - minizip - xorg-server
* jmeter - mpdecimal - xorgproto
* jpeg-turbo - mpfr - xxhash
* jpeg-xl - msgpack - xz
* json-c - mysql-client - yajl
* k3sup - nano - z3
* k9s - ncurses - zip
* kind - neovim - zlib]]
* kotlin - netcat - zstd



